WEDNESDAY EVENINGVIEWING 000 NEWS HOLLYWOOD SOUAREs DEFINITION POLKA DOT DOOR 630 NaC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW 038 NEWS Asc NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME ADVENTURES OF TIMOTHY PILGRIM 645 READALONG 655 WRITE ONl 700 DATING GAME CHARLIES ANGELS TOM AND JERRY AND FRIENDS MARY TYLER MOORE SHow Tlc TAC DOUGH THE NEw ADVENTURES OF WONDER WOMAN Mind Stealer trom OUterSpuceConclusion CanAndrospersuads tholntorplanetarycouncillogranthim snexten sionolthebrieltimetheyhavsgivenhlmtocome toEarthanddealwrththeSkrlllorwillthecounCll dle the Skull In their own way NEWLYWED GAME THE STATIONARY ARK GONG SHOW PRICE IS RIGHT 730 MATCH GAME NEWLYWED GAME MUPPETS SHOW Guests Kris Kris srson Rita Coolidge GONG SHOW OCEANs ALIVE MAGIC SHADOWS BOB NEWHART SHOW 800 88 REAL PEOPLE MORK AND MINDY With an en raged town bully hot on his heels Mork remalns nonVlolent In keeping with his Orkan ways and Is battled by the ellorts of Mindy and Frederick to give him qmck education in selldetense R1 II THE JEFFERSONS 609 unexpected Otter to help Louise Ind Allan cut throughtherodtapethatcdelayingthemoveol the Help Center turns into more trouble than onois ro aredtohandle ElGInPls ENOUGH mm mum on pllling the torch to the younger generatlon ignites gray power demonstration by See mentos senior Citizens 60 turns NEW AVENGERs INTROSPEC lllumonsdeBienEtre do is Modsrne MOVIE DRAMA Bltter Harvest 1963 830 CITIES LENINGRAD Host ur Ultlnov 60 mlns MISS WINSLOW AND SON Wlth herbsby barelysmonth oldSusanIindshorselI mint to moments of unexplained crying CINETVOLesGrandesGuaules1965 Bourvll Llrlo Ventura Parlons Cinema avec ert Enrico cineaste 30 ALICE 900 14th ANNUAL ACADEMY OF COUNTRY MUSIC AWARDS ROY ClarkDennlsWaaverandBartcraMendrellare the hosts olthls special tobetelecast from the HollywoodPalladlumannouncinpthswinnersot thevarloustopcountryvocalistsntertainersnd record honors lorthe last year Guests Loretta Lynn Kenny Rogers Dottie West Eddie Rub are and marx others hrs SPECI MOVIE PRESEN TATION Yorn Between Two Lovers 1979 arflee Remick George Pop and CHARLIE NG LSAwaalthy expsnusterbecomesdangerouslyenamored 01 Kris after he leaves prison and hue the an gels to determine who killed his wile 60 25 SECOND ClTv 930 FREETIME POLITICAL TELECAST FOR LOVERS ONLY 1000 THE ROPERSFnendaandNeigh bors Stanley locks himself out 01 the new con dominium dressed in robe and slippers Hethen showsup nextdoorwhiletheBrookesereenter talning congressmen and stays for one drink man VEGAS Dan becomes involved with tomato daredevil planning spectacular mo torcycle jump belore retiring unaware that her deathwouldmeanamllliondollarsinpannership ranco money to her promoter 80 mins PRESENTING SUSAN ANTON Guest stars Ben Vsreerl and Oscar Peterson thins NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1001 BARETTA 1030 WATSON REPORT 1100 III as NEWS CBC NEWS CTV NEWS EDUCATION OF MIKE MCMANUS MOVIE DRAMA Montreal Maln1973 1120 no NEWS 1127 NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHOWHostJohnny son Guest James Gelway 90 mins CBSLATE MOVIE THE ROCKFORD FILES Rattlers Class Of 83 Rockfords buddyAnpolpoaesassCanadianbeerberon outtDswindleanArmenisntamilyinarealestate dsslonlytolsurnthathesbeenoutsmsrtedR HAWAII FIVEO Mothers Deadly Helper rs Jack Lord James MacArthur MOVlEMYSTERV Ladyln merit lees STREET TALK NlGHTMUSlC muo 1145 WESTERN ROUNDUP Kansas Raidsrs 1950 Audi 0hy Brian Donlevy MOVIEHORROR Count Dracula 1911 1200 In MEDICAL CENTER MOVIE COMEDY 95 Sailor Beware 1952 1210 CLIFFHANGERS 100 TOMORROW MARCUS WELBY MD PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY historically speaking today in histog May 1979 King Charles 11 of England signed charter granting the Hudson Bay Co all the ter ritory in Canada from which rivers and lakes drained into Hudson Bay 309 years ago today in 1670 Company agents quickly pushed into the ter ritory to trade with the Indians for valuable furs and the com panys influence eventually spread as far west as British Columbia After Confederation the Dominion of Canada bought the vast territory held by the company for $900000 1497 John Cabot the Italianborn explorer set sail from England on an expedition that eventually was to take him to the New World 1668 The Treaty of Aixla Chappelle settled French canadas stag Poundmaker Defeated Otter At Battle Of Cutknife Hill The Northwest Rebellion may be said to have begun on March 17 1885 when Louis Riel formed provisional government but the shooting didnt begin until March 26 when 12 members of the NWMP were killed at Duck Lake The Metis and Indians held the upper hand until the end of April when the tide began to turn force of police and soldiers led by