Fourlane widening opposed City wants alternative By DENNIS LANTHIER Of The Examiner The cit administration will be ask for an alternative Monday to the four lane widen in of Dunlop Street motion to be introduced by Ald Jim Shirley comes as the result of objections from residents living along the route from Poyntz Street to Blake Street The alderman will recom mend the administration look at widening the street to 36 feet only The city intends in 1911 to wi en the road to about 46 feet The idea said the alderman came from Roger Oaktley planning board member who noted parts of the South Kingsway in Toronto was handling traffic with the 36 foot width The shorter width said the Barrie alderman would help outh and jobs preserve the atmosphere of the neighborhood It would also not give person the impressmn of super highway There would be no great in creass in traffic flow either with the 36 foot widening Ald Shirley said Increased vacancies encouraging The Canada Employment Centre for Students is gearing actor busy summer season Barrie office covers an area extending from Tot tenham to Elmvale and Base Borden to the 12th line of Oro and over 1800 students have re istered to date up con si erany from last year Job vacancies especially casual openings have also shown an increase over the 1978 season This is an encouraging trend which can only continue with the ongoing support of local employers The student centre located at 48 Owen Street will have full staff of six placement officers by May to assist students in finding summer employment and employers in their search for summer help The staff will be happy to register students and supply information regar ding local vacancies and Federal and Provincial pro jects as well as providing valuable tips to assist students in an organized job search An important part of job seeking is the interview Keep these points in mind The appli cant should prepare resume or summary of per sonal information and past ex perience for the interviewer Always arrive on time be neat and dress appropriately for the type of job you are applying for Know something about the com any in advance ie the pr uct it makes or the service it offers Retain eye contact with the employer and above all be enthusiastic Sell yourself by stressing your strong points and convinc ing the employer that you are the best person for the job opium Ada Carruthers Ada Lena Carruthers died at Simcoe Manor in Beeton on April She was 85 Born in Adjala Township she was the daughter of the late Ar thur and Anne Murphy At age 11 she and her parents moved from their farm east of Alliston to Alliston She was an active member of the Anglican Church in Alliston and was organist for number of years until her marriage to George Carruthers in 1918 The couple farmed on the 9th Ministry stocking in doubt SUTTON Staff The ministry of natural resources may not stock Whitefish in Lake Simcoe this year as earlier sug gested by Resources Minister James Auld Speaking to an Orillia conser vation club in March Auld said the ministry had gathered Whitefish spawn from the lake for stocking Ron Desjardine ministry biologist said today the stock ing program is very much an unknown Eggs collected from the lake were taken to hatcheries to raise the fish but fisheries staff ran into some problems in rearing operations Stocking Whitefish is only an interimmanagement measure said Desjardine The first priority is improving lake water quality Whitefish are not naturally reproducing in Lake Simcoe and the ministry does not want to stock fish there until the natural conditions are impr0v ed line of Essa Township until 1951 when they retired to the village of Ivy After Mr Carruthers died in 1964 Mrs Carruthers continued to live in her home in Ivy until November 1974 She then moved to Simcoe Manor in Beeton Mrs Carruthers was former member of the Presbyterian Church and also member of the Ivy Womens In stitute Mrs Carruthers was predeceased by three sisters and one infant son Albert She is survived by son Lorne of Ivy daughters Jean Mrs John Cochrane of Thornton Leila