Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 May 1979, p. 18

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1e tho examiner Friday May e71 MINISTRY OF HOUSING Ontario Housing Corporatio MODIFIED TENDERS PIEIIER AUCTION SERVICE LTD 0U CE SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Death Notices Engagements Cards of Thanks $6M minlmbm 40 words additional words 11 cents per word Births or Invltod for sh In Memoriam no verse CONSTRUCTION OF KNOWN FOR Verse per count line extra 23 cents 4o 7h CIIDI inte SATURDAY MAY 5th at 12 noon sharp for the estate of the late TowggafigAND ELIZABETH BROOM 20 LOUISA ST THORNBURY ONT sale of mwwg These units are to be sited on land now owned by the Car housefurnishings antiques practically new maior electrical appliances antique china glassware garden hand tools etc PROKOPICH John and Marilynn are happy to announce the birth at ADVERTISING porotion 30 $937qut7llgr iscore MarLe in April 25m is er or ar PRELIMINARY DRAWINGS ARE SUPPLIED sppipnfafh 9232 Lamaflggjgsfgs 39 can Jimgodficorine of in as Dlaggziwm Preliminary drawings bid forms specification and infofmafion Staton are pleased to announce the birth may be obtained from the Toronto office of the Corporation 10l Bloor Street West 12th Floor Submissions for this proiect be physically received at the Corporate Secretarys office on the 14th Floor of Ontario Housing Corporation 101 Bloor Street West Toronto Ontario M55 not later than 230 PM end tables etc also included in this sale willbe the furnishings from the home of the estate of Mrs Maude Laycock inc several pcs of modern antique furnishings rugs antique glassware china etc Terms Cash WED MAY 9th at 1230 pm sharp for GRACE GILCHRIST at 600 of son Breet John on Good Friday April lath 1979 brother for Curtis and Nadine His happy grandparents are Mr and Mrs Roy Gray at Hawkestone and Mr and Mrs Aikins Wiggins oi Oro Sta tion Mondays Child is fair at face Ooselfled advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by pm day preceding publication with the exception of Clusltied Display advertisements which mtbelnbySpmtwodayspriorto publication owmm wdnda IMO 30 1979 SUNNIDALE RD between the 8th 9th of Vespra Twp die of TuesdaYSthIdislullofgrace Nomeum mos PUBUCLYY antique modern housefurnishings full line of maior ap Twrfgpszsfflz gfiég$igfl$° ENGAGEMEMS LEE OPENED ON THE DATE SPECIFIED ABOVE pliances living room and kitchen suites antiques collector FridayschildisIovingandgivin9 mnnfiiigggnwamss THE LOWEST PRICED OR ANY BID NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED 59mm Chld w°rk5 hard Inquiries for additional information and documents may be directed to the TendersContracts Manager at 4169659650 Copies of preliminary drawings and Modified Tender documents will be placed in the Builders Exchanges closest to the municipality concerned for the benefit of subtrades and material suppliers AN AGENCY OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO My34 items camping tent trailer etc inc APPLIANCES Viking 14 cu ft frost free white refrigerator like new Kenmore 30 HD stave white almost new Moffatt Fiesta 30 double oven HD stove wringer washer auto dryer Viking 21 cu ft Chest freezer vacuum cleaner FURNITURE one pce kitchen chrome suite good one pce kitchen chrome suite good antique ern stand antique high chair parlor table modern china abinet pce living room suite leather lazy boy chair antique icker love seat real good coffee end lamp tables several large tie plants rubber trees drawer chest antique dressing able and bench one double bed one exceptional antique living And child that is born on the sap bath Day Is lair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other important