Heed advice in the water swim can kill you Last year 299 Canadians drowned They drowned in water in backyard pools in swim ming holes in public pools in streams and rivers in lakes in the ocean The two great recreation resources of this country are snow and water Most of us are so accustomed to seeing water wherever we go that we forget water can kill That indifference to the dangers of water is chang ing mostly through the efforts of the Canadian Red Cross which for more than 25 years has been telling Canadians to be careful of the water sponsoring water safety courses and insisting on minimum safety standards for swimming areas It takes more than the Red Cross to cut the number of drownings in Canada It takes common sense by everyone who uses water be it for swimming boating water skiing or fishing drowning is an accident an accident which can be avoided The Canadian Red Cross tells us how to avoid drowning it is up to us to follow the Red Cross advice letters to the editor Union replies to area manager Dear Sir Recently you published letter from Secor Area Manager Northern Postal District in which Mr Secor claims press release from our Local was not incorrect but incomplete It is nice to see Mr Secor finally putting his own signature on letters but unfortunately his letter is not only imcomplete but very in correct In 1975 the membership of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers voted to strike to ob tain decent contract with our employers The rallying call was for decent contract and after 42 days we returned to work with only very marginal vote 39 per cent to 51 per cent We thought that we had solved the most im portant issues once and for all casual help and automation As sign of good faith our Union dropped the Boycott of the Postal Code which was very effective This turned out to be mistake because after the Boycott was dropped December 75 management threw our contract out the window The idea of having the Post Office turned into Crown Corporation has been around since 1955 when our Lnion then an Associa tion passed resolution at its convention in Kingston Ontario calling for Crown for poration The idea of our National Officers sitting down to discuss rown Corporation with Simcoe Post Office Management would only serve to disrupt committee which was formed of all post office union Public Service Alliance International Brotherhood of Elec trical Workers Letter Carriers Union of Canada and the Canadian Union of Postal Workers This Committee along with Vice Prosident Shirley Carr and Labor Minister Munro have been meeting to discuss the Crown Corporation issue Surely Mr Secor cannot expect one Union to branch off from committee to hold separate meetings with some Senior Post Office management Our Local tried to show the public how the different Acts which govern us make negotia tion very difficult and complicated With Crown Corporation negotiation would be much simpler Mr Secor claims that the local Postmasters conduct their own examinations for hiring new employees and that he is unaware of delays in recruitment of clerks in the Barrie area FACT Manpower handles all applications for employment at the Barrie Post Office Manpower decides who will take the ex aminations Manpower holds the examinations To date two parttime postal clerk posi tions are vacant and have been vacant since Jan 30 and April 28 1978 Vacant parttime position in Collingwood since April 1978 Vacant parttime position in Midland for two years hasjust been filled Vacant parttime position in Penetang If Mr Secor is unaware of the delays infill ing these positions would think that he should be paying closer attention to his job as Area Manager Mr Secor also fails to realize that the transfers he refers to are people who have moved to this community and want to work at the local Post Office instead of commuting several miles to and from their present Post Office we want your opinion Something on your mind Send Letter to the Editor Please make it an original copy and sign it The Examiner doesnt publish unsigned lat tarl but if you wish pen name will be used Include your telephone number and addrou as we have to verify letters Bocauu of space limits public interest and good taste The Examiner sometimes has to edit condom or roiact letters Lotion to the Editor are run every day on the editorial page Send yours to lotion to th Editor The hub Put Ofï¬ce In 110 unit Oat MM realize that he may have transferred into this area thus stopping local management from getting promoted and that management uses this policy all the time but the member ship of our lnion voted on our transfer policy and so far it has worked out in our office When there are no transfers on the list then parttime employee who is usually waiting fir fultime employment gets the job and new employee is hired locally to replace the partvtime employee Mr Secor must also realize that our con tract calls for eligibility lists to be establish ed and maintained at all times to fill vacan cies as they occur so cannot see how he could make statement Local people are no longer recruited as Postal tlcrks if there are outside transfers available Mr Secor also makes reference to two clerks who accumulatut $700 between them in socalled errors Management has yet to prove that the slior tage was the sole responsibility of the two clerks The statement that tlaniigcmcnt agreed to accept repayment at $25 per month but on advice of their Union the employees were told not to make any repayments clearly shows how Secor and the Postmaster feel in this matter The problem was entered into the grievance procedure and at first level local lyi we were told that management was prepared to take this matter all the way to adjudication Why then has management stalled at each level of the procedure lst Level should take days took scvcn days 2nd Level should take 13 days took 45 lays 3rd Level should take 13 days took 06 lays and still no answer Mr Secor claims there is no guilty