Mrs Henry Ferry of Barrie eight grandchildren and six greatgrandchildren Pall bearers were Ronald and Richard Cochrane Grant Ferry Lynn Bartscher Hans Schrader and Jim Carruthers Flower bearers were Alan Hill Clarence Hoggarth Cecil Speers Cleve Patton and Her man Jennett Funeral service was April with interment in Ivy Presbyterian Cemetery Attitude is very important Every employer is looking for students who will work for them like heshe would work for themselves the type of in dividual who is continually striving to do better job today than yesterday So schedule lots of interviews get eager and land the summer job of lifetime In order to provide as many openings for students as possi ble employers are encouraged to register their job vacancies with the student centre im mediately broad selection of motivated capable students are available to replace vaca tioning staff and to meet tem porary summer peaks in pro duction quickly and efficiently The centres services are given free of charge and preclude the employers need to advertise Interviewing schedules and space can be ar ranged for hiring call 7264240 The staff at the centre is eager and enthusiastic making every effort to improve the quality of our service to student Fire Chief interviews scheduled for Monday BARCLAY About 10 ap plicants for the job of Innisfil Township Fire Chief will be in terviewed beginning Monday says Coun Jack Young The position has been vacant since the resignation April 20 of Charles Horton former fire chief Rod Black deputy fire chief is acting chief until replace ment is named Coun Young vice chairman of the protection and community services com mittee said it could be another two weeks before chief is named The chiefs salary will range from $16908 to $21256 year The RIVERIA SCHOOL of SELE IMPROVEMENT Invites You To DANCERCIZE Special 2hr offer Ioghlnon Advanced Only I2 par Inonth Women were genuinely excited about this cause so dont miss out Classes starting now Evenings from lOMonThurs ENROL NOW CALL 7264723 WE PUT MORE VALUE IN 80 YOU CAN GET MORE WORK OUT Bolen5® G174 17hp DIESEL TRACTOR 4WHEEL DRIVE AG TIRES 17hp DIESEL ENGINE Watercooled largest engine in its class Economical more work per gallon Less maintenance 3SPEED PTO Built like the big ones to power wide range of attachments HYDRAULIC LIFT SYSTEM works independently of Tractor hydraulics to mtrol attachments with ease Bolens C5174 3POINT HITCH Standard equipment makes implement hookup and operation SAN CONN NAMES All controls and lavars within aasy roach 4WHEEL DRIVE Gives nearly 50 extra traction to climb slopes more lugging power to work with heavy attachments in mud or when the going gets tough CAL MADILL LAWN GARDEN EQUIPMENT HWY MI OF BARRIE AT ST PAULS FMC 4361913 jobseekers and employers Suggestions are welcome host of activities have been planned for the summer mon ths ahead including employer visits participation in communityoriented events and seminars and presentations on effective job search techni ques all culminating in special promotional compaign for HireAStudent Week June 2529 The support of the entire community is needed to make student employment reality In the meantime students are encouraged to keep in close contact with the Canada Employment Centre for Students The following posi tions are open Babysitters full and part time Waitress Gasoline Alley Pool Installer Alliston Grocery Claerk Innisfil Camp Cook Port Severn Handypersons Barrie Minesing anvasser Barrie area Swimming Instructors qualified Barrie fully WATCH FOR NEW LOCATION OF BARRIE LICENCE BUREAU Thealderman said the widen ing would still allow enough room for cars to turn off SOUNDS PREFERABLE Rick Jones city planner says it sounds like preferable idea 36 foot width is preferable Jones told The Examiner to day But dont know all of the engineering technicalities in volved It will be up to council to decide FREE TEST KIT WITH EVERY 20 LB PAIL OF PUCKS Doug 51h the examiner nuny nilya rim Ald Shirley said the city should also seriously in vestigate closing Sampson Street and Berczy Street He