scoreboard Espo battles evil eye scores Writers NF Atlanta ii 13 3m hOery 3533 sink omnlrrfm 53231 NEW YORK cm Phil Es Sitting in his dressing room its likcsomcbodys got tthmal He said he talked to hisfiithcr If the 9V11IIEYSI0fIIIEdSFII°5ItIII ZZTIIIICIrghiVgiulgï¬gfï¬gï¬r III Miller San lriintisro Philadelphia posilOS greatan SaUltSte mbldeWhlchis 85an With OCChlo really bad H0 threedaVsago It seems to am lg oal again with Bobby Shee TIIM Hm mom II MW EIIIIIIIIIII Marie Ont has been working charms and talismans the says let me take you to Aunt said Dad Anni Term Islanders IgIaII pmg In rebound Early SemiFinals Edmonton mm 55 to take the evil eye off her alwayssuperstitious Esposito Teresa must have gotten the mat oc The team that amassed the III the llecond pcrIod and they HrsloIlISPuPIn 5mm IrDonald Chipperlield New San Dle NW York ne new and her efforts must be explained about the old Italian Es sito took Tshirt to his chic on me He saysI Vou best record during the regular shims ed kept on top of their opponents II III II IIIIKIIIIIIC IyIII IaIIquxk St ILouis Houston is effective tradition ofa hex called the owl aunt know talked to her and she 59350 has 99 hanflcu by mm hout NIYI Ranger is IlimiMleZébï¬i£iiu ESPOSitO had his sixth goal of eyeor malocchio She checked it over and almostdone resurgent Rangers club that WII III Iwo mmmes the lsléigdtr lli burgh WIIndflIma 0le the Stanley Cup playoffs Tues have great aunt shes said she wanted two more Laughing the big centre ad has hounde It from the Open MaIIII no of Fposno The M229 Â¥ulyllwhw llouton Forwli 37m 11 day night as New York Rangers about 0h1d0nleven kn0w how because had Elan bad Me mitted his father might be kid mg faCCOll In three games odfathen md 1m tw0 Dons Ihurdi iiame flfIf WWII IIII I3 b6at New York Islanders 31 old she is maybe 90 he said being so superstition 35 ding but it Sinilkmg mymmd On Tuesday to tho raucous Ijmrdoch aIId Malone took lslunilrrs may AMER munp ImnIIfLl Icgfcljh The win gave the Rangers Last summer said lzid ready to try anything work cheers of dctcrmincdly parti IIICIead hack III III Fa haiunlan or niidii ianii Pcl Elli IlhulIdIPIL ram the beStOfsevon NY llilrluvrs it liinrltrx Baltimore If INS II SI 11 For Hookey League seml Tim Boston l3 ina series with the fourth Mw lurk at Snn lriiniisru If xiunmai ill sun intng game back at Madison Square II IIII II IuntII lIIIIIiIl Klimti BEGINSark IIII 119 III Phllullelphlil at box Angflc Garden on Thursdav Thurxdu mu ililani1 i4 33 NATIONAL LEAGIE NV Haiiilrr lKlill11r Toronto is lot AH 1HIll in pm ir brown3 exl Winfield SD 97 Its 37 381 HHHHH Mmmsmd i357 ironiartii ltl H7 14 33 379 II Il unionnu is irz Grimy in 87 iii 32 sea IH ll lrxas l2 ii tillti l0gttir tin H513 ii 353 On Mm Tuesday itmm 351511 17 sz 4417 till 66 1ils leoti Monlrlull nkiiml iiii lurkvt mm 7416 23 Kill Old Thursilm liiiii SUulllt It till Bonnvll All 74 13 23 338 Illlllrlfll at Itoinn l0 pin Tutuh lllsulh MWLW PE 75 25 533 Â¥J Salurdm or Sunilux lii llnnisnlrl Toronto Whllllvltl 9013 30 833 an 511Inma10er31 lmvlunii lilki 004111195 romartiin Montrealï¬ T1115 lll1t IN uln a1n pm hwugn Garner Pittsburgh it llernandn St MontrmliitHinton