Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 May 1979, p. 4

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The Exammer is member ot The Canadian Press iCPi and Audit Bureau at Circulations iABC Only me Canadian Press may re ouinSH news stories in this newspaper credited to The Assooated Press Reuters or Agencc France Presse and local news stories published in The Examiner NEWSROOM Craig Ison managing editor tan Mulgrew city editor Bill McFarlane wire editor Dave Fuller sports editor Claudia Krause Litestyie editor RE POR TE RS Stephen Nichotls Dennis Lanthier Nancy Figueroa Lori Cohen Richard Thomas Stephen Gauer entertainment Gary Forbes Betty Armer camera operator BUSINESS Marian Gouoli accountan Delva Mills Gail McFarland Vikki Grant ame Mitchell CIRCULATION Bill Halkes manager Steve White assistant manager Andy Haugnton Alva LaPIantc Pat Merson Elaine Porter Cheryl Aiken ADVE RTISING Len Sevick manager SALES Bert Stevens Wayne Hay Aden Smith Steve Skinner Barb Boulton COMPOSING ROOM Jack Kerneyv ioreman Glenn Kwan asst toreman Don Saunders Lorne Wass Published daily except Sunday and statutory holidays WEEKLY by carrier Cadogen 90cents Stan Wray YEARLYby carrier Bill Raynor $4680 EdAltenby BY MAlLBarrie Jame Hamel $4690 Susan Kitchen Rmoimfl SIMCOE COUNTY Barbara Strigi $3900 PRESSROOM MOTOR THROWOFF Don Neartoreman Isoatear Fred Prince asst toreman ELSEWHERE IN CANADA Harris Blanchard S4I Oanear Brian Marr the examiner The Examiner claims Copyriont on all original news and advertismo material created by its imoloyees and published in this newspaper Wednesday May 1979 Wing barf3 and Smcoe county COOyrioht registration number 203815 rcoister oi Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Boylield Street Barrie Ontario LAM 4T6 Broce Rowlond publisher ADVERTISING ClASSIFIEDS 7266537 72824 Nationaiadvcriisino oltites as Queen Toronto so mo bAOCthcart CLASSIFIED St Montreal Ruth Blais supervisor Freda Shinner PeggY Chapetl Dana Homewood Janice Morton The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable tor damages aris ing out oi errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid tor the space at tuaily occupied by that portion at the advertisement in which the error oc curred whether such error is due to the negligence ot its servants or other wise and tricrc shall be no liability tor non insertion ll any advertisement btYond the amount paid tor such advertisement NIWSROOM 7266537 CIICUlAIION 7266539 BUSINESS 7266537 From the Voters lists iobbed out Federal elections are costly undertakings Part of that cost involves the printing of preliminary voterslists In Simcoe South lists must be printed for 57000 riding voters The printer also prepares election ballot forms legislature $200 Million in promises $299le in promises PQ game wont work in Ontario It is sizcablc job Formerly the work was always contracted to local printer This election year in brand new riding the job as gone to Swrborough company Because it was oneprice contract cost was not factor The leClSlOfl apparently was based on the chosen firms ability to do the best job Theres no question the company chosen has done finejob Indeed the lists have arrived in homes ahead of schedule But there is principle involved The principle is whether government contracts should be awarded locally wherever possible Obviously keeping the work at home is of economic benefit to the community And local work opportunities are part of what this elec tion is all about The fact is Simcoc South is not alone in what has happened Several ridings this year have lost election printing jobs to big city printers We are concerned not only for their loss of business Our concern extends to future government contracts and whether government contractors Wlll consider local contrac tors capablc of doing the job We wonder if some sort of policy is needed It seems to us that if local contractor 18 Willing and agrees to undertake government contract then thats exactly where the work should go Dear Sir There has been great deal of heat generated lately but very little light in the recent pronouncements in the press on annexation and par ticularly in regard to my involve ment in attempting to assist in resolving this matter The time has come to clarify number of points At no time have attended nor has the Greater Barrie Chamber of Commerce sanctioned in any way meeting secret or otherwise of any group of Barrie Council members It is not up to me or the Chamber to be involved with or sanction any such meetings For me or the Chamber to do so would not only be improper but more important it did not hap pen The position of our Chamber is and has been that we are concerned with the lack of availability of suffi cient industrial land to take ad vantaagc of growth opportunities now and in the next two to four years The present and future uncertainty caused by failure to resolve this issue will be costly in lost jobs lost commercial activity lost taxes for our area thii the matter is finally concluded at further lzirgc cost to us all through and planning fees we cannot assume that those opportunities can be recouped in