uunslsstsrsde 41 uw nm fluexmimriruaoynspyesen1 flfl 17 Git=r Siam 53W 3°W SALES OEEICE SECRETART °i° s100 oncomti lace cord 4x0x16 Telephone 7263649 NEED MONEY Fuller Brush Company VANITY wITH MIRROR and stool provides flexible hours lleld support Hunks Our Barrie office requires experienced solid pine gun cabinets one moose high one rabbit wide one ground hag deep holds 10 guns finished in coon oil Only 8169 bucks Bring your dear with you for other crafts So aim your car up to CEDAR 0000 8550 Kenwood turntable $175 PE turntable $50 quadraphonic head phones $2117 accessories $100 Call Jim 42470511 after 500pm GULL ROCK MARINA miles north of Barrie on Lake Simcoe Between 5th S6th of slips available summer and WOO found BOAT REPAIRS shape and colour to 12 high Buy direct from grower Save more and dig your own trees or buy already bailed and LANDSCAPING GARDEN CENTRE BOX PLANTS colitiEli or liLAllE ottoVE $1 00 OFF THE PURCHASE PRICE or EACH EVERGREEN OR SHADE tions for the sales office Must have good secretarial and communication skills To the successful applicant we offer generous benefits package and competitive salary Please send your resume to BOX 357 BARRIE MANAGER REGISTERED NURSING ASSISTANT Applications are being received for permanent parttime position as well as summer relief position In nursing home For interview appointment telephone 4361461 am pm My milling machine welding machine and drill press Will be reauired to check out minor electrical circuits or components on W007 up your carand Egiï¬ghdï¬ztgiféggggmgï¬ï¬g secretary to perform general secretarial duties Iggviicsémmmon mm 3° mwgpsfltgm de control petty cash and perform accounting func LEGAL SECRETARY required Experienced in Real Estate Salary commensurate with experience Reply to Box A10 The Examiner Bar rle RETIRED COUPLE required to manage year round to suite resort con domlnum complex In wasaga leach Free accomodation includes modern bedroom suite with lake view private beach Housekeeping duties general maintenance and reservations Must be tt rm WOODCRAFTS on cmulEli lAECllAiiic TREE WITH THIS COUPON UM 4T5 MAINTENANCE MECHANIC WWW 93 crew Hi ATTZ MR My5 We are seeking mainfgnqnc mechanic or our midi9h shift commuting family £xloaklnfg lornan 42 MIMI 22 EAEXIEEUEQEER Ms£vnf IAY1 The individual selected will be indirectly supervised by the day ï¬aï¬gï¬ï¬‚fgflfmmmszgm MY5 MUCWY omboad shift maintenance foreman and will be responsible for all 3rd isEgaï¬frnfmerkamï¬kmLwé no WATT SPEAKER S275 ch loo 5IE 31E 33 uM WWI 199mm 00d Pr°V°ni°th0 molnlonance at chlldrearinghCar at asset Mg not we speakers $500 each receiver ox COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE Queue Must be able to operate all tool room equipment such as lathe necessary mus 8V9 ETEMOS 00 between 630 am 700 pm Over 10 years ol age $4550 per week plus meals Stroud Beach area Call 4364074 after burlapped3221089 The sucmssful applicant will have minimum of years p4 AL PHARMACIST wanted for Shoppers avgsleMméNgtzggtioixszntet army AND SUPPLIES DJLGMYopfw zapliprxï¬efe page 31 We have an Immediate experience in industrial plant maintenance Drug Martin Orillia Telephone Pier size aluminum swimming pools with Iain mg poplar and 53 srmcoech requirement for Warehouse To Obtain further information contact 516172377 pa° cm SYes meemg lenc MARINA road 31 at hwy 27 miles north of Manager The soc EXPERIENCED