SPAGHETTI OR READY CUT PRIMO PASTA PRIMO PLAIN SPAGHETTI SAUCE 31 OZ TIN ORANGE FLAVOUR POWER PRICED SPECIALcI SWING OZ CRYSTALS p530 79 POWER PRICED SPECIAL GRAPE DRINK WELCHADE as 79 GARLIC PLAIN 0R POWER PRICED SPECIAL POLSKI OGORKIE BICKS DILLS 0522 99 FLOWERDALE POWER PRICED SPECIAL ORANGE PEKOE TEA BAGS 905 249 NABISCO SHREDDIES POWER PRICED SPECIAL CEREAL 23°69 75 IN TOMATO SAUCE LIBBYS POWER PRICED SPECIAL it 29c BEEF EGG BEEF KIDNEY LIVER BACON OR POWER PRICED SPECIAL QUARTET DERBY DOG FOOD I332 389c IIIIDIO II€IIIIIII PER SHOW ON WITH CASSETTE COUPON own000comoooemouomu WEEK TWO WEEK TWO May May 16 50 on Commercial Peps Ovaltme and More The Shadow Death From me Deep 50 Oh Coupon 50 ON Coupon OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOIOOOOOOOIOOOOOOQ Available at Dominion at 319 Blake St and Hwy 26 27 in Barrie only Make Dominion your headquarters for MOTHERS DAY FLOWERS Lar selection available of Sorted Flowering ants and Cut Flowers for Mothers Day I2xIO FL OZ ENVIRO PAC COCA COLA 199 PLUS 150 DEPOSIT SCENTED OR UNSCENTED POWER PRICED SPECIAL BAN ROLL ON 25 oz DEODORANT 159 ASSTD C8LOURGS POWER PRICED SPECIAL HAIR COL URIN 02 NEW DAWN 159 ASSTD COLOURS POWER PRICED SPECIALI FACELLE ROYALE LAQIAL TISSUE OPS 269c FEMININE NAPKINS POWER PRICED SPECIAL STAYFREE PKG MINI PADS 030 79 RAI ARDEN 3469 INDSECT SPRAY 2328 249 OFF INSECT REPELLANT an $39 79 POWER PRICED SPECIAL TIDE POWDERED DETERGENT at 549 IIflDIO II€IIIIII$ PER SHOW ON WITH CASSETTE COUPON onoocoooooomooeoooooooomaooooo WEEK THREE WEEK THREE May 8l3 May 813 Wu OI The War The Worlds IArl 50 Ott Coupon 000000000000000000000000000 Available at Dominion at 319 Blake St and Hwy 26 27 In Barrie only ASSORTED FLAVOURS SILHOUETTE DELISLE YOGURT COLA OR GINGER ALE CARLTON CLUB BEVERAGES MOTHER PARKERS INSTANT COFFEE Demolishing ROM Ontario Premier William Davis takes swing at wall of the Royal Ontario Museum In Toronto Tuesday Davis donned the hard hat and wielded the sledgehammer to show support for $44 million campaign to renovate and expand the 66 yearold building CP Photo Lower standards TORONTO CPI An of ficial of the University of Toronto said Tuesday the university will lower admission standards to its arts and science faculty this fall Arthur Kruger dean of arts and science at the downtown St George campus said the min imum standard for the down town campus now will be Grade Iii average of about 70 percent Students with more than 60 per cent will be accepted at the of Erindale and Scarborough hesaid Last fall the universitys en trance standard for the St George campus was about 745 per cent compared with 675 per cent and 65 per cent for Scarborough and Erindale re pectively Dean Kruger said the marks standard is determined by the number of students applying to the university If the number of applicants is small the stand ards are lowered STOKELYS FANCY CREAM STYLE OR WHOLE KERNEL CORN OR HONEY POD PEAS VACUUM PACK ALL PURPOSE GRIND MAXWELL HOUSE 4s1 OUR REG PRICE 37 EACII IN TOMATO SAUCE OR WITH PORK IN TOMATO SAUCE LIBBY RED KIDNEY BEANS 14 FL OZ TIN OUR REG PRICE 47 EACH ASSORTED VARIETIES INSTANT SOUP MIXES NESTLE SOUPTIME 28 PKG OUR REG PRICE OUR REG PRICE 429 HIGHLINER FROZEN IN BATTER BOSTON BLUEFISH 14 OZ PKG OUR REG PRICE 134 LIBBYS UNSWEETENED GRAPEFRUIT PINK GRAPEFRUIT ORANGE OR SWEETENED ORANGE JUICE FL OZ TINS OUR REG PRICE More buying power for you ominion wE RESERVE IRE new IVIII QUANIIIIES IO NOWAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTS DOMINION SIORES LIMITED universitys suburban colleges New party head Benigno Zaccagnini secretary of the Christian Democratic Party wipes his brow Tuesday as he leaves party headquarters after an emergency meeting following the slaying of Aldo Moro With the death of Mora the burden of party leadership now falls upon Zaccagnini Earlier fighting back tears he told newsmen that Moros Christian legacy his faith In freedom and his extreme sacrifice will remain alive for the Italian people AP Photo PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPING Makes Difference bPatIos Retaining Walls Fencing Sodding Grading CUST POOLS II Sales Installation SIvIeIIan 7372932 Ofteny