Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau with the Canadian flag in background listens to speaker during rally In Charlottetown PEI Tuesday night Trudeau flew Into Charlottetown for the event and then left for Toronto in the evening CP Photo Cereal box now issue THE CANADIAN PRESS The lowly corn flakes box has surfaced as an issue in the Mayzzelection For several years critics of the Liberal governments lan guage policies have cited labelling requirements as an example of bilingualism carried to the extreme Conservative Leader Joe Clark reopened this issue dur ing the weekend in Vancouver by promising Tory govern ment would relax regulations forcing food processors to print labels in French and English It makes no sense to me that somebody who produces granola in Williams Lake BC to sell in Kelowna BC should have to label it in both official languages Clark told news conference On at least two occasions the Liberal government has sug gested labels should be unili ngual when product is being sold only within unilingual area Regulations have been changed to permit the sale of some imported foods bearing unilingual labels but domestic products must contain both French and English consumer affairs depart ment spokesman said each word on label does not have to be repeated in the other official language Essential information such as the generic name of the product and the quantity must be bili ngual But translations of reci pes and the manufacturers name and address can be dis played in only one language Small businessmen have complained for several years that translating labels is too ex pensive Conservative MPs notably those from Western Canada have lobbied in Parliament on behalf of those businessmen Campaigns moVe to Ontario By THE CANADIAN PRESS Joe Clark told westerners Tuesday there is federalist majority in Quebec that wants tobuild better Canada Prime Minister Trudeau warned Maritimers to be wary of provinces clamoring to con trol power now held by the federal government they could hasten the day when rich provinces would be able to give more to their citizens than the poor provinces New Democrat Leader Ed Broadbent called on young people in southern Ontario to put party stands ahead of politi cal personalities when they cast their ballots in the May 22 fed eral election Then the three leaders moved their campaigns to southern Ontario where all plan series of appearances in the remaining 13 days before voting Trudeau launches his final drive tonight with what is billed as major nationalunity pitch at rally at Maple Leaf Gar dens WARMED UP He warmed up with stops in Halifax and Charlottetown Tuesday telling voters there is very grave trend toward fragmentation in the country Clark campaigning in Winni peg after visit to floodbat tered Morris 65 kilometers south told Progressive Con servative supporters most Quebecers are federalists not separatists Dont let the separatists pretend they are the only Quebecers There is federalist majority in that province that wants to work with us to build this country Broadbent urged high school seniors at Windsor 0nt to con Rhinos allotted ad time OTTAWA CP The Rhino ceros Party campaigning to spoof serious electioneering has been authorized to bump some Liberal and Progressive Conservative radio and television election ads The Canadian Radio television and Telecom munications Commission said Tuesday the Rhinos have been allotted four minutes out of the 65 hours of advertising time broadcasters must make available to officially registered parties To give them four minutes the CRTC logeped two minutes off the 15 Li ral minutes and MN WINI WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WlN WIN WlNl WlN WIN WIN WIN WIN WlN VIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WINI WIN WINI WIN WiN MICROWAVE OVEN FOR MOM CONTEST Enter Every Mens New You CI Win in ample emuovum JCmllbmum in im menumoawo mm us me Sowammonium laces who or labelwhoa yum Amtmu laval sim fwdl IMM IM IN IMIMM mm INIM INIMINIM INIM IMM INIM lNIM INIM INIM iNIM INIM INIM INIM iNIM INIM 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mm oi Aumn Ionown 310 mew WI and nora rm um mu Menl and 0904 and tllwmiao vAu lw ma an INAIGmm swan Lcurou Do men II on at o4 om ucm peram not an Md we when whl stheubMJI wnmflwwmrllmoi 71 pm nae mu uvm in mood Mr WOW00151 labtrial leaner and we who at WKulv Anonhen lend um sun mm lam 9001 Wm II on ooh MemoII scream WIN WIN Wle MN WIN WIN WlN WIN wrN WW WtN WIN WIN mm mm wwr th Wm CONTEST PERIOD MAY I979 TO MAY l2 I979 lllllllll II lllflllll llll Ia