ct 50 coung 820$ Ball opener on Tuesday By BILL URRAN With opening games scheduled for Tuesday evening on three fronts followers of the Simcoe County baseball league are looking forward to another interesting season The chances of breaking the Orillia monopoly of winning the championship are receiving attention from fans who would liketo see the honors passed around The Majors have taken the title five years in row with Ivy Leafs the last rival club to win the laurels in 1972 Because they reached the finals last year the Alliston Canucks are often rated the best chance of stopping the Ma jors But glance over last years record shows the Orillia champions were given closer games by other teams notany Ivy Leafs The Barrie Red Sox also pressed the ultimate winners at times Colliiigwood avenien proved another stumbling block due mostly to stellar pitching of Bill Phillips and Don Westbrooke Glen Laycock of Barrie hurled the only nolthitter registered in league records last year when he blanked Coll ingwood iii terrific pitching duel with Phillips and Eestbrooke The game stretched into tilinning scoreless aw This is another year and we arent taking anything for granted was the way Coach Gander Ross of the Majors described the present outlook for his team Games are won on the field not on past records The Cavemen will get an early opportunity to see what they can do against the Majors as they are the opposition for the opener at Orillia on Tuesday evening Ivy Leafs will be the opponents for Ted Laycocks Red Sox here in Barrie at the same time third Tuesday opening game will have Orillia Juniors playing Alliston at Riverdale park diamond The next night iedndesday Barrie is scheduled to iii vade Colliiigwood for the opener at the shipbuilding town while Tottenhain travels to Newmarket Eight teams are competing in the schedule which extends to Tuesday August with the top six in the standing quali fying to participate in the playoffs for the championship CANLCKS AGAIN LEADING THREAT Due to their fine showing with young team last year Alliston Canucks are expected to be among the leading con tenders in the coming race While they came close several times it has been 10 years since the Canucks last won the title It was an eventful year for county league teams with 1908 records showing three go ing on to capture provincial OBA championships Alliston was satisfied with the county laurels and lid not enter the OBA But the team the Canucks defeated in the county finals Midland Indians went on to win lllltlllltdlillt AOntario title Bob oner head of the present Canucks managed the championship team of decade ago while his son Bob Doner junior was one of the clubs pitching aces Gary Smockum and Paul Mason were other top liurlers with that memorable team First sacker Wayne Storey third baseman Bay Ihibcrt and pitcherinfielder Smockum were leading hitters while Brian Brooks also was dangerous clutch batter and good flyhawk The team compiled an impressive record Along with Midland Creemore and Beeton also won On tario baseball titles in 1968 Gordon Dyinent reinstated pro pitched Midland Indians as the team was then called to the intermediate honors defeating Bowmanvillc Mer chants two games to one in the finals Creeinore had the help of Ivy stars Bob Burns and George Ellis in annexing the interintxliatc Iaurels taking Ietrolia two out of three in that final series John and Larry Gould were hurling aces for Becton Beehives in capturing the junior provincial chaiiipionsip They took Stoney Creek two straight in hardfought pitching duels in their finals Gary Smockum from Allistoii and four Tottenham players Kerry Worrad John Boyce Iaul Feelie ly and Bill Speicher were of material help to the Beeton cause OCNTY SENIOR GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP The Barrie Country club will again be the scene of the Simcoc County mens senior golf championship tournament for 1978 Although the approved date for this major event is not un til Friday August 11 there already have been numerous senior players among golfers at various area courses in car ly act ion aimed at getting ready to part icipatc Incidentally the mens opening stag at the popular Barrie course has been arranged for Saturday May 37 This will be followed with the annual Iot Green event set fora Week later on Saturday June At nearby Shanty Bay players