information for your Childs future An Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name of your child the day of the week month and year of birth the weight and other vital information printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The ratetor an Examiner Birth Notice Additional words 11 cts per word CARD OF THANKS 40 words 00 Addi tional words 11 cts per word iN MEMORIAM NOTICES Na verse $600 With verse per count line 23 cents per line COMING EVENTS $343 per column inch CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 24 word mlnirnum Cosh Discount Rates apply if paid within days One or two Insertions 10c per word Insertion Three consecutive In sertions cents per word insertion total $604 Six consecutive Insertions 9c per word 7cfl°n rower chest antique drop front pigeon hole desk vacuum isonlyssw hum MOI 51196 mme rm leaner large storage chest antique oil lamp collection at 12 PHONE 7232414 tiommoylzordered sillblecbtta mellaxa 77 when satls ctory resu ts tain Me consmumnn oil lanterns quantIty of bar ornaments ftbar Xmas dunI°Jhan wmh mm lights decoratIons 88W TV antIque crock anthue radio 85deams ML Each Inmoi abbrovlotlon or shelf display cabinet drawer chest quantity of sealers numbers etc count as separate words BROOKS Lettice Naomi At the lngere soll Hospital on Thursday May in her 76th year Naomi Brooks formerly of Shanty Bay widow of the late Harold Sat May 5th79 at pm Sale of 14 tractors some antiques good selection of haying and ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Therefore TENDER CONTRACT 7915 Sealed tenders will be received It pce older corduroy living room suite ft extension table with two boards fern stand or plant stand quantity of records work by thgundnlgned in My 098 equipment Moor bench picnic table large quantity of garden hand tools George Brooks Mothe of Mrs John the Classified Advertising Department re wer lawn mowers 16 au shot un shells ladders Skil Malmews Palma 9950 quit adv1 to kindly CIMI WI°P°5 PEOVIded UP 200 vohldes lawn garden po grandmother of Sylvra Connie wrummt Immediately after tirstlnser 1979 with saw drapes quantity of camping equipment inc camping tent pm on May 16 Elizabeth and Harold Sister of Mrs tion in order that any error or omission may equipment To be held at Wm Tender Opening at 215 pm on trailer etc Plus many more articles too numerous to list Constance Farncomb Mrs Madge hmmd bdor9°m gum mm RR Brad Shaw Mrs Ham lton McLean Betty Mair 16 1979 for the supply of mm mm ANTIQUE FARM AUCTION SALE SATURDAY MAY 12m at 11 and Russell Charles Cumberland mm °°wl9 ford miles north of Bond Head or miles south of Cookstown on Hwy 27 to Can West publication The Examiner ls responsible for only one incorrectly printed Insertion of any advertisement and then only to the extent of Funeral service Saturday May at Trull Funeral Home Yonge Street Toronto at 330 pm Committal service one new four wheel drive ton am sharp for DAVE MCDOUGALL at Lot 27 Can Not plckup type vehicle minimum tawasaga Twp miles west mile north of Stayner Ont off rtion of ad that Involves the mls rint Er GVW 8200 pounds wrth Gwilumbury Twp cos Hwy 91 Sale of older farm machrnery entIre contents of EggnifiggcgfiagigfMT°$fMgQUIC which do no If or hydraullc sn0w plow at sch nduded are Ford600f°rk pioneer farm home inc AC WD gas tractor drag plow roller HUITBEET James Edward 17 Wlumfl 0t illbl Im tachments binder dra disc cultivator roller Bering we on NH No 268 ROYa Victoria 0591131 Barrie mm by °°°dfl E° Ill 9°5P0W9r Sieerng 4000 lb Thursday May 1979 James Edward therlehto cIllW TM orroitctonv wont specicmlons and 190d mp Ford 8N 24 wheel drives baler NH No 404 hay condItIoner Gehl forage harvester etc Hubben or shanty Bay in