the oxnlmr Wodnoedlv May 1m 31 The Doctor Says 30me Beds Osol television guide WEDNESDAY EVENING VIEWING as NEwS HOLLYWOOD SQUARES DEFINITION DOT 000 030 NSC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW CBS NEWS NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME ADVENTURES OF TIMOTHY PILONIM 645 READALONG 855 wRITE ONI 700 DATING GAME CHARLIES ANGELS TOM AND JERRY AND FRIENDS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW TIC TAC DOUGH PROGRAMMING ANNOUNCED NEwLYwED GAME THE STATIONARY ARK GONG SHOW PRICE Is RIGHT 730 MATCH GAME NEWLYWED GAME NUPPETS SHOW Guest Raquel II GONG SHOW OCEANS ALIVE MAGIC SHADOWS BOB NEWHAgSHOW REAL PEOPLE OHK AND MINDV Mork Iaela MemhamlafitthathewantstoleaveEanhuntil Orson lets him observe what the lives of Mindy her Iamil would have been without him SPE IAL MOVIE PRESENTA TION Tha wua wna ww Revisited 1979 in Robert Conrad Rosa Martin EIGHTISENOUGHDonpitstneiami lya concern and his fathers Objections David Bradford teams up with an outspoken female traveling companion who Is hie fiancees beat Mend In an adventureaome crosscountry at for new aéz fir1 THE NE EN UHES 0F WONDEH WONAN Wonder Woman dee troya the formula of dangerous explosive Chernical so that it wont tell into enemy hands 00 mine INTHOSPEC Lea Hauts at lea Baa du ler canadien THE JEFFERSONS MOVIE ADVENTUREDRAMA Ac tion of the Tlgaartagsr MARYTYLERMOOREHOUR st Hal Linden 60 mins CINETVOParlonaCinemaFoativalde Bites INT Tout Prendre 1983 ALICE 900 III WEDNESDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES Hanging By Thread 1979 rs Patt Duke Astrn Sam Groom it MAN CALLED INTREPID at arrivein SlockholmandIsablelebreakintothe GermanEmbaasywhereheaucceedsinphoto graphing plans that will be used to make an atomicbombAfteramilitaryplantailatodestroy the plant where bombs are being made Evan volunteers for dangerous second mission after he learns that Madelaine has finally been executed by the Gestapo DavidNiven Michael aktd hrs MVSTERIES OF THE GREAT PYRAMIDS Narrator Omar Sharil raises questions about great pyramids and other An cient Egyptian landscapes and monuments HisnriansandEgyptologistawhodisagreewith one another as to the answers will be featured 60 mine 930 FREETIME POLITICAL TELECAST 1000 THE HOPERS Stanley soaks up the scenery aharingthe community hot tub with niclad beauties while Helen steams THE JOHNNY CASH SPRING SPECIAL Johnny Cash welcomes spring withanhourlongentertainmantspecialleatur ing guest stars Waylon Jennings Martin Mull George Jones and June Carter Cash 60 VEGAS beautiful princess llees her strlletorn homeland in the Middle East for secret holiday in Las Vegas where Dan Tanna becomes her protector 60 mine NEWS UPDATE NEVIS 1001 MONTY PYTHONS FLYING CIRCUS 1030 WATSON REPORT ALL THAT GLITTERS 1100 NEWS cac NEWS CTv NEws EDUCATION OF MCMANUS GMOVIE 40RAMA Battle or St Denis MIKE 1120 90 NEws 1127 NEws 1130 8THE TONIGHTSHOVlIIostzJotmny Carson Guaate Chevy Chase Maria Earle 90 035 LATE MOVIE THE ROCKFORD FILES Crack Back Rockfords friend lawyer Beth Davenport hires him to find man whocan provide an alibi for her client HAWAII FIVE The Young Assassine Stars Jack Lord urea MacArthur MOVIE COMEDY Va The lot Who Came tO Dinner 1912 STREET TALK NIGHTMUSIC The Little Girl and the Dreadful Snakes 1145 WESTERN ROUNDUP Law and Order 1932 Walter1HI11etomHarry Carey MOVIEHORROR Severed Arm 1913 1200 MEDICAL CENTER MOVIEWESTERN Hoa tlle Guns 1967 1210 MOVIE DRAMA Adven tures of the 0006 1915 TOMORRow MARCUS WELBY MD ï¬ll PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY historically speaking today in histog By THECANAIHAN PRESS May 1979 Irish adventurer Thomas Blood attempted to steal the Crown jewels of England from the Tower of London 308 years ago today in 1671 Blood had been granted an Irish estate un der the Commonwealth but he lost it when Charles 11 took the throne In revenge Blood tried to kidnap and hang the lord lieutenant of Ireland Failing that he turned to the jewels Blood and his accomplices al most made away with them but were caught redhanded after bound gagged 80year old guard gave an alarm Blood refused to confess to anyone but the King so Charles visited him in his cell He was so impressed by the audacity of Blood and his scheme that he pardoned him and gave him back his Irish estate 1921i US RearAdmiral Richard Byrd flew over the North Pole 1916 Italy annexed Eth iopia canadas stogy Alexander Mackenzie Crossed Continent In 1789 Alexander Mackenzie of the Northwest Compa ny made remarkable trip from Lake Athabaska to the Arctic Ocean by canoeing down the river that now bears his name the longest river in Canada Altogether he and his