VOSPII ALLANDALE ammo 51 CW MGM illlarch marlin sum METAL Snow Relion SERVIC Comploto Forced co let 2nd Mortgage RentAIL Centre WWW moan Purdo °nd Over 1500 item for sale or rent QUAUTY LAWN Mowfls Cooling Systems EMERGENCY CALLS BACKHOE PA SYSTEMS Consolidation OWN DRIVE TMERS emu cmr° EXCAVATING VSEPTIC TANKS TILE BEDS ComPotitivo Rates LAWN GARDEN TRACT ORS Vacuum Systems SWIMMING POOLS DITCHING LANDSCAPING for In ad DRIVEWAYS rovsou GRAVEL FILL ETC cu 3119 mum Idebispetched24IlourServico mm Barrie Inshgm Alum 7280733 7374177 303 him un op St near Hwy 400 12 lt CHRISTIE HEFNER Huronla Aluminum Products msuunq anomcx Aluminum Siding ALL TYPES Softtt 657sqmlmcal 707sqftIpIca swrmWIndoxBom ms £3ng Seamless Eavestrough oRï¬SIDENTIAL pACKAGEs gt BONDED ALCAN DEALER up 4351637 em types BONDING OESTATE PLANNING r0 IllSTYLE NARROW LOT HOME gt lei1 aunt £21333 Eiagéziie uié 51L II8xl36 newsstands in 1953 featuring sex siren Marilyn Monroe in the altogether the American public was astonished at the boldness of intrepid publisher Hugh Hefners gall But despite the initial shock and the ensu ing attempts to discredit the publication as just cheap skinslick the magazine en dured growing in content and circulation and fomenting change in Americas views on sex On Monday ABCTV will telecast Playboys 25th An niverary Special which will feature some of showbizs greatest stars Chevy Chase and Flip Wilson for two in tribute to Hefners conquering empire How can ABC portray GIRAROS SPECIAL OF THE WEEK KITCHEN PRINT Plan Number 781925 NATIONAL RELEASE Heres three bedroom two storey home which contains range of design features guaranteed to satisfy the most exacting tastes The design is ideally suited to the narrow urban building lot and would be perfectly adaptable to multipledwelling construction The handsome exterior finished in mixed vertical and diagonal channel siding with heavy shake roof and stone veneer chimney presents dramatically modern facade which would harmonize well in any residential setting The weatherprotected entry leads into spacious entrance foyer and naturally to No the right up two risers to the stylish elevated living roomdining room combination The living room features convivial masonry fireplace flanked by fullheight windows for excellent natural lighting The dining room is elevated two risers from the living in Do room and separates from the kitchen via convenient pocket door s5915 $1 up to 095 Special Extended Blue Kitchen Co 125774 9900 £335 3900 Orange HiLo Playboys history in prime The wellplanned Ushape kItchen has an excellent work triangle and is centrally I2x 15 time Christie Hefner Hughs positioned between the dinette and dining room for excellent separation of formal Beige Splush 84 oo agggï¬lrcaéeghnengwgg 12 310 and casual dining while still prowdlng for ease of servnng large famIIy room Is Huh going to use Playboys 25 years gt Adaptable to sunken two risers from the dinette and has sliding door access to the rear patio of existence as window m1ook 35 2000 back at the changes in mum dwellm large laundry utIlIty complex Is convenIently close to the kItchen and also con Brown Splush Lpica taIns generous storage area and lInen folding counter twopiece vanity bath I2x I9n gmgcï¬nwillzgcéflgï¬g with an additional linen storage facility is conveniently central to all downstairs areas Gm 5h°9 12 86 tent than magazme an Peut adapter of the home 2H well be cutting in pieces of film aux habltatIons All three bedrooms are grouped around the central bath and linen storage area ax l2° 813d stills throughout the show mum familiales It almost documentary ap Each has ample closet storage and excellent natural lIghtIng The large master has punch full walkin closet and threepiece ensuite with tub full basement with space for the future development of additional recreational facilities or bedrooms if required completes the convenience features of this highly practical and attractive design Plans for design No 781825 may be purchased either by the single set at cost of $7000 for the first set and $1000 for each additional set or by the packagen fiveset plan package including the first set is economically priced at $100 and art eightset package also including the first set is only $125 Whichever method you choose please inctude $5 for postage and handling BC residents add sales tax Send for the current edition of Select Home Designs Magazine Series 40 featuring imaginative decorating and home improvement ideas plus 320quality home plans of every type Available for $250 $200 plus 50 cents postage and handling To order any of these items please send cheque or money order payable to the Home of the Week Address to Home of the Week co The Examiner Barrie 382 West Broadway Vancouver BC VSY 1R2 But no Playboy program could be complete witout seg ment on the centrefolds Therell be segment on the Playmates and on the hunt for the 25th Anniversary Playmate who is Candy Lov ing And some of her photograph sessions will be shown Christie added it llll IIIMWIIIIIII III lll ill Mï¬tilllll If Excavating and Equipment Rentals 72 29 DEAN MARTIN most successful JAC TV special AIR CONDITIONING noun GAS cm sym ml IAL umcurs mg comracui shows best DRIVEW Before you PEEL suntan ROI MC PARKING LOTS paint or panel CE TENNIS COURTS QUALIFY mi Sm 5° °°°s Giants of the entertainment 00 useHod WaIerpIug stops water running Repacemem ond industry past and present will Id UM government grant for 0r seepan through cracks and Storm Windows 10 be Shown rformin with 19 qk mumd of In can on holes In concrete or masonry OCHAIN LINK OSiding Soffit 52 mud materials can walls PRIVACY FENCES Dean Martin in scenes from his no no on mildly to you If your Throroseal is POOL FENCES Essvclo Shutters vanety genes one of the most quei ion rus on ostro in monsoon no coating thwatatï¬lsroo ODOITYOURSELF KITS is Duwu Sï¬gï¬ï¬Ã© Ill CW LIE Sacks VOIdS and or call in our professionals °B°ardm9 Best of Dean Friday May 11 sunum mm Taping on NBCTV um For cprompt servic Wlmu OTexture The roster of entertainers in Idelvhe an guaranteeo eludes Louis Armstrong Frank or Mfume can All CLEANE Sinatra Ella Fitzgerald Jack fro 250 Benny Orson Welles the An 4362810 drews Sisters Lena Horne FF Johnny Firson Jimmy un Durante Gina Lollobrigida WW Itomm mm Aintztessnantflreitz°te Huh1 flytow 259o3 hosts will be James Stewart Gene Kelly Dom DeLuise Bob Newhart and Don Rickles 7281267 nIin 7281036