12 the examiner Friday May 1070 FRIDAY EVENING VIEWING 830 ID 30 NEws HOLLYWOOD SQUARES DEFINITION PM 007 DOOR 030 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW 008 NEWS ADC NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME MATH PATROL 045 READALONG 055 WRITE ONI 700 DATING GAME EIGHT IS ENOUGH TOM AND JERRY AND FRIENDS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW TIC TAC DOUGH DELTA HOUSE NEWLYWED GAME ALMOST HOME GONG SHOW PRICE IS RIGHT 730 DANCE FEVER NEWLYWED GAME EVENING OUT HOLLYWOOD SQUARES CIRCUS Hosts Cal Dodd and Sherlsse Laurence welcome Arturo Segures bounding rope Wade Burke and the 16 Hawthorne per forming tlgers the Fornecerl Musical Clowns the Doll Sisters trl le trapeze WHA IS TR TH MAGIC SHADOWS BOB NEWHART SHOW 800 DIFFRENT STROKES ALLINTHE FAMILY Rob an andSallyStruthersereepecielguesteterswhsn the Bunker clan Is reunited for the holidays 3111 THE INCREDIBLE HULK The National Register assigns an apprentice reporter to help Jack McGee with his pursuit oi the Hulk but their quest is hampered by timid men claiming to be the creatures alter ego 60 i=AMiLY OLYMPIC PROFILES Meisihon CANADIAN VOLLEYBALL HAMPIONSHIPS MOVIE HORROR lard 1071 Historically speaking BEST OF SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE FRONT PAGE ALLENGE MOVIE ISUSPENSE to One of My Wives Is Missing PLANET OF MAN Treilolthelce Age Blues In words songs film and graphics here Is the story of giecietion its effects on the tea turssotNorthAmerica and humanedaptationto the subsequent Iendtorma 900 SEARCH FOR STARS want Fred Davis and the finalists ot nationwide rchlortalent 80 mins THE DUKES OF HAZZARD GeneralDwightD Eisenhower is dlepetchedtoLondonEnglandwherehe gains the support and devotion of smell circle of associates including Key Summersbylater to becometheIirstwomeneidetoativestargener al in history Stars Robert Duvall Lee Remick II at three art series his COUNTRY MATTERS Lim Flrm tn thIs story of HE Bates sn illiterate lonely young farmer finds girl through small adinthelocelpeperForabriettimeecombinr tion of Chance and mutual need for consolation brings these two deprived end vulnerable peo close to the oseibilit othappiness THE LoiE BOAT 1000 STEVE MARTIN WILD AND CRAZYGUYSteveMartinIocuseshiazeny setlricel sense of humor on wide variety 01 subjects from node beeches to rodeos in his first TV special Guest stars Bob Hope Milton Berle George Burns and Johnny Cash 60 STARSKY AND HUTCH DALLAS Bobbyand JR both feelguiity in their own fashion for their fathers apparent heart attack when Jock becomes distressed over Bobbyethreat toleave the Ewing Oil Com 80mins MISSWINSLOWANDSON Evelyn continuesto lryto tell Susan how to run her lite especially when she doesnt agree with the diagnosis of Susans pediatrician concerning bsbye rash PATSY GALLANT SHOW Guests McBride Evelyn Chem no King ASPECTS OF CIIIEMA the rum or as an Individual Artist NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1001 BARETTA 1030 KOWALSKILOEB REPORT WHATS MY LINE JOURNEYS IN TIME 100 NEWS csc NEws CTV NEWS NIGHTMUSIC Cueball MOVIE SUSPENSEHORROR Ben1072 1120 NEws 1127 NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHow Host Johnny Carson Guests Elizabeth Ashley Sammy is Jr 90 mine NBA BASKETBALL PLAYOFF GAME MOVIE HORROR mt RO mer Bab 1008 ST EETT LK 145 THE PROFESSIONALS In The PublicInterestAyoungmancomestoseeCow tey privately because he thinks that the police force in certain City is corrupt Cowley sends Bodie and 00er to take discreet look at the police force there 60 mins 1150 MOVIE DRAMA 15 Crazy Joe 1074 1200 mMOVIEDRAMA Intimate gangelrESDRAMAP England Made Me 1073 1210 ROCKFORD FILES 100 THE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 110 MOVIE DRAMA Heat of Anger 1972 130 NEws 50 OMOVlEHORRORWESTERN Black Nozogg 1971 MEDICAL CENTER MOVIEDRAMAPh Escape to the Sun1972 240 MOVIE ADVENTURE it Charley Varrlgkégen MARCUS WELBY Mo today in histOg May 1979 Napoleon Bonaparte went in to exile on the island of Elba 165 years ago today in 1814 following his disastrous Rus sian campaign Ten months later Napoleon escaped and was received enthusiastically in France where he assumed power But his armies were defeated at Waterloo and again he was exiled on the island of St Helena where he died of stomach cancer in 1821 1626 Dutch colonizer Peter Minuit landed on Mahhattan Island which he later bought from the Indians for trinkets worth $24 1910 The Royal Canadian Navy was organized 1943 Meatless Tuesdays were introduced in Canadian restaurants 1949 British French US and Russian representatives agreed to end the Berlin blockade 1966 Dr Jean Sutherland Boggs was appointed director of the National Gallery of Canada and became the first woman to attain the status of QCputy