flmom 1976 29 foot GOLDEN FALCON rear bedroom 54 double bed Four piece both roll up awning tutl carpeting Telephoneno 5070 1976 TAURUS llh travel trailer sleeps six fridge stove furnace hot water heated three piece bath Telephone 7269103otter6pm 577livestocttfltorsalen WANTED DEAD or crippled farm animals for free removal Call anytime collect 705 326 9743 Simcoe Recycling Hoescs BOARDED Excellent carc Track trails daily turn outs Just out side Barrie 436 5624 EIGHT YEAR OLD standard bred thoroughbred gelding I6 hands high has been shown successfully at H5A approved shows good mover bold iumper 776 tsat WANTED DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS $500 paid for any animal over 400 lbs 24 hours day upon request days week We also buy hides SIMCOE RECYCLING Serving You The Former 3269243 Cd select TF 59poultrychicks DEKALB READY to lay pullels Farm fresh eggs Laying cages for sale Craig Hunter Poultry Farms 4361811 LIVE LEGHORN fowl approximtoly lbs $100 each Available May and May 17 Craig Hunter Poultry Farm 43618 STDgarden supplies ROW GARDEN CENTRE HWY 93 CROWN HILL Fertilizers Bulbs Seeds Berries Fruit trees Evergreens Shade trees Roses Shrubs Perennials Box plants May 19 TIE4296 Iy4 63pastllre wanted PASTURE WANTED for 17 to 15 head of qulot Hereford atllr Pleaso phone 778 4471 67IIIIITS vegetabea APPLES Apply Koala and Son Con ccsslon Ora 778 8489 or 7761907 Na Sunday sales MaclNTOSH APPLES quart baskets 99 cents Cancillas Fruit Market 17 Clappcrton St Barrio illpersonals TELECARE Why light your problem alone Let friend help Call Telecare 776 7977 anytime MONECA psychic and card reading counselling Days ancievonings Monday through Friday Phone 778 8868 FACIAL AND BODY hair problem Removed permanently Malefemale clientele Free consultation Lydia Hren chuk Electrolysisclinic 737 767i BIRTH CONTROL INFORMATION 56 Mary Street Open Monday and Tuesday l00 430 pm and Thursday 630 930 737 4777 776 9300 Ext 736 INCOME TAX RETURNS may be prepared in your home Personal $6 00 and up JIM 776 8169 WANTED drummer bass lead guitarist For seriousband Rod Stewirt basori 479 73304pm to9p ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 7786581 if you drink thats your business it you wanttoquitthatsours Callanytimo RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie five minutes Windy Haugh Farm 776 0197 JAMES sychic Reader Private con sullallon psychic parties aura por traits Call evenings Mon Thurs 737 4300 RETIREMENT HOME residential sot tlng home cooking Registered nurse available Phone 776 5671 LET US PLAN your summer holidays lain the Ontario Motor League today Low Graves 75 year OML experience 776 1803 or 726 0765 INCOME TAX Did you pay too much Save money on next years rrlurns JIM 776 Bl69 JAMES VAIR of 78 Donald Street Unit Barrie Ontario will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name from this date forward may 3rd 1979 without my written consent 77 AUTHORIZED SALES SERVICE ELECT ROLUX 7283392 ASK FOR FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION TODAYI MTF HOUSE PLANT CARE AVAILABLE WHILE YOU ARE AWAY Reliable insured person with references Jim Driver 7284193 after pm With Your Own Personal Message She ll be touched by your Ihoaghllillness rind sulphselt hy the allg naliy at youl giNIIIQ Show Mother Grandma oi mle this uniqlli Way lhal costs so little Ind means so much Compose you message amt mltl trlendly ad writer 7370220 at ol call IhL norme Nlawtolnelplroma CENTRE CO LTD MESSAGES FOR MOM crudlo Drtvo Into an MOTHER SNAME MESSAGE 00 pm May 10 Your personal message will be run Saturday May 12th in our special All messages must be in by Greetings section Please limit your words to 24 ordor for $240 with your message or phone your greeting in 017282414 the examiner HmW5 EIJQQQ ro BOX 310 WASAGA BEACH Ont Leader In Ladies Foshi Require FULLTIME PARTTIME SALES PEOPLE For their store in the GEORGIAN MALL If you are fashion conscious and enioy selling please apply in mm ms BASKERVILLE TOWN Bl COUNTRY SHOPS GEORGIAN MALL on TUESDAY MAY 8th 1979 between 10 am pm no appointment necessary OTIS My5 MAINTENANCE