llip in Klinsiix il lixn fl Louis it Reill St Louis Morgan ll Unl il nl4lgtll Jziklunnl III HUNIEJHIIIS iiirinmitthz irilleincinnat1ll LlzHltil llllltl VII HM urll qu lll iVl Yor 12 alOrnld Triples SL1 St il in Illusion Ill Moiiliml Ii Hi Bulliiiiuit It Stallll Winliclil Sun hituh Illziinplc Hm Im iiiP It gt it llt2lIy luiiiulils lamps Inn St Louis StlVHtillt ll WW 31 WHO 1llllltgt11£I 41 Toronto llmiir runs Iurph Atlanta UIlniin II II II II III II Miluduku at Miland ii Kinumaii liicao lt Inntrial Robinson Huston III II mu II IHII liiliiilhilll lurk lIltliuil it It hltl Ruin haw Ioslir in llnu illiI II II IImhr IIIai imam XIII II Ifm JITWIIIIrprj IIIIIIEIIIIMQ Ki llIlliillll r1l1llllllllllttllttllllkttIlliliXttl MOTOR RIm III IIH II Ilamwr MIva Ntu York il lilimriiin SiliIin limes Iurtno Iitls IVSltlll illltl 110015011 lht IUl mum IIIIIOHII shrrhIIIII illlniiiiv ll uilllv burgh Ill alicIL Houston IO hmkfl In II htll Iuiii hiH pirin Wk iitTmulmllilullltLHMV ulnmhlillih lxl $14903 your iii iini nt nil til it MW Roullzï¬ 15 highHMMV MW NV 51 II on nailp iii rm Hmkn imtu if pH0 Mumst Richard Houston 40 MW cI 511le engine oil that trues lllll 2iiiiiit Illliltilltlll lliirinn blwll lawnmu minm irir iiir Tum wit ids in riiiii It dgt nt hungu d1 Trxm iN Blu lontrial 1000 Amiu 111110019 lllinl Inil ii rt Minv it wm II Imam IIEIGHI II IHiiuSIIUii HI 1000 iorscii iiioiit iit oiin ill it illitklIIViilll III II II II III Him mI gt IIIII II III II lpliiio syn II II Al IiIiI ILIIHI ï¬IIIIIIIIIIf IIIIIIIId Wm New York Islanders cen millllltlliilltt tasksii lot tiihltl mhlILdW 1m llN lilhl Wlv WI tlltrtl tllfllllt II it it IJ ni uiixwiu IIIIIIWI SIT 415 Lemon hr 82 Mkm Atlanta 31 ire Bryan Troiiier bleeds Im ll 11 ht Ill km 1110 um All hllm hm II III IAIIIHW 53I1lIII f2 11 from cut over his eye lmlmltrlllll1tll5bhell AYZilldllltlllSAELIlmltS10Vi20V2030iillil III iili IIIlIFIHLf Whilzikir DH 3712 2i 368 Tuesday evening as he DonaxIDLllldlk llllllllgkiiltsIOWJOZIllll15A10lllllllllll low In WM lnr Pnhf 55 62° low illIIlt iitiiic appli iitioiis IHI II II II IIIIIIIIII mm 77 we es iona II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIII III an ma Illl lllllf1 llllltt1gtltl gyms in int ir 711 26 Svamo 108 Phoenix 93 Hockey League Stanley Reg 1nfll riih a1 mi lt am First iamc btSl0fS0iI llvltl it ilk lll Hulls Shell lrlA ii no ame iini III1rKIIMl IlI SOIIIllllliIli UP l0nax ID llsli ii ITTHIIDIIS uupvr hihizillu bhetwbleen and ll Downing liloini ii ew er iiiir1ll71lll Iltll lAniriii Hung iil ounl am 319 For the fuel lubricants and agricultural chemicals you need to help get things gomg and growmg In wnukio Hr liluuuktwi was walc ac call your Shell agent today mum It hlliIth IT on from penalty box hull ull Lam MLRM hunk ll nr liiillns winxlwgsl ill Stlll tiiizillli Wood lulnlllklllii al New York Madlson 21121ig Square Garden where MAYESMARTIN lTD ROLLS SIMPSON lTD Sltiiilimli llllllll mm lun Mil OsloL it he had been sent in the 150 yap Rd 136 Victoria St Ptlrilllii lmiis btslrlll lHll llt p10 ii llaltinmii it Thomas liluuuklc flrs PerOd Offer lIIIIIlIIIiIIIuI an ZIRIIIIgaIlItralItgngIlIiIiiIiiIglfg iilitorniu roughing call AP nimw ii luv Print ltwrl Shyr