the examiner Friday television guide ongï¬na girls HOLLYWOOD UAREs CBC NEWS DEFINITION POLKA DOT IDOOR 630 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW CBS NEWS ABC NEws NEWS PARTY GAME READALONG GONG SHOW 840 ID JEREMY 555 WHITE ONI 700 LIARS CLUB EIGHT Is ENOUGH CROSS WITS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW TO TELL THE TRUTH OPERATION PETTICOAT NASHVILLE WING FRENCH SHOW AMERICA 2NIGHT CITYPULSE 730 $100000 NAME THAT TUNE NEWLYWED AME EDDIE DE VEGA gow HOLLYWOOD SQUARES JULIE Guests Rita Momma Marilyn Michaela BEN WICKS MAGIC ADOWS Suspicien SANFORD AND MATCH GAME 800 CPO SHARKEY Hoimmd discovotl Chis Sravke when trim crew arrnea shoot documen tary depcting the role OI 850 HIBI training ROBINSNEST Fisthare OSuliiyan Star as Rotir Tipp new Iully Qualilsa but unemployed if EMDTHE NEW ADVENTURES OF WONDER WOMAN ROLL OF THUNDER HEAR MY CRY gr pping dama ilthe love of the members at black amly for 85071 other and the land they are In danger gt loamg dullflg the Depreeeicr as seen through the eyes at your Old giri SBEI Janet MacLachlan Room Chlsitfln Pt OI three part episode 80 I0 THE INCREDIBLE HULK ID PROFILES LEGS COmedy variety pilot centering around widow who works aa comedienna at Motor Pul nem aeody OIIIB Hotel to support her teenage son and armies her LBS Veuaa apan OLYMPIC RIDAY EVENING VIING ment with an aaplrino ahowglrt with 9yearold elater Stare Marcla Lewla Caren Kaye mlna MOVIE DRAMA Foola 1010 830 II CHICO AND THE MAN Raul late young aeplrlno actreea aleep over night in the garage then trtaa to talk reluctant Ed Brown Into letting her live with them Ilnde work ON OUR OWN 8he Makea More Than Me Jullaa landlady raleaa her rent and when Julia corn plalna to Maria that her aalary Cant Stand the Increa dilcoyera Marlaa we come la greater than here EDUCATION OF IKE MCMANUS CHICO AND THE MAN 900 ROCKFORD FILES Jim Ie deceived by deranged aclentlat who pull him through an elaborate atraea teat under the gulae OI Inveatigating homicide Gueat alar Pat OMalley 3W COMIN UP COUNTRY Hoata Tint Daniela and Julie Lynn Gueata The Famity Brown Mike Graham Mike Whaler NBA HAMPIONSHIP FRIDAY NIGHT NOVIE Eleanor And Frank Iln Slara Jane Alexander Edward Harrmann The poig nant and compelling lava atory ol Preaidenl Franklin Roosevelt and ma WIIO Elean or baaedonJoaeph Laaha Pulitzer Pruewinning beat aellar at the same tItle Their atory from early youth to FDRa death Ia told through Ina racollecllona at the widowed Eleanor Part MOVIE DRAMM Ski Lift to Death FIGHT AGAINST SLAVERY aixpan BBC produced aenaa chroniclea the aapa OI alave trade In the Btllllh Empire The Old Atrican Blaaphomer relatea the IQCOIIOCIIOHI ol Rev John Newton who captained so am In 1750 ws UPDATE 001 to THE LOVE BOAT The CODQIOIIMRDWIIIRGII Croat laaaca History Lea acr and Winner Take Lova Guilt Itarimg Dick Van Pal le Vicki Lawrence Verneo WIIIO Scatmar Crothera and Bobby Sherman 1000 OUINCY cm and Sam are called to small ranching community to Iden tity the mysterioua malady that baa attlicted local re aidenll and taken me into at 300 head at cattle 50 II STARSKY AND HUTCH BEARCATSMnm Caoe Mra Juran OBrien enlists the aid of Frank Brack all and Johnny Reach to recover her huaband Judpa rien from kidnap THE Ml HTY CONTINENT The Hope of Mankind To prevent luture were the Treaty OI Veraalllea eat up the League at Natlona ita Ideal OI unheraal dlaar mamant and peace did not appeal to many outaide the Jun 1978 democraclea and ernalt na tiona and It wee weakened by the abaence ol Soviet Ila NEWS MOVIE DRAMA Want What Want 1071 CBC NEWS CTV NEWS NIGHTMUSIC in Little Girl and the Dreadlul IIaa OPPOSITE OP POSITE SEXES 1120 NEWS 1122 NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHOW Hoat Johnny Car eon Oueet Kelly Montelth amine CBS LATE MOVIE The Laet