the examiner Friday May 1979 Chay This is the time the problem but do know could be cut if the following suggestions were carried out Parents make sure that cle If you are not sure how to keep bicycle fit and safe for the road then take it to someone who knows Make sure that your child knows all the signals of the road the same as car drive childs mind so make sure signals when riding on the road Motorists must realize that the cyclist rights on the road too an should slow down motorists see how close the and even drive the rider off great if the motorists would all give riders break Truck lrivers when passing person on bicycle for Gods sake slow down Wind has caused injury The wind large truck causes has blown many cyclists right oft the road causing severe injuries Parent should make sure their child has taken part in bicycle safety rodeo either at the school or check with the local police ihey HII know when and where one will be held And please when the safety program is over deter mine the childs problems when riding and the faults of the bicycle he rides iakc sure both are corrected before he is let loose on the streets again is iarents please dont pu on bicycles without super ision They are not mentally alert Cyclists be careful By III HARPER newspapers nearly every day some youngster has been hurt or killed while riding bicyc of year when we read in le havent got the solution to the accident rate for cyclists your child is riding safe bicy The motorist cant read your your child uses all the proper when passing rider Some can come without hitting them the road at times It would be five andsmyearold children enough to be alone on the roads The proper sit bicycles Dont buy your child bicyc they will grow Into it iake perfect for proper control Should he ordered off road it Bieyeles with extended forks and those altered to resemble some motorcycles should be ordered off the road Most of these machine could not pass bicycle safety test to Although it isnt against the law dont think riders should be on the road after dark Even with reflectors and lights they are not eaily seen So parents dont let your youngsters out on their bicycles after dark The above to suggestions may help save some youngster from spending the summer in hospital bed or worse being killed The Ontario Recreational inc cle tours scheduled for terested in bicycle tour dates Just phone me at 43671951 let us all make this summer great one by being safety conscious both while riding our bicycles and while driving Master archers are most important for safety le that is too big with the hope sure the size and position are Cycling Committee has many the summer If anyone is in would be happy to supply the coming here for national team trials Trials for tanadas National archer team tII he held it anadiau Forces Ilase Borden lallill lhe Borden ltod and ion clubs bid to stage the exent was accepted it the national organization Itort master archers will compete for place on llil two eight man teams one for men one for women The tour day event will take place on the Borden field beside the main recreation building starting at 10am daily The Tanadian teams will go on to compete in the Pan American Games in San Juan Puerto Rico and at the World Target Archery Championships in Beriin this summer Spectators are welcome to at tend Refreshments will be available and there is no admis sion fee on Celebration Fans celebrate behind the glass as from right Mike Milbury and Bobby Schmautz congratulate Jean Ratelle obscured at left after Ratelle scored in overtime to give the Boston Bruins 43 victory over the Montreal Canadiens Thursday night in Boston AP Photo MS race on again at Barrie Raceway Barrie Raceway wiiijoin the race againt Multiple Sclerosis again this year on May 16 Gary Crowe chairman of the Race against MS at Barrie helped the harness racing drivers raise over $3100 last year the second highest total in the country next to Calgarys Stampede Park The Race against MS is na tionwide campaign at stan dardbred facilities and pro vides money for research and ptient service for those already suffering from this debilitating disease Horsemen are concerned member of the community said Crowe and this is one way in which the harness rac ing industry can contribute towards the improvement of life in that community Last year drivers trainers GARY CROWE heads local horsemen owners and friends generated considerable excitement over the campaign and made it success at the Barrie track Check the