CONSTRUCTION Ina regulaltlgns on one two or three 12 4950 ARR ThorntonCailafterepm726v9295 cos rd superintengant tor the georplanl gay year renta asis with option to own Try EfrALVPTï¬E r4 can respon area Sen resume sta ng qua ca ornamental good gaggoyw buy Call toll free 800 Jy7H shade gas growers few atTS3 Young Siblllties will be shipping tBlgzsAaxgegéegigPrgesaéggiramed to trees ree feet for $5 ransp ant AVJ EIINSEIEBABON aggjoslabs 361d log ends now Can help il needed Wilton Creed 31 rxzémlg montage mcgtnetfll CHFEUE fnqgregisgmgrï¬ié 60 pen UI Drury Lane 7283709 In one days BUILDING WITH LOGS Ll PO waitresseswaiters Apply in person at fltTErrolénEflYanej R9 19 Vommds ï¬gDaAlglgsgoéggbanyocveniLing21 MY7 Port of Barrie Restaurant Ia Dunlap PINE FURNITURE Custom made RonniFlotsam Telephone 4873071 This position requires an West solid wood lurniture reasonable rates Coffee tables dining room tables etc Raylax Canvas Aluminum Kayaks Complete stock at accessories 54service and repair organized individual with ENERGETIC PERSON to sell ladle fashions at house parties possible earn 737 Tu aplw s09 back capable °l ings $100 per week In spare tl HOLLAND BOATS LTD TELEVISION REPAIRS also repairs to wmromng bogh paper Telephonel 4451019 or 14450462 coil SENSATIONAL RCAXL1002for1 Olly 400 wily starting Nut deer te Meaten NIGIIVIAY 90 It EERNDALE 4H DUNLOP 7371102 TF WHISPERING PINES Cement Statues variety of lawn and garden or namcnts Highway 93 mile south of Craighurst Orillia Ontario stereos etc Quick efficient guaranteed SALES PERSON wanted for Barrié 705 3256141 55 service within 30 mile radius of Barrie WPTR arid the Physical nuvr One of Simcoe County largest new car dealerships reqUIres area semng insumim Experiencedm call STEWART ELECTRONICS 728 dllng ol the steel experienced sales persons ly $100 weekly plus commission call 9457d eveewe we are offering career Highest commissions paid company demonstrator 0nd 500 fflï¬ggggzég3fé2D OPEN COVERED 53513£1i11L P05ion With °b°V° cOllilNlY beneliis aluminum siding sollit fascia Sluts TRUCK CAPScampers travel trailers average salary to the suc Reply in writing including previous sales experience to zeamlessnsavestrogghsmg xaï¬wg hardtops 5th wheels new and used Call cesslul candida phase can 3510 Ml3 Esmeflzsdiéggggsag Ar TOLLENDAL MARINA SURF MASTER 13 it fibreglass ski boat Evinrude 75 hp new in 77 Tecnec cellent condition Very low hours 5795 835 5097 alter6 pm 14 FT TEMPEST RUNABOUT with canopy 55 hp Chrysler motor with EleC tric start tilt trailer for ease of loading Good for recreational skiing four years Old 32500 or best Offer Call 737 1615 i=1 GREw17i73fsmeriés 214 inboard outboard 245 hp with tandum trailer both seldom used 1979 slip and storage TRAILER RENTALS Hardtop and Wit 25 GLENDALE MOTOR HOME ex cellent condition six sleeper 42000 Telephone 7265072 anytime 197618 FTOO RAMBLER way idge furnace stove washroom In excellent condition 13110362024 after pm TRUCK CAP foot fiberglass with sliding windows and screens less than one year Old Also 715 inch Ford wheels Telephone 43776843 1976 15 SCOTTY sleeps live away Shell be touched by your thoughtfulness and surprised by me originality of MOTHER SNAMI MESSAGE All messages must be in by 300 pm May 10 Your personal message will be run Saturday May 12th in our special Greetings section Please limit your words to 24 and enclose cheque or