WW 13 the examiner Wodnanday May 1978 IJ Showstealers Three youngsters mug for the camera as Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau awaits his turn to speak at rally in North Baitleford Sask Tuesday Trudeau is in Saskatchewan for two days of com paigning CP Photo Tororo Uganda town of horror The residents of lororo told Associated Press correspon dent Andrew lorcliia tales ol horror luesda They had been hitting in their homes for three weeks while they said forces l0 al to desposed Ugandan dic tator Idi Amin shot anything that moved Ily ANDREW TURCIIIA THROW anda 1A The silence of eath still clung to this eastern Ugandan town on Tuesday as the living crept out to bury their dead and search for the missing No dogs barked No cars moyed The doors of looted hank stood open Victorious lanlanian soldiers lounged near deserted church propping their weapons on the porch ol the parish hall In the nearly deserted town scores of houses stood looted and abandoned doors and win dowsearelessly left open few townsfolk gathered on street corners trying to comprehene dthe savagery they somehow had survived By most estimates erhaps 1000 civilians were 0t and bayoneted to death in lororo and nearby villages in the last three weeks Residents descirb ed it as last spasm of revenge by the soldiers of Idi Amin who knew they were doomed when his army was pushed out of Kampala the capital on April 11 The war began six months ago when Amins forces occu pied 1846squarekilometre section of Tanzania President Julius Nyereres troops pushed the Ugandans out in two weeks and forced steady retreat toward Kampalaand Ugandan exiles who installed academi cian Yusufu rule as provisional president But few towns were hit as hard as lororo an attractive community of 2000 Tanzanians and Ugandan ex iles who liberated lororo over the weekend met little resist ance from the few Amin men who stayed apparently because they didnt know where to flee One reSIdent said many of Amins soldiers had been killed in brief civilian revolt and that the Tanzanians had little to do when they arrived Although they were free from Amin for the first time in eight years townspeople were not celebrating Their losses were too high ALI WER IARGIITS Any civilian on the road was target Ekwaro said If you were on your bicycle they took you off and stabbed you If you were in car they made you get out walk short distance and then shot you Not as it seems Members of the Guard from Old Fort Henry Kingston Ontario Canada are pictured during drill across the street from San Franciscos City Hall on Tuesday They are part of group visiting San Francisco to encourage tourism between On tario and California and to celebrate Air Canadas inaugural of nonstop service between Toronto and San Francisco AP Photo 5mm 0L5 Our new telephone number is 7266333 RCA ll onuc OPEN DA WEEK Our New Management Team WELCOMES MILK Quart Bag SCOTT TOWELS ROLL PACKAGE Partly Skimmed SMILE WELL PUT IT IN YOUR TRUNK FOR YO ANCY SMILE WELL PUT IT IN TRUNK FOR YOU ORCHARD FRESH PRODUCE 534 Baylield St Barrie OPPOSITE GEORGIAN MALL BRIGHTS PURE APPLE The Shoppe Tuooman Newsin pop gramme 48 OZ LIMIT siv iaaita we Iademgm Di sh too in Inga Landld GRAPES RED OR GREEN LB PRODUCE OF CHILE vr it STOCK now LANTER BARRE SOLID OAK HALVES CLEANSER 22 OZ TIN In if 99 on EACH 31 SMILE WELL PUT IT IN TR NKFORYOU While Supplies last We Reserve The Right To limit Quantities Prices Effective Until 600 PM Sun May 679 his