tho oxunlnor Thugï¬ay May 10 1973 Addressing students New Democratic Party leader Ed Braadbent sraeli tanks move into south Lebanon SIDON Lebanon AP Nentyfive Israeli and Chris tian tanks and an unknown number of soldiers were re ported to have taken up posi tions in southern Lebanon today following three days of Israeli air strikes against guerrilla targets and another attempt by Saad Haddad recently ordered to join his breakaway state in southern Lebanon The provin cial governor said the tanks However it was not clear if the tanks were being rede ployed within Haddads enclave or had actually moved into the area from Israel It might be the preparation for new invasion said the PLO official referring to the March 1978 Israeli invasion of Meanwhile the Tel Aviv command reported an Israeli army patrol clashed with band of Palestinian guerrillas said In brief exchange of gunfire one guerrilla was wounded and captured while the rest of the band escaped back across the border into Lebanon No Israeli casualties werereported The official said the captured guerrilla disclosed that the Palestinian guerrillas to cross souhem Lebanon band Originated in Tyrev Sraei border CLASHES WITH Lebanons Mediterranean The provincial governor in GUERRILLAS coast However the Size of the the southern port city of Sidon When the Israelis Withde guemna forge was Otknowll said the tanks entered Shakara 135 year they 18 10kilo MeanWhllev Ponce and were near Braachit both metre border Strip in the hands dlsmHMIGd bomb Wild near nine kilometres north of the 0f Haddad and his 1500 militia Jenfsalem bus Stop may as border and about 15 miles east men MUCh 0f the invaSIO area Istads waged for guerrilla of Tyre now is occupied by 6000 raids followmg three con Braachit is one of several member united Nations Peace sequtwe days Of Israel towns that sraeiibacked Maj keeping force strikes against Palestinian targets in Lebanon The Israeli public has been warned to guard against terror gestures while addressing students at Riverside movcdin about7am the menLemme border is altads Since Palestinian Familial support Secondary School In Windsor Broadbentalso took An OlliCial 0f lh8PaleStine early mdayv WWIIde and guermas rafded 29 Former pan In question and answer session with the Liberation Organization PLOI capturmgone sea emem Na any 135 JeanClaude Parrot leader of the Canadian Union students during his election campaigning through Windsor Tuesday afternoon CP Photo Judge dismisses radar evidence um FORT LA UDEltDALE lines designed to ensure solid Fla AP second court cases Slic said the Florida judge decided Iues guidelines have not yet been day to throw out traffic formulated speeding cascs based on King said Tuesday that radar readings and predicted even though Ncsbitts ruling mw other courts acrOss the appliedonlytoBODachoun United States will do the ty speeding cases ripples Séllllt from the decision are likely The presumption of ac tospread curacy that radar used to YOUre gomg t0 llnd have is no longer there throughout the nation Broward County Judge John King said after reading decision handed down Mon day by fellow judge in Miami Meanwhile the state at torncys office in Miami decided not to appeal Mon days decision by Dade Coun ty Judge Alfred Nesbitt who ruled that radar speed nicasuiciiicnt is not reliable enough to use as evidence Janct Reno Dadc County statc attorney said she will advise police to continue us ing radar but under guide though each judge is going to go on his own that we are not bound by Nesbitt but we can be persuaded by it King said He said he intends to hold hearing on radars reliability in about three weeks In the meantime he said he will throw out any speeding cita tions based solely on radar Until have my own hear ing Im going to follow Judge Neshitts ruling that radar in and of itself is not proof beyond reasonable doubt that its subject to error Goyer wants truth behind Kingston riot it TIAWA Former 50 JO9r was quemlonol by com 1978 HONDZCVdC HATCHBActr Lic NTL038 waggén licitor gcncral JeanPierre Go mission chairman Mr Justice 4W lflgdgï¬zh Légfégï¬efgg WRITE AN yer said Tuesday he opposed David McDonald about 19878 comr VeraSS Vinyl root radlo OFFER outotrourt scttlemcnt of law whether he would have told defroster walls in covers lit MCD 577 suits arising from the 1971 leftWing Montreal news UNCOLN MARK wanE AN Kingston Penitentiary riot be agency the truth in 1972 had he LIC MSE070 OFFER cause he wanted the truth of known the RCMP was beatings of prisoners by guards to bc niadc public However he told royal coni mission into RCMP wrongdoing his fight was for WRITE AN nunung After ht he least Old the agrncy allegzh $729800 OFFER DOIIIOIIO NOV 27 1972 110 tions that the police had bro rvcolvod letter from hls ken In were bomg taken so auto iv pb radio daioggar vinyl roof LIC No ODS 3I4 $509800 WRITE AN successor Warren Allmand nously informing him the suits had lxcn sctt led out of court 1977 DATSUN mosx WRITE AN Iwo prisoners were bcatcn to co si on cu MYGIUO 00d STHPOSI mm um AMFM °°° d°°° Malaya OFFER death by other prisoners during following his testimony arid will OFFER tlic