Colonel WD Otter drove the Indians away from Battleford which had been under siege for month On May the Alberta Field Force led by General TB Strange completed their march from Calgary to Edmon ton and relieved dangerous situation This was the se uel to James Mowats daring ride from Edmonton to Ca gary little known epic in Canadian history However the Indians and Metis still had plenty of punch left and Colonel Otters force was defeated at Cutknife Hill on May After relieving Battleford Otter decided to take action on his own and attack Chief Poundmakers Indians His Ian was to stop Poundmaker joining with other Indians ed by Big Bear and then go on to Batoche to help Louis Riel Otter gathered force of 375 men including 75 police They had some American sevenpound guns and Ga tling which was an early type of machine gun They traveled at night but were spotted in the moon light by an Indian scout who gave the alarm Then there was race to get to the top of Cutknife Hill which was won by Otters men However it was not good position Poundmaker concealed his men in fissures on the slope and behind trees and shrubs They used the old trick of holding up hats on sticks so Otters men would fire on them Then the Indians fired at the exposed soldiers The fighting lasted for seven hours and resulted in complete victory for Poundmaker Otters men had to retreat to Battleford It is said that Poundmaker could have killed them all but let them go OTHER EVENTS 0N MAY 1497 John Cabot sailed from England on voyage that took him to Newfoundland or Cape Breton 1610 James gave part of Newfoundland to John Guy of Bristol 1670 Charles II granted charter to Hudsons Bay Com pany 1826 Red River area was flooded 1828 Britain appointed committee to look into Cana dian problems 1881 CPR broke ground for transcontinental at Fort William now Thunder Bay 1945 War ended in Italy 1962 Canadian dollar was pegged at 925 cents US Mrs Saunter 7752470 An exchange of seeds and plants will be the roll call of the Womens Institute in the com munity Hall at oclock on May 10 The IR girls will show what they learned in their spring pro ject on needlecraft All ladies of the community are welcome to attend Visitors noticed at St Peters Anglican Church on Easter Sunday were Mr and Mrs Verle Morris of Tororlto Mr and Mrs George Carter of King City Mrs Kenneth Mottatt Mr and Mrs Robert Moffatt Mr and Mrs Reino Klementtl and children Mr and Mrs Sloan all of Barrie Mrs Aubrey Sharp and Wendy of Trenton and Mr and Mrs Doug Lemmon Cookstown rink of hurchlll curlers has been enjoying social curl ing for seniors every Wednes day afternoon They are Jack Constable Orville Mitchell Ivor Rogcrs and llurvc lell The men huvc playcd lt rillia Stroud and at Barrlcs two rinks Essa Road and the oun try Club stroud by Mrs Campbell 4361 084 Onehundrcdundt clltyfivc members of St James Lnitcd St Pauls Anglican and Stroud Presbyterian churches gathered at Stroud Presbyterian Church for Good Friday service Rev Fife of St Julncs was the guest and his theme was Good Friday The twentyvoice joint choir claims on the Spanish Netherlands 1953 King Faisal II ascend ed the throne Df Jordon 1960 Caryl Chessman was executed after 12 years on death row at San Quentin Calif 1961 Canada signed an agreement to sell $362 million worth of wheat to Communist China barries stag May 1939 Late clearing of ice on Kempenfelt Bay that year came within few days of creating record for the cenlt tury It finally moved out before strong northwest wind on Saturday April 29 The latest in the century had been May 1926 and the alltime record was May 1874 and 1875 Col Lee assistant adju tant and quartermaster general of Military District No announced that the Grey and Simcoe Foresters would likely take part with other Ontario units in welcoming the King and Queen on their visit to Toronto on May 22 The Royal visit to Canada was to be officially recognized in Simcoe County by the plans ting of reforestation plot of 90 acres near Holly Kings Highway 27 south of Barrie to be known as The Kings Forest The nonappointment of an exservice man to the position of Sanitary Inspector by the Town Council resulted in let ter of protest to Council by Bar rie Branch No 147 Canadian Legion The letter stated Thousands of veterans who at considerable personal sacrifice served their country willingly and ably in the Great War and have expressed their desire to do so again are unable to be ab sorbed into the present in dustrial setup in Canada Lake Simcoe was to receive about five million baby whitefish from the Ontario Government Fish Hatchery at Collingwood The Towns offer to sell lots for housebuilding purposes at price of $50 each was attracting some attention and