his 77 year ads envelopes may be obtained at the City Clerks Office 84 Collier Street Box 400 Barrie son of the late Alfred and Martha Hub PHONE7282414 bert Brother of George Barrie predeceased by one brother and live sisters Resting at Steckley Funeral Antiques inc harvest table pine cupboards chests washstands dressers bureaus wood stoves blanket boxes pressback rocking captains plank bottom Chairs sausage Allis Chalmers tractor with tillage attachments Int 434 gas with loader 1501 ower Ontarlo 14m 4T5 veering 00 st Nll grinder stuffer lord press antique clocks quilts oil lamps SSVY°YVJ°Ifizrzfiagtfgfi The highest or any tender not lanterns writing desk sideboard antique beds sugar kettle Saturday May at Pvm followed by necessarin accepted Haybme near new CLETEE°2 EC7 buzz saw antique sewing machines antique glass china inc Canadian glass butter bowl prints tole ware etc Terms Cash Farm sold Model Forage Harvester with pickup single row corn head attachments Ni manure Bowchard of thanks Straughan AMCT CMC City Clerk Barrie Ontario A27My4i 79eection soles FARM AUCTION SALE Sat May 1979 At am for ROBERT RUTH HAMILTON RR Bradford miles south of Cookstown or miles north of Bond Head on Hwy 27 to Con West Gwillimbury Twp east to sale Sale of tractors Gehl No 65 mix mill new condition farm machinery sheep in cluding Ford model 400 PS ph good John Deere model 70 row crop wide narrow front end ph international row corn planter good cond if not said previously Dian forage harvester with single row corn head attachment Dion forage box beater on ton electric wagon wagons with hay rack left unload Dion blower 608 pipe John Deere 14 forage box beater ton John Deere wagon left unload New Holland model 518 manure speader 210 bus new 1978 rate tiller 40 mulky com bination elevator with hp motor wagons flat racks feeder rocks 16 ft pipe bale elevator hp electric motor Oliver side delivery rake hay feeders approx 120 breeding ewes Dorset Suffolk Western white face 20 due in June approx 30 lambs reg grade rams Suffolk Dorset 1969 Volkswagencarfastback 101110 mile on motor as is saddle horse appaloosa quarter horse gelding saddle bridle small amount of fur niture selling at 11 am Sheep selling at3pm TERMS Cash cheques with 10 Nothing to be removed until settled for For information contact owner at 7054584388 Allen Harner Bert Vanderdonk 7054584589 Auctioneers My41117 MORTGAGE 261 ROSE STREET UNIT BARRIE ONTARIO Under and by the virtue of the Power of Sale contained in certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by public auction ON MON MAY AT IOam AT 1127 FINCH AVENUE WEST DOWNSVIEW The said property will be offered for sale subiect to reserve bid and conditions of sale TERMS deposit of $4000 by cash or certified cheque to be paid at the time of sale and the balance within 30 days thereafter For further appointment apply to DANBURY SALES 1971 1127 ENICN AVENUE WEST DOWNSYIEW 416 6305241 ABCM particulars and for inspection ALLEN HDRNER Auction Semce BARRIE SIMCOE COUNTY Farm Hausehold °Antiques Appraisals RR No2 BRADFORD ONT Phone 4167753659 or museum FTF spreader beater MF No 10 boiler Bolens garden tractor roto tiller ANTIQUE MH Pace Maker 1933 on rubber Int 10 20 on steel 1938 Olvier hard parr standard model 80 restored These tractors are in good condition Ford Fargo dump truck 1053 steam ienny sale worthy of your at tendance An opportunity to fill your farming requirements For information contact 705458 4511 Wm Vernon Subiect to addition deletion Terms Cash cheques with 10 Nothing to be removed until settled for Alon HomerAectIoneer 705458459 SCI A27My24 Sat Moy121030 am for Dalston United Church at the church on Highway 93 Grimm Alon auctioneer SCl57 Lunch Available