Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 May 1979, p. 16

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1e the exemlner FrIday May 1m PROFESSIONAL DETECTOR ANGUS ROSS BA Registered Music Teacher Instruction in Piano and Theory Also tutoring in French Latin and other school subiects 91 Ross St Barrie 7285775 nos nos AW Samuel RoseCA Trustee in Bankruptcy 49 Collier St Barrie 7284949 POWELL JONES CO Chartered Accountants 24 Dunlop St East Barrie Ontario Telephone 7287461 16eptsto rent PIANO THEORY All grades of Royal Conservatory Toronto meta 125 wimpy Street uni PHONE 13735 Evin My ATCM Deseel Mdoy ARCT II sitsou Teacher of Piano Singing Theory Pupils prepared for examinations of the Royal Conservatory of Music Toronto All grades and ARCT Studio 27 Bradford St 7284718 WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 16eptstoront CENTRAL ONTARIO FINEST SPACIOUS and BEDROOM from ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED $264 LARGE BALCONIES OVERLOOKING BAY COLORED APPLIANCES STORAGE LOCKERS ENSUITE SAUNAS EXERCISE ROOM AND GAMES ROOM BILLIARD ROOM UNDER CONSTRUCTION TENNIS COURT CLOSE TO SIMCOE PLAZA PUBLIC BEACH YACHT CLUB year lease available RENTAL OFFICE HOURS 12 to pm weekdays 11 to pm weekends 7269580 37 JOHNSON STREET BARRIE 2BEDROOMAPARTMENTheat park ing fridge and stove included $210 monthly You pay hydro Downtown area Telephone 726 5524 0NE AND TWO bedroom apartments Mulcaster Street all utilities rid piances included Available im ediftel Iy Telephone 737 3221 TWO BEDROOM Plm nt Quiet residential area Free heal and parking Available June lst $280 per month Telephone 737 4144 BEDROOM APARTMENT available May lst 180 Dunlop St everything included except hydro Telephone 737 1421 TWO BEDROOM apartment private en ltrances parking heat included $240 monthly available June 726 5102 ONE AND TWO Bedrooms $165 to $195 monthly Totally repainted white Call Patrick 728 2785 BEDROOM APARTMENT available immediately centrally located all utilities $300 monthly Telephone 728 2839 NEWLY DECORATED ATTRACTIVE one bedroom apartment central down town location adults only references re quired available immediately Tele phone 726 6774 between am and pm ALLENDALE AREA bedroom apart ment clean fridge Stove and parking All utilities paid $225 monthly first and last Available immediately Telephone 728 8834 anytime CENTRALLY LOCATED bedroom apartment available May 15th $220 in cludes stove tridge and utilities Adults No pets First and last Call 728368 or 726 0570 ONE BEDROOM apartment heat hydro stove and fridge included $190 monthly Telephone728 4335 I1 houses to rent TAMARACK WOODS Little BIVVIOW Drive COUNTRY LIVING in BEDROOM TOWNHOMES WITH EARLY OCCUPANCY Gas fired forced air heating Scale with ravine settings °Tennis Court Adiacenl Molson Park Rents from $300 per month HEADWAY CORPORATION 7373992 ThFSTF TOWNHOUSE ONE MONTH FREE RENT four bedroom 1V2 baths fully broadloomed garage four appliances cable TV included $300 monthly Immediate occupancy Week days Weekends 14164534711 or 14164574829 collect TF BRAND NEW Three bedroom homes for rent Immediate occupancy $325 monthly OEL REALTY 7370500 TF ORR LAKE lust north at Barrie bedroom house all conveniences close to shopping etc Suitable for couple $200 monthly Available May 12 Telephone 322 1063 MAIN FLOOR ol modern bedroom bungalow Attached garage Large wooded In country setting five minute Free utilities Available $365 monthly 737 4144 FIVE ROOM house for rent with garage $325 monthly Call 416 4942 BAYFIELD AND UNDLES and bedroom semi detached homes for rent Broadloom garage one year lease Utilities extra First and last monthso rent redoired $325 monthly Call Marlene Knowles representing Murray Warsh Realty Ltd 728 9636 or 737 2351 BEDROOM HOUSE at Little Lake available June Isl Year round tenants only $225 month First and last Call 726 8205 alter 5p BEDROOM storey house overlook ing Kempenlelt Bay $350 monthly lm mediate possession References re quired Telephone 726 6633 lot from Barrie June lst 17houses to rent NEW BEDROOM house completely broadloomed for rent Sunken Iiv ingroom with partially