until proven innocent or discipline why then is the amount being taken off these two employees cheques greater than the amount he claims is acceptable by Management by then is management not willing to wait until the employees cases arc through their legal channels As to the reference to $500 per month deduction for voluntary payroll savmgs think Mr Secor should apologize to his employee for disclosing what is supposed to be confidential personnal information rcgar ding an employee under Mr Sccors indirect supervision This payment could be for any multitude of things savings bond car payment mor tgage etc The result is still the same Management showed no compassion at all and left the employee with $11 to feed clothe and take care of his faintly for two wmks would also like to point out that Mr Secors reference to the amounts taken off the employees pay cheques per month are incor rect Mr Secor claims he fails to see how any of the items mcntioned have anything to do with Crown Corporation Under Crown Cor poration there would only be one employer for the Unions to negotiate with and hopefully lot of the little empires that have been built by management would also disappear The accuracy of the reporter is something Mr Secor should not question as the reporter had and still has the opportunity to check our facts in our Locals files My fact is that the reporter may be better acquainted with the problems than the Area Manager realize that this letter is very lengthy and somewhat complicated for the average per son to understand That is exactly the way the Post Office is presently run complicated with very lengthy procedures under Crown Corporation it would be much better Sincerely Dan Wcstwood President Barrie and District Local Canadian Union of Postal Workers bible thoughts For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever bellevcth in hint should not perish but have everlasting life John Ill Every man on his way to eternity passes this provision of Gods salvation His accep tance or rejection of it is deciding his eternal future Consider it today My Spirit will not always strive with man prayer of salva tion Father acknowledge that am sin but that Jesus is the Saviour receive and accept Him in my heart today knowing that you will forgch me according to your word Amen Parliament Hill Ry HlllllARl IacllIOl Ottawa Burran Thomson News Siri icc When Financi Minislcr ltilll lirrtitn got himself mired in that llolltlttlotlm wilcs tax hassle with thc Ontboi govcrnnnnt was ll sheer incompctcnct or was it tltSlflllltl as clever campaign issuc that bccamt unstnck when lrimc Ministcr liudcau dicidcd against summer vote The tlibatc over this ragcs on til lttiiwii hreticn and 1rudcau say ll was lltlllltl incomprdcncc or part of grand iiisign llic problem as they try explain it is due ciit ncly to the unrcasonablc attitude of tiic larti Ouc becois governmcnt 1n llltll Vltw Ottawa is fairly oozing with good faith When hrcticn announced 111 his Apiil 10 budget that the federal govtrniiicnt Would subsidize provincial sales tax rwluctions to encourage more consumer slwnding tlicrc had already bccn scrics of incctiiigs with the provinces in scarch of agrccnicnt lint Quebec Finance Minister Jacquis larizcau had never said his provmcc would go along with the plan And few days aftcrlircticiis budget Parizcau took off on his own an nouncing that Quebec would climinatc tlic sales tax on certain goods and lcavc ll uii touched on other goods That effectively torpcdocd tlircticiis grand national schcmc NO RETREAT Since then all thc emphasis has been on Titlis 50M l5 Till illB Of Til WORLD 500m Oil LATER EVERYONE Will iil58 BY Licc Iiig llic ittlcrul govcrillllcilt undcr standalin anxious to tt that Ollcbcccrs gct tlicir llitll o1 lllt proposed tax subsidies now plan to ribatc $ittli million to taxpayers in tlic proymcc And naturally thc provincial gov tlilllltlll cliiirgcs that this is an unwarrantcd intrusion into its icrcd jurisdiction To make iiiiittcrs worse all opposition partics in Oiicbicand Ottawa tcnd toagrcc As most of tlicsc opposition parties scc it tlic lctlcral govciiiincnt has displaytxl incrcd iblc incoinutcncc in charging ilictid with this tax icbatc schcmc bcfoic gctting agrcc iiciit llOlll all the provinccs And thcy also SAtlil unanimous in thc opinion that thrclicn was llilth to think that larizcau dcdicatcd as he is to thicbcc intlcpcndcncc would suddciily bccoinc accommixlatiiig iftcr the proposal was announced New Democratic Leader Ed Broadbcnt callcil it an incrcdiblc approach rnd wlicii hrcticn announccd that Oucbcc taxpayers would given lircct fcdcral rcbatc it appcarcd to many that the original llttOlillXltllCt was bcing compoundcd with niorc o1 thc samc Now it was argued Ot lawn had absolutcly no bargaining room How could thrcticn possibly cliangc this proposal You just dont announce that taxpayers lit provincc arc going to rcccivc up to ill cacti courtcsy of thc fcdcral govcrn niciit and then change your mind No sir onscrvativc Lcadcr Joe Clark who hardly rates as an unbiascd observer thinks tlirc Incompetence or cleverness Ottawa pundits wondering lltll is finished titcaust of lllS alleged in ttllllptltlltt As lIlllllSltl of tinancc his crctlihility is shot says thc lory chicf say that 1lll Stilllt rcgrct hccausc like Mr hrcticn is to com the word as street fightcr but think that the very qualities that made him great strcct fighter have made him vcry dangcrous nimistcr of finance ILOI FIRES lliats oiic view But there is another which sccins to lic gaining popularity And that is the tlicory that hrcticn hatched vcry clcvcr plan for campaign con frontation witli tlic larti Qucbccois plan that hit lllt SkltlS when the Gallup Polls discourigcd lrndcau from gcncial clcction Under this scenario the clcction would have been called immediately after the budgct was announced and the legislation implementing tlic proposals would not have to bc dchiitcd lllSlttHl the debate would take placed on