money order for $240 with your message or phone your greeting in at 7282414 for an interview TAX CLERK Written applications will be received by the un dersigned up to May 11 1979 for the position Of Tax Clerk in the City Treasurers Office The successful applicant will be BOX A27 M5 Raceway Barrie Ontario to act as Licensing agent from pm to pm on Wednesdays and Saturdays when racing is con ducted total Of approximately 81 days per year Salary $2500 per hour work period Qualifications Typing skills clerical office experience and experience in dealing with clients in related environment Please write or telephone Two PART TIME positions Sundays thUThursdayssta9pmandltoSpm 312Tolanda Rood cam mwels by weak lqnger Sums your greeting Show Mother Grandmother or wile in this unique way that 20 hours per week 5350 per hour In Gulf Serwcentre Victoria St 705 costs so Illlle and means so muc teresllng work With children and the Mine PI Road 32 flpM 5495195 Compose yourmessageand mallltlnolcallthenumberbelowlolhelplroma community Send resume to Barrie I977 GLENDETTE Isl2 travel trailer friendly ad wtiler Cable TV FM 61 Patterson Road Barrie BARRE CENTRE CO LTD tand8m axle stove fridge toilet sleeps 7154950 sx Excellerltcondlton sit 400 in ludin Dd AMBTIOUS PERSONS WKW antigen free 12 hltch package Telelph0n64361046Cafterg MESSAGES FOR MOM Wme 509 °I management responsibilities of small business Could become lull time Income lor right person No experience re quired training provided For intervl miles certified $13 000 Might consider appointmentcall 737 3814unti10 Moi tilttrai er$31000r beslofler720 0641 dlv 7W smaller motor home as tradeln CARPENTER Wm 09 bonding In SEAF LEA 12 hp Viking motor With ac 7263238 cessories condition Asking $350 W771HAéRDrfaacflmeéhPrimer A9 Requred ï¬resifhalsz awmu oeerallr Pb rv CEallalteLAPminé 947 sink SIEEDS table new SpglleQIYrj Igled klxwï¬xio The Ontano Racmg Comm55°n reqmres dark at Borne 72966115 eacoc CW 00 050 WW JOHNSONI 196 out to 18 ft Price $1200 or best offer TAXI DRIVERS must be neat and have good driving record full time days nights and weekends Apply In person only United Taxi Maple Avenue Bar rie EXPERIENCED GAS BAR staff wanted Reply to Box A28 The Ex aminer Barrie BABTISITTER REQUIRED on an Ir regular basis evenings and weekends paid at Big Bay Point Marina Price lrldge SIOVEI mile Elecric brakes requred T0 WOlk Wllll and ingTLUETeIeIeBlL99el7£56flx PIANO BABY GRAND Al throughOUi ooghS10oooTelephone43oi4az add arroom Asi shape Telephone exa Ass ervis SM db Rac DISTRIBUTION MANAGER S750 S1750 Telephone416281v1796 ï¬fsgiméaokél 737 bOr 57 726 7494 Box 310 90 OSPeCIS 19 TOX up re $1300 mommy were me mining mm 77 if wv¢ ANTIQUE WING BACK Chair Johnson motor oars 3life iackets$475 MASTERQOAFH Sleeps 55 5°V operclmn and also bemme Omar Racng Commlsson avaabe Teephme 776s5°m upholstered in velvet antique shlittergs Telephone 7265046 $3333lglgliggrrgumgcgbigsgegrpï¬o$24 Barrie Ontario familiar with the Operation of Wellesley 91 gold braadloom approximate MAKE Ag bï¬féï¬n TOP NOTCH salesperson required for Ware 15 pl underlav ilems with twin Grey marinse englrrisei 3235 981390919191321999Jyfgoz 350 091 comPUIer Toronto on active new home subdivision and 935°el9i9339933finmgs up to seven head sink range and 30 FOOT MDAS m°° h°me 54 Mylo Computer experience 95695 T09 commissmn STOV relrigerator included 726 3162 