the next decade if we miss the coming period of economic recovery letters to the editor that we should have any role in establishing the boundaries or con ditions of annexation Only the coun cils can make those decisions They came tantalizingly close to reaching solution some weeks ago did however make an effort through discussions with the mayor and severl aldermen not at any secret meetins but through conversation individually to learn if they felt we could assist in any way to resolve the roadblocks and to communicate to them the penalties this area will have to pay by continuing this costly and bitter dispute without ex hausting all settlement alternatives We still hope that the councils will see fit to resume negotiations soon We as the Chamber involved in our community and our economic future remain strongly convinced that the interests of all parties re quire an early but realistic resolu tion of the matter To Shirk our responsibilities to assist if possible and to stay silent when future jobs and assessment are on the line is more comfortable but totally un thinkablc hope this will end the un fortunate misstatements of recent days in regard to our position and my activities Thank you Yours very truly Peter Howden Parliament Hill By STEWART MacLEOD Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service Before being interrupted by an illtimed illness we had been talking about how political leaders with one slight slip of the tongue can do more effective job of destroying their own candidates than all the combined forces of the opposition At that time Prime Minister Trudeau had just gone into rural Quebec and without much forethought declared that farmers were bunch of grumblers The Liberal candidates in the area all dedicated to wresting the farm vote away from local Social Credit candidates obviously didnt applaud It hurt But that particular slip was mere childs This article was prepared by the Fire Chief and identifies the many activities and respon sibilities of the Barrie Fire Department The Department consists of Mayors report Fire department had busy year play compared with the incredible ob servation by Conservative Leader Joe Clark that Quebecers dont have the right to self determination Heaven knows that Tory candidates in Quebec have enough inherent problems trying to win votes without their national leader running this particular in terference play And it cant be excused on the grounds that it suddenly popped up as surprise subject We all remember the AfterYouAlphonsc routine of Joe Clark and Toronto candidate David Crombie over whether Tory government would even discuss sovereignty association with Quebec The obvious lesson from that confused exchange was that apart from expressing confidence in the future of Canada you shy away from specifics when it full time Training Officer for the department for the training of both full time and part timc firefighters Training includes all aspects of firefighting fire prevention And how jusla few Choice words from Their ogfllXol 5P0er Clark hard line on Quebec could create future problems comes to negotiating any form of separatism N0 DEALS Prime Minister Trudeau has managed nicely by oversimplifying or sidestepping with such phrases as Ill never negotiate away the future of my country The New Democrats have emphasized the fact that the other provinces would never participate in any special economic associations with an in dependent Quebec And after Clark and Crombie got their act together the Tory leader also appeared to be on safe ground again with his assurances that he would not negotiate any economic deals with an in dependent Quebec But Quebecs right to selfdetermination has never been an issue in itself except for the constitutional experts Candidates for all parties in the provinces have been consistent in arguing that the wishes of the people should be respected Even the most ardent federalists have never suggested that the rest of Canada should ignore Quebec referen dum that would support any form of sep aratism So why did Clark without any obvious pressures decide to declare that Quebec does not have the right to vote itself out of Con federation Regardless of the constitutional arguments its something that is simply not said while your own candidates arc arguing the democratic delights of remaining Canadian Clarks unnecessary observations have created enormous difficulties for hard pressed Tory candidates in the province STRONG REACTION By DEREK NELSON Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO In early June Premier William Davis will lay before the legislature resolution that will reject negotiation of sovereigntyassociation between Ontario and Quebec Both the Liberals and NDP in the House will likely support such resolution unanimously And its passage is intended to signal to the Quebec electorate that the Parti Quebecois independence shell game called sovereignty association is nonsta rter here Which is good if overdue The Davis resolution promised in the March Throne Speech appears to be part andparcel of growing consensus in English Canada on how to handle the threat of Quebec