mii Stolen bases rul Svalllv ll Otis PhOlO innk ll nutlph 02 mm Kiiirsisitili train iliiiihli iiiiiiiilriiliiii flllill IHtilillfl iltrisioiis me niariuunjur Mn Mimiwin so not Pkwllmmuuh mIHu Isa John INC York 30 1000 Jon kins remix it mo Mdluri mm hm MI 1Ililukt lti lutio Ziihn IIIlllllltMlIlil 1H mil Klln iim lllllltllll liiniinii XIT iupswtpnimuledgy II IIkIHIiuIs Ryan I11IIli Alltires Iacked by Firestone Iiiui siiiiiiiii lwutlviK iilIi Nat1onw1de Warran Ilggqgmm 95 honoured at hundre of outlets ll1ill El it their itll coasttocoast and installed at no extra char lvllll at III IIHIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII III If littshurgh oli ll Jolt II lIN IM Houston 682 11 Simmug III III Firestone HAS TIRES FOR zin ranciscu lh San Diogn iii in Ii John Johnson LosAngcles lU 15400 When you purchase set oi 721 radials and pay tor balancing all iour wheels and iront and alignment youll receive personalized NoCharge service card Well take care 01 your 721 radials tor as long gutsy oIrIigocuIrcclzrgrélI hissermczCharge card makes you eligible tor the II Wheel alignment checked every 8000 km and it required alignment is li corrected Wheel balance every 8000 km it required Tire rotation every 8000 km and Inflation checked wheneveryou wish All at no additional charge This card isvalid at any Firestone Store or participating dealer in Canada rib bladed tread design displaying the 721 decal All lullltdepth Slpes TESTEDAND PROVEN OVER MILLION MILES radial body plies plus stabilizer belts With NoCharge Services REG PIMCE SAIEIPZIT 53 ED 55 50 57 no o1 75 REG PRICE SALE PRICE BR7813 $57 50 can14 58 95 DR7814 6180 58 lt0 ER7Bl4 gt450 c2 05 FR78l4 08 50 GR78 14 73 95 WHITEWALLS HR78 i4 79 50 srsciALrizaAn DESIGN STEEL BELTED 322 OFFERS END RADIAL $33 3332 JUNE Made iii Canada POLYESTER STEEL BELT RADIAL 4ply polyester cord body for Canadian made with polyester strength and smooth ride and cord body plus steel belts rib bladed tread deSign made 01 our Special lover Low proliletires deSignedior Concave moulding periormance plus appearance Destgned and engineered ior NI 51891 cord IO mime Bias ply powester cord high quality at an attractive You can on construction price Had raisei white letters 45 gig 35 Ilijlfi E7814 175 37C 1651 13 ISSP I5 A7013 loile 15 SIOUIessioiBLACKWALLS WHITEWALLS WHITEWALLS WHITE LETTERED Deluxe Chum on SUPER snow or rm MONTH SUPRBEPLT HEAVYDUTY ï¬ltELIFRRMN NUMBER demgned tor on and rib bladed tread Ioii hiinchryIuse or II dBSi ourw 299i rive ve icies All Italdepth Deep Skid depth slpes Gear grip 90d grooves provide ir Double bened Highway and rural senice Allwheel pasnion 99 PUGrev 41 Original equipment II ability or long mileage WHITE LETTERED Canadian Cham IOIiShI 95 95 00 WHITEWALLS 1015 +PLY 1115 6PLY 1215 6PLY MOTORCYCLE HILLCLIMB filfflflAéIflflffllMEXJIAdfllflflflIflfllWIMAéf JUNE 10 1979 Hockley HIllS Hotel ORANGEVILLE ONTARIO TICKETS AVAILABLE AT ATTRACTIONS TICKET OFFICES 4169280460 4169280705 GAS CAN Firestone Stores rlf¢$l0n¢ imp Gal Capacny CSA approved Unbreakable Caron puv 88 Dunlop St UgthEIghi Obong easy pomng AgK A80 spout 19 Barrie Phone 7266585 Smehllw CALL FOR AN comm AT APPOINTMENT AAA