Iifel Abb Hoffman eaks in Barrie at Bi Sisters dinner By CLAUDIA KRAUSE Of The Examiner She still tries to run regular Myths excluded women from compe Iy But at 32 this former Olym pic runner and Commonwealth Games gold medalist now con siders herself more of jog ger lead fairly normal ex istence now says Abby Hoff man in Barrie on Wednesday to speak at the annual fundrais ing dinner of the Big Sisters Association of Barrie consider work relatively long hours ias executive secretary of the Ontario Human Rights Commission also stay up very late eat ir regularly and lot Ms Hoffman says she used to run every morning and every evening automatically and without procrastinating She says she was at her athletic peak for the 1972 Olym pic Games in Munich West Germany where she made it into the finals finishing eighth and at personal best record little more than second separated the first person and the eighth was satisfied that it was the best could do Sixteen years of competitive running Why did she stop havent been in race for three years quit mainly because no longer had the time to continue training as an athlete at the na tional level she says adding that in todays competitive sports training has to be full time commitment Answering uestions from an audience of most 100 women who attended the $25aplate dinner Ms Hoffman said government support for athletes at the international level is now reasonably good It falls down for those just slightly below that calibre and until somebody achieves inter national level its up to them or their parents to support them One of the biggest failings is in the area of coaching There are very few coaches and our coaching doesnt compare with the sophisticated scientific ap proach used in Europe Asked about the rights of young girls to play competitive sports with boys teams she says she personally believes boys and girls should be allow ed to play team sports together at young age At an older age however boys and girls should be segregated into separate leagues In her prepared speech Ms Hoffman outlined the history of women in competitive sports explaining that lot of ac tivities which were closed to women for no real reason are new opening Myths that strenuous exer cise might cause gynecological difficulties for women were un founded says Ms Hoffman She cited studies which have found that women active in Journalists to speak at sports in fact delivered their babies more easily According to one study 15 per cent of female medal winners were pregnant at the time they competed she says When the Olympics were revived in 1896 and the issue of the acceptability of women in competitive sports was debated it was decided women should not compete By 1928 however women had fairly extensive program in the Olympics including track and field but the debate over whether sports were ap propriate for women con tinued Canadian women at that point in history were among the best in the world especially in track and field Later the Olympic commit tee decided it was indeed disgraceful for women to ap pear in public in such distraught state Ms Hoffman said Women were then excluded from running the 800ltmetre race from 1928 until it was again opened to women in 1960 Ms Hoffman said she has been surprised and pleased at Canadian womens ac celerating interest in sports in recentyears urge you if you are not already doing so to share in the pleasure of physical or recrea tional sport activity Its enough to do what for you as an individual is an ac complishment she said If theres one message can leave with you its the idea that its never too late to start on fitness program Edit Claudio Esqusgï¬rmrw ti tive sports Members of the Barrie Gymnastics Club had chance to talk with Olympic runner Abby Hoffman following their performance Wednesday at the annual fundralsing dinner of the Big Sisters Association of Barrie All 26 girls wanted Ms Hof fmans autograph Examiner Photo Solution for oversleeping ilgglvmérs Dear Ann Landers Ed and have been married 13 ears Our problem is driving me nuts Ed hates to get out of bed in the morning Even after 11 or 12 hours sleep he depends on me to drag him out of the sack Yesterday it took nearly an hour and was worn out When Ed finally does get up he throws things around spills coffee on the floor tears down curtains and screams at me because made him late towork There must be solution to this problem What is it Exhausted In Columbus Dear Ex Recently got clobbered by my readers because of response to similar