separation Federal Progressive Conservative leader Joe Clarks statement that one province cannot unilaterally destroy Confederation is asimiliar response EVEN IIONEST Even federal Liberal dogma as expounded by Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau that Quebec does not have the right to self dctcrmination but that Quebecers do treads the same ground In short EnglishCunada will not discuss sovereigntyassociation with the PQ Nor even with yes vote on an honest independence referendum can Quebec opt for Rhodesianstyle unilateral declaration of independence Ten provinces and Ottawa also have say in separation And this is not the game the PQ is playing They assume independence that referendum is just formality and that EnglishCanadas reaction is irrelevant VERY NICE When Premier Rene Levesque and Davis swapped visits in 1977 and 1978 it looked like the Tory leader had swallowed the PQ bait Davis was quiet conciliatory and adopted business as usual stance with Quebec as though it were any other province Which is exactly the kind of fraternal relations Levesque says sovereignty associalion or independence will guarantee The fact nothing of substance emerged from the meetings and that linguistic curtain continued to fall along Ontarios eastern boundary was glossed over It took mischievous and unfair in Davis words speech by Levesque in the US to stir the Ontario premier into some harsh words for his Quebec counterpart DANGER TOO And later in Pctcrborough he vowed there is no way we will accept sovereignty association by default We wont sit back silently The resolution hell lay before the House is part of that active rebuttal of the PQ fairy tale being fed Quebec There is danger here of course of over reaction of stirring the spines of the Quebec nationalist hedgehog and producing some kind of emotional identification with the PQ But there is greater danger in letting the PQ sail their merry way with Quebecers in tow while telling all only fair winds will come from yes vote Even the separatist Quebec media will have to acknowledge unanimous motion of the legislature of the countrys largest and nchcst province In terpreting the news Gasoline crunch McAllister as Fire Chief1 CMills as Deputy rescue firstaid and preplanning It has never bccn our position PreSident Fire Chief 29 fun time firefighters 24 part Flrgfghms are kept busy with the never bybflgfiiggtflewolfiéebérlégtllggjblgflizIlluéspgfi time firefighters and one clerktypist The ending stdeeS so that they maybe prepared lowing the election of Conse reads department provides variety of services to fOFIOda CPmPleX hazards 0f Chemicals and government But others including Roch Take nOfe the citizens of thecity encompassingallofthe tQXiC materials that plague our men under LaSaue who happens tobe marks Quebec HYGLENN SOMERVILLE mend reamg Fe safety and r0 frff°lt°35 lieutenant says that Quebecs right to self WASHINGTON CP Its happening prevenhon Ire revmo Bureau of the depaft determination has never before been brought again There are two re Statlonsv one at 65 mem resppnilble fire safety and Ire into questionHcis obviouslyupsct The lineup and fistfights that started at W0 VeSPFa St and the Other BC Farm prevenilm WEPEthepty Two fun me Outside Quebec it may not appear to be an gasoline stations in California are starting to Road SerVcmg area of 6895 dcrcs prim Ion lLCrs mSpeCt all 913ch Of overpowering issue but withinth proviiiccit spread aCFOSS 10 Us and send Chills UP Operating cost of the fire department for1978 assembley buddings such as institutional certainly is Fditorials in Frenchlnguago motoristsbacks wassl01994100 bus55i lemme dUStrali and apart newspapers keep asking the same questions Its like 1973 oncc more but harder to Three new vehicles were added to the merits ReSidenlidl homes are inspected upon Since Clark denies Quebec the right to self explain department 1978 brmgmg our total request The re prevemlo Officemi also determination and since he rcjcctsthc use Of There is no oil embargo by Middle East number to 11 Vehdes as News mm condua getures demonstrauons and courses force to mainfan united Canada and since producers no interruption in the thin line of Ladder Trucksiz 1050 IGPM Pumpersf 1840 forbabysmgrs he refuses to negotiate sdvcreignty oil tankers stretching halfway around the IGPM Pumper 625 IGPM Pumper 420 The examlnfIOn 0f buldmg plans also association what does he propose to do The earth that President Carter eloquently ANMNJLRL goodiiiorning or what have you that IGPM Pumper 1250IGPM Mini Pumper the reSponSibility of the Fire Prevention Human reaction stems from voluntary and involuntary thoughts generated in our mind some of these thoughts wcrc planted there when we vcrc children and our minds were being moulded or warped by all thc dilltltlll forces which were trying to imprcgiiiitc it Sonic rcactions tllt plciisunl sonic 1111 not Have you over lzikcn iiivcntory Try it sonic time but before you try to 5108 up olhirs do on honcst appraisal of yourself pleasant smile to iicknowlcdgc your awareness of another pcrsons prcscncc followed by simplc greeting likc hello or we want your