says that is another method that could help alleviate the problem of traffic congestion in thearea The widening in question concerns about three blocks with primarily residences on both sides of Dunlop Street east NEW STORE SAME LOCATION 79 CHEMICALS AT 78 PRICES Sat 930 pm to 900 pm Northern Dealers For COLECO obovoground pools POLY POOLS Fibraglass Inground Pools Jamieson Pete Russell from Mursatt Chemicals will be on hand to answer questions on Pool Chemistry Sat May Open MomFri at 930 am tor Dunlap Barrie has already decided to go ahead with the widening of the street in 1979 from Mulcaster Street east to 170 Dunlop near the Lakeview Dairy That construction will be get ting underway May 14 says Don Kirkpatrick the Barrie deputy engineer There will be little imlt mediate effect on local traffic because sewers will be worked on first said Kirkpatrick Pool Solar Heating Unit On Display 7265333 7261322 KRAZY KELLY5 737 I82 NO PAYMENTS TILL JULY ON EXTENDED TERM PLAN IF rr ISNT RCA 11 ISNT XLIoo GIANT mum NEW IN CRATES FABUIBUS 12 RBI For 100 Solid State Energy saving compact personal model features On set VHF fine tuning and plug in Accucircuit modules Cllck UHFVHF channel selection too SUPERB SPECIAL LESS THAN IN THE USA Service Policy NonOptional $995 You Cant Buy Them For Any Loss in US NOW WHILE THEY LAST CASH CARRY 26 XLlllll SOLID STATE LlllIIBllY YOUVE WANTED SOLID STATE YOU NEED Under 850 Weekly Rent to Own BONUS 12 Solid State SSW TV BONUS NEW COLOR TV GET BOTH AND GET BONUS 12 TV FOR NOTHING BONUS 12 BW TV BONUS Unbelievable in Super Value GIANT 26 xuoo CONSOLES with Electronic Tuning BONUS 12 SSW TV WITH PURCHASE BNUS KRAZY KELLYSJ um 90 it FERNDALE DUHLOP ST 737II82 Well Beat Anybodys Price Model for Model mall the timel Similar Cabinet CLASSIC COLONIAL CONSOLE With Trade in Under 800 Weakly Rent to Own MI ZENITH GIANT 20 COLOR PORTABLE 55o00 Trade Under 600 Weekly Rent to Own PHONE TONIGHT DELIVERY TONIGHT SENSATIONAL 25 SPANISH With Trade Under 700 Weekly Rent to Own PHONE TONIGHT DELIVERY TONIGHT Under 650 Weekly Rent Own PHONE TONIGHT DELIVERY TONIGHT 2in1 GET BONUS 12 TV 3YEAR GUARANTEE ON PICTURE TUBE NEW USED DEMOS PHONE TONIGHTDELIVERY TONIGHT KRAZY KELLYS SUPER VALUES 26 GXIOO 599 26 RCA XLIOO Colonial 995 25 Zenith Spanish CAT SUSIE 26 GXIOO Spanish $793 26 Panasonic 760 20 GE Portable 429 14 RCA XLIOO $344 I9 Quasar 388 WITH TRADE Undo S6 Wankly Rant To Own WITH TRADE Under Woakiy LLUPPCD WITH TRADE Under 57 Weakly Rom ToOwn wmi mm U060 S8 Wukly Rom To Own mines Under S7 Wookly Rant To Own WITH TRADE Under S4 Weakly Rant To Own WITH TRADE Und Wukiy Rent To Own WITH TRADE Undo S4 Weakly Rent To Own 93 VIDEO TAPE RECOROERS SLASNED ONE HOUR rat1132 DELIVERY ruoar TONIGHT DELIVERY TONIGHT Tool Inrfl Ya Into Ifl Yd ol unfrle nu NITE SATURDAY SUPER SPECIALS Maple Leaf Turtles candy 14 oz box Price Dutch Boy OUR SALE PRICE Aerogreen 777 Covers up to Woolworth Reg OUR SALE PRICE 50lb Top Soil germination OUR SALE PRICE Artificial foot wide 100 fibre for more Our Wool 339 lin ft OUR SALE PRICE 20 Coaster Our 6495 each OUR SALE PRICE l2BW Portable guarantee OUR SALE PRICE Mens First Qual lCX°o cotton Reg Price 2086 OUR SALE PRICE Ladies Teens Sizes SML Ou Price 2900 ON SALE PRICE Ioooinuv Cheddar Cheese delicious medium cheese treat ur Woolworth Price caramel pecan milk chocolate Everblooming hybrid tea Your choice Our Wool worth Reg Price 229 each Lawn Fertilizer 44 lb All purpose fast acting Weed free ready to use for lush growth all season long maximum Reg Price 249 bag Grass Carpet decks Hi Rise Bike Convertible for boys or girls Blue red or pink colors Woolworth Reg With ACDC adaptor One year parts90 day carryin Our Woolworth Reg Price l0996 each Scrubbies Sizes 26 to 44 Our Woolworth Gym Shorts Nylon satin your choice of color I53 Smiles Chuckles Our Woolworth 41 000 sq it Our Price 397 bag JV gave 50 vvvJJ Mix Our Woolworth polypropylene porches and worth Reg Price 66 II ft SAVE 1595 PTLCG49oo TV labor FNQ denim navy pair Satin Woolworth Reg 5616 EAYFIELD ST Opon ovary night until 930 pm Saturday 900