all Parrots meet with newsmen Louisette Parrot wife of Canadian Union of Postal Workers leader Jean Claude Parrot and her daughters Joanne centre and Marion far left rear talk with reporters after the labor leader was sentenced to three months in all and IB mon ths probation Monday for defying Parliaments backtowork order last year CP Photo For the best my buys in tovin plus the reilcurpe erve at Dept is your savings place MY JEPPJ 99 Carpet Whit Quunnau Lu WI mum III righl to limit Quentin Assorted selection of ROLL END RUGS CUT LOOP SHAG PLUSHES SOLID COLORS OR PAIIERNS marf pLAZA OPEN MON T0 FRIDAY 10 10 SATURDAYS 9il10 HWY 27 BAVFIELD ST BARBIE ONT Our best exterior latex tlat paint for rich colorful beauty and outstanding durability White colors Similar savin on Kem Alkyd Gloss case and Trim Paints Kem1Coat white slightly higher in price Our best quality gloss latex paint Resists weathering and retains its color and glass for long lasting satisfaction White colors Kern Latex House Trim Paints are easy to apply dry in minutes and painting tools clean up with soap and water Choose from beautiful selection of 267 Shelter Tone colors Ideal for wood masonry brick stucco stone and metal all outdoor surfaces All dealers listed may not be partrcvpants All products may not be available in all stores Kem is the super quality paint from SherwinWilliams Youn NEARET DEALER is Maximum price shown Dealer may sell tor less Cans may be underlined to allow tor tinting See label lei net contents oned in 1cm Maw MIDLAND lotIr MB who 17 It Nepal Aveu AAAM oro statiori luv Bessie Crawford 15873921 Mrs Kenneth Graham has returned to her home after stay in Royal Victoria Hospital where she underwent surgery We wish her speedy recovery East Oro Parents in Action are holding an auction sale on Saturday May 26 at pm at East Oro School Donations gatefully received For pick up please phone 4872383 or 4872988 Eight tables of players par ticipated at the euchre Monday night at the Community Centre High winners were Mrs Jennie Fletcher Arnold Greenhalgh second Mrs Lorna Gilchrist Lloyd Schram third Mrs Georgina Hutchinson Bill Gower low Mrs Norah Mould Karl Gilchrist Travelling prizes went to Mr and Mrs Wilfred Crawford Mrs Cecil Mills has returned to her home after spending the winter in Florida Recent guests with Mr and Mrs Norman Leigh were their son Maxwell his wife Judy and family Ronnie Darayl and Kevin of Oshawa Clare Insley is home again after spending the winter Save $40 4pragram Kenmore washer for moneysaving price 39998 Wash programsprewash knitdelicate perma press normal Roto Swirl agitator and washrinse tempera ture combinations for allfabric care Plus self clean lint filter 2speed motor and rinse agent dispenser White 267 448 310 Colors $10 extra With special Suds Saver feature White $30 extra Prices In effect until Sat May at 530 pm orwhlle quantities last IlllIlIIi Save $20 Selfclean 30 Mark range 49993 SimmonsSears Ltd Reg and Was refer to SimpsonsSears Ltd priws Features glass backguard with fluorescent light Plus clock controlled oven with light in finite heat switches for two two elements Wht 227 466 790 EasycleanWhlte 227 466 090 Reg 379 98 Now only 35198 Golden Wheat or Almond $10 extra months in the sunny south In an item in last weeks news listed Mrs Carol Strudwicks boys as Tony and Adam My apology they are Derrick and Adam Sympathy is expressed to Mr and Mrs Gil Lloyd on the death of Ted Jones brother of Mrs Lloyd Mr Jones passed away Sunday April 29 at Royal Vic toria Hospitl in Barrie The funeral was held from Steckley Funeral Home on May Thre will be an allcandidates meeting at the community cen tre on Thursay May 10 at pm Fayne Bullen NDP Walter Connell Liberal and Doug Lewis PC expect to be nt Everyone welcome Mrs Albert Crawford spent few days in Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie and it is nice to see her back home and feel ing better Dont forget the fireworks held at Oro Station May 18 The fireworks draw will be held at this time mldhurst by Mrs Nash 7289565 The Ceilidh had their closing on April 30 with 21 present The yearly awards for euchre went to Edna Smith and hurt Carson High for the day In bridge were Marie Frankcom and Doc tor Coutts High for Euchre were Mr Brooks and Edna Smith Mae Doran made presenta tions of flowers in appreciation to the past executive including Frances Craig Jean Day Isabel Hartwick and Mrs Ger trude Klemn Ice cream and cake were en joyed by all We will meet again on Mort day September 17 The Ceilidh Garden Club members are busy with their gardens Kenmore dryer features two special fabriccare settings 26998 Fabric Master and Soft Heatautomatic time and temperature controls take the guessing out of drying time and give your clothes extra special care Plus 10 minute cooldown timed heat and air settings heavy duty motor and pushtostart safety button White Store address 509 Bayfield St Georgian Mall Barrie Mon Tues Sat 930 am to 530 pm Wed Thurs Fri 930 am to 930 pm Save $50 Large 151 cu ft Kenmore refrigerator 56793 ml 267 488 310 Golden Wheat or Almond $10 extra lllllfllllï¬ Special features never needs Chargett Enjoy it now Use your All Purpose Account defrosting porcelain finished crispers and meat keeper 3temperature butter conditoner Plus interior freezer shelf and ad justable refrigerator shelves for better organization White right hand 467 459 950 Colors sio extra Guarantee Satisfaction or money refunded