MECHANIC We are seeking maintenance mechanic for our midnight shift The individual selected will be indirectly supervised by the day shift maintenance foreman and will be responsible for all 8rd shift repairs adiustments and preventative maintenance Must be able to operate all tool room equipment such as lathe milling machine welding machine and drill press Will be reauirod to check out minor electrical circuits or components The successful applicant will have minimum of years experience in industrial plant maintenance To obtain further information contact MR IIM LUNN BAXTER TRAVENOL LABORATORIES OF CANADA LTD PO BOX 2000 ALLISTON ONT LOM 1A0 My7 30 OWEN STREET BARRIE ONTARIO 7373000 TAURUS REAL ESTATE LTD REALTOR AMBITIOUS Real Estate Sales People Required NOW Because of our planned expansion we hqe openings for new or experienced salespeople High income for hard working individuals Training program Generous commission split Air conditioned office Central location Call MR THOMPSON Initially the candidate will have period of hands on Computer application exposure The position will ultimately lead to ACCOUNTANTOFFICE MANAGER responsibilities for the right person Preference will be shown for candidates who are well started on their career development towards industrial accounting management Apply to PERSONNEL OFFICE 320 ELIlABETII $1 MIDLAND ONTARIO LATHE PERATOR REQUIRED excelent wages excelent benefits excellent working conditions steady employment training program available commutator manufacturing experience an asset but not CALL 1281469 Industrial Commutotor Company Limited 80 Morrow Road Barrio Ont MyI2 WAREHOUSE organized individual with strong back capable of controlling both the paper work and the phySlcaI nun dling of the steel We are offering career position with an above average salary to the suc cesslul candidate Please call for an interview MyIO PRODUCE MANAGER required Must be experienced Apply in person or phone for appointment SIGNED and enclose cheque or money PHONE 4295172 My7 TEMPORA For goreen Acres Home for Must be registered in the work shifts Applications Metropolitan Employment Office Toronto or at Green Acres 194 Eagle Street Newmarket PARTTIME Full or PartTime Your area Male or female or couple IF manufacturing organilation NO investment Opportunity to progress to full time management Interesting challenging For iob outline folder and receptive customers everywhere At present we have openings for sales representatives in We have an immediate BARRIE requirement for Warehouse oORO TWP Manager The suc cessful candidates respon INNISFILTWP sibilities will be shipping FLOS TWP receiving material control °WASAGA BEACH scheduling and material OTINY TWP hordlng Phone today and find out how This position requires an 11Hour NEW CAR SALESPERSON With the following qualifications iiard working aggressive personality ¢Illty to communicate effectivon with customers onI organized end able to accept the challenges required to be top producer automotive sales experience an asset The successful applicant will find oxcellent commission plan ltbovo average working condition oompany paid benefit program demomtrator supplied Please note Providus applicants are being considered for this position For an appointment to discuss your future with our growing company please cell VIN Am MCIHIW IMCSdIMqer Sales Limited 319 Boyfield It Cundles out no 1312310 The Home of Service Excellence In Barrio My Salary RY REGISTERED NURSES $688 hour the Aged in Newmarket Province of Ontario and willing to hould be made in person at the 67 Adelaide Street East My7 CIRCULATION DEPT ASSISTANT required immediately at THE EXAMINER APPLY IN PE THE EXAMI Must have valid drivers licence be able to accept some responsibility and work on Saturda RSON AT CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT MR HALKES OR MR WHITE REGISTERED NURSE REGISTERED NURSING ASSISTANT Applications are being received for permanent parttime position as well as summer relief position In nursing home For interview appointment telephone IMMEDIATE OPENING es Free training or or supervisory