antique church pews plus more antiques house fur nishings quantity lumber and stove length hardwood hand made quilt and afghan toys 1968 Datsun as is find numerous miscellaneous items Bake Plant and Craft tables alsoavailable My4 Household Antique Auction Sat May 12th79 at 11 am for Mrs Beatrice Archer of Fen nells Corners With in clusions Sale to be held at the Allene Farms Country Auction Centre RR Bradford miles west from Bradford on Hwy 88 to sideroad north to Can 10 and watch for sale arrows day of sale on No 8827 hwys Sale includes appliances old antique furniture articles China glass Large wardrobe 818220 wide Williams piano reconditioned Victorian couch matching pressed back chairs Windsor bow back chairs platform rocker upholstered parlor chairs parlor table washstands with towel bars pine flour cupboard antique beds single spool bed green finger oil lamp tiffany hanging lamp shade gas lamp with china shade chipped gramaphone Jardineres tea tins sterling flatware Zenith Chromacolor TV vault green carpet with underlay 914 with variety of good unknown treasures from the storeroams items of Interest to the antique enthusiast homemaker TERMS Cash cheques with 10 Nothing to be removed until settled for Allen Homer Auctioneer 7054584589 SCI A27My4 PUT OUR WANT ADS TO WORK FOR YOU 7282414 BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers of the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss orl damage alledged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies however otherwise TF REMARKS REAL lNTERESTlNG SALE FOR THE ANTIQUE EN THUSIAST WED MAY 16th at 10 am sharp for LOUIE GARBACK MOSLEY ST WASAGA BEACH Sale of restaurant cafeteria equipment also large antique auction many collectibles Terms Cash SAT MAY 19th at 10 am sharp in the Stayner Arena Stayner Ont Large auction sale of antique modern housefurnishings inc many collectors items also full line of practically new maior electrical appliances Terms Cash FARM DAIRY AUCTION SALE FR MAY 25th at 11 am for JIM WILSON Lot Con 12 Sunnidale Twp miles east mile north of Stayner Ont Sale of 60 head of choice Holstein dairy herd listed dairy equipment full line of high class farm machinery inc tractors haying cultivation equipment Case No 660 SP combine like new housefurnishings antiques Terms Cash Book your spring summer auction early with Pifller Auction Service Ltd OVER 40 UNITS some T0 AUCTION 254 YONGE ST PAINSWICK mi of Barrie on Hwy 11 At Big Boy Pt Rd DATE SAT MAY 5IIl Sale Time 1100 am sharp Auctioneer Bill Socord Terms $100 deposit at Time of Bid Bel Cash or Certified Cheque Days After Sale Partial List Only subject to change 1970 GTO 1974 Mini 1977 Mini 1973 Dodge Monaco 1972 Ford Wagon 1971 Cadillac 1974 lDuster 1972 Mustang 1975 Cougar XR7 1973 Cutlass 1976 Cutlass 1975 Cutlass 1976 Toronado 1973 Grand irrx iIJ Swinger i975 Dart 1974 Dart four door 1975 Duster 1972 Chrysler 1973 Meteor 1973 Montcalm i973 Lemons Wagon 1975 LTD door 1976 Honda Wagon 1975 Merc door 1972 Volkswagen station wagon 1976 Honda 1973 Vega Wagon 1968 Mustang 1973 Ford pick up 1974 Mazda pick up1973 Chev pick up with box 1971 Dodge Van 1976 Ford 4x4 1974 Monaco Wagon 1973 Javelin 1975 Fury Sport Coupe JK MTRS INC 7286241 our AT DEALERS PRICES SAVE 100 $$$$ HATCH FOR LISTING fie ARCHER COL WILL Qualified Recognized Authority AUCTIONEERAPPRAISER FARM SALES FURNlTURE ESTATES ANTIQUES REAL ESTATE 71fl3904h mmsuocasruisuaswcrmz SATURDAY MAY 5th at 12 NOON for the Estate of The late ALICE BEARDSALL at 84 Ottaway St Barrie Sale of household furniture appliances antiques and tools Automatic washer and dryer quantitygf silverware wicker and rocking chairs Picnic table lamps small tables Molorola TV sewing machine walnut smoke