letter NOW know the best solution is the following Tell Ed you will no longer be the victim of his rages Make it clear that from now on he gets up on his own or he sleeps until tomorrow Buy three alarm clocks with an earpiercing ring Set them to go off ten minutes apart Make no effort to pull the Iummox out of bed If after the third ring hes still prone leave him be It might take couple of weeks before Ed gets the message but eventually he will if you refuse to knuckle under Dear Ann Landers have figured out marvelous method to stop the flood of junk mail Please spread the word to all your readers Here itis Take the stamped card or envelope and write across it in big letters NO Then drop it in mailbox The sender will have to pay firstclass postage when it is returned to him If enough dpeople do this it will make junk mailings so expensive an unprofitable they will take the protesters off their list Garbage mail is sent out at bulk rates It jams the mail system slows up delivery and costs the senders very little When the junk is returned however it goes first class and costs them big money Lets all give it try and see what happens Eilena Washington DC Dear Eilena Your marvelous method wont work checked with Ralph Stuart in the public affairs office at the Chicago Post Office He said If the envelope does not state Return Postage Guaranteed most junk mail does not it will be destroyed The company does not pay postage on the returned mail Dear Ann Landers What is mother to do have nineyearold daughter who will be ten years old in May She has been nagging me for months to let her have her ears pierced for her tenth birthday It seems all her little friends have pierced ears and she talks of nothing else dont like to see young children with earrings and was able to hold my round fairly well until Am Carter was allowed to have er ears pierced as gift for her tenth birthday Now havent leg to stand on What do you think about pierced ears for tenyearolds OldFashioned Mother In Vermont Dear Vermont Mother Its what the little girls want today and see nothing wrong with letting them have it Dont sweat the small stuff Honey9 curriculum conference curriculum conference sponsored by Simcoe County Board of Education and called The Child Our Future is plann ed for May 10 to 12 at Blue Mountain Resorts near Coll ingwood Conference chairman is John Freudeman principal of Stayner Collegiate Scheduled speakers are Laurier LaPierre and Roy Bonisteel LaPierre radio and televi sion journalist is commislt sioner of the Enquiry into Education for Young People He will speak on May 10 at 830 pm on the topic of Cur riculum an Educational and Social Contract La Pierre says that the Early Childhood Commission New in Town Youll find friend where you see this sign 00 IVSMII IIILNCO For more information call Phone 7286748 out flaw ALSO QUALITY To REMEIgBER HER MOTHER DA OUR FINE QUALITY LEATHER HAND BAGS AND CLUTCHES STYLES AND SIZES PRICED FROM 8265 S1 500 SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION or QUALITY VINYL HANDBAGS AND CLUTCHES FROM 380° S5250 BARBIE LEA THER GOODS BA FIELD MALL 7265291 has found that centralized cir riculum is often elitist non functional and an injustice to the children The new cirriculum must be spontaneous made moment to moment to prepare children to be what they are Bonisteel host of CBC Televi sions Man Alive program is national speaker at education medical and public events He will speak on May 11 on the topic When Grow Up Want to be Person For more information on the conference write Curriculum Conference 79 Box 374 Coll ingwood Ont Barries French nursery school holds open house Barries French Nursery School Au Jardin du Soleil is holding open house for parents and their children on Monday at Trinity Anglican Church hall 24 Collier St Hours are 930 to 11 am and 130 to pm Parents interested in learn ing more about this French im mersion nursery school and those interested in registering their children for the fall ses sion are invited to sit in on the class For more information call 7269913 or 7371927 afternoons only Former addict helps teens escape drugs prostitution TORONTO CP Christine Binns is former drug addict with degree in social work who walks downtown streets trying to stop teenagers from becoming prostitutes and ad diets She says its not easy can watch pimping and drug dealing in the Eaton Centre Where are the police Wheres the security The cops dont seem to be doing enough about drugs Theres lot of speed her oin