A59162330My7 AVO SELL THE 4361461 9am pm LOOKING FOR WORK youownacarandcanqualify Present yourself the 7373000 Icon show how to 90m professional way with one of $100$200 week our individually prepared parttime resumes S200S4000 week COME IN and see us for fast futHime reasonable and professional Day andor evening work service ACCOUNTING OPPORTUNITY W° wd C°°° memorial Bursu DUPLICATIHG AND TYPIHG SERVIC I9 DUNLOP IARRIE 7289819 MECHANICAL appointment please leave ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR your name address and Requires competent phone number at assistant to help our onsite 131 construction superintendent in the day to day administration and operations of large construction proiect The job will require the ability to maintain files and smooth flow of paper work etc Please reply in writing to BOX A33 The Examiner Barrie VOLKSWAGEN MECHANIC M12 My7 Jy9 Must be fully experienced BEST KNOWN am MOTORS LTD 2497666 NAME lN BEAUTY Avons top quality products find easy it is to get started Highest commission Call 7289652 Avon you make me SMILE TF GROCERY STORE MANAGER REOUIREDFOR CANADIAN FORCES BASE BORDER ONTARIO Our retail company has coast to coast outlets in Canada An attractive position for capable individual willing to take on responsibility in terested in good pay plus comprehensive benefits package including pension plan To qualify perience five years ex in grocery operations preferably with some management background Please forward resume to Personnel Manager CANEX Control Office PO Box 1530 Station Ottawa Ontario KIP SR5 My7 Business background Parttime EXPERIENCED HAIR wanted Must have at least years ex perlencc Full time including Saturdays Preferably wrth own clientele Wages plus commission Call 778 8475 alter NIGHT CLE RK tor weekends Saturday and Sundays II person roqwred Apply in person to manager Bayshorc Motor Hotel REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY tor spr people with mechanlcal background used to heavy work Phone for lntevlcw 776 897i CLEANING LADY tor cxocutlve home in Shanty Bay One day or lwohalt days transportation ing shop remuneration Toronto Closed Mondays MyIl TEACHERS and 7269574 WEEKEND SUPERVISOR Mature person to supervise student employees weekends holidays References and written up and statutory plications only marketing My28 SIMCOE COUNTY MUSEUM RR Mhesitg Ont LOL 1Y0 SPEEDY AUTO GLASS has lab opening for an experienced auto glass in staller or person with years mechanical training Apply to Manager Speedy Auto Glass North Barrio Pine 7207911 week Own Relorences My 14 DRESSER mature Days ASE 4000 evenings 737 1914 COMPANY EXPANSION Immediate openings people needed skilled or unskilled Will lot Iran Abow average earnings depending on QUalIf lng posltlons Catt 776 7400 Good reqwred 11 wilted NEED MONEY Fuller Brush Company provides flexible hours field support top commision Cameron Bower 776 9775 RETIRED COUPLE required to manage year round to suite resort con dominum complex in Wasaga Beach Free accomodation includes modern bedroom suite with lake view private beach Housekeeping duties general maintenance and reservations Must be bendable 519 977 $890 atterop SECOND CHEF required Must be ex porienced Full time Also parltime waitresseswaiters Apply in person at Port of Barrie Restaurant 18 Dunlop west ENERGETIC PERSON to sell Iadies fashions at house parties possible earn ings n00 per wetk in spare time Telephone 445 1019 or 445 8467 collect SALESPERSON EXPERIENCED in aluminum sidingsottit fascia seamless eavestroughing doors win claws and awnings commission 7765609 TWO PART TIME positions Sundays thu Thursdayss to9 and ms 70 hours per week 3150 per hour in teresting work with children and the community Send resume to Barrle Cable TV FM6I Patterson Road Barrie CARPENTER with log building in forests also saw mill operator Phone Mr Chuck Peacock for interview 726 1966 TOP NOTCH salesperson required for active new home subdivision and resales Top commission for right per son Chance for advancement Call Gerry 737 I711 Virgo Realty Ltd ROUTE SALESPERSON required for local company excellent