are beginning to tune up for qualifying play for the 1978 club championships om petitions for senior and handicap divisions as well as the mens open all start with the Labatts spring tournament on Sunday June Glenn Woodrow is club captain and Bob la joi viccrcaptain with registration at the clubhousc house where Brad Miller is in charge At Simcocside near Hawkestone where the early bird tournament was postponed last Wttktlltl because of the heavy rain plans are proceeding for other competitions to he announced shortly The animal Molsoiis open touina ment will be held on Saturday July with Dave Thompson head of the committee helping Bob ltattray with ar rangemcnts Orillia Icrriers hockey club is planning special tourna ment at Horseshoe Valley course for Sunday June II The Lake George course will havc hockey oldtiiiicrs par tiCipating in the annual George Ford event set for Saturday Junczt For lady golfers major coming tournament is thc an nual IllllilyStlll trophy field day hcrc at the Barrie Country Club on Thursday June 15 Another key event is the Bowdch twoball championship competition on lucsday June 20 At Shanty Bay the qualifying round for the ladies club diampionship play will be held on lucsday Junt 27 Sue Major won this title last year raceway entries ugou uur Will select Miss Barr IIu The racing season at Barrie Speedway begins tonight with number of changes including the introduction of Miss Barrie Speedway 78 The changes have come about under the guidance of Ross Money one of the new owners More races have been added and track facilities have been updated There are now five finalists in the Miss Barrie Speedway competition They are Debbie Hunter 18 Diane Mcltae 25 Shelley Turner 19 Linda Baker 28 and Carlyn Imber 25 The winner will be announced at the Speedway tonight at 730 pin it RACES There will be 14 races every Saturday night this season There were 12 every night in previous years There will be four trophies awarded each night These include one in each feature class and one for late model vehicles Some of the new equipment installed by the new owners in cludes new public washroom new public address stem has also been added and for the convenience of drivers ange rooms have been renovated and lights have been added in the pits Money had also planned on painting the grandstands but has been hindered by unusually heavy rain in past weeks Weve had quite time trying to work around the rain Money said but hopefully well get all the signs painted by Saturday MANY PRIZES The girl awarded the title Miss Barrie Speedway 78 will pro ie Speedway SpeedWGy plans special opening These include two piece luggage set from Northern Perfor mance Ltd and Barrie Sppedway 78 Ltd picnic cooler and jug from Canadian Tire Ltd beauty kit from Shoppers Drug Mart in the Wellington Plaza table radio from mart silver necklace from Le Boeuft Jewellers and photo album from Camera Crafts and Sports basket of fruit from Cancilla Fruit Company mirror from Mooney Auto Glass and Radiator Ltd dinner for two at Poor Richards shampoo and set at the Powder Puff years membership at The Barrie Fitness Club 16 oz steak from Maude Kourys Steak House 10 week ceramic course at Creative Ceramic Centre Ltd $10 gift voucher from Woolworths and dozen red roses from Finlays Flowers The judging will be at pm and Miss Barrie Speedway 78 will be announced at 730 pm HOII IOSI IIIll illi pni FIRST It CIC NILE lot 7NORIIIOOIi IAIItlth Lelllaiic liRITZY OSCAR 5TORHOIION llltt tIIi ITopaz Intrepid rowc 2Andysoinct ti Anncrud tMac Freight Stincr 4A SShIawayIIirli rm It Scraniiagc SECOND It CE IACE MILE Slfili SDYNAMIIE LERAY 7HISSEY REE 2WIIIRIING Dlt llESS lRobra Iriin lM Express 4hlillltill Jewll Iahaska Rovu rowc It Scraniiagi Annirud Keeling lirooker lass 7Wilbca Dulitlh Dixon THIRD II H30 ThgtARLENt Cass IDAIlFIEIJl Acton TKINti AIINHAH ZrTrIggcrIohnson iIast Sam sHtoiiian llliltl ll Iiirihc Ijduoivb Illlllllllll Itowc ii Royal Gent tlciiiciit Ititlytiiorgi Jones FOURTH MILE 8300 75AltiEIlN LII Durbano IIIIRRICANEFRED Spinks 2Sllt MARVIN Cass ItAriva LaDonna taanipbcll Ir 4Adios Kartn Acton SAPtrry Keeling GRivtra Lee ass ilVic Crescendo FIFTH RACE NILE $530 HITMHU lit it it it 4PINKYS BABE SSINRISE ACE Problem liilllkti Langtii It Hutton Ilrooks Jr Fritz Lotkhait 2I Jester ltryoii IitistonAngus ainplwllJr 7l1lllISkttlil Spinks Hlikc