evenings engine many extras Like new 21000 M7A 2K son Chance for advancement Call refrigerators Used clean and modern gglLBquf ï¬gogï¬refeiy equipped 135T€E0lï¬iflééi7AA pp 0559 on pre erence 69 7QIBHJI9LREILY$G with guaranty safe dollars Call 197713 FT TAURUS TRAVEL trailer BRICES1416478 4175 CHINA ENGLISH BONE Paragon Victorian Rose flawless condition live piece place settings $25 each NEW GUITAR excellent tone includes deluxe case $300 Telephone 720 1114 alter pm haJ for cruising plus trailer Telephone705728 8418 Barrie 20 CYGMUS SAILBOAT motor and trailer included Call Moonstone 835 2526 notolll 20 ODAY MARINER SAILBOAT three sails 10 hp motor custom built trailer and more $3700 Telephone 726 3961 $8900 sleeps all conveniences including electric gas refrigerator gas oven and furnace pce bath in excellent condi tion Asking $4200 Phone Orillia 3253823 OODS TENT TRAILER depriveundi hens100 Telephone 737 4569 CANNISTER VACUUM Ask for free home demonstration today 71 Ileb IIIM BABYSITTER REQUIRED on an ir regular basis evenings and weekends in my home Telephonei72875641 DISTRIBUTION MANAGER $750 be given to individuals who have had previous Accounting experience Excellent fringe benefit program in effect Starting salary in the $8500 range Tel 416 9630520 BOOKKEEPER CLERKTYPST ROUTE SALESPERSON required for local company excellent opportunity for right person Write Box A30 The Ex aminer Barrie Ont EXPERIENCED SHIRT PRESSER quired fulltime position Apply in per son Wright Cleaners 103 Bayfield Street Barrie 1969 WOODS TENT trailér 5350 $1300 monthly spare time training Mgrï¬aï¬spETQSONsTogkmgWe ONERIS DAY IfhPégéLAssHOUSEBOAT glee TEJgphonf726épyanerï¬ymlg flakolux available Telephone 726 36656me GATamblynPEngMBA Fulltime pOSItIOn for selfmotivated person experienced In in income To take on some or the 1970 PUMA HARD TOP stove ice box 1133392 Sam City Administrator Accounts Receivable and with knowledge of general office mailageme 95P°5b95 Sim lone Slove huge and 75 hp sink and selfcontained water so TOP NOTCH salesperson required for busmess Could becomefult time income Sunday May Chrysler mqmrTeephonénb 30 good conditionTelephone 72a zsasgeeh active new home subdivision and B°x 00 prxedures °CC°U9 l° Trcl 300 6009 WWW for right person No experience re wh Th CANOE 9°°d deFgn mm 95 resales Top commission for right per Barrie0ntarla essential Preference will be given to person with accounting wired training prowded For interview no came an vlst lamtlylibreglas no maintenance used i7UNKM5772SEQTWV7TltTgt sonv Chance for advancemenr Call MATS appomtmentcall737 38140ntll830pm Woodpecker He has lots or oneseasonmsTelephoneasa3823 egos ice bf 16 Citing caleggi Gerry nirvwgopea my mac me experience as utlesmc eboth manualand machine wmwï¬f fine gifts for Mother spoon 22 foot SHEPPARD doUble plank mahogany hull cylinder CHRYSLER good condition Asking $900 Telephone HOUSE PLANT procedures References please CARPENTER withfllog building in terests also saw mill Operator Phone rocks spice racks paper 295 Ca 7267726 anerbp 7733333574 77W Viimiw CAR AVAILABLE C0 Reply in Writing giving detailed resume and salary expected to xgwguc peam I°r imam 1972 BELLEVUE HARDTOP towel holders mirros chests 15 CENTREBOARD SAILBOAT lirply mge 509 Umace sink 5923 wlIILE Tou ARE AWAY WIRES 3° Ex°me TAXI DRIVERS must be Wand have Ibenches tables iewellry Iboxes key racks Showroom