Run Stare George Scott Trleh Van DeYera tormer oelaway driver hu been living In obacurlty for nine yaara but boredom an him back to crime MOVIE SUSPENSECOMED arabea no 1006 LYN GORDON OW EDUCATION OF MIKE MCMANUS WINNERS CIRCLE 40 THRILLER Killer With Two Facea Terror atalka an American girl living In England when aha Ia contront ed by Mn brothera one auccaaatul architect and the other crIrnIna Inune 1250 MOVIE DRAMA The Heart Ia Lone ly Hunter 1003 1200 MOVIE DRAMA Having Babies MOVIE DRAMA All Fall Down tau 1204 MOVIE COMEDY Ceaan Royala I007 100 THE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL 110 MOVIE DRAMA Picture of Dorian Gray 19 206 MERV GRIFFIN 210 MOVIE HORRORDRAMA Curae OI the Fly 1965 220 II MOVIE DRAMA The Purault 01 Rap plneaa 1071 240 MOVIE DRAMA Cutter 101 335 III MARCUS WELBY MD 400 MOVIE DRAMA Johnny Coma Late tea 410 COMEDY Plplt 1044 MOVIE Tawny SATURDAY MORNING VIEWING 930 GO GO GLOBETROTTERS OCEANS ALIVE FUNTOWN SPIDERMAN MISTER ROGERS YUGOSLAV OW THACKERS WORLD 958 IN THE NEWS 1000 HERCULOIDS gACE GHOST BIRDMAN AND THE GALAXY TRIO PARADE LIFESTYLES FROM THE SKIN OUT 22 100 HUNTLEY $REET WONDERS OF THE WILD 1200 LAND OF THE LOST BEST OF OIRA FAT ALBERT CORONATION TREET DYNOMTT STAR TREK RECITS DE TUKTU CANADA NOW CITY CLASSIFIED 1215 It AUTOUR DU MONDE PAR LE CONTE 1225 SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK 1226 IN THE NEWS 1230 THUNDER GREENING UP SPACE ACADEMY MUNSTERS MAPLE LEAF WRESTLING ID BOUCANIERS DEAU DOUCE LEE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO 79 SEWCERY 1250 10 LES ENFANTS DAILLEURS HOME 1258 IN THE NEWS 100 To THE POINT €13 WRESTLING WHATS NEW MISTER MAGOO CHARCOAL atEFS MIND OVER wTH re RED FISHER OW FEU SUR LES PLANCHES CELEBRITY CRAFTS 120 In PAGES DHis TOIRE ONTARIENNE 128 IN THE NEWS 130 STRAIGHT LINE er 1026 IN THE NEWS 1030 THINK PINK PANTHER LOST IN SPACE BATMANTARZAN UNCLE BOBBY ï¬tow ANY WOMAN AN MANY WORLDS CHILDHOOD ROCKET ROBIN HOOD 1055 SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK 1056 IN THE NEWS 1100 PERSHOW LETS GO THE CHURCH THE WORLD IN YOUR KITCHEN 128 IN THE NEWS 30 SPACE ENTINELS MUSIC SHOPS SECRETS OF OUIZ KIDS GEORGE HILARIOUS HOUSE OF FRIGHTENSTEIN COLARGOL THE CHURCH 1145 JARDIN DES IIS BAGGY PANTS SENSATIONS AND THE NITWITS SATURDAY MORNING ADVENTURE 155 SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK 1156 KROFFTS IN THE NEWS SATURDAY FILM FESTIVAL Shove Tuea day Slim and Magpie two Chilly kida enter pancake baking conteat to win the of roceriaa 27 TODAYS WOMAN WILD REFUGE PAUL ET MOVIE ROMANCECOMEDY VIRGINIE Bundle of Joy 1950 158 IN THE NEWS 200 MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL PREGAME CANADIAN XPRESS GREAT TEAMS REAT YEARS VIP BUILDING DECENT FUTURE SNOOKER OFSAA SPORTS Regional Track and Fleld ELAN DATHLETES BASEBALL WEEK 215 MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL NBC Sports will lelavlae Baseball game today How ever the exact teama were not announced at preaa time 230 MR CHIPS TONY BROWNS JOURNAL SUMMER PORTS SERIES OUTREACH ONTARIO Cammunlty Theetrea The Town Hall Playera The Town Hall Playara oi Maaiord Ontario are an amateur theatrical IOU 300 00 Disco STEP BY gEP MOVIE TITLE ANNOUNCED AGE OF FLIGHT IN CANADA 315 SPACE SATURDAV AFTERNOON VIEWING III MATE CHECK AND 330 JOYCE DAVID ON SHOW HERITAGE INN WITNESS To YESTERDAY rlot HI THACKERS WORLD 400 PETER JACK SON CLASSIC mm round oi play In thla ladle proleaalonal golf tournament Ironi 8t Georaaa Doll and gantry Club In Toronto KEMPER OPEN Thirdround play In thla 5250000 POA Tour aoII tour narnent from Charlotte North will WIDE WORLD OF $ORTS AUDUBON WILD FE THEATRE FOUR FOR AD VENTURE Fathar RIyaIa Mlaaion lmpoaalbla Father Rival la French prleat who worka In barrlo one at the appalllna alum araaa OI Bolivia Every day