finished base them Also garage Telephone 726 3257 3TBEDROOM downtown with garage utilities and appliances not included 7267676alter5pm IT IS POSSIBLE Rent on new home can go towards your down payment For information call Mr Jarvis 726 6805 24 Hour Service EXECUTIVE FOUR bedroom two storey complete with appliances avail able June $400 monthly Telephone 7263370 THREE BEDROOM house laundry room and garage Duckworth Street Fully broadloomed $375 monthly in cludes heat and hydro Available im mediately with or without lease 7373639 CONTRACTORS EOUIPMENT Shovels scaffolding tarps mortar box wheel barrows etc etc Make offer for the lot Telephone 7289151 and leave number FOUR BEDROOM house in village at Hillsdale on Highway 93 north of Barrie large lot $285 monthly plus utilities Available June Telephone 83573525 FOUR BEDROOMS stove relrigeratOr Sheers broadloom swimming pool ga rage 172 baths close to school and bus Available June Telephone 7280135 aller6pm TWO STOREY brick farm house bedrooms large kitchen living room dining room large sun porch Occupan cy June near Orillia $400 monthly Telephone 7373814unti1830 pm HOUSE FOR RENT OPTION TO BUY bedroom bungalow with fireplace sundeck electric heat lull basement garage $325 plus utilities first and last months rent No pets Possession May 151436 2448 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE for rent 15 East Street Barrie Parking close to bus Available now $269 monthly Telephone collect 4162450910 or 7262299 FOUR EEDROoMftwostorey partially furnished Riverwood Farm Available June Ist Telephone 726 9245 TOWNHOUSE for rent three bedrooms 112 baths basement garage nicely decorated Close to school and shopping 726 4338 TORONTO SCARBOROUGH Large three bedroom home plus outside park ing available June lslh year lease Ap ply Box 430 Adelaide Street East Toron to M5C 2J5 with references 3TBEDROOM TOWNHOUSE ap pliances broadloom garage Ferris Lane First and last months rent Relerances $300 monthly Telephone evenings 4161 763 6251 Bayfield and Cundles Four bedrooms two washrooms attach ed garage available immediately $325 monthly Barrie 72870130 or 416 453 7991 BUNGALOW TWO BEDROOM lakefront on hwy 93 at Orr Lake All con veniences Suit single person or business couple NO pets $180 per month Phone 416 231 0426 18apts wanted to rent WANTED bedroom flat Upper or main level of Older well maintained home in good residential area lor career woman With small well behaved child will redecorale if necessary Excellent rolerences available Please call 737 3394 lithouses wanted to rent YOUNG EXECUTIVE and family require or bedroom home to rent pleasant surr0undings close to or In City limits Immediately Call726 7391 20 rooms to let FURNISHED ROOMS tor rent downtown location Call Andrea 737 3633 between and Monday 10 Friday FURNISHED ROOM share kitchen and bathroom downtown Barrio localion $90 monthly includes parking and utilities Aurora 416 727 3830 after allday weekends FURNISHED ROOM share kitchen and bathroom until September only downtown Barrie location $90 monthly includes parking and utilities Aurora 416 727 3830 alter In all day weekends FURNISHED ROOM Bradford John St area Cable parking snare kitchen liv ingroom Telephone 737 4886 or 737 2427 FURNISHED ROOM for rent retrig eralor and linen supplied $22 weekly Central location Telephone 720 8481 21room and boa rd ROOM AND BOARD available In private home Also suitable home for senior Citizens Telephone 728 6182 ROOM AND BOARD for young honest gentleman in new building Lunches packed Light washing done Central location parking Available immediate ly Telephone 7211 7568 23m stores for rent RENTANOFFICE DOWNTOWN BARRIE Furnished or unfurnished staffed telephone answering nailing typing etc Various msz spaces now available street level walkin 72609 My21 1200 SQ FT OFFICE SPACE 54F Maple St Available anytime 728 17431511 7pm 728 6899alter MODERNVVOFFICE space for lease small or large suites immediate oc cupancy short or long term 726 3400 Angelolt STORE FOR RENT 1200 square leel parking lacilities for more inlormation call 728 1823 after 11 am OFFICE SPACE for rent in attractive downtown