on Hwy 93 Crown Hill over oak frame mahogany trim storer sails new 1977 Includes trailer 51200 Also male mould for Roberts Adventurer 22 cabin sailboat $200 Telephone spare tire with cover propane tanks awning with poles Fold out to 18 feet $1200 or best Offer anytime Reliable insured person with references Jim Driver 7284193 after MAINTENANCE MECHANIC TF good driving record lull time days nights and weekends Apply in person only United Taxi Maple Avenue Bar its7 7m rm gv4 705 6482 57hvesmck for sale Ith machine shop experience Must be capable of machining own EXPERENCED GAS BAR 5n lmmumslrom Baum pm partsWOntedto startimmedlately wanted Reply to Box A23 The Ex 20 Sailing Supplies wANTED DEAD 0r crippled arm MWFM 30 ï¬ne in if SARJEANT INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED intends TO increasgits amme 5394 noun ROPE hardware 999 PringES 321135irli°532133331éifrlgfealieirlllfle pp staff The selected candidate will be recent graduate ROUTE gigspéï¬Ã©or WIN glzlgï¬mï¬iud 438 West St north Orillia bREES idliééri Eéï¬Ã©nrernTEFéj TELECARE Why fight your problem T0 BOX 458 DRILLIA ONTARIO L3V 6K2 localcompanyexcellentoppartunity for My12 STORE FIXTURES Metal shelving light fixtures card racks Check Out counters display cases peanut butter machines Telephone 416 291 6261 EVEN HEAT kiln 18x24 S375 SKLAR Chesterfield and Chair $200 MOFFATT Stove 3200 Telephone 726 5361 alter pm CLARKS HOME FURNISHINGS Warehouse Annex has great choice Of used religerators from $69 Stoves from $49 Washers dryers etc used ap pliacnes reconditioned guaranteed 30 days Used Furniture items include Chesterfield sets chests dressers odd chairs kitchen sets 33 Bayfield Street downtown DISHWASHER RCA super 90 automatic Clairtone stereo walnut cabinet each 3250 original oil paintings 14 foot MIRRO craft aluminum deep fisherman 95 hp EVlNRUDE and trail er Little used Package price $1400 Also girls 20 bike $20 436 3362 42articles wanted CASH FOR OLD FURNITURE books dishes Old pictures clocks Odds and ends Pre1950 items 72878234 CANADIAN SILVER COINS before 1967 American belore 1964 No collection too large or small Canadian stamps old watches postcards iewellery 726 I663 evenings 726 3162 ANTIQUES JOB LOTS houséhold con tents Bankruptcy quuidations estates Bought forcash SSS Call 728 6332 WILL BUY houSe contents or any uSetul items or will trade Telephone 728 I311 ALLCASHV FOR fridges stoves freezers and furniture Must be clean and work ing Need is desperate highest prices Track trails daily turn outs Just out side Barrie 436 5624 GRADE HOLSTEIN cows one fresh call at foot other due soon WANTED 2weiner pigs Telephone 45672034 EIGHT YEAR OLD Standard bred thoroughbred gelding 163 hands high has been shown successfully at CHSA approved shows good mover bold irumper 7261581 DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS $500 paid for any animal over 400 lbs 24 hours day alone Let friend help Call Telecare 7267922 anytime MONECA psychic and card reading counselling Days and evenings Monday through Friday Phone 7280868 FACIAL AND BODY hair problem Removed permanently Malefemale Clientele Free consultation Lydia Hren chUk Electrolysis clinic 73772671 BIRTH CONTROL INFORMATION 56 Mary Street Open Monday and Tuesday 100 430 pm and Thursday 630 930 pm 73774222 7269300 Ext 236 INCOME TAx RETURNS may be prepared in your home Personal $600 and up JIM 726 8169 