there was hope there would be real building boom in Barrie that summer with organist Mrs Hazel Cowan at the piano led in Easter hymns and rendered lovely Anthem Mrs Lorna Campbell sang the beautiful solo They Borrowed Bed generous offering for the Church World Development and Relief was received Robert Cowan in the absence of the ministry of the church 1r Bylzlard took part of the service and extended welcome and thanks to all who took part fellowship hour followed with the ladies of the church serving refreshments The beautiful Easter lilies in the sanctuary were placed by Mrs Jean Hand in memory of her brother Donald Sutherland NEW ZEAIANI FIRST New Zealand extended the vote to women in 113 while women had to wait until 1918 in Canada 1919 in Britain and 1920 in the 1S The Doctor Says Tissue density affects xrays Dear Dr Ruble Please ex plain what does and does not show up on Xrays Why take them if they dont show any thing green ball is hard to find on green lawn yellow one is easily seen Xrays work on this principle having to do with tis sue density instead of color They depend on the varying densities of different body parts Bone is denser than muscle tissue that surrounds it so bones show up well If an area to be studied is not dense enough to show up the radiologist uses material to make it visible This is why patient may be asked to drink barium cocktail before stomach Xray In the stomach the barium increases the con trast of lining to show any irre gularities there Soft tissues muscles skin etc shows little detail when rayed cause of dis appointment to people who like yourself may be reporting ob vious muscle pain but are told that nothing abnormal shows in the Xray But even though an Xray might not tell much about tendons and ligaments it would bring out things like min eral deposits around bones rays frequently uncover unsus pected problems confirm sus pected ones or rule out others Finding nothing can be as important as finding some thing Dear Dr Ruble have diverticulosis When doctor recommends surgery for this what is cut out of your stomach You need little anatomy lesson The diverticulae out pouchings you mention occur in the colon the large lower bowel The usual location is in the lowest portion of that struc ture The surgeon removes the section containing the pouches and you will never miss it The problem has nothing to do with the upper part of the digestive tract the stomach the small intestine or for that matter most of the large bowel the co Ion Dear Dr Ruble Would taking tranquilizer pills slow down ones heart rate There are so many varieties of drugs classed as tranquilizers that blanket answer is impossible 1f the heart rate is fast because of tension then relief of the tension by tranquilizers would slow the rate Some tranquilizers have direct ef fect in slowing the heart Others may block the nerve control of the heart rate resulting in fast heart Some tranquilizers have been reported to cause rhythm disturbance of the heart Dear Dr Ruble Does diet have anything to do with per son getting piles It might indirectly poor diet could lead to bowel prob lems constipation and that in turn hasten hemorrhoids piles or be factor in aggravation of existing hemorrhoids Dear Dr Ruble read the column in which you suggested caution in withdrawal when us ing the condom as birth con trol method Please inform that reader that along with the withdrawal problem the dog goned thing just might burst have husky 21yearold son to prove it Noting is 100 per cent in birth control Inspection to make sure the device is intact is worthwhile before and after use BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag The twoclub opening bid 43 WEST 092 VJ863 096 01087 OKQ1075 A986 SOUTH 00110754 VK9 A52 432 Vulnerable NorthSouth Dealer South West North East EAST 086 VQ742 South Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass 2NT 3V Pass Pass Pass Opening lead QK We could discuss the two club opening bid for many articles Todays experts have almost as many ways of using it as there are experts but the bid does not come up often enough to warrant that amount of dis cussion As for the weak bids of two spades hearts and dia monds we recommend the hand have 710 highcard points with the understand ing that you can go up to 11 or down to if the spirit moves you The suit should be six cards and should have some Lady to it and the preferred distribution is 63 32 with 6331 coming sec and The twonotrump response to weak two bid is artificial and forcing Opener rebids his suit with minimum or and shows feature with maximum or 10 The South hand is maxi mum for weak two bid so he rebids three diamonds to show his side ace Norths three hearts is general