Max llrtt SIXTH It CII PACK 11 Stith HILIJItiIttitNl Brooks itFASItAIIZR Cass lMISSJENNY BROWN Bryon lSpininng Shadow larVIs Meadow Major Anncrud Mills Shadow Durhaiio SGoodnuff Fer Mc Rowe liItillthitxl Trowc SH ENTII RACE IItOl tS 1tyr old colt 37liltt 17 LIETSKY MalthtWs trNttANGEl Walker 57KIZIISIESIlA It Moore errinhroltrry Frill ZNorlhwood Itoinco It lautheirJi It Smoky Flycr 7l Buddy List IIIOIITII CI Ill 3000 MARCON KELLY Iliyon tlAllYGltAD Durbano BILLY HAITLIIS Hutton theckdale Cass it Vickie Ituss Brown SMissy Dolly Scott Cass 7QmiitSingtr McNutt liMapltway Storm rowe NINTH ltAtIZ tiior MILE oss yr old colt 37m lTHE DUSTMAN Kopas 2IAIIIME FlfltY Carroll SKII PARKER Walker IIAYAHITSA Webb onray Kent frlaikcsJoty II flouthichr 777 Stormy It ltiliillholland llClay Ilcrbcrt Wall NEXT lilAKli Radio Shack year old Wednesday any ill 197K Davies The races will be pretty well the same as last year Money told The Examiner From left Bob Toffan Wayne Church Eric Cumm ing and Graham Gltfen hold the trophies they won at the Barrie Colts annual awards banquet Friday Toffan was the most valuable player Church was the top delencemon Cumming was the position the scoring leader and Gilten was the rookie of the year Harry Hadden the clubs president an nounced that Colts would be playing in new league next season Examiner Photo Anew league Announcement made at Colts banquet By SCOTT ASKINS Examiner Sports Editor ORO As of Si pm Friday the Ontario llockey Asstxiation tOlIAi idintarioJunior Hockey League no longer exists Harry Haddcii president of the Barrie Colts made the an nouncement at the clubs annual awards banquet at rotoin inunity Centre You people are the first to know about it he told the group of players coaches parents girlfriends and supporters just received word from the DNA office today at in Starting in September the club will be part of the new 12 team Central Ontario Junior Hockey Lcagiic which is going to make it very tough for the team to ptit backrtoback lcagiic championships together The teams in the new loop include olts Acton Brampton Burlington Dixie Georgetown Malton Oak Ridges tiakvillc Orillia lhoriihill and Stiectsville Im very enthused about the new league lladdtn told The Examiner It really gives us something to aim for when we hit thciccScpt it The Owen Sound Kings were left out of the CW league lhat dcvtlopinciit didnt seem to bot hci the players who have never llkttl playing there llowic Iorlxs who coached the club to ils most successful season tl is anxious to get crack at the new toughcr league hopc to come back and coach next year but its all up to Harry he said RDSGIIIN The highlight of the night was the presentation of awards to the players Goaltender Bob Iollaii was selected as the clubs Most Valuable Player and received the Low Irophy Graham Giflcn won the Bill llakc Irophy as Colts rookie of the year Wayiic Church took home the Rick Icriiicy Iropliy as the top dcfciiccinan and Eric uiniiiing won the trophy for being the top scorer on the club The selection of Iotfan Giffcn and Church was really no stir prise but the race for the scoring titlc went right down to the Wire We had to go back and check every game sheet Doug Itavr Whalers no match for Winnipeg Jets WINNIIEG Ili New England coach llairy Neale was brief and to the point following the Wlialers 102 loss to Winnipeg Jets in the World Hockey Association final Fri day night saying simpl We were outplayed an out scored That summed up the one sided contest that saw Win nipeg score five goals in less than three minutes early in the first period to put themselves in an ideal position to win their se cond WIIA championship in three years They need just one more win to take the bestof sevcn series and the next and if needed thinesday counters the unable to contain them Willy Lindstrom tle chance on the shot on breakway at 731 games are in Winnipeg Monday For the third straight game the Iets came out flying but unlike the previous two en Whalers were hard shooting right winger who saw limited action in the quarter finals because of rib injury got the Jets started at 456 of the first period scoring on powerplay slapshot from about 35 feet Goalie Al Smith had lit really got into it Lind strom who added second goal inoiid the clubs general inaiiag told the playcrs It was very close and Eric liciit liiii Angus by only one point