INCOME TAX RETURNS may be prepared in your home Personal $600 and up JIM726i8169 WANTED drummer bass lead guitarist For serious band Rod Stewart based42923304pmto9pm Dr Phone 3254412 My245 MENvTALiHEALTHASSGCIAEIQN Willis BARRIE ONTARIO Requmels Coordinator for an Adult Halfway House Program Responsible fOr coordlnatjn the Operation of an Adut Halfway preferably with university degree in Business Administration The company will provide training program for the incumbent to develop skills for selling and servicing commercial accounts on professional basis The position offers excellent potential for personal advancement and an Opportunity to work in successful and growing community Remuneration will be commensurate with qualifications and experience Send resumes to SARJEANT INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED PO Box 700 BARRIE Ontario L4M 4Y5 Attention SARJEANT right person Write Box A30 The Ex aminer BarrierOnt ExPERlENCED SHIRT PRESSER qurred full time position Apply in per son Wright Cleaners 103 Baylield StreEI Barrie 72 TOP COMMISSIONS Sell anywhere part timefull time sideline Calendars ad specialties printed labels tapes ball pens office supplies etc Our 27th year New catalogue available AICO Box 3772 Ottawa ales 99191 9993 roaringiw MENS WEAR TRAVELLER For progressive wholesaler To by owner $20 to $400 728 2875 evenings paid BRICESI 416 478 4175 9° equal ALCOHOLCS ANONYMOUS 8958 House Program myovmgu new mspcnsshnes service independent retail BOX SPRING and mattress SCII FIREWOOD in bush cord lengths or 7dY5week muntdtblgtltlliiadï¬sbï¬lfEgllralisiiilhclou Almcnmm outlets in local area with brand now also miscellaneous new box standing Telephone Queensville rimr is springs and mattresses Singles some doubles 726 9114 416178 2287 44dogs and pets We also buy hides SIMCOE RECYCLING Serving You The Farmer RIDING INSTRUCTION indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie five minutes Windy HaughFarm726 0192 At least two years relevant experience in the Mental Health Field andor the equivalent in academic training CIRCULATION DEPT ASSISTANT branded lines of mens and boys wear Must be self JAMESiPsychic ReaderfPrivatecon musumw starter Call Collect 519453 TROPICAL FISH Best selection in COIIOCT sultation psychic parties aura porr Ml zuum requredmmedlalely mm town Aquariums all sizes at unbeatable TF traits Can evenings Mon Thurs prices Evenings and weekends Edge 77374300 777 vvm 00 MENTAL HEALTH BARIIE in EXAMINER My5 10 ton 3phase water coole hlilAquarla143Ardagh Road726 0094 BARR JAYQETTES 5050 Draw May 251 73eachers wanted with dualcompressar$l500 MAYS POODLE PARLOR Pmles 279 Wnner 303 GRAHAM 105 Imi do Must have valid drivers licence be able to accept some nd min Ch 59 PO rY it St II um 5°lt 99mg 9m 9° °J9£ i9¢ do NURSERY SCHOOL A55istanl acceptedPhone7260061 DEKALB READY lay bullem Farm HM responSI IItyOn wor on eacher required by WWW Co 1311432 DAFFON KENNELS Specializing in lresh eggs Laying cages for sale Craig WITOO My5 AT Operative operating mornings per TF BOarding 10 Big 0095 cows Hunter Poultry Farms4361811 week Duties to begin in September Call Teepmmlms 52 LIVE Lccndcniswiappropriately 37 005WHmorwormation MUST SELL retiring 15 Chinchillas BARRVE POODLE Salon Shampooinn ibsSl00eachAvailableMaySandMay MENT wim 9950 about 700 animals yowim 2nd cIIEppIngQEIujII breeds Sophia Craig Hunter Poultry