acid LSD and TH on the strip But there are also such legal prescription drugs as the tranquillizer Valium and the painkiller Percodan The 27yearold woman is one of four persons who patrol the SEWING MACHINE CO Your representative in this am Mn Irondo Harrll 12630 MnJMVIs lurrrharn 1311407 IN MANY SER VICE street trying to persuade the Downtown Youth Centre for teenagers there to go to the counselling Cheque presented to hospital Glenna Granger left head nurse in pediatrics at Royal Victoria Hospital in peOple and places Attic treasures Huronia Symphony womens committee will hold sale of at tic treasures on May 12 from 930 am to pm at the Downtown Centre on Dunlop Street West Barrie Date changed Gryphon Theatre Guild has changed the date of its general meeting to May 14 at 745 pm The meeting originally scheduled for May will be held at 33 Theresa St Barrie Free public meeting Renilde Montessori grand daughter of the founder of Montessori schools will speak at free public meeting on May 17 at pm at Grace United Church Barrie The church is located at 350 Grove St Barrie accepts cheque for $800 to cover the cost of stretcher for the pediatrics word from Joyce Rees worthy matron of the Bayview Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star Looking on from behind are left to right Shirley Toporowski past worthy matron and May Milton also past worthy matron The group raises funds through benevolent work Examiner Photo ANNOUNCING New Personal Development Semindr UNDERSTANDING YOURSELF FINDING MEANING IN YOUR LIFE PURPOSE Selfawareness meaning to your life QUESTlONS TO BE ADDRESSED OOur personal life goals OOur name how it holds our destiny Depth psychology CJ Jung Transactional Analysis human relations Stages of psychological development OMorriage and family living Dreams their importance guidance 0Copingsolving emotional problems LOCATION Continental Inn Barrie Ontario FEATURING Dr Michael Rock Doctor of Adult Education Human Relations Consultant 8A BPh BTh MTh LTh EdD TOTAL FEE $4000parson $6500couple DATES Saturday Sunday May 1213 1979 LOCAL AREA CONTACTS Lorna Kilgore7054241200 Ioc 2497 Mary McNeil 705 4244200 Ioc 2720 OR CONTACT MICHAEL ROCK ASSOCIATES LTD I00 Roehompton Avenue Suite I03 Toronto Ontario MAP IRS Alb 485 878 Theyre still friends ALLISTON When ask there was any truth to th urnor his wife and Margare rudeau were roommates f0 wo years rogressive andiate in Wellingtong ufferinSimcoe becam uiet and looked puzzled hink they roomed togethen or as long two years Then almost as an after hought he said But th was long time ago before everything Beatty says his wife Julie who roomed with Margaret Sinclair is still friends with Mrs Trudeau but the tw women rarely see each other Basement bargains sale of basement bargains furnishings books toys or naments clothing and white elephant goods will be held May 12 from am to pm at Bur ton Avenue United Church Barrie by the United Church Women 11th anniversary Grove Park Home will be celebrating its 11th anniversary on Saturday with an afternoon tea and open house from to Located on the corner of Cook and Grove Streets in Barrie Grove Park is nonprofit home for the aged providing residential care for 68 seniors and day program called Senior Encounter for seniors still living in the community Branch meeting The Barrie branch of the Order of St John will hold its annual meeting on Sunday at 730 pm Inspecting officer is Al Macmillan Barrie Rotary Club president The branch has new am bulance on order but it has not yet arrived At the meeting formation of senior citizens course and addition of members to the branch com mittee will be discussed Plant sale Oro Township Horticultural Society is holding spring plant sale at Oro Township Hall May 26 from to pm Donations will be appreciated Society members will again display flowers at Simcoe County Museums spring festival Midhurst on May 27 The next open meeting of the society will beheld June 11 at pm Agnew Millward will show slides and talk about how to grow good perennials Anyone interested is welcome to attend FIE Forming club Residents of Midhhurst are asked to help form communi ty service club meeting is planned for May 28 at Midhurst Community Hall at pm For more information call 7373333 or 7372672 New officers elected Barrie and District Associa tion for the Physically Disabled holds its next meeting Wednes day at Sunnidale Community Centre Barrie at 730 pm New officers will be elected For more information call 4282005 or 7283920 Ingredient