opportunity for right person Write Box A30 The Ex aminer Barrie Ont EXPERIENCED SHIRT PRESSER re guired full time position Apply in per son WrightCleaners 103 Baytield Street Barrie CARPENTER with log building in terests also saw mill operator Phone Mr Chuck Peacock for interview 7761966 TOP NOTCH salesperson required for active new home subdivision and resales Top commission for right per son Chance for advancement Call Gerry 737l21t Virgo Realty Ltd ROUTE SALESPERSON required for local company excellent opportunity for right person Write Box A30 The Ex aminer Barrie Ont EXPERIENCED SHIRT PRESSER re quired fulltime position Apply in per son Wright Cleaners 103 Bayiield Street Barrie MECHANICS CLASS Busy flat rate shop excellent working conditions and mechanics bonus plan benefits sincerely motivated personnel only Ap ply in person to Walter Shirley Centen nial Plymouth Chrysler100 Bradford St Barrie 78tondo COUNTY OF SIMCOE CONSTRUCTION TENDERS FOR NEW ARCHIVES BUILDING HIGHWAY 26 NEAR MIDHURST ONTARIO SEALED LUMP SUM TENDERS plainly marked New Archives Building will be received by The Archivist at Simcoe County Museum Archives Highway 26 one mile west of iunction of Highway 27 northwest of Barrie until 400 pm local time Thursday May 31 1979 Drawings and specifications will be available to General Contractors upon deposit of $10 cheque made payable to the Architects Documents may County MuseumArchives Building or at the office of the Architects Boigon Arm strong 61 Curlew Drive Don Mills Ontario Phone 416 445 6840 on or after 200 pm Thursday May 10 1979 Deposit will be returned if drawings and specifications are returned in good condition within 10 days of Tender closing Bid Bond in the amount of $10000 will be required with each Tender 50 Per formance Band will be required of the successful General Contractor The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Tenders Reeve Howard Campbell Chairman MuseumArchives Board Mr Peter Moran Archivist 11 hob wanted would like more information about an Examiner Carrier Yes Route ADDRESS be picked up at the Simcoe NAME AGE ZLLhhlflrm STOP ASK YOURSELF More will lie and what will be doing your from today if continue what am doing now We have sales positions to fill in Simcoo County area which can develop into management for the right person You can immediately expect to AVERAGE our $300 WEEK COMMISSION Attend weeks of schooling in Toronto expenses paid Youll be guaranteed $2500 commissions your first 13 weeks Be given the opportunity to advance rapidly into management To Qualify Must be active Agolegal or over Ambitious Dependable High school graduate or better Own good car and be bondable FOR THE RIGHT PERSON THIS IS LIFETIME CAREER OP PORTUNITY WITH AN IN TERNATIONAL GROUP OF COMPANIES Equal Opportunity Company MF Oil for Appointment Howl IIM SEABROOK Tuesday May 8th Only 11am to pm ORILLIA 3259820 My7 TOP COMMISSIONS Ottawa Sell anywhere part timefull time sideline Calendars ad specialties printed labels tapes ball pens office supplies etc Our 27th year New catalogue available Alco Box 3777 Births In Memoriam no verse Coming Events 81births Mondays Child is lair ol tace Tuesdays Child isfullol grace Wednesdays Child islull olwoe Thursdays Child nastar toga Fridays Child isloving and givmg Saturdays Child works hard for its living And child that is born on the Sab bath Day Is fair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other important information tor your childs future An Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name at your child the day of the week month and year of birth the weight and other vital information printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for an Examiner Birth Notlco is only S550 PHONE 778 7414 ucetning events BINGO St John Vianney Hall EVERY TUESDAY $200 Jackpot MTF DESSERT TEA rum IEIEKAII LODGE NO tpo MAY 9th 1979 I00F HALL 155 Ferris Lute Barrie 130 pm to 330 pm Bake Table Green Thumb Table White Elephant Table Admission 75 My4 Tsm schools ACADEMY The Practical Step to Your Future Now today is the time to set your sights on rewor dlng interesting