Farm 436170171 76femployment wanted automatic watering Telephone 436 5697 Vet asr 7FF GARAGE SALE Sammy May 5910 POODLE TRIMMING prowssional 60 feedsegdgrain MR IIAL NURSING BACKGROUND Babyslt pm DAVIES CRESCENT between Duckworth Grove Velvet chairs dressers chair kitchen set ft fluorescant lights pm Iawy set hedge grooming all breeds pick up and de livery 726 8798 Pet Studio DOBERMAN PINSCHER puppies Champion sired puppies with super SEED BARLEY for sale cleaned and treated also red clover seed Telephone Wilfred Peacock RR No Thornton 726 2679 TAURUS 30 0er STREET BARBIE ONTARIO ting on Cundles Road West Monday to Friday Limited space available Mrs MCCUISII 7281507 RESPONSIBLE MOTHER will babysit F000 SERVICES MAINTENANCE SON clippers humidifier track AMFM temperments ready to go now Buy Er OF In $ggaénowcykaï¬‚ï¬ Â°afeeekcsé stereo puzzles TV games and much lrom breeder Wycollpr Kennels Reg ReqUIred immediately MUST school Lunch suppued Ca 7264073 more Allworkina arid pricod to sell 436 4191 REAL ESTATE LTD 0p have experience as anytime SH DUTIES Instruct train on GARAGE SALE told away bed EXCELLENT MARKED REG MEDICAL SECRETARY GRAD ATE slngle1pullouibed doublechilds play iSTERED Doberman Pinscher mon SIMCOE DISTRICT supervise men 99m anc rocking Io posmon in game pen plus articles to numerous men ths old had puppy shuts dewormod handicapped Millwright electrical and Telephone 726 4203 tion160ToronloStrDetMay 5m and6th ears cropped male S200 firm COOp to 530 pm Telephone 705 S26 6139 Midland adults In the lumen °f experience GAS FURNACE forced air low bay 6MONTH OLD black and tan Doberman 726653 planning pur would be definlte asset 90000 $150 Oil furnace forced Pinscher female good tempcrmenl and Duies Troubieshoo repair Deadkne for air low bay180000 BT 200 gallon on Telephone 424 0449 after 5pm mg tank and some duck work included S250 FOMERANIAN puppy sale monms Rea ESTITO 50 OS POOP preparation of up and maintain hospital word ads call all 77° 397 old male all Shots tattooed deworlncd 63pastiire wanted go 100 meals daily building services and LARGE CHESTERFIELD and mat Reason for selling moving to apart Requned Ui men Exceuen sale pm ching Chair matching drapes and ment 5100 Telephone 726 1491 PASTUSE IVAélTEfilor 1p2t015 heid 01 HOURS Days Monday to eqdl bedspread for twin bed Excellent con OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG pups ex owe are or ca ease one van Op qua prO UC in an ringe one its ep in revi dimn Trienhonem 3178 client breeding cxc registered 778 71 Because of our planned expansion we hay race Friday wriing sending complew 005 1416775 30438 of Gigpgoleoumm homerawaogmd 67mms vegetables openings for new or experienced salespeople Hig everywhere At present we REQURIEICIIEFTSO relate to resume to 900 salurdpy 50 511 Samoyed Husky Spayed female APPLES App more Son Con Income for hard working IndIVIdUOls have Openings for sales duhs DIRECTOR OF PERSONNEL 14 Setattend AMFM CW years with papers 625 den cession Oro 72s 8489 or 7261907 No WE OFFER represemames in an Icoppe SITPIIOFd General HOSPIIOI rumour sw an Phwm 5216 Sunday sales OBARRIE °°Y °°9 Stratford Ontario of Under $5 wklthartlng June PAIR OF BUDGIES complete With cage MacINTOSH Apï¬LEsy basfrs erience KELLYS now nut door to Mwlmm gzndoestand Asking $50 Telephom 99 cents Cancillas Erucilu Marketet7 Tranng Progrom OORO TWP 2cagiirggm N5A2Y6 Myt hour