riothicli left the ancient ncxi hold public hearings in 319 wesem errorsl 1977 FORD LTD on WRgEFEkg XIllltllllélly inashamblcs Juno mm air court glass radio defroster After the disturbancc was Goyer Allinand and Senator cover wheelng iii KVZ 394 brought to an end most prisori icorgc Mcllraith another for Automatic 1977 CHRYSLER CORDOBA WRITE AN OTS It triIIISltTlld t0 Mlllba mer soicitorgcncial all have vs iiilu air court glass speed control defroster OFFER van nth maxttnurnsoounty denied being infornuid by the Gauges Power steel9 Mom In IHM Nit AN PIT0 PSI 0f Kingston They It that Mounties 19TI COUGAR XR7 WR were home by guuntlet of sometimes broke the in he Irilil it rtrttostct bucket seats E1 console OFFER guards as they entered Millha line otduty iiiyl toot radio Lir KA 608 Retired RCMP commissioner Rudlol mo STGP BumPer 1977 COUGAR BROUGHAMZ DR WRITE AN PRISUNICRS SUFFERIII Wlltiggitt and IOtllttl dirccr ST 94 rh illllt ii is ll iltlIUSItI blicketseatsb console OFFER U0 Said ï¬llings WW0 torlcncral John Stariics of thc Villl rout Itittio tit KYZ 706 Sinilflf 11ml S00W lllISOIlilS suf RCMP Security Sciyicc havc 1976 MARQUIS BROUGHAM on WRITE AN fcrcdIracturcsasa result insisted the ministers LLIt in Iiili it at vx arrrorrd glass radio Lit LEC 778 OFFER The incident was recalled as formed 1976 METEOR RIDEAUSOOADOOR WRITE AN tr tr tiatiitptrtrstrr Iic KHR 010 OFFER 19760ATSUN STATION WAGON WRITE AN fir stairri thins radio LiiiK28404 OFFER 1976 CHRYSLER CORDOBA WRITE AN mini it an ontt ulass Vinyl root speed control OFFER Iriititr ittlrtistt Iii WK 693 Automullc 250 CID Engme 1976 GRAND TORINO SOUIRE WAGON WRITE AN illllir all It hittir Itll5tlii tic KTP448 OFFER iqvemunosnemm DR WRITE AN walls Fullyloodnd Li No KPM239 3619800 OFFER 197 PLYMOUTH VALIANTADR wnirs AN Power Steering mutant mil Lit JLBHJ OFFER 197s MERCURY MONTCALM STATION WAGON wntTg AN Power Disc Brakes rt trims it JKJ 331 OFFER 1975 HD LT 04 DR WRlTE AN rgtt IrartiO OFFER itlli v1 rrtrrii ills Ilylltlo ecuu as ltllilJtl tr Mil is Body Side Mouldings ST N0 9356 All Vehicles have been certified and are ready for the road responsible for looting its of ficcs in latenight breakin with Montrcal and Qucbcc po licc Goyer said he would have at Goyer was completing 142 days as witness The royal Touched up confirmed the movement and the official Iraqi news agency reported there were 30 Israeli tanks and about 300 soldiers in the force DWGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS IUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOU The guerrilla squad was dis covered at about am at tempting to cross the border fence west of Kiryat Shmona into Israel an army official month killing four persons Israeli military planes at tacked Palestinian targets in Lebanon for four consecutive days after the raid in April CANCER MONTH DOUGLAS llNCOLN MERCURY on behalf of any customer who lenses purchases new or used car or light truck in the month of May we will donate of Postal Workers talks with reporter Tuesday after his release on bail from Ottawas regional detention centre pending an appeal of his three greet him are daughter Photo cheque for $5000 to the CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY I979 roan EI00 PICKUP Color Keyed Carpet Cigar Lighter OVER 500 BRAND NEW CARS smucxs AVAILABLE TO Shop Leisurer in our Huge Used Car Supermarket Over $200000 worth to choose from 1979 CHEVROLET PICKAUP Vfiiiiito vartzri onnowner LIC H93 450 1978 PONTIAC PHOENIX HATCHBACK cvl auto radio detogger one owner Lic MJR 683 WETBIRD DR V8 auto ps pb air and Tglass exterior interior decor group alactric defroster AMFM stereo vinyl roof One owner Only ISAOI 1977 LINCOLN MARK iirllv ltttlttl th LCX 981 IZOOO mile Ford available I976 up Above prices good until May l279 month warranty from his DOUGLASDOUGLA WRITE AN OFFER WRITE AN OFFER WRITE AN OFFER OFFER DOUGLAS DOUGLASWUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS month sentence for defying Parliament From lefttorlght the family members who came to Joanne Louisette and his fatherinlaw Albert Hamel CP wife BC Premier Bill Bennett has touch up on his OPEN makeup during an appearance on the Webster Mon Thurs out mscou DIAL DISCOUNr MIA Show morning TVshow wrth host Jack Webster unï¬t Pd WWW DR The BC eleclon Is on OdOy CP Phoo Fri Gr SOS WI Ventilation levers exterior decor Sunday for Inspeï¬h group tutone paint deluxe bumper group styled wheels 200 CID met new Id engine automatic 8R78xl4 wsw tires power steering electric dank vd We defrost AM radioStNo9472 LincolnMercury Sales Ltd $161 tmglii PDI charge Solos tin Iicuncu cm mumaoun 01 In our May Sale flyer please note the following Rd Baffle OilW wwwwwmmmmk mm correction on page vflgrésmtcl Th Hi up Lyflchl about nersolmlv The Cocoanut Toasted Marshmallows are 99 per mm mm min 227 gm bag and not llb as stated The Salt Water folio osc CAP MONARCH COUGAR MAROUlS lï¬ased on net 48 month 96000 lun Taffy at 99 per 400 gm and not Ilb as stated Pu VANS PICKUPS BRONCOS Elm Woolworihs deeply regret the error and apologize If IT HAS WHEELS WELL LEASE IT to all our customers MAI 0R MODEL PAlD LITTLE FOR MUCH um Itcunoul mcusv