continuation of the force Souths raise to four hearts is raise For all he knew North was showing real heart suit At this point North know that there was enough am munition for 12 tricks His fivespade bid confirmed spades as the suit and told South to bid six if he held secondround Club control South might have held just one Club He did have two so he passed at five spades The defense took two club tricks and South took the rest dain crossword ACROSS 44 Time zone abbrl Blot 47 Clvrl War Uproarlous genera 12 Marx brother 49 Nibbled 13 Naval officer 52 HaVlng 14 Arablan hopes gazelle 56 Smlllng 15 Leather 57 IS part OI factory 58 DIVISIOn of the year 13 Cceaed 59 Firmly estab 19 Female saint 60 M15 abbr 20 Spanlsh cross article 22 Teller case DOWN 26 Take Chance 28 TDp of wave gldrn wear 29 Food for Later Iams Unlocked 32 L319 Lacquered 34 American memwam humorist modem 35 Exclamatlon Gem of the 35 DWBWeS mountains 37 Ml Spade All prefix 38 SaCred book Amadou 40 Within pref Bauxlte 42 Looks at 10 Egypt abbr 43 Compass 11 Shrewd pornt 12 Aqullary verb HIIII II II IIIHII IIII IIIIII IIIII IIIIII II III II IIII II IWI III Answer to Previous Puzzle in me 13mm era In BEBE In 17 Agrestlc 41 Chalce 21 Jitters 43 Mediterranean 23 Beverages sailing vessel 24 Farm agency 45 Had odor abbrl 46 Tube 25 Columnists 48 Organs of entry 27 Egyptian sun 50 beanngLa dlsk Douce 28 roeunggranous 51 Indefinlte In 29 Strike °de 30 sea em 52 Make free 31 Skln opening 53 5mg 33 Star 54 That glrI Cygnus 55 Superlative 39 Unaroused suffix IIII Bernice Bede Osol May 1979 Several nice thlngs that you would love to have but really dont need are likely to come your way this coming year Theyll lust be the frosting on the cake TAURUS April 20May 20 11 you feel backed Into corner today youll have only yourself to blame Look beneath the sur face of things and youll find yur opportunities GEMINI May 21June 20 Peo ple are trylng to be friendly Ninthrop because they really like you but unless you get Out of your dOldrums you wont even rec ognize lt CANCER June 21July 22 Bemg lust y0ur natural charm lng sell IS what impresses those youre Ifylllg to Influence today Dont think you have to spend tlamboyantly LEO July 23Aug22 Make an effort to treat all you meet equally today or youll make the wrong Impressmn and could be labeled Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 It wont be en0ugh to leel kindly toward another If you are to be of some help Show your Inten tlons With Vl5ual demonstra tron THE Bumlc PLAGUE I5 ABOUT 10 ESTRIKE T1416 IZDWN THIS 19 FAME 5MITHWHE 1595 AND HAS BEEN THE FIELDS SINCE 115 was 15 ago luv Short Ribs SHERIFF BAND THE TA OF APACHES JUMPED DID FHE ETAGE JUST OUTSIDE row in 01 NEA 1M II Rog PI Alt 51 Born Loser Andy Capp mu 7373860 MODELING IN NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St MY reYCHlATWIsr WECOMMENDEV IT TO HELP ET ww or MY FWUETWATlON ANY SCA L135 llllll IL SORRY 1I KEEP You wAlTlN PET wE wEQE ON ABOUT THE TROUBLE WE AVE WITH THE UNIONS TALK HE 01ml relay NEAln¢ rM Reg Pal on HESHOULD BELOhGS TO GWD ONE LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Al though you wlll be most cordlal and Charming to those y0ure Involved With today the truth Is that crowds wear your nerves to lrazzle SCORPIO Oct 24NOV22 it at all possmle work at home today In your IntenSIty to get things done ltll appear that others are getting in your way and you wont be too pleasant SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Your popularity contlnues to be at high pomt agaln today However II you Ignore your work or the sake of good time yOuil have to pay the consecuences CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Although your heart ls the rlght place and youre trying to NO 51LLY HAVE NEW UOKE BOOK WT You THINK bu 006W TO LET 56gtMEONE ELSE PflHEY OT 62055 144 SCALPS KANSA FROM ONE N0 EVOLVING OIINDVNEA In nu ma us 91 on Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service be helpful In reality you may be too wasteful with yours or the other persons resouces AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 If family spat should arise today try usmg your quick ml to avert manor squabble You could have yOur km chuckling Instead ol quarrellng PISCES Feb 20March 20 It you cant keep your mind on what youre suppose to be doung today walk away from It Youll actually money because otherWIse mlstakes are Ilkely ARIES March 2April19 Youre In an extremely SOClable mood today and wrll took fer ways to break your routine However you may spend lot more than you should In the attempt BUT FEEL BETTER ALWEADY HOW COULD WE HADA 5H1 Nl HEY GET OF IOU EES ggE CITY THE CUOWM OVER 1N THE CORNER ls ON Hls 12TH THATS OUR VCAR YOURE TALKNABOUTI