The Examiner is member of The Canadian Press CF and Audit Bureau at circulations iABCl Only the Canadian Press may re publish news stories in this nnwspaper credited to The Assocraled Press Reuters or Agence NEWSROOM Craig Elson managing editor ADVE RTISING Len Sevick manager COMPOSING ROOM ack Kernoy toreman BUSINESS Published daily except Marian Gough accountant SUnday and the examiner servmg borrie and simcoe county Monday May 1079 Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Baytield Street Barrie Ontario LAM 4T6 Brace Rowland ADVIIIISING 7266537 NEWSROOM 7266537 CIRCULATION 7266539 publisher CLASSIFIEDS 72824 Minority rule in the making Is Canada headed for minority govcriiiiient As unwelcome as that may seem in some quarters it must be considered strong possibility The feeling is that neither Prime Minister Trudeau nor Mr Clark are showing well enough to command majority in the next parliament The polls all along have showed neck and neck race bet ween the Liberals and Conservatives Nothing that has happened in the campaign so far has tip ped the scales in either direction The mood ofthe electorate is divided On the one hand many are ready for change after 17 years of Liberal rule On the other hand there is still reluctance by many to ac cept Mr lark as leader The likely result is that the Nlll under Mr Broadbent and few Social Credit members will be the balance of power in the next parliament Things could change of course But there are reasons why major swing is unlikely For one thing the power bases are fixed with Trudeau in Quebec and Clark in the west and Maritimes The push will be in Ontario But does anyone really expect an Ontario land slide one way or the other Moreover this isnt year when election promises will work The electorate wont buy them because we cant afford them Actually the best is yet to come The closeness of the election will mean an exciting windup over the next two weeks But unless one of the major parties surges before May 22 that closeness is the makings of minority government Dear Sir would like to express my gratitude to the person who leaked the information to the Liberal party and to the media concerning the nuclear accidents incidents at the Bruce nuclear power plant The problem at Three Mile Island Pa has made the public aware of the potential danger of nuclear power plants Perhaps it will cause people to make themselves more aware of the secondary effects of nuclear power such as the tremen dous and unsolvable problem of nuclear waste and make them more reticent to accept the building of more reactors It is time that our government realized that its citizens are not an unthinking uneducated mass and that we have right to know all the facts concerning the potential hazards in our environment We also have right to decide whether or not the luxury of abundant elec trical power is worth the risk especially when there are many alternatives to nuclear to be ex plored and developed ie solar Your business l5 lll l1i Iiiisincss and onsnmcr ifiirs niilyst lliomson sin icc tlicthcr the British winter of discontent has bicn iiiadc glorious summer by the oiir sciitii victory over Labor in the recent election is by no iiiciiis certain The tltullttl llritish distast has bccomc tllltHlli and even new Prime linistcr liiirtt lhitcliir couldnt promise ant lllllltlttllll lliiits the term thit has been applied to the condition tliit has had tlic lliitish tttllltllll stzigiiatiiiiz tor dccidis condition tllillltllllttl tnst oi ill by lllll bureaucratic niolvcmcnt in every illtti of cionoiiiicitiiirs llic most obvious symptom oi the discasc liis been constant rise in govtriiiiiciit spending to something Ill tlic Ottltl ot tio pir ccnt oi lllt national incomc loiig llll that has goiic lltlllt ndoii tlilllllll oi the public payroll lhc liltllll ci ii tltt llis lllttllllt licmily ovcr staticd and its growth llkt physical tlltll ll illl upon llStll llispltltltlllltlllillll Lirgc numbers oi yiiiiiii pcollli starting Hllh especially irom thc iiiii tllllt have chosen to go tllliLll into lllt civil scrvice The private productiw Sltltll we want your opinion Something on your mind Send Letter to the Editor Please make it on original copy and sign it The Examiner doesnt publish unsigned let ters but it you wish pen name will be used Include your telephone