Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 May 1979, p. 27

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the examiner Thursday May 10 1979 27 116 Ontario TlW MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT Proiect No 50111 Contract No W3 TENDER FOR WELL CONSTRUCTION TOWN OF WASAGA BEACH Tenders sealed in the envelopes provided which shall be clearly marked as to contents will be received by the Contract Officer Ministry of the Environment 6th floor 40 St Clair Avenue West Toronto Ontario M4V 1M2 until 300 pm Toronto time on TUESDAY MAY 22 1979 for the construction of two gravelpacked water supply wells in the Town of Wasaga Beach On the some day commencing at 315 pm Toronto time the tenders will be opened and read publicly by the Ministrys Tender Committee in the Conference Room 6th floor at the above mentioned address The work consists generally of the supplying of labor materials and equipment for the construction of two 610 mm by 406 mm gravel pocked water supply wells to yield 61 Ls each Complete tender documents may be obtained from the Ground Water Development Section Project CoOrdination Branch Ministry of the Environment 6th Floor 40 St Clair Avenue West Toronto Ontario MAV 1M2 Each tender must be accompanied by tender deposit in the form of certified cheque in the amount of $990000 payable to the Treasurer of Ontario Tenders are subject to formal contract being prepared and executed The Ministry reserves the right to reject any or all tenders and the lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT Graham Scott Deputy Minister Beall Contract Officer REQUEST FOR QUOTATIONS Quotations for the installation of Traffic Lights of the in tersection of Dunlop Street East and Mulcaster Street will be received until 200 pm May 30 1979 description of the work and the quotation forms are available at the City Clerks Office 84 Collier Street Barrie Ontario All replies must be made on the quotation form Late responses accepted Straughan AMCT CMC City Clerk 84 Collier Street BARRIE ontorio L4M 4T5 will not be My1011 NOTICE Deadline for classified rword ads pm day previous noon Saturday 19 aiictioii solos 261975 to 1978 Automobiles door sedans cyl 318 to 440 CD auto PB PS heavy duty aqulpped former OPP cruisers Dodge Plymouth Valiant 61974 to 1976 Automobiles door hardtops sedans fully powered wair conditioning AMFM stereo radio Chrysler New Yorker Olds 98 Regency Delta 88 Royale Buick Park Avenue LeSabre Luxus Mercury Montego lSI97l to I977 Automobiles door sedans cyl auto PB PS Dodge Ford Nova Plymouth Valiant 51972 at 1975 Station Wagons cyl auto PB PS Ambass Chav Plymouth ¥l973 HarleyDavidson ElectraGlide motorcycles I200cc ll973 Chevrolet Blaxor wagon wA wheel drive snow plow hyd attach chl PB P5 11973 Ford tan pickup auto PB 11973 Ford Econoline E100 Van cyl auto PB 11922 Dodge Tradesman 300 Van cyl auto PB PS cyl until time of sale Treasurer of Ontario Plate proper towing or car transponei ONTARIO GOVERNMENT SALE PUBLIO AUCTION OF USED CARS TRUCRS VANS FORMER POLICE CRUISERS HARLEYDAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES AND MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS TO IE HELD 1000 AM THURSDAY MAY 17th 1919 AT THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS YARD DOWNSVIEYI AVENUE AT REELE STREET AND HWY 401 DOWNSVIEYI ONTARIO Items may be inspected at the above location from 900 AM to 400 PM on May 14th 15th 16th and Thursday May 17th 1979 Further information may be obtained from Field Review Disposal Section Downsview Ontario 416 2483725 TERMS AND CONDITIONS Each item will be sold on an As Is Where Is baSIs Vehicles will be sold without SAFETY STANDARDS CERTIFICATE and without licence plates deposn of S100 00 or full payment in the amount at the bid whichever 15 1955 must be paid on each item at the time of sale Payment must be completed and items ternach within two 51 working days Failure to comply will reSult in forfeiture of deposit All payments must be cash certlied cheque money order or bank draft made payable Iothe Vehicles can only be removed with at Dealer Licence Plate DI another PinyinCE Licence All Othl llOmS and COMIIIOHS BS DOSIOU Bl place of sale Mle WHAT IZYEAROLO BUSINESSPERSON CANT LEND MONEY Answer Your Barrie Examiner Carrier on collection Day TODAY IS COLLECTION DAY PLEASE PAY YOUR CARRIER PROMPTLY 79 auction ltllOI 11972 GMC Stop Van cyl auta PB PS 11973 Chevrolet IV ton wutility body acyl 11970 GMC ton wll Insulated aluminum van body cyl 11964 Dodge ton wIA stake body tailgate loader cyl I1975 Mercury 65 hp outboard motor long shaft elect start 11971 Wiscot tandem axle boat trailer 19 overall 21971 SkiltDoo Olympique snowmobiles cyl require repairs IFrlck shop type stationary alr conpressor w2 hp 550 Volt motor 2Vulcan bench type battery chargers 230Volt 3Can scale WoightOGraphs for truckscales 3Trumeter distance measuring wheels Qty Misc Items walkie talkies 125 IA SAE nuts Iblnocular ltraHic speed measuring radar lsign holders 24 sign