building Individual offices only Modest rent Free parking Re ception services and photo copying it re quired Telephone Miss Tubman 7969021 OFFICE SPACE for rent or lease Redecorated Parking Baytield St downtown Phone 726 2772 days 737 2349 evenings 24Space for rent FOR LEASE OR SALE industrialspace and warehouse Telephone 726 3400 Angeloll WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM etc 108 Victoria Street 1590 square leet Gross lease everything included $475 mon thly Apply StewartWholesale 728 3051 PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 1000 18000 sq tt fully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks drive in doors 14 It 18 It clear part of large ex panding industrial mall 726 7130 2000 SQUARE FEET Commercial Space available suitable for retail manufacturing or warehouseing Heat and hydro included $600 monthly On Baylield Street Telephone Ora Mobile YJ57008 STORAGE AVAILABLE Small or large units lnnisfil SlJacobs Terrace Short or long term 737 1606 424 1020 STORAGE SPACE for an in the Barrie area heated 950 sq ft Suitable for smallvshop Telephone 322 139777 25ga rages ATTENTION TRUCKERS Garage space to rent by the month for repairs washing storage etc Barrie area Call Ora Mobile YJ57008 Ilcotlages To rent PLANNING YOUR HOLIDAYS Quiet clean bedroom cottage Gravenhurst irea Private sandy beach Relrig erator wood stove Suit persons Telephone 726 7734 28cottages for Sale COTTAGE FOR SALE furnished near oro Park bedroom Any reasonable of fer near $20000 will take vehicle as down payment or will trade for building lot 705 466 2919 or 705 4872144 ORR CAKE Lakeiidni omit7 93 Three cottages Furnished On Two 50 420 lots Oil heat inside plumbing arte sian well $65000 or sell separately Phonet 4162310426 29cottages wanted WANTED COTTAGE close to Barrie on Lake bedrooms for summer months Telephone726v3045 WANTED TO RENT June to September inclusive Two bedrooms inside tacit ities On or near Lake Simcoe Tele phone 4364060 30resorts COTTAGES TRAILER PARK mile lake Cecebe Burks Falls playground trampolinefishingrbach7260617 CAMPGROUND HUNTSVILLE ALGONQUIN PK AREA 40 private sites 80 fishing acres Excellent swimming on 3000 ft shoreline Maintain own 101 and pay only $100 per season Jarvis 7266805 My 31 32 ears for sole CHECK RUST WITH RUST CHECK SEVEN working chemicals specially formulate OIL BASE Complete iob for ANY AGEvehicle MW VEHICLES $4950 By appointment only Business 4873220 Hwy 11 5tII Line Between little OrIIIe MWFAu10 1973 PLYMOUTH SATELLITE two door hard top V8 power steering and brakes vinyl roof new brakes good tires very clean condition certified 7370966 1976 HONDA automatic $2500 certified 1956 Chev door wagon no motor as is $2000 firm 1970 Mustang convertible as is $600 Telephone 322 2961 777 1976 HONDA automatic $2500 certified I956 Chev door wagon no motor as is $2000 firm 1970 Mustang convertible as is $600 Telephone 322 2961 I974 OLDS ROYAL door all options new radials and aluminum rims 57000 original miles Must sell Telephone 726 8673 alter6pm 1977 PINTO automatic transmission 25000 miles excellent condition Asking $37000 Telephone 737 0929 alter 1977 MONTE CARLO red with white Vinyl roof automatic power steer ing brakes air conditioning excellent condition 7261417 1976 PLYMOUTH SCAMP door hard top vinyl roof cylinder power steer ingbrakes radio electric window delogger $3400 or best Olfer Cer tilled 726 4193 1970 VOLVO for sale in good running condition 60000 miles asking $1500 or best offer Telephone Midland 526 4953 alter AUTO INSURANCE and home in suranco Competitive rates Call John Nelson Insurance 728 95719 am 9p 1974 FORD PINTO station wagon good family car 58000 miles speed radio roof rack runs well Asking $1200 Telephone 456 3823 1975 CHEV BEL AIR cylinder blue $1800 Telephone 726 1478 1971 MG MIDGET CONVERTIBLE good condition 5650 uncerlilied 728 5585 alter4z30pm 1978 CHEV BLAZER wheel drive has most Options including air conditioning AMFM cassette with speakers and 11x15 all road tires Telephone 726 9559 after 5p 1976 CORDOBA black With black Iandeau r001 white lather buckets con sole power steering brakes seal