stand photo album quantity of red brick 28 It extension ladder old pictures and frames bicycles wagons sleighs buggy wheels tools books dishes linen lndian brass many other items too numerous to list Terms cash day of sale My24 would like to thank my many friends relatives and neighbours for flowers cards and acts of kindness shown me since my operation at St Michaels Hospital Special thanks to Dr Cutbush Audrey Gordon GORECKI Karen We wish to thank relatives friends and neighbors for ex pressions of sympathy and acts of kind ness during our recent bereavement in the loss of dear wife daughter and sister It will always be remembered Husband Walter and the Romat iami LEE Murray The Lee family wish to thank friends relatives and neighbors floral tributes for acts of kindness donations to Cancer Society and mes sages of sympathy Also the Steckley Funeral Home Special thanks to Rev Bylardtorhiscarnfortingwords 87in memorinms TATUM In loving memory of dear husband father tatherinlaw and grandfather Edwin Arthur who passed away May 3rd 1976 Although we smile and make fuss No one misses him more than us And when old times we often recall Thats when we miss him most at all Sadly missed and always remem oered by wife Mabel son John daugh terinlaw Joan and grandchildren San ira Brenda Mimie and Tammy Amv 47 1777 =¢ SScoming events BARRIE DISTRICT ASSOC FOR PHYSICAL DISABLED GARAGE BAKE SALE SAT MAY 5th 10 am4 pm 54 innisfl St et Vespre DONATIONS APPRECIATED Telephone 7283920 My4 GARAGE BAKE SALE Sat May 10 am2 pm 11 letitio Street Sponsored By GRYPIION THEATRE GUILD My4 SHO0TING MATCH SUNDAY MAY 6th 12 NOON Tethys Hans 12 gauge shot gen Hwy 11 north to Cost Ore Townshb iloftonCon 1III north Watch for signs My4 ANNUAL MEETING of Plot Owners Angus Union Cemetery Wed May 919 pm Shcee St Scheol Aeges Ontario A27My4 DESSERT TEA BEAVER REBEKAN LODGE NO 190 MAY 9th 1979 1009 HALL 155 rm Lute Bertie 130 pm to 330 pm Bake Table Green Thumb Table White Elephant Table Admission 75 My47 BASEMENT BARGAINS Furnishings some antiques Clothing Toys Ornaments Books White Sephantlabie SATURDAY MAY 12th knee Aveeee IleRed 9e1p My5 NOTICE Deadline for classified wortl ads pm day previous noon Saturday New Suit Shape YOURE IN GREAT SHAPE in springs newest suit sleeveless jacket with nipped waist soft bow blouse and slender Skirt with important leg baring slit Printed Pattern 4908 Misses Sizes 10 12 14 16 18 Size 12 bust 34 jacket 18 yd 45 inch blouse skirt $150 for Each patterncash cheque or money order Add 35¢ each pattern for firstclass mail and handling Ont residents sdd 11¢ sales tax Print plainly Size Style Number your Name Addrss Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dept In or IIMJeehomJntets Nil 58 CHANGE The big fashion Changes are in our NEW SPRING SUMMER PATTERN CATALOG Dresses tops Skirts pants vests rackets plus $150 free pattern coupon Send 75¢ for catalog 130SweatersSizes 3856 $150 lZSQuickEssy Transfers $150 WHICH DAY IS BEST Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to advertise Each day new wants arise bringing new readers as old ones satisfy their wants We recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel it when you get results After many years of ex perience will millions of want ads we know tomorrow is the best day to start your ad and every day is the best day to advertise in The Examiner Classified Section Phone 7282414 OLD LINE You dont have to resort to glib talk flattery or exaggera tion to get your message across when you tell it with Want Ad Just pick up phone any phone and dial 7232414 Well help you word and place simple direct and lowcost Want Ad thats loaded with sell the examlner

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