delivery Highway 90 F047 60 Clapporton St Barrie eGenerous commission 07374102 TF ï¬ERICAANSSaIJEOHSEDSHHIOIPClor FRUIT STAND for rent on maih busy Air conditioned INNISFIL TWP Apply in writing only to ab soa CUIeor nh or large property 525 Ielephone 821 In C00 own TEIep one ce MR5 CAROLL LOWE pnw 728 3379 en IO OCO IO GARAGE SALE Saturday May 5th all TOY POMERANIAN Puppies for sale 68per5°na5 MR WASAGA BEACH M°9°r SEAMmEss CONTRACT 7916 day Household articles and clothing 239 Eight wEeksbocld Female flung ladnd TINY TWP Adult Rehabllltotion Centre TAILOR MARINA ELECTRICAL Warnica Rd Painswick cream 995 99 50 ield Street Mature res nSIble mdtvtdual POWER OUTLETS NEW ADMIRAL fridge and stove gold 99599 PM 93 Ph°ne l°d°Y and Imd h°w Boy p0 Only used months S575 firm Available May 26th Phone 728 4899 CASH REGISTERS three NCR five departments good working condition maintained regumrly $250 each Telephone 726 6831 or 424 5411 ask tor Al orLes DOBERMAN PINSCHER temale for sale 565 apply at 101 Mulcaster Street Apt PARAMEDIX HEALTH SERVICES Specializing in 7373000 easy it is to get started Highest commission Call 7289652 Avon you make me SMILE Barrie Ontario Closing date 12 noon May 1979 required with minimum years experience in altering mens Clothing Ap proximately 20 to 25 hours per week Salary negotiable My34 Sealed tenders will be received by the City Clerk until pm Monday May 14th 1979 for the installation of electrical Outlets at the City of Barrie Marina TF us MENS wul Lakeshore Drive Barrie On CONTENTS OF FURNITURE factory Bullets hutches tables Chairs china Home Care NUISIHQ Georgian Ma mo i2°lï¬ï¬Ã©gï¬iiétï¬filéiify022 regisiered W595 3200 DOVI Barrie 5P°Citicallons and tender awe etc eta Hepttorgtllwsggizirorei registered nursing FEMALEer MALE 7266231 d°cum°n I9°PL°ln°d thampton arlo GARAGE SALE IMovinwes Aéuï¬w assdrstants available plyiSIou or TANov ELECTRONICS thAiTEO zgzzpgton 132$ olgzï¬ifty Il Kenmore Olhe fYEr 98 er our SICIOI Aark 50 water conditlzner modern high Accurma typst bOOkkeepsr ecor uired Barrie Ontario back swivel chair brown naugahldo SUPGFVSOW pleasant telephone valce HWY 93 CROWN lllll smut Auto GLASS Lowest or any tender not W°°° and We LOW HOURLY DAILY essential shorthand an asset °°°9 valve and chromebelgvesenl rriodern Femumrvaulbflseeds JUNIOR PROGRAMMER hourgeek Noinvasimeni has iob opening for an necessarily accepted ith it ntSUISOR glldchirc lsgticupiene deskognd chah sew Berries Fruit trees WEEKLY Starting Immediater also No small Chlldren experienced auto glass in BRJ Straughon Ina machine canvas mi W5 eEvor wens Shade 965 ALbOZ HomOHOKGTS Computer experience necessary sen sum on If on can qualify phone me stoller or person with years CWCerk plants clay pots dishes pots and pans sakes ers saIarv expocyed It City Ho plus much more Come have look RosesOShrubsPerenmals programmingoperatlons at 1°C onlco rammg PPY iriitszixivamsal°mil °Boxplonts May in omens 12hourshiit3doyson 3day5° mm Moier Rain or Shine 224 Shanty Bay Rd No nouns4196 Jy4 Serving all of APPLY IN PERSON It III or remm please leave Mp Barrie Ontario 9°53 Sinkvb meme Simwe COW RADIO SHACK PERSONNEL PO Box 908 you add and um um riu Um 411379 35 V°°bllAMFMIWVB SHEEP MANURE 279 Bayview Drive BARRIE Barrie Ont L4M 4Y6 phone number 72I791I May Or camper3250 25 Ferndale Drive Iaar away price 96 bar Ctflned OUI M5 14 My49ll rievaryerip Telephone7281791