and Windows cruiso conlrol AMFM four speakers sun roof factory air 35000 728 4086 1974 CHEV SEDAN va automatic power steering power brakes rear w1n oow defroster and radio $1200 Telephone 728 7023 1975 TOYOTA 55 speed 1900 CC lull instrumentation undercoated new paint radio excellent shape best offer Stroud 436 2332 alter pm 1976 PLYMOUTH Gran Fury lully eaupped tilt and telescope wheel power brakes steering seals and door locks tinted glass cruise control good tires 360 V8 all in good condition Make an offer 728 1193 1771 VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE good condition Telephone 7260167 after pm or allday weekends 1975 LE MANS power steering power brakes bucket seats automatic transmission good condition excellent stereo system $3000 or best offer Call 737 2468 after 1974 AUDI 100 door standard 49000 miles daclors second car ex cellenl condition $1895 See at Valley FinaOrillia 1975 TOYOTA CELICA liltoack speed 14000 kilometres Like new 56 500 Telephone 436 5006 alter 31mferods 1973 DODGE SWINGER Mo door hard top new paint iob certified Asking 51500 lirm Telephone 7263869 days 728 6010 evenings 1972 CHEV IMRALA iwo door hariTiop power steering power brakes 350 automatic will sell certified Telephone 726 6895 alter pm 1973 DODGE SWINGER Modoor hard top new paint iob certiiied Asking $1500 firm Telephone 7263869 days 7286010evenings I974 FURY 11 low mileage very clean tra tires certified $1800 firm TEEPIQTIEEé Elf 1974 PONTIAC LEMANS 350 engine new paint in excellent condition Asking £2250 Telephone 728 7406 alter 830 1974 CHEV BEL AIR excellent condi lion inside and out VB automatic radio certified or as is $2300 or best ofler Telephone 726 2969 alter pm 1969 PONTIAC Good runnning condi lion New muffler As is $250 Telephone 728 3846alter6pm 1966 MUSTANG vs automatic needs some body work Best offer Telephone 487 6843 1968 MUSTANG completely rebuilt $1400 1970 Nova good runner $400 1970 Triumph 500 motorcycle $800 350 speed transmission $35 1970 Triumph 500 motorcycle needs work $350 383 motor and transmission $150 Ford speed transmission $35 auxiliary gas tank 25 gallon $15 728 6463 I975 AMC PACER cyl automatic power steering radial tires and radial shows excellent condition Certified Telephone 728 3178 1970 PONTlAC ARCADIAN door cylinder automatic in excellent condi tion $850 certified Please telephone 737 3614 alter6pm 1974 ME RCU RY in very good condition $1500 or best ofer 1969 Mustang good condition best offer Telephone 726 9612 1971 MERCURY MONTEGOJ door cylinder automatic power brakes power steering $05 certified new paint Telephone days 4356322 eve 4245949 1972 FORD LTD good running condi tion recently certified Asking $600 or best oller Teleprhonei7726 3045 i971 MERCURY MARQUIS as is 429 engine automatic transmission Runs well Best offer Alter pm 7372599 1967 COUGAR door hardtop vinyl roof bucket seats automatic 289 engine needs starter Selling as is $350 or bestolfer 424 1674 alter pm 1974 AUSTIN MARINA four cylinder standard transmission good mechanical condition needs muffler and body work asking $800 as is $1200 certified and fix ed up 726 5659 or 487 3621 alter pm 1973 MOTE CAR LO air power steering akes and windows AMFM track good condition needs Solinoid Asking $900 or best offer Must sell 737 3492 alter2pm Ask for Harvie 1973 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE never winter driven Excellent mechanical and body Certified 51995 8355097 after 6pm CONVERTIECEFEI wine with white in terior CHEV IMPALA with 73 350 Fan tiac engine Call 11687 3142 or 7260667 i671 COMET Eilfideiéutomatlc sOld as is $200 or best offer Telephone 436 5416 after 600 pmionliyl 1974 MERCURY MARQUIS power steering brakes and windows air con ditioning 60000 miles certified Best of fer Telephone 436 5702 alter pm 1978 BLUE MALIBU economical V66 many Options including air conditioning asking price $4900 Call 7372971 after pm any time Saturday 1974 CADILLAC ELDORADO white stereo air cond All options One owner Excellentcondition Call 4245571 1974 GREMLIN six cylinderfthree speed new tires and paint certified $1500 25 Ferndale Drive after pm 17775 