companions five paddlers and two women traveled more than 3000 miles between June and Septem ber and half of that distance was against strong cur rents Mackenzie was disappointed because he hoped the river flowed into the Pacific so he went to Britain and studied navigation Then on May 1793 he made second attempt to get to the Pacific starting from Peace River He wrote later that words failed to express the anxiety suffering and dangers of the 500 miles through the rookies to the Fraser River named later Then Mackenzie went down that river 400 miles but turned back because he felt that it was not possible for canoes to run it Indians showed him anot her route starting from the confluence of the Quesnel and Fraser Rivers Again there was great danger including hostile Indiaus but Macken zie made it On July 23 1793 at the mo uth of the Bella Coola River he was able to mix some vermilion in melted grease and inscribe on rock Alexander Mackenzie from Canada by land the twentysecond of July one thousand seven hundred and ninetythree He was the first man to American continent by land great achievement also had important conse His have crossed the North quences His writings encouraged Lord Selkirk to estab 1954 US justice deptart ment set up division of inter nal security the CIA for count erintelligence against spies and traitors 1969 revised Roman Catholic calendar of church feasts dropped more than 200 saints and added others from outside Europe 1974 The US House of Representatives judiciary com mittee began hearing evidence on whether there were grounds for the impeachment of Presi dent Richard Nixon barries 532 May I957 The main conclusions to be drawn from the meeting of Bar rie Town Council with the Chamber of Commerce respec ting the future of the old Post Office site was that council were unanimous in their belief in the necessity of attracting department store on the south side to attract business and the Chamber of Commerce believ ed that this end could be attain ed while preserving green square and giving an improved outlet to Allandale traffic Bill Henry was elected presi dent of the Barrie Junior Chamber of Commerce for the coming year at their annual meeting held at Community House Other officers elected were Don Allan and Maurice Martin vice presidents John Rodgers secretary Tim Tarl ing treasurer The directors were Jack Bristol Carol Greenough Douglas Moorhouse Monty Barnes Cy Wilcox and Bert Ford The last service to be held in NO age barrier with odors By PAUL RUBLE Ml Dear Dr Ruble am caring for an elderly disabled woman in my home wish you would discuss the matter of odors would like to know if very Old people have certain odors natu rally and what can be done about it know lot of elderly ladies who would take offence at your suggestion Odors are not asso ciated with age groups Young disabled men and women in re habilitation hos itals may give off the same or You might find it in poorly run nursery as easily as in poorly run nursing home The chief problem iS lack of urine control Odor arises from the action of natural body bac teria on urine which produces ammonia If urine leakage oc curs because of urinary tract problem the odor problem in creases If person is disabled for whatever reason including age even subtle perspiration may create the familiar odors to which you refer SO heres check list for you Is the odor due to urine leak age Correct the condition if possible If perspiration is the source regular skin cleansing can correct that Check the scalp the back chest armpits feet and the perineum genital area Lotions or moisturizing creams can help and so can spray antiperspirant Nothing substitutes for thorough tub bath as difficult as that may be for some Make sure there is adequate ventilation in her room espe cially in winter mild room deodorizer may be necessary Clothing is important Use cot ton bedding and clothes rather than synthetics Check her den tures to be sure they are being properly cared for Ask the doc tor to examine her for unusual drainage or for skin problems that can be corrected It is unfair both to yourself and to this woman to throw up your hands and lay the odor to her age Dear Dr Rublc have been sick and under doctors care for five weeks He says my white cells are too low and that my resistaiï¬ze is low because of that What oatlses this What can do EG li There are probably as many causes fer low white cell count as for inflation You say you have been sick for five weeks but you dont say from what low white count can re sult from any number of in fections bacterial viral and protozoan amebic If you have lost lot of weight that might cause it lack