label on your light beer and see how it stacks up against Trilight Know what youll find When it comes to light beer Nobody brews it lighter Read the ï¬ne print your light beer OnlyTriIight has 60 calories Umpires give Hartsfield headaches while Brewers give Blue Jays loss MILWAUKEE AP wasnt thinking about bringing in new pitcher wanted to bring in new umpires Toronto manager Roy Hartsfield said Thursday night after con troversial call in the ninth in ning of the Blue Jays Ameri can League baseall game with Milwaukee Brewers What got Hartsfield all steamed up was the ruling that Charlie Moore of the Brewers had been hit by Tom Under wood pitch Underwood was cruising along with fivehitter until he allowed oneout singles to Robin Yount and Dick Davis in the bottom of the ninth But Local golfers eligible for Timmys Golf Week More than 150 golf courses across Central Ontario are ex pected to participate in Al Baldings Golf Week for Tim my benefit golf competition scheduled for May 1221 Play is open to all golfers and special handicap will be used to give everyone an equal op portunity to earn shot at the winnerss tounament of cham pions at Torontos Rolling Hills course July 10 Entrance fee is $10 round excluding green fees eight 8mm PO OLS Our new telephone number is 7265333 dollars of which goes to the On tario Society for Crippled Children The other $2 is scorecard fee for prizes at par ticipating courses The competition is co sponsored by the Professional Golfers Association and the Police Association of Ontario For more information con tact Ed Membery Golf Haven Country Club Gilford at 4562026 or Paul Goghill York Regional Police Association Newmarket at 416 8953249 COLELLA DENTU RE THERAPY CLINIC romrm BARRIE DENTURE cumc 7264721 I49A DUNLOP ST BARRIE MEMBER DENTURIST SOCIETY after Moore got on base and Paul Molitor younded into fielders choice at the plate Underwood walked Gorman Thomas and Cecil Cooper to force in pair of runs and hand the Brewers 54 win He never should have had to pitch to Thomas or Cooper Hartsfield contended Moore claimed he had been hit in the toe by the pitch Home plate umpire Richard Heitzer initially called the pitch ball but Moore was awarded the base after first base umpire Jim Mulchay another ama teur working the game because ADVERTISEMENT Worried About How Youll Look With Hearing Aid Chicago lliA free offer of special interest to those who hear but do not understand words has been announced by Beltone nonoperating model of the smallest Beltone aid of its kind will be given ab solutely free to anyone re questing it Send for this model put it on and wear it in the privacy of your own home While many people with hearing loss will not receive any significant benefit from any hearing aid this free model will show you how tiny hearing help can be it is not real hearing aid and its yours to keep free The ac tual aid weighs less than third of an ounce and its all at car level in one unit These models are free so we suggest you write for yours now Again we repeat there is no cost and certainly no obli gationThousandshavealready been mailed so write today to Dept 942i Beltone Elec tronics 4201 Victoria St Chicago Illinois 60646 of the major league umpires strike said the Milwaukee batter had been hit didnt hit him Under wood insisted it was land2 pitch and it was slider Im not taking anything away from Charlie Youve got to try any thing to win The defeat kept Underwood winless in four decisions this year Tough Job Bolens IIT25 WIII make short work Dale Robertson and the Bolens H123 lrlctor 23 hp twin cylinder Kohle cast iron engine Two speed rear axle matches power to me iob makes short No spool hydraulic action lets you perform two hydraulic operations at It once Singlepedal hydrostatic drive leaves NOW ONLY your hands tree for steering and controlling attachments Powerful yet quiet year round performance 52 optional attachments including smoothcutting 48 and 54 mowers 48 stage snowthrower tiller trontcnd louder and more $556595ji rm t979 rm Culpotnllnn Available at these dealers BARRIE ONTARIO Calvin Madill Bolens Sales Service 13 Woodcrest Road ORILLIA ONTARIO STAYNER ONTARIO Parnham Small Motors Bellamy Equipment Ltd Completely decked and fenced Fanta Sea Pool For Just 358950 Includes sand filter maintenance kit and start up chemicals DRY CHLORINE PLEASE SEND ME FREE COPY OK VOUI 24 PAGE CATALOGUE POOLS LIMITED QUANTITIES 16 32 Inground Pool completely installed 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