lollan also won Bulova watch from Labatts Breweries for his clloits during the season For tlic players that didnt win any of the top awards llicrc was still lots to take home Labatts prcsciittd plaque coiiiiiicinorating the winning season to every player on the team Team pictures team jackets and the home swcatcr of every player was also presentth Ray llcaslip the newly electcd president of the arric Minor Hockey Associat ion illll spoke briefly to the group saying that he hopes lllt two organiations can continue to work well togctlici Mayor Ross Archer congratulattsl the team on its fine show ingantl wished the players good luck in the future Itorbes was one of the last people to speak He thanked the clubs execiitivc trainers and managers Ive never been associated itli finer groupof people lhe iiiastci of ceremonies for thc night was Dr Dave Johns Bobby Kromm is coach of the year BOSTON Cli Bobby Kromm who coached Detroit Httl Wings to their first playoff spot since 1070 was named today as the National Hockey League Coach of the Year Kioiiiiii received total of 102 points in the voting con ducted by the NIIL Broadcasters Association Don Cherry of Boston Bruins was second with 57 points while Scotty Bowman ol Mont real anadiens Was third with 39 Kromm joined the Red Wings this season after coaching Winnipeg lets of the World Hockey Association He also coached in the eiitral Hockey League at Dallas and was one of four coaches used by Team Canada when it won the Canada Cup in 1070 Clifton llotel one of the clubs in the new Barrie Mens Recreational Fastball League has scheduled practice for Sunday at Mac Morrison Park starting at 630 pm Robert Dobson the manager of the club said that the team lost lot of players off last years squad and every position is open Expos complete deal with LA LOS ANGELES AP Los Angeles Dodgers have traded veteran reliever Mike Garman to Montreal Expos for two minor league baseball pitchers Al Campanis president of the Dodgers announced Friday night Garman 20yearold rightliander has appeared in nine games for Los Angeles this season and is 01 with earned run average of 450 Campaiiis said the trade would not be effective until after the Dodgers Friday night game with the Giants and that righthander Lance Ratitzhaii will be called up from the Dodgers Albuquerque farm cliib to replace Garman on the roster bably need van to carry away the many prizes that come with At 745 pm the customary parade of cars begins and the season of Barrie Speedway 78 gets under way Quarter horse is By HELEN MASON Prized for its versatility docility and good sense the popular American Quarter Horse is result of more than 300 years of breeding During colonial times in Georgia and the Carolinas horsemen tested the speed of their mounts by racing them down the village main street or along plantation boundaries Later short rough tracks were hewn from the bush What resulted was breed of horse famous for its flying starts and burst of speed over short distance The Quarter Horse was and is the fastest in the quarter mile The foundation stock of his breed was supplied by band of mares imported from England in 1611 These were bred to the descendants of the Spanish horses that had come over to Many riders decide to learn hunt seat because they want to experience the thrill of jump ing Any horse can jump The smoothness and height of his jump is result of good con formation and sound training In the show ring horses that jump are divided into two classes hunters and jumpers hunger is horse suitable for fox hunting These mounts must be sensible easily con trolled tirelms comfortable movers and uniform jumpers to allow for their riders ease and safety over long course The Canadian Hunter and Light Horse Improvement Society was formed to study the problems of cross breeding and register suitable breeding stock to create distinct Canadian hunter breed In Canada hunters frequent ly result from thoroughbred draft cross The thoroughbred supplies the heart or will ingness to tackle many obstacles From the draft come size strength and substance Conformation is extremely important in the hunter field not for the sake of retty horse but because got con formation often results iii good performance Hunter judges look for along WellShille neck The horse uses his neck to balance during jumping They want strong hindquarters