post bases Mle Ministry of Transportation and Communications today in histog By THE CANADIAN PRESS May Ill 1979 The intrtxfuclion of new gun cartridges greased with cow fat sacred to Hindus and hog fat unclean to Moslcmst sparked the first outbreak of the Indian Mutiny 122 ycars ago today in 1857 when nativc soldich dcficd English officch at Mccrut India Highcaste nativc soldiers bclicvcd thc British were subverting their religion and withina month much if northern India was in revolt and restoration of the old royal line was proclaimed The mutiny was bloody and was characterized by the massacre of prisoners on both sides It was quellcd by the British about year later 97 Amerigo Vcspucci sailed on his first voyage of ex ploration to the New World 13le Jacques Cartier landed at Cape Bonavista rim Franco ceded Alsace Lorrainc to Germany I920 It was announced that Canadas own minister not the British ambassador would rcp rcscnt Canada in Washington I941 London suffered one of its worst air raids The House of Commons was burned out and Westminster Abbey and the British Museum were damaged barries stag May 1969 More than 300 parents and guests lined the walls and balconies of the Barrie Ar moury as the roll of drums and blare of bugles heralded the ar rival of Sea and Navy League Cadets for their annual inspec tion Barrie greeted with mixed feelings news of the Ontario Governments plan to end all municipal grants and allow local governments to raise their own revenue City administrator Gerry Tamblvn said the move was SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Death Notices Engagements Cards of Thalia $600 mtnlrnurn 40 words additional words 11 ants per word Itrths 8600 Whit no verso Varsa per count line extra 23 cents Carving Events $343 per column Inch BILbirths Mondays Child is fair of face Tuesdayst tlld istull of grace Wednesdays Child is full of woe Thursdays Child has far togo Fridays Child is loving and giving Saturdays Child works hard for its living And child that is born on the Sab bath Day Is lair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other important information for your childs future An Examiner Birth The Doctor Says Future growth could occur By PAUL RUBLE MD Dear Dr Ruble When my boy was 12 hes now 14 we no ticed his left arm was some what shorter than his right rays showed he had an old frac ture in the shoulder joint The doctor said there is nothing to be done He is now nearly six feet tall so the arm is more no ticeable He is active and an ex cellent athlete know there are worse things to worry about than this but we wondered if Announcement will include the name of ayou knew 0f any treatment for your child the day of the week month and year of birth the weight and other vital information printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for an Examiner Birth Notice is only $550 PHONE 728 2414 85denths TUSTIN William At his residence on Tuesday May 81h 1979 William Tustin in his 40th year beloved husband of Dorothy Shaver ot Barrie Loving father of Stephen David Ricky and Michael Loving son of Mrs Anne Trumble ot Gilmour Ontario and the late Robert Tustin Dear brother of Mariorie Du mont of Medante Thomas and James both of Barrie and predeceased by Den nis Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home 152 Bradford St Barrie Visita tion from Wednesday at pm Service in the chapel on Thursday May 10th at pm Interment Barrie Union Cemetery McGLADREY George At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Tuesday May 1979 George McGladrey of Thornton in his 74th year beloved hus band of Stella Rolston Dear brother at Mrs Elilabeth Murdock of Palmerston Ontario Mrs Mary DeRosier of New York and Alex of Vancouver Predeceas ed by margaret Tom Jack Jim and William Resting at the Hughes Funeral Home Cookstown after pm Tuesday for service on Thursday May 10 at 230 Interment Thornton Union Cemetery Ill coming out BINGO REBEKAH AND ODDFELLOWS EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT 800 pm I00F HALL FERRIS LANE Jackpot $100 refreshment booth TlITF BARRIE MONTESSORI SCHOOL ls Nflhg An OPEN HOUSE May 11th pm at GRACE UNITED CHURCH 350 Grove St The Public is Cordially Invited To Hear The Famous RENILDE MONTESSORI 358IO EXAMINER WANT ADS 7282414 Jean Jennett 4240238 Mr and Mrs William Laycock celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary April 28 in thc Ivy Hall Congratulations Thanks are extended to everyone collecting money for the Canadian Cancer Fund Many people attended thc baptisimal service Sunday of Landon Douglas son of Gary and Sandra Leo and Roslyn Jill daughter of John and Jill Bcischer The scrvicc was per formed by Rcv Lloyd Howard religious crusade will be held May 13 to May 20 at 745 each evening at West Oro Baptist Church Edgar Everyone is welcome Eddie Patton is recovering from recent operation to remove his tonsils bridal shower was held recently for Aggic Lamcrs The Ivy Orange Hallwas fill ed to capacity April 29 for the Ivy Womens Institutcs