number and address as we have to verity letters Because of space limits public interest and good taste The Examiner sometimes has to edit condense or relect letters Letters to the Editor are run every day on the editorial page Send yours to lotto to the Editor tumbler Post om I01 370 III Ont MM Iettrs to the editor wind wood and other renewable resources even uranium will be depleted by the end of the century according to experts am tired of being given pat on the back and told that there is no present hazard to the public when such episodes occur and hope other Canadians are becoming equally weary of government at tempts to cover up the facts sup posedly in our best interests Ontario Hydro is utility respon sible to the public it is not government unto itself It should not have the right to bury reports revealing errors made whether human or mechanical so that only close employees have access to them If given the choice would choose lower standard of living rather than watch my children die from radiation sickness or cancer resulting from nuclear reactor ac cident product of MY genera tion Yours truly Lynne Gibbon Barrie British disease is this cure the lritish economy has conic to or BUSINESS 7266537 rcgzirdcd is somewhat grubby lX lll€ nd iiidtcd its easy to find liorribh eximplcs within British business To support its spending habits thc iritisli gmcrmiiciit has raised taxw to levels thiit arc irtiially confiscatory investors arc allowed to retain only about four per cent oi tlictl llltllltlll incoiilc ilio ccrtnil lc cl Such hemy lil1lllll hiis naturally led to rcict ion Succcssiul pcoplc coiiciiitratc much of tlicir tune and cfiorts on tax avoidance ligitiiiizitcorotlicrwisc lcith dntics art so sleep that they lll llltll large numbers oi Britons awiy to ltl havens III the thanncl Islands the Bahamas andhwitcrlzinil liidti ilioi gm tlllllltlll hoicr British policy has ttlllllllllttl to nourish lllt ocl itd public scitor to sconrgc cipitiliiii iiid to rely on iiitlitioii to croitc illl lllllltlll oi grow lll Illtl tll prosperity lroccidiiiit on tlic issumptioii that lllllilltill heic to stay and that the interests oi llllli land politically tillil citicns or irrclc ant liritish union llltllllltl lost iiitir brought the economy virtually to standstill to support dciiiaiits tor hie nope llltltiIi llll no llltllufls lll productnity tii llt ll qniictl ot llltlli llll Il Hi tliic victorious liritisli toiiseivotivc ciii diditc llltltlllllllitl on lllt tll iitcr lllt clictlon lllill liiliic Minister ltimis tnl liigllnis Labor litt ltid ltist tlic tlttlttlll list tllltl on lllt picket linis lliiit tlltk tlic tonscrx ill ictory sound Ll Vhitlici it was or not Thatcher lltlt personal popularity ratcd loucr thiii tilliliiiis throughout the ciinipaigni iont ticc an cis time in the months ahead itlt tttllltllllt policy tor liritoiii Sililulhlll has been resounding failure lint to uproot Mnlllllll ociit otit ll in iiiil ml in llll pnlilc sciwici to Icstoli tionil llllllLllt to lt Illtgtl and pr tliesc will lii llltllllllllililill tasks tor Thatchergincruiiicnt llllllillll oi the liiitish Oltl hlt at last rejcctcd tllcpolilicmns11ndlllllttttlils who dccidi llil to one them and what to take from llltllt Ian Mulgrew city editor Bill McFarlane wire editor Dave Fuller sports editor Claudia Krause Lifestyle editor REPORTERS Stephen Nicholls Dennis Lanthier Nancy Figueroa Lori Cohen Richard Thomas Stephen Gauer entertainment Gary Forbes Betty Armer camera operator SALE Bert Stevens Wayne Hay Aden Smith Steve Skinner Barb Boulton CLASSlFIED Freda Shinner Peggy Chapell Janice Morton Ruth Blais supervisor Dana Homewood Deiva Mills Gail McFarland Vikki Grant Kathie Mitchell CIRCULATION Bill Hatkes manager Steve While assistant manager Andy Haughton Alva LaPlante Lisa Warry Elaine Porter Cheryl Aiken Don Saunders Lorne Wass Wilt Cadoaan lan Way till Raynor EdAIIenby Janie Hamel Susan itchcn Ronoildrr Mroaa Sirat PRESSROOM Don Near foreman rcd Prince asst toreman Harris Blanchard firiah Marr tilrvnn Kwan asst loreman statutory holidays WEEKLV by carrier 90cents YEARLY by carrier 56 80 BY MAIL Barrie SM 80 SIMCOE COJNTY $39 00 MOTOR THROW OFF Sdl 506 year ELSEWHERE lNCANADA Montroal Vance Presse and local news stories published In The Examiner Thi iianiiner claims copyright on all original