and satisfying career with ROSS ACADEMY Take the practical step to on exciting future We after six month day courses days week begin ning March and September ENROLL NOW FOR SEPTEMBER CLASSES REGISTRATION IS LIMITED FOR SOME CLASSES SO ACT NOW DENTAL ASSISTANT ILIIHL BIIICE ASSISIIIS c3 SEEIHIIIAL sums mutt cum 1qu cranium Will IIIILIIIIL mutual DIAIIIITI WEI Tm Ede101mm bl landI Ptoconllrrt Munm Offered IlaMd Autumn Avdidlo ROSS ACADEMY 277 Adelaide Street South Lotion Ontario N51 3K7 or phone 519 6865233 Atom City nrT Ago ruut c0 Phone OIICI COUISI FIIILRLHCE AND SEND AD i°21iTifl2l Read The Examiner To Buy Buy The Examiner To Read 11 Itolp wanted EUGENIA PHONE 11 heb lIM YOU CAN EARN EXTRA MONEY AND WIN PRIZES T00 EXAMINER ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE IN THESE AREAS Phone 7266539 THERESA AMELIA ETC TORONTO HIGH STS RAGLAN CENTRE KING STS ANGUS PARENTS SIGNATURE Clip and send to The Examiner Box 370 Barrie L4M 4T6 the examiner Monay r4217 19117 SPECIA OTE RATE Death Notices Engagements Cards of Thanks minimum 40 words additional words 11 cents per word Verso per count line extra 23 cents $600 $600 $6 $343 per colu inch CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Classified advertisements and hoticos for those pages must be received by pm day preceding publication with the exception of Oossified Display advertisements which must be in by pm two days prior to publication BIRTH NOTICE ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words $600 Additional words 11 cts per word CARD OP THANKS 40 words 00 Addi tional words 11 cts per word It MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse 00 With verso per count line 23 cents per line COMING EVENTS $343 per column inch LASSIFIED ADVERTISING 24 word ninimum Cosh Discount Rates apply If paid within days One or two insertions 10 per word Insertion Three consecutive in sertions cents per word insertion total $684 Six consecutive Insertions per word per insertion total 31296 Multiple Inser tions may be ordered subiect to cancellation when satisfactory results obtained Method of counting fewer than 24 words count as 24 words Each initial abbreviation set of numbers etc count as separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone Insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Classified Advertising Department re quires advertisers to kindly rnchock their advertisement immediately after first inser tion In order that any error or omission may be reported before am In order that some may be rectified for the following day publication The Examiner ls responsible for only one incorrectly printed insertion of any advertisement and then only to the extent of portion of ad that involves the misprint Er rors which do not lesson the value of the advertisement are not eligible for correc tions by make goods The Examiner reserves the right to classify revise or reiect any want ads PHONE 7282414 NOTICE Dgadline for classified word ads pm day previous noon Saturday BOX REPLIES YWhile every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers of the advertiser os soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alledged to arise through either failure or delay In forwarding such replies however otherwise TF EXAMINER PA1TERN$ TwoWays Pretty Printed Pattern 4789 818 67AM flow5 Coveted or cool The ch0lce is yours with this quickeasy OUIIII Few pattern parts for the dress ditto for the iacket Choose thrifty cottonDacron blends Printed Pattern 4789 Misses Slzes 10 12 1416 18 Size 12 bust 34 dress 214 yards 45 lnch lacket 112 yards $150 for each patterncash cheque or money order Add 35¢ each pattern for firstclass mail and handllng Ont residents add 11¢ sales tax Print plainly Size Style Number your flame ROUfess Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dept Ibo 109 ILMJMIILIIF CHANGE The big fashion changes are in our NEW SPRING SUMMER PATTERN CATALOG Dresses tops skirts pants vests jackets plus $150 free pattern coupon Send 75¢ tor catalog l30$wuters$izes 38663150 iZSQuicilEasy Transfers$150 lZSPatctlworll Quilts 3156 127Mzhans Dollies 3150