he Ilahta poverty hopeleaanaaa lack oI roada and Clean water and trlea to help the people to themaetvea WRESTLING 430 JOURNAL TERNATIONAL ELECTRIC MPANY THE CITY 500 MISSION POSSIBLE SPORTS 8PEC TACULAR Sugar Leonard will oppoae RaIael Rodriguea In IOround Biwewlihl bout 00 mlna DE WORLD OF SPORTS II Alexia Arauel IO ye Dleoo AICala In WBC Wmld Super Featherweight Champlonehlp bout Preview of WHO Heavyweight Champlonahlp Ieaturlna Keri Norton and Larry Holmaa 90 Disco DAzE SESAME TREET INSIDE TRACK SOCCER 530 WAIT TILL YOUR FATHE GETS HOME Judaa Lisa Hartt confidence optimism Rising star Lisa brims with talent By PAUL lllIlilIAN Examiner Staff WritIr Therc are only 20 pcoplc lills Wednesday night In mom capable of accommodating to Limes as many but youd IIIvcr know it from the stage pcr formancc of Lisa Ilzirtt She smiles twists bonds tosses her hair dabblcs with acoustic and electric guitars sings with spirit and cli thusiasm as if full house was there urging her on always try to do thc bcst can We dont hold back anything for the Iicxt night because the more energy you put out the morc you how You never lose out creating cncrgy crowd this size is IIIIIt depressing from an cgo stand point but not musically Im disappointed most for the management here not for Inc she explains between sets it tho Horseshoe Valley resort when she opened chncsdny lhc group performs then again tonight then returns Sunday for the final date in its local engugcmcnt Words likc crczitc and energy crop up often in con versation with the Montreal brim singcr who is regarded by many onc of thc countrys rising stars Shc brims with cncrgy and ptimism and LUllfldtnct Werc onc of tho top two bands in Ontario right now she says not boastfully but matteroffactly and Wtrt capable of being supcrgmup Iknow it canwa it watch lot of tclcvisiori lot of talk shows and fail to see why were not doing thrm why Im not thcrc on thc Johnny Carson show think after 20 years on the mad that have as much to say asanyone She clarified for thc benefit if listener dumbfounded by the announcmcrit of how long shes been performing that Shes currently in her 19th year as musician started when Iwuslz As kid was always bit klutz but in stage seem ed to change from an ugly duckling into swan Singing just seemed the perfect outlet for me went from schoolgirl to singer overnight without ever really thinking of being anything found it very satisfying then and still do Hartt senses that she has grown sizeably in the last year as performerentertainer which goes hand in hand with being musiciancomposer Her recent appearance as one of 11 female guests on the Anne Murray television su cr special Ladies Night th confirmed and reinforced her stage character We had ball doing it all of us was ust freaked out meeting all csc people All of sudden was singing and jamming with Phoebe Snow talking Show business with Anne Murray It was great Hartt has aspirations of doing other shows like it in the future but for the time being the con centration is on gaining musical recognition for the youp which she leads Her four fellow musicians in the Lisa Hartt Bend are bass player Steven Hog ex Of Ian Thomas Brigid dFIimmer Ton Cachauruk formerly with wzird litziru guilnrist IIlIiIlll Iain Intikvti up II uni Iiiftkt LtlltI Kcyliiiurd pliiyii iItIlttKll rill1 Richard Yuri Arid IIltll llii lllI lilttil llziy ltlchziid Itllti xtiirtcd Irfrwcm Ail Itlgtliltl about our yinllm Might mm II IIJIIIII ago and rlchpt Itll holidle Iiiiisii lulixv llIIi mintIM and cuiiivllnliliiis Illtlll Ihm twin Iii IN III post ntllly ltlklll it biIIik siIIII Hill twin Ilytthl scimild Iii started In hrtll Ilkl IIIiII for must of lily do so for you Iilkl carc of busiiicss niziltcrs tqiiip mcnt rcpziirs that kind It thing WIItlltVtl you gcl Ii dzi off lhc