news and advertismg material rintv by its employees and published in this newspaper CODyiQtt registralnn number 7036l5 register bl Niiicnat advertising ottices as Queen St Toronto 864 I710 640Cathcart the advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable tor damages aris ina out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid tor the space ac lually occupied by that portion at the advertisement in which the error oc curred whether such error is due to the negligence at its servants or other 41 003 year wise and there shall be no liability tor non insertion oi any advertisement nomad the amount paid for such advertisement WASTE FROM REACTOR TURNS PEOPLE OFF 80 WEVE TURNED OFF REACTOR PMHEP The world today JUIIN llli9il Foreign Affairs Anal st Thomson News Service Prime lilinisterclcct Margaret lhatchcrs victory as Western Europes firstcver woman Prime Minister will mean that Toryisms diadcm will burn brightly again in Britain There is now the same hope and expection at the start as with formerlory Prime Minis ter Edward Heaths victory in lStTtl that Britain can be placed back on the twin routes of economic recovery and national lillllll lrimc Ilinistcrclcct lhatchcr starts her government with selection of talented young Tories iictivc practioners from the competitive worlds of industry journalism and the professions who will llt new to lar liamcnt ii iioi to the party It Mrs vllltilLlltl can sit her sights early on working casin ith them and not lltttllllt thi political id with thc lamp Silltllt handidly sweeping aside the socialist ioliwclis llriiish Consciw iitism ill the liltltls should reveal new face lhcsc yonngcr under to loiits hiw already lllillt their many scparaic marks witlnn thclory party ippratns NEW lillllllh IX lillll William laldcgravc the lltltlltltti Tor llltllllltl from Bristol West at It had been politicil sccrctiiry to lr llczith in ficc llis majority oi13noovotcswisdouliitlic majority oi lllt prmions Tory caiiiliilni in the NH lliitisli notional llll ioii hristoiihtr laitcn IN the new member oi lnrliaiiicnt irom the Isle oi leu more time SCOOPS MR CALLAGHAN IF ONLY YOUD TAKEN MY ADVICE THAN TURN OFF OUR FRIENDS llitililllllll lllili British Il triplcd the Tory majorin thcrc oi iieviirs ago He will lcivc his job as director of lllt partys Ittilltll department in lionrloii to liccoiiic new iiid vciy ictivc tlltl ltlllill caliiiitt liiintstci ll llnitt liltis own roots in spitt oi thi ltlltiilllllilii1til lltl as tough ring illiL ltlliwr clans Lid is not much tlllliltlll lIIllll Stilllt oi tiicytiungcr Mls she brings il ith lltl AND MADE AN t$5UE or EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN tlt llllllllllt midilli tlit origins from Grantham hi Liltltllllttl irom tlxiord liiimrsty with dcgrtr in chemistry ttllllttllt tor llritish ltllllet iiiitleiiixiilnzitc llllll look li dcgiti iiitl piictistti liciorc entirinupolitics liltll lllt majority slic ill liit lll thi new House ol luminous lllt lll umcrnnltnls lltlttlcs to reduce lllt tuissts iit lliitaiiis lilllll£lll itllilt sizilw lltt economic stlolliiliholii oi lllt initit union llitlllllilll Lirioill lntiziii llll nll ivvpoititl li priority lt bi tll town to olisciwing Ioiy iiiiiicri polity tklnci lll llli to cm llllitt iii iiitrinw Iii llllill pitttuc in llllllllll it lloly tiii iliiti hi lltlllllllitlll will accept llli iiil lill iiwl wimtot pouciiiiniiit lll lvlltlll illltl It lltl liiior tron t1piioi ioi lllt lilltltltll ll ll iitiizillgi lllltlfl loshnn litllllil llii is llit iiitii pitvim or ltllllitl lbor lOliitll iii ittniy in it it ll in tlic so tlitllsl lllltltiIl itotto lll ii llltittillll titsippiiiiwl lziizi illt lfllt iiinional diploiii tllt centv itlit ltl itiir liili llll lIiiiiv lti ltillltl lll proligilily folio itil liiolfl pith to strciiutlii ii lll lgt ll titliit toiiiintin liir kit itt lit5 ltlit IoiiJiiiiw lii illiitll ls ligiiti ltl stilv wiwti it tlilk gti irtiiiii is tlttlltl liirc Hi imiiw ii kt iiin loij giiiriiiiv iini iiij lltl uniiii ii iii iiiiiroii lii lii tiilsi iiig iililll LDWLsn From the legislature Schultz nte raises point By DEREK NELSON Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO During committee meeting here to discuss the ShultI letter Ontario Hydro gave good illustration of why so many politicians distrust them The