TOTODGE DTATRT meChahicallV sound low milage needs some body work Best offer Telephone 436 1482 1974 TRIUMFHSTRITFIRE convertible 41000 miles Asking $1500 or best offer Telephone 456 3984 1974 BOBCAT FOR parts $100 Engine and transmission good Telephone 7371 I967 BASSADOR two door 343 cubic inch eight cylinders new brakes exhuast system starter and battery body needs attention $275 or best offer 726 7766 Friday Saturday Sunday 33ca rs wantedto buy COLE BROS Cars and trucks WANTED for wrecking Fast pickup Phone 4356322 days 4245949 evenings SCRAP CARS WANTEDKSEO full Site picked up $40 full size brought in Bonus forextraheai 81136 7261553 JUNK CARST NTED HighEst prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 7268711 TOTPTPRICE for top cars Toke MOtTOrs Limited 119 Bradford Street Barrie 7288111 TRACY WANTS Carsfiandvtriucksflfor wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 77268487 SPRING SPECIAL Tracy wants cars Full sizecars$30 picked up Full size$40 brought in Bonus for extra large cars 7268487 WANTED Clean usedcSst Dame no da Auto Sales 17 Gowan St 7266488 WANTED LATE Fnédeiugeo car Prefer cylinder Must be condition Private Telephone 728 8212 SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED Top prices paid Free immediate pick up any tithe 4362900 URGENTLY REOUIRED Good clean late model automobiles TOP CASH PAID IMMEDIATELY ORV HARDY MOTORS 176 BRADFORD ST 7284272 MWFTF 34trilcks and trailers 1973 JEEP CJ5 standard transmis slon 7L7 MYERS three way power plow Excellent mechanical shape body needs some work As is $2800 Telephmie 726 3946 SIMCOE COUNTY FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB For information call John Nelson 7289571 1973 SUPER CAB FORD ton pick up as is $1300 or nearest offer Telephone 7266292 1954CHTEV CK T9707CT19VTC 40 wiih van body 1977 Dodge D300 with flatbed Call Queensville 416 47a 2297 1977 DODGE VAN power steering power brakes V8 factory installed swivel chairs tires and rims and others 32000 kilomaers 22 miles per gallon For more information call 7371089 1974 FORD F100 standard transmission Low mileage excellent condition Telephone 424190545 1978 GMC VAN like new 24000 original miles automatic asking $5000 Lelephone 7260259 or728 8328 1977 DODGE CUSTOM Ion power steering power brakes AMFM radio Low mileage excellent condition fibreglass cap $4500 Telephone 726 7435 after pm 1975 FORD F100 ton truck 62000 miles dark blue as is or certified Telephone 726 9868 after 30 pm 1971 GMC PICKUP A1 condition standard Certified Telephone 487 2716 31 9° 1975 FORD F100 ton pickup 39000 miles Asking $3000 Telephone 726 9854 ajter6 pm 1974 GMC Stock truck with 20 stock body divider gate sliding back door 9000 to 12000 lb axles Low mileage Excellent condition Asking $7900 Call 519 925 3196 73 FORD VAN 302 automatic no rust Green velvet and black plush buttoned interior Root vent Fully insulated 52000 Telephone 726 8365 1976 FORD ton 31000 miles cylinder automatic power steering radio radials New camper cap 09 lional Larry Maw728 1756 1977 DODGE VAN Tradesman 100 slant engine brown like new speed Over drive 19000 miles rustprooled Asking S4500 Call after 6p 737 0492 I974 DODGE SPORTSMAN window van 3160 V8 automatic power steerlng power brakes seats light w11 certify S2l30 or best otter 534 7954 1973 FORD WINDOW VAN certified $1500 Telephone 726 5721 1677 GM PICKUP TRUCK clender standard 32000 miles $3500 or best 01 ler Telephone 322 1818 alter6p mi 1977 DODGE KARY VAN 10000 IDS gross weight lift xslt wd Box lul ly insulated PS auto rad0 ex cellent condition 30000 km Complete with industrial hitch $9100 Or best Offer C811859 0471 lSchombergI tan 37 metercyoles I976 KAWASKI 500 excellent condition 4000 miles Must sell immediately Get ting married Asking $1200 or best oler Telephone 726 1678 after pm 1977 YAMAHA 250 CC Enduro 2300 miles Excellent condition will certify $900 or best otterCalI alter6 pm 064570 1978 HONDA Super Sport one owner ex cellent condition 6000 original miles black in color plus extra $2700 firm Telephone 705 526 6139 Midland 1975 CAN AM 250 TNT re built en gine new clutch knobby tires 1977 PE 250 SUZUKI