of vitamins 812 or folic acid can cause it Even excess of some vitamins can cause it Arthritis or liver disease can be afactor Dear Dr Ruble care for my 90yearold mother at home The only real problem is that she refuses to let me shampoo her hair and is most adamant about it hate to see her scalp dirty can brush it but am worried about what will happen if She continues to prevent us from washing it Any sugges tionsJD There are power shampoos you can use that she might ace cept You apply it before brush ing They wont accomplish the same thing as regular sham poos but they do remove oils and perspiration and leave the hair clean BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby andmAlan Sontag Slam fails game thrives Vulnerable Both Dealer East West North East 10 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass 30 4O 50 Opening lead 43 Here is hand that de cided team match The bidding in the box is that of the team that won North decided to try three clubs after West went to two spades This was slight overbid but it worked out well South went to three diamonds North raised to daily crossword ACROSS 42 French city 44 Noun suffix four and now South bid four hearts North knew this was slant try that asked him to bid slam if he could handle the second round of spades but North made one of those close decisions he decided that his small trumps were so small that he couldnt justify that slam bid At the other table North didnt bid over two spades He did bid three clubs when South made second tak eout double The bidding continued from then on as at the other table and finally this North who had been conservative earlier bid the slam At both tables Spades were opened and continued The man who had stopped at game refused to ruff the second spade in dummy This left dummy with four trumps Later on that de clarer drew trumps with three leads cashed his ace king Of clubs entered dummy with the seven of trumps discarded his three losing hearts and made five The declarer in six had to ruff the second spade If trumps had broken 22 he would have been able to make the slam Unfor tunately for him they failed to break and he went down two tricks If trumps had broken 22 his team would have won the match Answer to Prevtous Puzzle May101979 Your social life will become much more secure and Stable this coming year Acquain tances made in the past will now be cultivated into long lasting friendships TAURUS April 20May 20 watchful eye and firm grip on those in your charge will be necessary today Lack of disci pline could turn your house hold into chaotic place GEMINI May 21June 20 Your entire schedule will be fouled up unless you take care of each problem as it arises You cant brush anything under the rug today CANCER June 21July 22 If you think before you buy today you wont end up with lot oI nonsensical articles Besides it will save you money LEO July 23Aug 22 Self indulging pursuits wont bring you half the enjoyment you thought they would Spend your time on doing little things for the family VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Trying to ignore an unpleasant matter wont solve thing Face up to the facts no matter how disagreeable and every thing will work out HATE LEAAONADE cow LEMNAOE it at cuss wWM Ont Bugs Bunny Zoonies YOU HAVE NERVOUS TICK LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Keep your financial picture to your self today Someone with devi ous motives is listening and will try to think of way to poach in your territory SCORPIO Oct 25Nov 22 Sharing with Others in logical practical manner should be considered today You cant do all the taking nor can you be the only one who gives SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 If someone who has helped you in the past is in need of assistance today be the first to volunteer Dont try to hide behind excuses CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Follow what logic dictates today Dont listen to another who may try to convince you that your thinking is wrong She is only looking but for her own interests AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Even if you feel you are right giving in to another and coop erating will not you much more than demanding to have things your way PISCES Feb 21March 20 It wont be as easy as you think to find willing hands to do chore that you should do for yourself Dont try to palm it off ARIES March 21April 10 itll cost you quite heavily money wise if you overlook your work for pleasure Todays suc cesses lie in keeping your nose to the grindstone IF WE HAVE RECEééON ILL KNOV WIO T0 In lt G5 an Till POINT THE FINGER AT at LEIONADE ml 33 51 IT wAs Town FIeHT