A9 6L6 Views Iauguuaxa sq va By STEPHEN GAUER Of The Examiner The Tubes clever cover baby staring at nippleequipped television set and some very clever music ranging in style from sophisticated pop to straight rock to urban blues At their best in tunes like TV is King Prime Time and Telecide the band achieves nice balance of satire and social commentary backed by energetic instrumen tals that emphasize synthesizer solos rather than guitar The rock tunes Only The Strong Survive Be Mine Tonight and the bluesy No Mercy are almost as successful But the quality of the Tubes material drops off sharply in several songs that are little more than conventional love ballads while the opening instrumental on the second side is tedious exercise in the progressive rock style that flourished half decade ago The Tubes have weakened the impact of the album by trying to cover too many bases at once That ap proach may be an attempt to win wider audience for the group but it detracts from The Tubes irreverent approach to contemporary music Theyre an imaginative band with sure grasp of style and effect but Remote Control just doesnt come together as coherent collection of music The Tubes Remote Control and Records The new Tubes album has Steve Forbert Alive on Arrival is the debut of young street musician from New York City named Steve Forbert suppose hes proof that that record companies are still willing to take gamble on someone who learns his trade on the street not in the recor ding studio Forbert looks like late 19705 version of the early 19605 Dylan complete with acoustic guitar and harmonica and those same appealineg in nocent features He sounds lot like the early Dylan too his voice is hoarse and raspy he sings as though hes perpetual ly short of breath and his style is as rough and unrefined as uncut diamong The songs on the album cover familiar themes of the wandering singersongwirter love loneliness and the hazards of life in the big city The best songs on the album show nice feel for the urban scene and tender romanticism thats very moving Tunes like Going Down To Laurel Thinking It Isnt Gonna Be That Way and Big Ci ty Cat reveal promising Musical Huggett family survives difficult times By JAMES NELSON The Canadian Press Leslie Huggett and his family are celebrating the 10th year of their professional career play ing music of 300 to 400 years ago and staying out of deb With cutsin government fund ing for the arts which he says are most heavily borne by the artists of the country the Hug getts are moving to more and wider activities So Ive come to the con clusion we must be doing some thing right he said recently in an interview at Niagaraonthe Lake 0nt the familys new home Leslie and Margaret Huggett came to CANADA FROM Eng land 25 years go where he had been French horn playerin the Royal Philharonic Orchestra under sir Thomas Beechamand she graduate of th Royal Academy of Music and music teacher As each of their four children Andre now 25 Jennifer 20 Ian 18 and fiona 17 reached the age of Margaret included them in her classes and soon th family was making music to gether ATS CENTRE DEBUT They made their professional debut in Ottawa hen the Na tional Arts Centre opened in 1969 and have played there ev ery season since They lived in Ottawa during the spring sum mer and fall and went to Eng land or Europe in the winter months to do research on early music and give the youngsters advanced music instruction Now they have taken up resi best selling albums Spirits Having Flown Bee Gees last week dence in NiagaraonheLake partly because of its Shaw Fes tivl and partly because the old colonial capital is developing into rare artistic community handy to national and inter national travel for performers of all kinds The Huggetts who have sev eral recordings of Renaissance and baroque music on the mar ket will release new one My Lute Awakes this fall in time for the Christmas trade They are also scheduled to give another and longer series of summer concerts sponsored by the Shaw Festival to make their second tour of Quebec with Jeunesses Musicales and to go to Banff next summer for four weeks work at the Banff School of Fine Arts GOT TO BE TOUGH Youve got to be tough in this world to survive Huggett says when asked about the cur rent state of arts financing with all the government spend ing cuts If there isnt enough money to do what is really necessary the person that has the weakest voice in the shuffle is the artist It has probably always been that way but you notice it most when the real squeeze is on as it now is So suppose the Huggett Family having made it and held things together having been going professionally for 10 years and never being in debt means we are success In addition to playing 15 con certs the Huggett Family will be working at the Shaw Festi val this summer in series of Blondes Have More Fun Rod Stewart Outlandos dAmOur The Police Parallel Linus Blondie Dire Straits Dire Straits Van Halen ii Van Halen workshops the festival is ar ranging for young actors giving them backgrounding in early music and dance par ticularly in relation to Shakespeares plays The worlds most widely known playwright and poet knew the value of music on the stage but probably never wrote note He used popular tunes of his day such as Hearts Ease in Romeo and Juliet and Greensleeves in The Merry Wives of Windsor Huggett says todays actors and musicians concern them selves too narrowly with their individual lines of work with little interest in what others are doing as though they had blinkers on People are afraid of early music because they have this fixed notion in their mind that it is dry and dusty Meditation gives strength for innovative jazz guitarist MONTREAL