pro gram on The Year of thc Child Charles Marshall sang several Irish songs Mrs Don Hammond prcsi dent of the Womcns Institute welcomed the crowd and reported $220 was collcctcd for nccdy childrcn Ihc evening also includcd local llthIll skits damcs solos llcrman Jcnnctt spcnt thc wtokcnd at Britt smcltfishing Congratulations to John Hammond who cclcbiatcd his inst birthday Sunday good one providing the city has enough of taxation base to supportit The value of building permits issued in Barrie in April was $2722735 an increase of $2167465 over the correspon ding month in 1968 City councils planning and development committee agreed to make detailed study of all the factors involved in the set ting up of parking authority Larry Melson member of the Barrie and District Hunters and Anglers Conservation Club said that he and many others had been fighting every inch of the way against possibili ty that lock would be installed at Big Chute to replace thelast existing marine railway in Canada He said anglers feared that lamprey eels would in filtrate into Lake Simcoe via the lock and destroy game fish Steve Atkinson of Barrie the Oklahoma City Blazer right wingercentre who scored 40 goals that season was named the Central Hockey Leaguc Rookie of the Year He had recently been named to the First AllStar team and finished second in Teague scorA ing with 81 points the arm so that it will grow outMrs 0W At 14 there are growth years left Just how many are left can be determined by study of the bone end plate the epiphysis If it has been sealed off or oth erwise disturbed by the old in jury growth stops and will not resume If the injury did not in terfere with blood supply and if the epiphypls remains open then future growth will occur The condition of the bone ends can be determined by an ortho pedic bone doctor know of no treatment to al ter the situation in any case DeartDr Ruble weight loss clinic recently moved into my town It operates by giving daily injections of HCG which is hormone There is also stringent lowcalorie diet Is lICG safe have signed up but havent started the program yet am 24 and in good health except for 60 excess pounds know several ple who have been helped this program but want the traight informa tion on itT Forcget this am HC huma orionic gona dotopin is hormone derived from the Sigfine of pregnant women It harmless but has nothin with whether you gain weight Such pro grams usually stipulate 500 calorie regimen daily Most people can lose as much weight as they want to on such spartan fare You probably will too with or without the injections if you follow the diet The hormone is approved by the Food and Drug Adminis tration for certain hormonere lated problems not for weight reduction This use of HCG be gan in 1954 Reputable re searchers theorized that it might help eliminate abnormal fat 115 but this was not proven To test the idea group of people were put on 500m lorie diet Half got HCG shots The rest did not All lost weight of course but you guessed it those who did not get the shots lost as much as those who did Need one say more Use the money usually $500 for your familys needs Better still donate if to worthy med ical cause Researchers are studying honest methods of helping people lose weight Dear Dr Ruble What do you advise for woman who wants to take an extended vacation with her family camping and doesnt want to be bothered with menstrual periodsMrs PT birth control pill with high progesterone content can avoid the menstruation but wouldnt recommend it for that purpose only With so many convenient products that avoid menstrual unpleasantness doubt you need the pills If you decide to use the pill method check with your physician first You will need him to prescribe them anyway BRIDGE NORTH KQ6 VA8 0076532 $19 WEST 011098 V973 K1098 075 EAST 07432 VK6542 6432 10 QAKQIOB Vulnerable EastWest Dealer South West North East South NT Pass Pass 6NT Pass Pass Opening lead in There are plenty of ways to get to six notrump with the NorthSouth cards but the slambang method used by this pair is about as good any Of course they belong in six notrump played by North since heart lead will defeat South at the slam Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Wrong playing blows slam playing with mirrors and made his normal lead of the jack of spades South won in dummy made the tatuous remark Partner maybe we didnt bid enough and led low diamond from dummy East showed out and South talked again Partner we did bid enough Then he proceeded to take the slam and throw it out the window Without thinking at all he played his jack of damonds West won the trick and even tually the defense collected heart trick South remarked that the odds had to be about 50 to one against the bad breaks he got but North shut him up quickly by pointing out that badbreaks or no bad breaks the slam had been lay down At trick two South should have risen with the ace of diamonds At trick three he should have led low dia mond toward dummy West could