minister barries stog May 1959 miracle saved the lives of 31 collegiate students as the bus taking them to North and canadas stog Ilomcn Writcrs Irovidcd English History of Canada Thcrc Is good dual of writtcn matcrial in Fltllth about curly Canada but not much in English lacqucs articrs diarics wcrc publikhcd Champlain wrotc book and productd maps Thcrc is an abundantc of matcrial in thc annual rcports of thc lcsuit misson arics Thcrc arc numbcr of valuablc works by othcr authors courw cxccpt for Newfoundland and part of Nova Scotia Englishspcaking Canada did not bcgin dcvclop ing until 1763 Somc of the carlicst writers in English wcrc womcn Mrs John Gravcs Simcoc wifc of thc first licutcnant governor of lTppcr Canada wrotc intcrcsting lcttcrs about thcir cxpcricnces Catliarinc Parr Traill and Susanne Moodic wcrc sistcrs brought up in England but marricd rctircd army officers who scttlcd in Lppcr Canada about 1830 Mrs Moodics book Roughing It In Thc Bush is onc of the best works on the carly days of Upper Canada Mrs Traill wrotc very practical books intcndcd to hclp thc settlers Onc was called The chaIc Inimi grants Guidc and Hints on Canadian Housekeeping ln Backwoods of Canada shc describes how her hus band built thcir first home near presentday Pctcr borough It includes an interesting story about how now team of oxcn deserted them The lraills and neighbors scarcth for thc oxcn for month until they learned that thc oxen had returned to their original home They had traveled more than 20 miles through bush swamp and crossed creeks and lakes Their route was almot direct line to their destination but followed cntircly by instinct This is the anniversary of the publication of Mrs Moodics book Roughing It In The Bush on May 1852 OTHER EVENTS ON MAY 1639 Madame de la Peltrie and three nuns sailed for Canada from Diep pe 1783 United Empire Loyalists landed at Shelbournc NS IBMThomas Talbot obtained grant for settlement along the shore of Lake Erie 1804 Selkirk settlers from Isle of Mull arrived at Baldoon Upper Canada 1859 Parliament moved from Toronto to Quebec 1910 Royal Canadian Navy was authorized 1915 Canadians were withdrawn from Ypres after 5700 casualties by Mrs Sutherland 1753691 The Bond Head lnstitutc ladies held their annual meeting at the home of Mrs Vera Kneeshaw on Wednesday April 18 with Mrs Bea Dixon and Mrs Elsie Reynolds as con venors delicious buffet was en joyed after which the president took the chair and ex rcssed appreciation to Vera or her hospitality Our secretary brought us uptodatc on cor respondence which contained thankyou letter from Beeton Auxiliary for our donation in aid of the van and an invitation to the Beeton institute dessert luncheon and euchre on May The funds will be in aid of the van Reports were given Of ficers remain the same for 1979 neighborly news Former motions were updatcd The 4H achievement night was held at Cookstown on April 25 and the District Annual will be held in Bond Hcad on May 15 Mrs Lloyd rcmindcd us of education weck Parents and interested persons are invited to attend Our variety program con sisted of songs readings poem and experiences This brought to close very interesting meeting as we rcpeatcd together The Lords Prayer The Bond Hciid Unich Church Women mct in thc church hall on chncsdiiy April 11 Marion McFarlanc Alicc Grcen Barbara Wilcox Elva Sutherland and Ellen Kirstinc were in charge of Worship and Program Alice opened the worship with beautiful poem When thc Saviour Came My Way follow cd by the singing of hymn What Friend We Havc in Central Collegiate went out of control on Bayficld Street and ran into the bay at the dock into about five feet of water Within seconds of the bus hit ting the watcr rescuers were at the dock sidc helping the students from the partially im merscd vehicle Thirty Barrie Rotarians wcrc unofficial ambassadors of the city on their interclub visit to Aurora This was the first visit of the Barrie club to Aurora since it sponsored that club $71000 contract for 200 foot cxtcnsion to the dock at Barrie was let by the Depart ment of Public Works The an nouncement was made by licbcr Smith mcmbcr of North Simcoc Barrie was the site for the biggest yct lirls Auxiliary annual rally at Trinity Agnlican Church Held for thc first time away from Toronto 560 members turned up for day of singsongs modelling skits the prosentation of thc GA Challenge Cup to the branch chosen for general pro ficiency in 1958 and ring of honor ceremony Clean Up Paint Up and Plant campaign for Barric sponsored by the Barrie Hor ticultural Society was in full swing and was schcdulcd to run until May 15 The gicatcst crowd of school children scan in Barrie for years was to be in Frcd irant Square on May 15 to grcct thc Governochncrzil