Shultz missive came from an anonymous disgruntled employee of Hydro and was sent to opposition leader Stuart Smith It said Ontario Hydros CANDU reactors have the potential for causing an accident worse than the Three Mile Island nuclear incident at Harrisburg Pa Shultz listed seven incidents at Bruce nuclear station that he said could lead to such asituation Shultl listed seven incidents at Bruce nuclear station that he said could lead to such zisituation llydros reasonable response by chairman Robert Taylor was that none of them repre sented any radiation risk to the public and nOIlt represented any type of emergency situ ation And llydro officials wanted to meet the legislatures hydro affairs committee where Smith released the letter to give their side of the story EVENT REPORT So liydros operations general manager Lorne McConnell went before the committee to explain each of the incidents in detail All the happenings are recorded on what is called significent event report in Hydro files and McConnells first question came from MPP Evelyn iigantcs tNDPCarlcton East seeking definition of just what such report is She also wanted to know the difference between an abnormal event reportï¬andzi significant event report At first McDonnell replied there was no essential difference but when questioned about the meaning of the word essential modified that to read no difference This was all part of meandering question andanswer discussion and it was an hour be fore Mll Julian Reed llalton Burliiigtonl politely asked the same question again lililil ASKED Why did the report in front of him have separate little boxes for abnormal and significant if they were the same he asked Thats when McConnell called in another Hydro employee who conceded in an obscure fashion that they are different Understandably Gigantes was furious Dragging accurate answers from Hydro was like pulling teeth from horse Not that the llydro people were giving deliberately muddled responses but they looked bad as they fumbled with basic in formation about how Hydro works NEE CHANGES Their approach in fact made them look guilty of something as though they were trying to dodge questions or hide facts One doesnt expect engineers to have the verbal dexterity of politicians but they should either know how to answer simple questions simply or else immediately refer them to someone who can The cumulative effect of dragging in formation out of Hydro officials is to leave definite negative impression in political minds This is not to give the Shultl letter credence it shouldnt have since most of it is antinuclear propaganda but llydro is going to have to learn to handle its political public relations better Interpreting the neWs Timing is blamed for Labor defeat By BIRTH LEVETI LONDON tCPl single tactical blunder stands out as the Labor party begins to search for reasons behind its defeat inthe British general election The problem was timing Last October the party was primed to go to the people on its own terms Instead it de cided to sit tight and hope for better days Better days didnt come Restive unions chafing under years of voluntary wage restraint broke into open revolt when Prime lilinistchames Callaghan tried to enforce still tighter restrictions with his policy of fivepercentiorall Strikes filled the streets with garbage Docks wcnt silent under the threat of secondary picketing There were intermittent food shortages The Conservatives under Margaret Thatcher seized on the issue and called for stiff new union controls By the time the government fell by single vote on nonconfidence motion the Con servatives had major attentiongrabbing plank for their platform It was disaster for allaghan and Labor whose greatest pride was in the support of the unions Callaghan has taken responsibility for the blunder lie has never referred to it in those terms but says the demsion was his and if it went wrong then he was to blame BLAME SHARED its decision however that no prime minister takes on his own and the blame is being apportioned among Callaghans ad viscrs Chief among these is Sir Harold Wilson former prime minister who holds the unique distinction of winning four out of five elec tions he fought as Labor leader Callaghan relatively inexperienced in that regard although veteran politicran was fighting his first campaign as leader