not have afforded to take the trick and set up the diamond suit So South would have two diamond tricks home Then he could come to his hand take and lose the heart finesse and be home with three spades two hearts two diamonds and five However West wasnt clubs dain crossword ACROSS 45 Pastime Answer to Previous Puzzle 47 Shelf set Work With 50 Abominable needle snowman Chinese 51 Same prefix currency 52 Hideous giant Noel 55 Duty 12 Injure 58 Respiratory or 13 Church part gan Id Stratfords 60 Sweet river potatoes 15 Unrefined 62 Compass metal point 16 Run into 63 Overdue I7 Mideast 64 President herdsman abbr 13 Small insect 55 Hean Lat 19 LikeWise 44 Exclamation 20 Space agency 66 Wild plum 21 D9lef5Ve 46 Baseball abbr 67 Transmitted m55le abbrl player Mel 22 Sheltered srde 68 Decrease 24 Rent 23 Spun tale Actinia 47 25 Trade name DOWN 27 Mao 27 Nevada lake lung 48 cusmmarv 29 Arizona City City problem 28 Dunderhead 49 Lone Rangers 31 Compass Get as 29 Holler companion 00 deserved 30 Baseball 50 Arab country 32 Pronoun Greenery official abbr 53 swindes 34 American in circles 33 Actor Britain Edible tuber Holbrook 54 Th as 38 Being Lat Stand on 35 Atmosphele 56 one Who feels to Mountain edge 36 Head superior system in Befuddled 37 Small island 57 Edge of Europe Catches 39 And so on Wee l2 Eenie meenie Yock abbr Lat 59 Gosh miney Palate part wds 13 Soundas 10 Italian actress 41 Rider Haggard F3 33 belt 11 Terminated novel labeI M¢ltV Wour cBirthday May111979 All partnership arrangements will play prominent role in your affairs this coming year but one especially unusual alli ance will bring about several wonderful opportunities for you TAURUS April 20May 20 Unfortunately you could be faced with confrontation today Use your flashes of inspiration to guide you out of tricky situation GEMINI May 21June 20 Put Winthroo your imagination to work for you today if problem arises With your work You possess the necessary ingenuity to solve it CANCER June 21July 22 Y0ur carefully laid plans may be disrupted by surprise Its up to you you can react by getting upset or by treating it as an interesting experience LEO July 23Aug 22 You may be bit restless today If you cant get out use your head to dream up some diversion There are many things to break up your routine VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Someone youll be involved with feels just as strongly about his views as you do about yours Hear him You EVERY TIME NEW BABY l5 BORN IM GOINGTr 10 filfiN HIM JP IN THE FRIENDéHIP CLUB Tile woizw Furs FOR sumac CIP Short Ribs WHAT THISwN gal TO THE TENTH POWER AND NORA WORD FROM 0012 SPONSORu my DyNEA In neg us viii on TH 8055 WANTé Fooo BROUGHT m1 HE AN TH euro MUST BE HAVING REAL MEDI TATION 9595ION DO EXOTIC HULA DANCE NOTICE HOW HANDs FOR YOU PIRATE MAN ammo WI MEL Eeek Er Meek IF THERES ONE THIAB THAT EVE NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 do LS hi Ott IEll STORY gtWnby NEA Inc RQ US Off SHUCKS HAVE PRODUCT THAT COULD PUT THEVi ALL OUT 3F Busivaeé your LOVE MUNCIIo 5WD CARROTSL ALWAYS swear TENDER MID oeuuous RUSH RIGHT ouT Ana Buy SOME Tourw REASOU COULD NEVER HAVE MADE HAPPY Bernice Bede may be surprised and end up agreeing with him LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 An unusual opportunity to buy something youve been want ing may arise today However it you dont have the funds you had better forget about it SCORPIO Oct 24May 22 Youre quick to retort today and this is good provided you dont do so in phony indignation Your words will come back like boomerang SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Being candid isnt always the best policy Abide by your inner feelings to keep you from saying something that would result in anothers unhappi ness CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 THERE ARE NEARLLX ZOO THOLIEtAND NEW BABIES BORN HERE6 TH 6ANOWICHE5 YA OKDEKED 0N TH 759K WERE BUSY Osol Although you usually choose your company carefully today you may impulsively end up with group which doesnt appeal to you Beat hasty retreat AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Goals have bigger chance of being reached today it you dont lock yourself in corner or jump into something without proper investigation PISCES Feb 20March 20 Lis ten to what others have to say today Even if you dant agree what they say could lead you to come up with brainstorm ARIES March 21April 19 There is an obvious solution to your problems but it might take putting your head together with someone else in order to come up with it ID BETTER GET BIGGER SHEETOF 6TALLING AND DEAL ClibeNEA in rt on FOREGASI Your Wedding Invitations rmouncements Headquarters We provide loanout service HEY WHERE ARE THE RABBIT EARS FOR FAIR lO PARFLY 6L0ubY wiTH OccASpNAL SURPRISES T5 moor HECKOF Au ILLICIT RELATIONSHIP THOtrsH To MORROWS CALLS ti nu ncuit no it Div THMS SIo FEET TE LL STORY ALSO BELIEVE M6 HAVE momma TO DO WITH WHAT 5066 OH DOWN THERE 33f 55

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