bands first Illiiiiii SI watchtr WICII llllIlltIltI IIII Lilltnt hut undcr IvitigIIIId singch ld lIiiiI Motii was well rctciVId but lluilt zilrczidy looking Iiiclid tii thi ncxt rI£IS llIritI AH clothing left Whtll IIIII II tiplmlliiiiit knocks on till lIIIIlIIilIIUIIIII scupc IIIt Illfl lliiill llziiiil pccts It It rczidy Wcll be lllrlkllll ItNs ilII year than III IIII lIIsI IIllit yczirs liccziusc Wtdt putting so much Iiitiri lllll lizick lIlIli 014 band slit sziys It always minus buck iii thr music If you him Illl illllI COUGAR BICYCLES ONE AT EACH STORE BECKERS is 8ng Drink iltiige ï¬rs ENTER Ausmic BASEBML CONTEST WIN lllll im To San Diego California Im IIIltIII St IIII Milk Cartons Phillips versatile actor OTTAWA CP For the walked through scenc of first time in more than five Measure forMeasurctwoycars years Robin Phillips artistic agoiheaVin gowned asanun director of the Stratford Festi val will make an announced performance on the stage next week An actor as well as theatre designer and director trained at the renowned Bristol Old Vic Phillips has acted in wide range of productions from clas sical theatre to horror films And while he has made some unannounced appearances on the Stratford stage since be coming the festivals head in ttflil he has not been advertised as starring performer He will be on stage Monday in Gala Shakespcarc Revel which will bring together ar lists of the National Ballet thc ilnildiflll Opera Company and thc Stratford chtival to open to lot lcrs 26th season It is to be oncvpcrformancc only show described as the kind of party Shakcsptarc him sclf would havc enjoyed gathering of siiigcrs dancers and actors performing togcthcr Phillips will bc among group of actors who will sings IIKI road from Sliukcspcurcs sIInIiIls rid plays IIIRIISIEII TO SING MziurIcn l4orrcstcr Allan Monk and ltuxnlunzi ltoslzik will rIprcscnt thc ptlll company in sclcclimis from Rossinis UttIIl lhiimzis IIitlIIICI and NitIilriis lht Mcrry Wivcs of Windsor optms all based on Slizikirsiwurc plays Vcroriicu lcniiiliit IIIII Jumcs Kudclku Spttlélli flown home from tho National lizillcis cur rcIIt lCIiiIipczin tour wdl duncc 11 prisdcdcux from Sir Fred tlltk Ashtons lhc Dream which was rcctntly uddcd to tht Nlltiiirials lcptrtoiy It is based on MidsIInIIIIrr Nights IIIIniii WIIIIII thc Stralftird FISIIHII did two yours Iin Phillips has donc walktiii parts iii Striilfiird productions during thc Inst fIw yczirs filling III as tin undirstudy This spring during prIVicu pII forniziiiccs fol schtmi Iudiciicts hc ipthirtd MVtlrli lllllt us it pcaszint in Win tIrs IIilc whilc Ill illllll took lcliw for lllllllil surgcry And though it wasnt kllflll to thc illIIllltt II the tinic Iic THE GINGHAM DOOR Reminds Customers fter June l7th becomes the property of the shop NO lakeins tiII Aug 22nd Hours lleSSOI IO3O to 430 7371322 ORANGE 19 AVAILABLE MAY 31st THRU JUNE 3rd AT PARTICIPATING UJLETS AND WIN BIKE CONTEST Ballots in II SIIIIIISI BECKERS HAVE OVER 580 STOES TO SERE YOU OPE 900 AM T011100 PM DAYS EEK Phillips last performed regu Chester Festival in England larly in 1972 when he was an appearing in The Doctors Di actor and director at the Chi lemma TAII presents HARBINGER JUNE l0 pm Admission $500mice ANGUS IONS IIAll TICKETS AT SAM THE RECORD MAN REIIABlE TAXI ANGUS outw HORIZONS BARRIE Restricted to 18 years and over 304W riiiriiiii DUSTIN 1T FFMAN AIGHT TME AT 7158 915 DUSTIN HOFFMAN inSTRAIGHT TIME WHARRY DEAN STANTON GARYifltLlSEY mm It liltrxltf PINll must it It Int lliltn II it Hz Htmtt ti liiilli Fm AM rum II Hi ll lIiitiilitimzliy YiirIII III Alï¬Aiiiwi Igiiiiikitii 7w BMW 5555335 He is among us And we are doomed starring KIRK DOGS SIMON WARD oAGOSTlNA BELLI CoIOr by TECHNICOLOR Color Prints by MOVIELAB Released by American International Pictures