potential hazard study MONTREAL CP Two of five brands of sleeping pills named in the US as containing methapyrilene considered to be potentially dangerous do not contain the substance in the Canadian product drug company spokesmen said Wednesday The US government said Tuesday it may soon ban meth apyrilene the active ingredient commonly used in nonpre scription sleep aids following findings that the substance is potent carcinogen in animals and potential human hazard Two of the overthecounter drugs containing methapyrilene sold in the United States are Sominex and Nytol but the Canadian distributors for the drugs say they do not contain the sub stance Wins contest at mall Melinda Stewart of Barrie won the grand prize In Bayfleld Malls Easter Coloring Contest Here she is shown with Susan Couture the malls Easter Bunny Alternate prize winners were Bren da Lynch of Barrie Chris Deveaux of Barrie Sum mer Lee Hlles of Stroud Jennifer Turnbull of Borden Bradley Bellerby of Barrie Bill Dunbrook of Barrie Trina Long of Waubausheno Michelle Snipe of Barrie and Tracy Frltsch of Colllngwood Erma Bombeck Lure of food processors as think its safe to say that lusted after food processor for two years wanted to give birth to my zucchini respond to my push button control and flash those whirling blades just for me Being practical however had to justify it told my hus band the children would make better grades in school if their carrots were sliced uniformly told him no one would need glasses if we got the lumps out of the white sauce And once got the hang of how to use all the blades could take in potatoes to slice for profit He bought it Literally The first week dedicated my life to chopping slicing and grating had bags of sliced tomatoes bags of chopped onions bags of diced peppers bags of soups bags of mushrooms bags of ground meat bags of bread dough and ifthey ever made apizza the size of the Astrodome had the grated cheese for it My refrigerator looked like pillow city One morning my husband opened the refrigerator door and shut it quickly Whats the blob in there What blob The one that is restless Its pureed lettuce It was clearly time to move on to the next plateau sauces had bags of mayonnaise bags of hollandaise sauce and bags of white sauce Maybe it was coincidence but in moving bag of lemon sauce one day WAS struck with the similarity to the pouch was carrying on my hips By the time got to the chapter on breads cakes and cookies began getting complaints from the family My husband said to me one afternoon dont know how to tell you this but have never trusted anything ground up Somehow always feel they are hiding something by giving it another form What are you trying to say am sick of sipping salads through straw cannot eat another thing that is chopped sliced diced liquefied mashed or grated Maybe we could have another baby asked brightly Well maybe just little more pureed lettuce he said extending his plate Pollys Pointers Glycerine lifts Color DEAR POLLY Please tell me how to remove red lipstick stains from white jacket MSW DEAR MSW Since you failed to say whether or not your jacket is washable we will assume It In or the dry cleaner would have removed the stains Soften with glycerine and then launder In hot suds if the fabric will take It Or you could put the stains face down on paper towels sponge the back with dry cleaning solvent and replace the towels with clean ones to absorb the red color When removed dampen the spots with water rub wlth bar soap rinse and then launder as usual POLLY DEAR POLLY During these days of such high utility bills conserve heat when cooking noodles spaghetti etc by using hot water from the faucet cover the pan wrth aird and bring to fast boil Add the noodles or whatever bring to rolling boil cover with lid and turn the heat off Let stand for 15 minutes and then drain MRS JP DEAR POLLY Like MH too had trouble with waffles sticking to my waffle iron Now before plugging It in spray the iron very thoroughly with nonstrck spray and have perfect waffles that do not stick EVELYN DEAR POLLY have found good use for those plastic bags the newspaper comes in on rainy days keep several of them in babys diaper bag and when diaper rs soiled it goes into bag tie knot in the top and have an odorfree disposal SUSAN DEAR POLLY To break up hard lump of brown sugar rub it on my grater Use potato masher to make fancy patterns on cookies or hot breads potato peeler is more efficient than knife or grater when shaving chocolate LaVergne