excellent condition rebuilt engine 2500 miles 4246299 185 SUZUKI TC ENDURO electric start live low live high low mileage excellent condition 5900 or best oller 728 9542 1977 HONDA XLIOO onblf road ex cellent condition 4900 miles $600 or best offer Telephone 434 4771 MOTOCROSS 1977 Yamaha VI 1250 Ir excellent condition Recently rebuilt engine Asking $750 Telephone 42479726 1974 YAMAHA Enduro 250 for sale needs work must sell best ofler Tele phone 728 2084 alter 36auto accessories FOUR TIGER PAWS F78 15s mounted on 15 white spoke wheels Asking $325 728 2329 after 600 pm 40mklos for solo Incedble 50month warranty Electronic hiring new 8049 Order tonlte get free 12 portable Under 87 wkly Meg June79 KRAIY KELLYS new next to Meatman Highway 90 Fem dale 7371182 TF LAWN SALE May 51h 6th 10 am to pm Clothes dishes books and much more Turn ght at ihornton heading towards Baxter between am and 9th Concession ol Essa HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Most less than year old Odds and ends linen and bedding ladies clothing size 10 and t2 lawn mower and garden tools At Campfire Court Barrie south of Blake Street oll Johnson Street May and MOPED in excellent condition Asking $180 with helmul Telephone 728 2600 GARAGE SALE SATURDAY MAY am 62 Holgate Street Cameras radios household items motorcycle iacket and much more ZENITH 20 PORTABLE COLOR 100 solid state only $598 Under $6 wkIy Startlng June79 Order tonlte get free 12 black and white One hour delivery KRAZY KELLYS now next door to Meattnan Highway 90 Ferndale 7371182 TF THE TRAINMAN HOBBIES FIRST ANNUAL GREEN TAG SALE SAVINGS SAVINGS AND MORE SAVINGS 20 OFF INCLUDESTRAINS MOST MERCHANDISE MLTARY MODELS ROAD RACING ROCKETS UP TO 40 OFF CLEARANCE ITEMS Ilo FREIGHT CARS 99° PASSENGER FREIGHT CARS 25 on 110 PDLA BUILDINGS 12 PRICE GLIDERS KITES 40 on THE TRAINMAN HOBBIES 110 DUNLOP ST BARRIE 7281505 My VINYL 510180 40 YEAR WARRANTY IAMOND VINYL 8i ALUMINUM SIDING INVEST IN THE BEST Resists Damage Childrens Bicycles Baseballs Weather Olnsulate and Beautify Your House at the Same Time We Also ADD AWNHGS CANOPIES EAVESIROUGN STORM DOORS WINDOWS For more information come see our display at THE BAYFIELD MALL or Call For Free Estimates 4365645 SPECIAL $29900 reupholsters chesterlield and chair Labour and Fabric included up to 15 yaFds yr guarantee on workmanship For free inhome estimates call 7265721 7tolOdeymvice STONES UPHOLSTERY uiiiimiiiminiiimiiiiiimiiiiiimmniinmiiunumniiimniiiimimnmi iume MW TF NARCO AIRCRAFT OMNIGATOR channel VHF Operating when removed from aircraft Price $50 Telephone 4873234 llflllllINIIIllItllMllntlfllrllhllllflflnu mimumiiimiunisonmammalsautumn MATERNITY FASHIONS iust arriving for the spring and you AT REASONABLE PRICES KITCHEN CHROME set tableand lour chairs Excellent condition Asking $75 or best offer Call 728 5543 alter 6pm GARAGE SALE Saturday May 5th ll am to pm weather permitting 217 Southview Rd Minets Point Furniture paintings clothing china etc etc GARDEN PLOTS lor rent grow your own vegetables miles south of Barrie on Highway 27 For more information 458 9236no Sunday calls please MOORES UNIFORM SHOP Toronto St 7264401 9am 530pm Mon thru Sat MW FJu4 MgNeed help Just look over the ads below The ad END YOUR PAINTING PROBLEMS FDREVERI Install Vinyl Siding Special Spring Discount Soffit Fascia Eovestroughing vinyl Shutters Wont scratch or dent DIAMOND VINYL ALUMINUM 4365645 MWFA10 ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized Sales and Service Free Demonstrae lions 18 Alliance 867d Up 19 7203392 BIRD HOUSE PURPLE MARTIN HOUSES Various sizes Brochures available VIVIAN BELL RR Shmi 80 Shane 7285283 WORD PROCESSING NEWS LETTERS BROCHURES MAGAZINES PHOTOGRAPHY CREATION OF BUSINESS TRADE CONSUMER GROUPS MAILING LISTS PREPARED FOR EDP DIRECTORIES CONVERTED FOR COMPUTER PROCESSING DBE CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS 7370125 My28 CARPET INSTALLATION MILLER BROADLOOM INSTALLATION and Services Work guaranteed Free estimates Call 7372193 DRESSES FIT if made sy os AQUINO Specializing in pantsuits Wn bndaltera tions42 EugefiigStfhone SHORT RUN OFFSET COPY PRINTING