because these muscles propel the horse over the jump The legs must be muscular strong enough to support and lift the combined weight of horse and rider The top part of the back just in front of the horses tail tcall ed the croupi should be well rounded This enables the horse to use his hindquarters to their fullest when he is hand gallop ing jumping or moving up hill The chest must be deep and the ribs well sprung to allow for proper chest expansion necessary when the horse is moving quickly on rough ter lillll Finally modern breeders are linking for tall horse of at least 16 hands Hands are four inches and the horse is measured at the highest part of the withers They seem to feel of thoroughbred blood Notice the deep the New World with the early explorers As the east became more populated and the roads im proved the Quarter Miler lost its ascendance in racing Although it had the best speed over short distance other breeds could beat it in the four miler But it was the quarter horse who pulled the wagons of the pioneers on their journey west ploughed their fields and fought in the Indian Wars During the cattle empire days in the southwestern States these horses were prized for their cattle sense Their burst of speed could turn steer trying to break the herd It wasnt until March 1940 however that the American Quarter Horse Association was formed to collect the pedigrees that this height is an advantage inthehunting field These physical charac teristics are not enough The hunter must also be quiet wellmannered horse Often the alert and tractable mount has an advantage over its better conformed competitor in both the show ring and the hunt field jumper may be any breed horse What counts in jumper classes is the ability to jump every jump without refusal The horse can be very awkward and the rider losse in the saddle as long as the horse completes the course of jumps in the correct direction and with no faults Jumpers are frequently ask ed to leap higher and further than hunters What is needed is mount with gymnastic ability and boldness who will heed the riders aids The second day of Hoofbeats popular breed of the American quarter horse and encourage its use In this first year 1000 horses were in spected and registered Today over million quarter horses are involved in numerous areas of equine sport quarter mile racing hunting trail pole bending rodeoing etc The calmness of the breed makes it particularity suitable for young riders and there are many Youth Activities spon sored by the Quarter Horse Aossiciations throughout North America These horses can be seen May 27 at Molsons Park during Hoofbeats 78 where there will be such classes as working hunter barrel racing English and Western Pleasure and Showmanship on the line for them Smoothness is the key 78 will consist of an Open Hunter and Jumper Show Hoofbeats is not going to have recognized show because the organizers want to encourage local horsemanship Hunter classes will be judged on the manners and way of go ing of the horse Conformation will also count In jumper classes only the horses per formance will count The horse must follow the course and jump the obstacles in the right order Style is not counted In unrecognized shows such as Hoofbeats 78 the same horses frequently enter the hunter and jumper division These classes are judged dif ferently so that one horse may do poorly in the hunter field but get first as jumper The Hunter and Jumper Show will be held at Molsons Park on May 28 Classes start at 10 am gports Calendar SATlRDAY 730 pm ing Barrie Speedway Oro 81h line official open IIARNESS RACING 745 pm Barrie Raceway BASEBALL 11 am Baseball Association 78 season SUNDAY TOlRNAMENT Ivy Ball Park opening day games of the Ivy noon Queens Park official opening of Barrie Minor Baseball Tournament Barrie plays Newmarket at 230 pm PRACTICE 630 pm MacMorrison Park open practice for Clifton Hotel of Barrie Mens Recreation Fastball League MONDAY TOURNAMENT pin lvy Ball Park championship play in the Ivy Baseball Tournament four games scheduled HARNESS RACING 130 pm Barrie Raceway Ontario Sires Stakes SOCCER 630 pm cer League Various parks opening of Optimist Minor Soc Royal De King typifies quarter horse conformation before the introduction chest and wellmuscled rump Royal De King is an oightyearold stud standing at Lee Haven Farms Helen Mason Photo