CP For eight years jazz guitarist Sonny Greenwich lived away from it all the clubs the concert halls his fans He didnt even touch his guitar Instead he immersed himself in religion and mysticism living in his small house across the river from Montreal near the highway to Quebec City All that time he said in recent interview my reputa tion kept going definitely plan to get out now and assert my musical side think Im on my way now Hes been on his way for the last few years since he re turned to his guitar and has new record out called Evol Ution Loves Reverse Plagued in the past by res piratory illness Greenwich feels healthy now guess Im rushing this year Ive written 15 songs and omsewewp Desolation Angles Bad Company Dancing Up Storm The Raas Breakfast in America Supertramp I0 60 West Village People IO listings supplied by Sams in Barrie Id like to get some of them on records because havent had the chance before DOESNT READ MUSIC Greenwich admits that he ldoesnt know much about the guitar himself songwriter who just may be major find for CBS Records if he continues to mature Steve Forbert Alive onArrivaI Nemporer Records The Police Outlandos dAmour the debut album by British trio named The Police is blatantly commercial blend of rock punk rock and reggae The band has been labelled as punk band in England but their approach to New Wave is indirect using the driving rhythms and simpler harmonies as the backbone for much more sophisticated and slick music The best songs on the album combine reggae and rock So Lonely and Cant Stand Losing You show The Police at their most original and distinctive Fast rockers like Peanuts and Next To You lack the flash and ex citement of good rock and roll And Be My Girl tasteless song about man who loves an inflatable doll doesnt work musically or satirically The Police have scored an unex pected success with this album but it remains to be seen whether their subsequent work can continue that success The Police Outlandos dAmour Aand Bob Welch The 12 songs on the new Bob Welch album illustrate some musical law of diminishing returns the more tunes squeezed into one album the less satisfying the results Ful ly half of these songs are forget table attempts at lightweight pop style suited to AM radio Welch succeeds occasionally Precious Love his current hit single is tight little bundle of trash that works only because the melody is catchy enough to override the lyrics Its the kind of song you dont mind listening to on car radio when youre driving down highway and thinking about something else Welchs music works that way most of the time Even the two old tunes he includes an the record Come Softly to Me and Saw Her Standing There are squeezed into the restricted Welch format Come Softly To Me benefits from background vocals by Christie McVie and Stevie Nicks but the Beatle song falls apart when Welch tries to turn it into disco dance tune The other tunes in cluding Here Comes the Night China and Devil Wood are clunkers Oh Jenny is sac charine love song with trite lyrics that says nothing at all Welch isnt gifted pop stylist Three Hearts is misguided attempt to keep the hits com Ing Bob Welch Three Capitol 8011907 Hearts play chords backwards and forwards but dont know the name of the chords He doesnt even read music leaving his pianist Don Thomp son to transcribe what he com poses Greenwich says he chose his direction years ago when he was studio session man for the CBC in Toronto People thought didnt know what was doing They thought was too far out decided Id rather starve and follow my own path After creating stir in To ronto jazz circles with his in novative electric guitar work Greenwich went to Seattle Wash in 1968 to play with alto saxophonist John Handy and his ensemble year later he left the Handy band and setup house in Montreal Although Toronto is his home town Greenwich feels more at home in Montreal saying he prefers the more peaceful exis tence here Toronto is like little New York HELPS CREATIVITY He still meditates maintain ing that meditation is the EVENING 600 II NEWS HOLLYWOOD SQUARES DEFINITION IE POLKA DOT DOOR 630 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW cas NEWS Aac NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME FISH TALES 645 READALONG 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achoolandhiagrandmotharthinksha 53 PEOPOE amendments to should learn the radio business FM regulations Will allow radjo stations more flexibility HARPERS RMACY LTD basis of my creative strength think you can meditate walking down the street Now when play in club always spend the next afternoon in park to get the creative energy backf He likes getting throu to people and points to etter from fan in Russia Thats what appeals to me more than becoming one of the top musicians Im trying to make people happy and get through the spir tual ideas and feelings play he says During the years stopped playing wasnt con cerned with becoming one of the top musicians Not that want to be but now its coming about on its own SPECIALISTS IN Ostomy Supplies and Accessories Breast Prosthesis and Mastectomy Bros Orthopedic Supports Surgical Elastic Stockings Private Fitting Rooms Professionally Trained Personnel Mail Order Service CONVALESCENT AIDs Canes Crutchas Walkers Commodes Baths Bathtub Rails Seats Hospital Beds Wheel Choirs Etc Ive always lived life my own way have my mm path Its going to gain recognition for my playing and what play Rentals Sales 7285407 What he plays is kind of portrayal of self and search after expression he says take chances and find new ways of expressing things de cided not to play perfect may sound like Im going to fall but thats what Im trying to do 28 Panatang At St thnt mat