PHOTO COPIES TYPING wDUPLICATING SERVICES 7200955Auia SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING SPECIALI TS roofing and roofing repairs Sheet metal work Martin Verstraten New Lowell 4241956 Stewart Electronics Repairs to TELEVISION STEREO RADIO Other Electronic Equipment 74 PEEL ST 7209457 CHAIN LINK FENCING tor free estimate call7287829 FIBREGLASS REPAIRS FIBREGLASS REPAIRS boats snowmobiles anything fiberglass Free estimates Low winter rates Workmonship guaranteed 4245 VIC WATSON Fireplaces and masonry For free estimates phone 7281599 CUSTOM BUILT and designed Specialixing In natural stone and antique brick using belliires Workmonship guaranteed Peter Henstra 7372871 Of the finest iob possible FIREWOOD 100 DRY MAPLE SEASONED YEARS 16 FACE CORD $30 FFREE DELIVERY 4872113 GENERAL CONTRACTING CUSTOM BUILDERS Renovations additions chimney repalrs drywall all masonry needs For quality work call John 7280841 CUSTOM BUILDERS Renovations additions chimney repairs wall all masonry needs For quality wo Call John 7280841 OLD MANURE DELIVERED TELEPHONE 7371 935 M25 GENERAL REPAIRS maintenance attics garages basements cleaned rubbish removed cash for used appliances Gard 4365414 SPRING CLEANUP 0V1f1ndows storms removed cleaned Home yard cleanup °Rubbish removal small moving iobs OExterior painting repairs LOCAL 4873141 u7 HOME IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION House raising loun dalions renovations additions Phone 4362955 after pm CARPENTER FULLY EXPERIENCED with renovations cedar decks bathroom tiling rec roams etc Telephone 7261271 HOME IMPROVEMENTS additions and custom work Call Reid Bldg Ltd 7284119 ACTON BOOKKEEPING TAX Personal and business returns am to pm 7265218 INCOME TAX from your home Prompt pickup and delivery Reasonable Telephone SMITH 4364828 PERSONAL TAX RETURNS our specialty As low as $900 Will pick up pm to pm 7372406 lRmINGPicked up and delivered Mon day Wednesday and Friday 3250 per basket Coll anytime 4589 LANDSCAPING REICHEN LANDSCAPING hslentiulContnerdIIIndustriol Serving 50 mile radius Spechllhg In SODDING FERTILIIING Hwey tIo rstohiig vols tEvorgrem eeeeee LAWN CARE Ii ROTOTILLING PAINSWICK 7265666 MWFO26 FERTILIZING weed spraying mowing sod ding seeding etc Vic Triemslra 7282909 THE WEED MAN FertiligingWeed Spraying Ask About Our LAWN CARE PROGRAM Results Guaranteed 7372721 M7 STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick stone work chimney re Ir specially Free estimate rock For further Information cal 7269098 millil VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In terior tablished 30 years 7262225 7264 ax vertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you 75 8i7V PAVING DISC JOCKEY music quite II reasongbble yours for the booklng Collin wome an GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular work Guaranteed Marcel Potvln Guitar Studio 7261489 Fr Enimmo ACCORDION gultar piano organ begin ner and advanced Two months trial instru rnent loaned for home practice Canadian Academy of Music 121 Bayfield 7281799 GUITAR LESSONS Classical popular and BARRIE 7370179 Gary PICTURE FRAMING OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom framing of all types We stock many sizes th7283270 ROTOTILLING BEAT INFLATION plant garden Rolo tlllirig $5 and also lawns 7289367 TAKE ADVANTAGE of our low spring roof exte rIor Work guaranteed PAULS PAINTING Paper hanging 8i Murals Interior and exterior Free esimates Low rates lng prices Residential commercial Fast service 5264953 collect Free estimates Satisfaction guaranteed Gwmm 7371295 RUBBERSTAMPS Ll 1mm STAMPS 3935303355333312313334 IIIdo To order mww HST SERVICE $JZII¥ 32 588831 mus nunII sum 7268341 SERVICE RRIIO SHANTY BAY ONT LOL1L0 EXTERIOR nous mm PAINTING REPAIRS NitE Order Now for Spring REFERENCES AVAILABLE GARY HANWELL 233 littler 51 93635 £353 on 7372325 upun A30 COLLEGE PRO PAINTERS Ltd MIMIC and exterior Two year WRITTEN guarantee 10 discount before May 1st Call 7373800 BARKEY PAINTING Interior and exterior PLLleLAS SIGNS STUREFRDNT It PLYLUN SIGNS ILLUMINATEDNONILLUMINATED CUTOUT LETTERSLOGOS References available Free