of Canada Vincent Masscy His Exccllcn cy expressed dcsirc to mcct as many school children as possible and IS rcsult he was to mch thcm till togcthcr Pat Garrity and lion Chantlcr won thc lithole prizes with not scorc of 70 and 73 it the opening stag at the Hillllt Golf and Country Club Jesus and prayer Scripture reading was taken from the Gospel of Lukc It was indccd privilcgc to hovc Alicc sharewith us cry precious Icttcr shc had received from Bond Head friend back in 1947 and real inspiration to lcarn of one whose faith and hope was beyond measure with the assurance Our Master is always standing by us in cvcry circumstance Thc Program with the thcmc Getting To Know You was under thc supervision of Marion McFarlanc Singing contests and participation helped us gct to know cach other littIc hot for its wc Icarncd of each others background and Ill tcrcsts Elva gave it rcading cn titlcd Garden of Friends reminding us of our liking friends reminding Us of our liking for flowers Contributc to each other cultivation and care and love must not be neglected The Doctor Says Bladder ulcer can be painful By PAUL RUBLE MD Dear Dr Ruble have been having bladder infection off and on for about three years About six months ago it was found that have three ulcers in my bladder The doctor called it Hunners ulcer He put silver nitrate in my bladder but it didnt help much Then he tried different solution but am still having pain off and on several times Can anything be done for these ulcers Could they turn into cancer Does surgery help GS This kind of bladder ulcer oc curs chiefly in women usually at or after menopause The cause is not known but in fection is not part of it Frequent urination is symp tom but there is no pain when urinating Actually emptying the bladder tends to relieve pain Biopsy removal of section of the bladder shows the type of cells usually found with in fection but there is none The ulcer area itself has pinkish hue with pale centre Since it is tender and tends to bleed slightly there may be pinkish urine The pain is severe for two reasons the tenderness of the ulcers and the tendency of the bladder to lose elasticity and decrease in size Sometimes its holding capacity is only third of normal so pressure results That accounts for the rcquency of urination The goal is to increase blad der capacity by dilating ex panding it Certain methods of dilating the bladder are tried including the silver nitrate solution you mention Cor tisonc antihistamines and other drugs are of no help If dilation is successful symp toms may subside for three to 12 months Surgical removal of the ulcer area and cauterizing burning usually do not help Other surgery either to remove the bladder or enlarge it by transplanting tissue can be done as last resort These days the recommended treatment is selfdilation It has helped in some cases This con sists of drinking fluids or taking diuretics and delaying urination as long as possible Your doctor should be con sulted before trying this This is stubborn condition to treat but it is not considered precancerous Dear Dr Ruble My 13 yearold daughter has very bad posture and as result has become roundshouldered My constant reminders to straighten up have been to no avail Is there any exercise that might be of help Our own doctor says to keep yelling at her What would you advise FKS Its time to interrupt the yel ling long enough to have her seen by an orthopedic doctor so that any spine and possible muscle defect can be evaluated Some medical problems do develop in the adolescent spine that need medical treatment Dear Dr Ruble If you have blister for example one on the foot should you puncture it or let it break on its own Mrs CR It is best not to puncture blis ters One may not be ready to be broken in which case it can create messy situation The fluid inside the blister is an ideal medium for growth of bacteria and infection so if blister breaks it should be cleaned and covered with band age immediately Give it the same care you would any cut or open sore BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Bidding against weak two NORTH 0A VKJ54 OA1076 0K632 EAST Vulnerable Both Dealer West West North East Dbl Pass Pass Pass Pass South Pass Opening lead 9K When your opponent opens weak two bid against you it is up to you to get into the bidding even at some risk If you make takeout double your partner will probably have to go to the three level if he wants to bid suit The experts have devel oped an unusual way of responding to cover this Specifically if you do re spond at the three level you are guaranteeing mini mum of six or seven high card points Thus if South held weaker hand he would have to respond two notrump This would allow North to bid three clubs