opinion Something on your mind Send Letter to the Editor Please make it on original copy and sign it The Examiner doesnt publish unsigned let tors but it you wish pen name will be used Include your telephone number and address as we have to verify letters Because of space limits public interest and good taste The Examiner sometimes has to edit condense or reject letters Letters to the Editor are run every day on the editorial page Send yours to easy enough but be careful dont forget to add friendly tone of voice yes your tone of voice can be so revealing Those are some very basic human reac tions reactions towards each other Simplc yes but so dymanic that they can set the mood for any ocvasion Thcrc are stronger and more complex reac tions which evolve from our emotions Love is the strongcst of these emotions and produces very specific reactions which cannot be ig norcd No matter what form of love there is always feeling of closeness and belonging and that is important combination of Christian love and physical lovc kept within its natural bounds will produce wholesome you better you Whatever the form of lovc make sure that it is genuine liccailsc love can deteriorate into hate hill can produce some very unplcu Sttlll reactions dont let that happen to you Let your mind open up let it guide you through pleasant day not only for yourself but for everyone around you bible thought Thus saith the Lord chp yc judgment and do justice for my salvation is near to conic and my rightcousness to be revealed Blcsscd is thc man that docth this and the son or man that layeth hold on it that kccpcth the Sabbath from polluting it and kcepclh his hand from doing any evil Isaiah Salvage Van Pickup Truck Tank Truck AUTHORIZED PURCHASE Council also authorized the purchase of large amount of rescue equipment in 1978 to further serve the needs of the citizens of Bar ne Future plans for the Barrie Firc Depart ment include new station to service the south end of the city and also new station to service the rapidly growing west side of the city Other future equipment would include an 85 aerial platform truck and rescue van one additional tank truck and pumpcr The year 1978 also saw the appointment of SCOOPS TlIE AYATOLW IS DETERMINED IIIAT EACH OF 05 WILL WIND UP WITH HIS OWN HOT 0F pinup EXECUTIONSl Bureau Public displays of fire extinguishers smoke detectors escape ladders and other fire fighting equipment are very common particularly at such times as Fire Prevention Week and Christmas In 1978 the Barrie Fire Department conducted 2443 fire prevention inspections As result of these inspections many recommendations were made to help make the city of Barrie much safer place in which to live and work 1978 was good year for the Fire Depart ment with fire loss at only $22215800 and no fire deaths Unfortunately 1979 did not start off very well with fire loss in January at $36695000 one fire death and two injuries DO YOU Illlth llED MIND IF MADE MY OWN influential Le Devoir suggested Clark was seeking handful of votes in English Canada But one of the strongest reactions came from Solangc ChaputHolland the highlyrcr garded former member of the Task Force on Canadian Unity As long as the right to selfdetermination is recognized for Qucbcc as long as can trust my country to respect the political freedom it prides itself in holding will fight le Parti Qucbecois and live up to my loyalty to Canada But the da realize this right is denied will join Mr Premier Levesque honcstly without fear and without regret dccribed in last months national energy address But ashe forecast prices are going higher and higher as supplies to the consumer shrink Accompanying the fear that now rides with motorists searching for an open gasoline station in many areas of the country is deep loathing for the oil companies It is heard on the street and in Congress motorist in long line at station in Maryland just outside Washington com mented Sunday he believes oil companies just want to get the dollar gallon When that comes theyll be open all over again Average US prices for gasoline now are about 773 cents for gallon of regular 817 cents for unleaded and 839 cents for premium US gallon is only fourfifths of Canadian gallon URGES ARTER Toby Moffett Dem Conn chairman of the energy subcommittee of the House of Representatives urged Carter on the weekend to order US oil companies to in crease gasoline production Refineries are operating at less than 90 per cent capacity he charged According to national surveys California and Florida are experiencing the most frequent rushhour and weekend lineups at gasoline stations In many other areas dealers are coping by closing Sundays or weekends or by limiting the dollar amount of Whitfielltu 56213 sales hhu One can make lot of small talk and dream jifi But allotments of gasoline from refineres to Mimic In UP 0f excuseslor UOI htmormg he 10 ifI retailers are dropping below levels of year Milton da bUl bear lnmmd our WWIWSIUP £4714 ago Supplies are likely to get tighter station God has lot to do With how we treat Hilday 111 closings more frequent

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