reasonable estimates Telephone 7371087 DESIGNED AND POWER TOOL REPAIR INSTALLED TO YOUR COMPLETE LUJEZRLiES3R SEILIJISZLSaffigfiFJ SATISFACTION chain saws lawn mowgrs etc 7283878 40 vm snin mm 7374453 MWFTF MAN IERI PA VIN TD oDriveways °Parking Lots 0Tennis Courts IConcrete Work MAKE YOUR ideas reality Custom carved wood signs BuslnesIResidence KWCKIN ON WOOD 4875533 am pm Sm PLOWING PAULS SNOWPLOWING Three trucks for prompt dependable service at competitive 7260081 rates Call Paul 7373064 MBH SNOWPLOWING Residential and serving Simcoe County 32mmblessings Since 1961 BILL ALLAN SNOWPLOWING ROOSOnabIC rates Radio dispatched 24 hour service TF Telephone 1372392 ST PETERS PAVING GENERAL CONTRACTING LTD ms OT ANDRE and white IV sterbosfpeatyAlol RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL Oupllelt ssoling working lots Otsnnis courts my U583 VACUUMS SIS to S60 All makes and patio floor etc models MASTER VACUUM SALES SER ucvflua VICE 16 Mulcaster Street 7267102 CARPENTIY mi fhlshsd IoorING SERVICE INDOW CLEANING 24 IIW service 726I451 ALLENS WINDOW CLEANING Commercial 52 1nd Retidential Free estimates Telephone 7761914 Myl DIRECT FROM FACTORY SALE Discontinued HARDY GLENWOOD PRODUCTS last years patterns TRAYS MUGS TUMBLERS All AT vi PRICE MAPLE lEAF PLACE MATS Mr $150 eedl MW ONLY $1 eech er6lor$5 GOURMET RECIPE BOOKS RegeIsr $10 eech NOW ONLY $395 each FACTORY HOURS 9enn to pm Mon to Fri 128 BROCK ST BARRIE TThSJU9 FOR MOTHERS DAY Our rookie books are attractive useful and uxcelent value SHED LIKE ONE OPEN THIS SATURDAY TThSMY10I TRUCKLOAD FREEZER SALE WOODS chest and upright lreelers lully warranteed trailer on the premises May 3rd 4th and 5th trade ins free delivery special low pricing Call or visit SIM COE C0 OP 259 lnnisfil Barrie 726 6531 Two WINCHESTER 30 30 carbines1967 CENTENNIAL special model one WIN CHESTER 12 gauge pump gun 1897 model collectors items 728 4149 FRIDGE AND RANGETTE Ideal for cottage $75 for both Telephone 728 8938 HAMMOND ELECTRIC organ with cabinet Leslie speaker Full manuals and rhythm section New condition $995 Larry Maw 728 1756 CYS FLEA MARKET Ii AOCTION BARN NOW OPEN We buy sell anything that sells New used furniture used trailers mobile home used cars used farm equipment antiques Consignments accepted Vendors Welcome CALL US FIRST 4873385 Located between Barrie Orillia mile south of Fudas MWFMy28 FRIDGE and STOVE 10 cubic teet slim door manual white good condition $150 30 inch range very good condition white 5160 737 0541 SONY 26 in console walnut cabinet solid state excellent Condition Best of fer Telephone 726 9925 to 530 CEDAR PINE WOODCRAFTS INTRODUCTION SALE Come and meet THE WOODPECKER Crofts hand made by craftsman custom work done Gun cabinets benches blanket cedar chests hall stands pine kitchen tables coffee tables many many more items Lots of gifts for Mothers Day May 13 RR Barrie Hwy 93 Crown Hill 7288217 My45101112 storage boxes BICYCLES TRICYLLES all types and sizes re condilioned re painted repairs made 7260850 SWIMMING POOL Sharklino all aluminum above ground oval 23 15 complete With Jacuzzi pump st sand filter Asking $1200 Telephone726 2837 CARPETING FOR bedroom home broadloom shag and others Assorted colours and sizes Must be sold Ex cellent duality and Condition Teiephone 728 7527 GARAGE SALE by 20 families combin ed from Willow Creek Coop Nursery School Saturday May 5th hi to at Jodis Lane in Midhurst lust pastbridge on St Vincent St TWO METAL garage doors rug 10 genome CacaIISIan Telephone 726 6211 alter6 00p 23 and Admiral console reasonable movmg and Its too large Phone 726 6652 after 30 SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER has new 1978 Pools regular price $2190 00 now at our rill season speCial of $1355 00 Pools come With walk around deck patio lenCIng pump motor and filter delivery arranged to your conve nience For best selection and Informa tion call toll tree 800 268 5970 TV TROUBLE APRIL SPECIAL TV or Stereo service call 01295 includes inhome labor Govt Licensed Technician Call for your appointment BARRIE TV II Dede St 7184297 MWFM4

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