the liustings whcrc the federal Liberals would be sccn as the party trying to ivducc taxcs while the Paiti Outbccois would bc the villains refusing to co opcratc an you iiniiginc what hrcticn thc strcct tiglitcr could dowitli this in Shawinigan Sincc tlic financc minister has never before displaycd political incompetence and since he ccrtainly isnt naive its rcasonablc to assume this is what he had in mind If so bct lic iiuiiiblcs grcat dcal in his slccp about Dr tallup licrrc lrudcau and lacqucs laricaii POLITICIMB AND fROFE55OKï¬ lM9A55lPOR$ AND ACTOtls MUSlClllM AND Ar4 fsl interpreting the news Top advisers to president clash publicly WASHINGTON CP Around the world in elegant palaces and battlefield command posts policymakers and generals are awaiting the outcome of an unusual public clash between two of President Carters top advisers One factor making many observers nervous is that Carter appears to be at least tempo rarily abdicating leadership waiting for either Andrew Young or Zbigniew Brzezinski to win the favor of the US public and Congress Meanwhile each is polarizing public and congressional opinion The focus for the YoungBrzezinski debate is Africa but the grave implications of their policy debate extend to strategic weapons balances the principle of clandestine action and even wheat exports Brzezinski Carters national security adviser fuels the internal confrontation by pushing hard for strong US response to Soviet and Cuban adventurism in Africa In public statements he bluntly maintains that Cuba shares the blame for the invasion of Zaires Shaba province by Katangan rebels and even for massacres committed by the invaders But Young the outspoken US ambassador to the United Nations just as bluntly said in US News and World Report interview that the US government has been responding emotionally to SovietCuban actions in Africa and should not be led into foolish adventures In provocative remark clearly aimed at Brzezinskis school of thought Young said there is little legitimate US interests in such areas as Ethiopias Ogaden region where Cuban troops helped repulse Somali in vasion REGION IMPORTANT In an equally provocative remark aimed at Young Brzezinski argued that country such as Ethiopia is important to the United States for such reasons as its strategic location in the Horn of Africa near oil tanker routes Words Brzezinski argues have proved ineffective in stopping Moscows huge arms buildup and interference in developing nations The solution lies in such measures as US direct aid to friendly African forces With direct aid to Africa Brzezinski and his supporters also argue for strong US and NATO rearinament and tough approach in arms limitation and other talks with the Soviet Union in effect threatening new cold war if the Soviets do not behave responsibly From Young comes the counterargument that the lowkey diplomatic US approach is Jl only practical but already successful We have more influence in Africa right now than in the recent past Soviet officials have been run out of Sudan and Somalia the Ethiopians are increasingly dissatisfied with ubanSovict military help and even in Angola site of oiichalf of ubas African cxtxxlitionary force US influence is stronger now than when artcr took office They tthc Angolansi are protecting our economic interest in Namibia with uban troops and they arc supplying the tnited Statcs with almost $1 billion worth of oil year Young thus argues that the Initcd States llOllld continue relying on diplomacy and economic aid keeping military aid to minimum and strictly avoiding IArtypc covert action artcr has sharply criticized the Soviet lnion and tuba and cncouragcd France to form dcfcnsivc alliance of lllttlli states Canadas story Religion anissue By BOB BOWMAN The period between the Act of Union which wilted Upper and Lower anada in 1811 and Confederation in 1867 was difficult for Canada There was the usual conflict between Hench and English The rivalry between Roman Catholics and Protestants was almost assevere Representation by population was another issue Upper and Lower Canada had 40 seats each in Parliament At first there were 50000 people in anada East tlower anadai and only 150000 in Canada West Upper Canada and anada East thought it should have more seats The population figures changed in 1851 when census showed 052000 in anada West and only 800000 in the East So George Brown and his followers in Canada West began clam oring for representation by population lohii Macdonald was strongly opposed Governments came and went quickly as the result of those issues In 1851 the Reformers thought they had sent the Tories into oblivion when they formed government under llincks and Morin It was upset in two years by religious issue former littlltlll priest Father ravazzi appcarid in Toronto and denounced the pope and the Roman Catholic Church lie was fiery speaker and wore long black gown with purple crosses on breast and shoulder llis speech was great success in Protestant Ilorunto but Montreal was waiting Father tiavauis appearance at Zion thurch led to not during which troops were called out and five persons were killed The rioting spread through Montreal on June it when Protestant clergymcn were assaulted and stones were thrown through stained glass windows of their churches The fanning of religious flames ted to succession of government defeats until Mac donald and Brown probably saved Canada by forming coalition in 1864 to work for Con federation The Examiner is member at The Canadian Press CP and Audit dugï¬umrct blisti news or as in no ausmgss Published daily except tions ABC Only the Canadian Press may re pu NEWSROOM tgvsiciusmfnage Mama nghI mummy Sunday and credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Aoence France Presu and local Sean Finlay managing editor SALES Dorothy Bowland statutory holidays news stories published in The Examiner Rand McDonald clt editor SheilaYMcGovern 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