whereupon South could pass with clubs or bid his own suit if he didnt like clubs Give South really bad hand and North might find himself in the meat grinder but that is an occupational hazard for all bridge player who refuse to hide their heads in the sand for safety Nevada reader asks What is short suit game try bid of new suit after partner has raised your suit bid to two that says Part ner have singleton or doubleton here If your strength is in this suit just bid three of my suit If elsewhere we belong in the game daily crossword ACROSS 47 Dieters concern Bat 51 Color Hurry graduation This Lat 52 Jumping stick 10 Singletons 54 Read 12 Elliptical 55 Stage of 14 Printers history measure pt 56 Auger 15 Look at 57 Neat flirtatioust 58 Time zone 16 Portion out abbr 17 Environment 59 Author of agency abbr The Haven 18 Sense of taste 60 Lincoln 20 Bad things 22 US service DOWN branch 24 Mockup Circlet 26 Upon Womans 30 College dance name 31 Granite state Call abbr Baseball coup 32 Commit faux wds pas possess 33 Sooner than contr 34 Part of to be Devoured 36 Nuclear Foot part agency abbr Demons 37 Com of Confederate Mexico States Army 39 Escapades abbr 12 Measurer 11 Sorded 45 Beginning 13 Lifted Fr 01 Answer to PreVIous Puzzle 19 Chinese 40 Legume 21 ghilosimht 41 Burst open ame pre ix 23 New York 43 Irish clan State city 44 30 24 Traditional 45 Belonging to knowledge us Emmy5 46 In good order 28 Very Fri 48 Ibsen 29 Killer whale character 30 Informed 49 Infant 35 Dance center enclosure 38 wesem 50 Red pigment hemisphere Or 51 ganization or abbr 53 Sticky stuff 11 AstlOGla Bernice BedGOsOI May 1979 This coming year old friends are going to take on an added meaning to you Because Of their loyalty you will have sev eral excellent opportunities to advance your selfinterests TAURUS April 20May 20 This would be good day to fulfill social Obligation that youve been putting off Your timing will be perfect because it wont interfere with anything else Winthrop TION FER ALL TH MEAL IVE HA9 Wizard of Id llIE FARMERS WINTMOIZE MN T055 DOWNNOTTHE THE BOX BOX Ones liespt In in SOMETIME5 VVONDE IF 5HOLILD 6E5 P5YCH IATRIEST THING ABOUT CATCHING HEREVETUNIA BUTTERFLIEZ GEMINI May 21June 20 Your first duty should be to the family today Even though you might have other plans back up your loved ones if it is called for by circumstances CANCER June 21July 22 You are in far too serious frame Of mind today If youre not care fut you might even spoil some One elses fun Loosen up bit LEO July 23Aug 22 The pinch youre feeling in your pocket book was put there by you so dont take it out on Others if you cant afford to do what you want VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Put the interests of others above your own today and you wont go wrong Youll profit al Toss IT OKAY DOWN OI OKAY ILL SHOOT Frank and Ernest YOUNG DORIS THOUGHT WE MIGHT LIKE To AVE LOOK AT 61 WEDblN PHOTOGRAPHSJPET NSL NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 INHAT FIRST GAVE You THE IDEA THAI 5pACE WA THEY so THEY ARE swatING Emma though gain is not your motive LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 This is one Of those days when youll have to do what everybody else wants to do Be cheerful and take things in stride SCORPIO Oct ZtNov 22 So cial obligations will have to take precedence over activities you would prefer to be doing Be gracious Dont let anyone know your true feelings SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Goals may be difficult to reach today but they are achievable All it takes is that little extra effort on your part CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 YOU wont buckle under today iust because difficult problem comes along In fact you may THE women Inc in an as Pu 011 WHEN ONE OF EM COMES FLHN ALONGYA MAKE 9WIPE AT IT Oilti MM In 101979 by NEA In TM Reg 11 Pat on WISH COULD FIND 50MEBODY WHO HA6 LISTEN TO THEM even entoy the mental exerCIse of seeking the solution AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 There are times when you have to put the other guys problems ahead of your own and this is one of those days Give it good go PISCES Feb 20March 20 If youre thrown together today with person who is tough to get along with make the best Of it or it will bOIhEr you more than it should ARIES March 21April 19 Un pleasant tasks have to get done so the sooner you tackle them the faster youll be through Get an early start so you can enjoy the weekend COMPULEDION TO Arir75 27 114 IT WASA SHIPMENT OF DYNAMITE FOR THE BONANZA MINE YOU ASKED FOR Maggie GEE MYTIP Iv Neg us Pu on Ivnv NU mi WE SHOULD REALLY AVE YOU AS OUR AMSCOT PET SEES THE SORT OF USBANDS MOST LASSES GET CANT ELJgt THINKIN Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service