INIM INIM INIM iNlM INlM iNIM INIM INIM VNIM VNIM INIM INIM INIM lNlM INIM rNIM iNlM erM erM lNlM VNIM NIM INIMINIM lNlM INIM INIM INIM INIM lNlM INIM lNIM INlM INIM INIM INIM lNlM INIM INIM INIM INIM INIM With flowers That will last These delicate Polyester Rose and Carnation arrangements in White vases are gifts to be treasured ioy to give pleasure to receive Choose from assorted floral 329 arrangements Smart 2pc Salts Stylish suits consisting of blgzer with round collar open notch take pockets button closing and belt skirt in pullon tulip style l00°o opening gift Polyester Canadianmade Off White Blue Mint or Yellow l8 $2l $35 om rvm main Iltlfll mo Mi serum mo PM Irwinarm 612345678901 CLARK Photo FraTnes Save $6 eetl collection of In Walnut Woodfinish frames asst colour mats photo sizes insert family photos Our Woolworth reg price set My PM TORONTO CP Anyone who says the federal Liberal government is led by Wild eyed radical will find he is wrong if he examines the lenient treatment given banks says the former leader of the Ontario Liberal party Robert Nixon member for BrantOxfordNorfolk told the legislature Tuesday that he has feeling the federal Liberals would not be in the position they are now if they had taken some sort of reason able normal uptodate position with regard to the rewriting of the Bank Act Speaking during debate on an act which will amend the pro vincial Corporations Tax Act Nixon said he believes the fed eral Liberals will be reelected Regular values It This year Give Mother Blousell 59 clock with Su or matching 8in Our Woolworth 5995 Olll WOOLWOKTII SALE PRICE $15 39° Clock Sets Sue 1095 eetl Consists of lo in 20in battery operated natural laminated frame and two tures Asst subiect matters but their treatment of banks leaves the field wide open for an enterprising provincial reve nue minister to do something about the situation The Ontario act which re ceived second reading Tuesday would increase the general rate of corporate tax to 14 per cent but it exempts income from manufacturing processing mining fishing logging and farming They still will be taxed at 13 per cent The changes are expecth to raise $36 million in new revenue and change in capital tax on banks will cost them an addi tional $5 million But Nixon said banks should be taxed to make them squeak little bit Its strange and difficult for Yo olwmtk sno wildeyed radical me to understand why we in this country have such com mitment to the sanctit of the banking corporationsjgsaid Nixon said reports blished last week showed banks were transferring an untold number of billions to the hold ers of savings deposits because the interest was being credited had small credit myself and was very anxious to see just what it amounted to Nixon said Ill tell you there is abso luter no way of calculating without computer what the banks owe you You simply look at the number in the passbook and you say Oh is that all it is Nixon said the one saving grace of the entire situation is to 99 Choose from several lovely styles Perfect for glftgivlng Cotton Polyester blouses Asst colours Sizes 818 Sleeveless button front belted 34 sleeves Mandarin collar V2 plaquet also available in 3844 ea 1499 Giant totes with ad iustable shoulder $9 vmyl Slepin snaps top zipper slippers with thick closing outside cushioned Insole and pockets Assorted low wedge heel Bone advantage styles Black Navy Brown Navy PaleBlue 99 Wood at lOin pic reg price set bCuprTea Pots This is something Mom can always use So take Anniversary special and surprise her with new Save $6 eetl Flve frames In Goldtone Metal flnleh One llin Hln two 6In in two 5in l9ln Brown mat with asst elze openings Woolworth reg price set 321 our antiwarshen fl pointed collar of this 5636 BAYFIELD sr oowmown BARRIE entrance off Maple Avenue YOUR CHOICE 999 Surprise her with Caftanl Shell thank you for ltl Canadianmade of Polyester Chinese collar zip front but terfly sleeves all mean comfortl Red Blue Green Brown asst Prints One size 15°32 the fact that an one with enough money can shares inthebanks But even then the dividends that come to the shareholders dont reflect the fabulous profit ition that the banks have ound themselves in He said the banks should be paying interest on minimum daily balance and compounding WATCH OUT FOR TOADS LANDRINDOD WELLS Wales CP Toads bounding across the Manchesterto Swansea road toward their mating ground in nearby lake have fighting chance of reaching their destination now that town council has erectei no CHARGE DEIOIOIIND PARKING Use These cards in Woolmrth SlatesAcross Canada