OR HYPERACTNE IT THE WHAT CAN PO amenIs 51m THINK YA WERE 9002 9mm FER NOT P05T FDNIN TH MATCH Fuws wE DONT IHINK of IT TA colLEGTION SIRWE THINK OF $PRIe cLEAleo ounan THAVE mossavasg OMITNEAJIK IM MUSE0 ANNUAL PUT BACK THE MASK lish his colony at Red River where Mackenzie noted the Trinity PariSh Hall Collier St Home In 45 Basketball 02 you excellent soil was to take place the following Madfld league abbr French translation of his diary encouraged Napoleon Sunday afternoon service of Charged 46 Harmonize to try to recapture Canada for France by sending an thanksgiving The work of gaLIIcIes 49 Span army up the Mississippi from the Gulf of Mexico The demolition of the hall was to 11I°°°g3 53 Take meal Royal Navy blocked that attempt begin the next week The°2airge 54 Semi club OTHER EVENTS ON MAY Barrie Fire Chief Irwin Lat abbrl 1716 Father Lafitau discovered ginseng plants in Can and members of the brigade ap 13 No one 55 dale ada which were exported to China preciated the assistance they 14 Corn spike 57 Suzmha 1758 General Amherst and Admiral Boscawen arrived received in rescue work at the 15 prefix 58 Fir at Halifax to attack Louisburg recent cxp10sion at Barrie Tan 16 Perambulator 59 Panama 1759 Bougainville arrived at Quebec with 23 ships of ning l7 Compass 60 Gleek MW 311185 and troops to reinforce General Mont voï¬rrlflglfrlntziltd gigï¬kcdlfro 18132 new fry 1o Gasohne 33 Take me rm container 36 Plane 1760 Aigryigltgflggiyilglgavy at Quebec forced General fggrygrgchitlhlgrc came forward ngzsdes heredity Carla sgfn 38 gecedes MAYSE THEY gym 1783 Sir Guy Carleton began evacuating troops and The powerladen Barrie Soc 33 3er DOWN agaiey Charge AT PARTY IM Loyalists from New York cer Club got off to good start 27 Telescope Transverse arms 1885 General Middletons force began attack on Metis that 1957 season outscoring Name Italian 23 Nam 593m at Batoche RCAF Camp Borden 53 at 31 Acness 53b0 greeting 24 Bidding 45 Blows on 1896 British Privy Council approved Ontarios right to Queens Park 32 ind magnos Arabian gull 25 guanoms breeze enact prohibition The mens Major Bowling mg comp And river 46 Honk 1906 Medicine Hat Lethbridge and Wctaskiwin were League finished its SiXgamc wd U°°Ce9d 25 Actor 47 Flees law incor orated playoff that week and standing 34 European elhlcallv Andrews 48 Needle case 1916 Sir Ju ian Byng became Commander of Canadi right at the top of the heap was apple Feed to 27 Cut 49 Prewnse 35 SolId figure he cgion teim Ihcltgion 37 Exmence naires scorcd 7141 pins to win ans in France Rowing tools 28 Trot 1937 Canadian Coronation Contingent were first Do Depression InI 29 Son of 50 Th°u9m 51 Contemptible Lt tals Ahodte mInIon troops to stand guard at St James and the 195034 5ii00 honors at the 39 grmpase geogyphc 30 N2 52 Italian family Acadcmv Buckingham palacts Bari It BOIIIL 40 Flendlsh Hammer pan nouce abbr 55 Gauey sweep new fl 05 Sarah of Alliston wcrc Sunday supper guests of JIms mother Mrs Atkinson Mrs Atkin ing Clth held an achievement night Thursday April 26 It was attended by the clubs leaders bV son was also Visited rcccntly by Mrs Smith and Mrs Lof Mrs waness her brotherinlaw and sister tuS as well as some of the girls m2878 Mr and Mr Jack Shepherd of mothers Afterwards all of the mus usnlul and Calgary Alberta members took part in fashion Harvey spent the weekend of April 21 in Toronto at the homc of Mrs Smiths sisterinlaw Mrs Aired Scadding They also visited Mr and Mrs David Embree of Boston Mass who were in Toronto for few days Mr and Mrs Andy Batholomew of Oro Sation and Miss Susan Bartholomew and Mrs Gordon Clark of Barrie were guests of Mr and Mrs The Flos Township PC Association held its annual meeting on Wednesday April 25 in trossland Hall The following officers were elected Mrs Buddy Dunn president Dave Ritchie viceprcsidcnt Archie Manlcss secretary trcasurcr Ron Stewart PC candidate for Simcoe South Kcrv Johnston president of the provincial association and parade modelling vests hats and scarves which they had made Club members Linda Porretta and Lisa Kenney recently received provincial honors for successfully comlt pleting 12 units vhil Jackie LofIUS received county honors for completing six units Mrs Elmer Atkinson held miscellaneous shower Friday April 27 in honor her nephew NSL STATIONERY 01be NEA Inc neg PM 0ft Your Wedding Invitations NORTH ERN nnouncements Headquarters We provide loanout service Cline Ram and family Cecil Cook of Shanty Bay were Murray Atkinson and his 29 Dunlop St Mr and Mrs Jim Atkinson guests fiancee Anna Jordan of 7373360 and daughters Joanna and The New Flos lH homemak Alliston LAELLAwMLML Oimsynu Inc In Reg US Paton