COMPOSINO noon Jack Kerney loreman Glenn Kwan asst foreman Don Saunders Lorne Wass Wilt Cadoean Stan Wray Bill Raynor Ron Glider Ed Allenby Janie Hamel Susan Kitchen Yvonne Sierps PR ESSROOM AI Hanson foreman Don Near asst foreman Fred Prince Kim Pattenden Ihelarrle Examiner is memberof The Canadian Press CllandAudit bureau Publisheddailyexceot at Oreulatlans ADC Only the Canadian Press may republish news stories in Sunday and his newspaper created to The Aasaclated Press Reuters or Agence France Please and local news stories published in The Barrie Examiner OUSI 655 Marian Goiioh accountant Detva Mills Vikki Grant Connie Hart John Shank ADVERTISING Len SeVIck manager SALES Aden Smith Steve Skinner Marion Hearty Calvin Felmtwk Peter Clark Ian MacMurcny EDITORS Craig Slson managing editor Stan Didxballs city editor Bill McFarlane wire editor RE FORTE Rs Stephen Nicholls Dennis Lanttiier Nancy Figueroa Lori Cohen Tony Panacci Richard Thomas Sue amen camera operator Terry Field Cattiy Heather Mary Delaney Peter Roberts Alison Merkel statutory holidays WEEKLY by carrier 95 cents YEARLY by carrier $494 BY MAIL Barrie $490 SIMCOE COUNTY $39 the eXam ner Saturday Dec 291979 the Iarrle Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertising nuterlal created by Its employees and published in this Mr Copyright registration number mts register Theaihertiser mes that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising ainolerranhodvertisementsbeyondtheemountpoidlorthespoce ampledbythetpertianoftheadvertisementinwhlchtheerroroc Met such error la due ttithe negligence its servants or otherwise there II ertion odveri ement mu masseuse 50 year The Publisher reserves the rldit to edit revise classin or reject an advertise ELSEWHERE IN CANADA mm $4100 year serving barrle and simcoe county Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Bayiield Street Barrie Ontario LAM 4T6 cincuurion Bruce Rowland publisher am mum mm Andy Hwahton assistant manager Dow Bani Alva LaPiante Lisa Warry Elaine Burton Cheryl Aiken CLASSIFIED Peggy chapell supervisor Freda Shinner Janice Morton carol Bowles MM CIICIIlATIOlI ADVIITISING CLASSIFIEDS BUSINESS 7266537 7266539 7266537 7282414 7266537 Heres handy tax tips for the selfemployed By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Can you believe this is winter We think its time to set the record straight about our winters There are some people down south who think we spend winters buried under 10foot snowdrif ts Theyre the same people who wont even venture north of Metro between November and April into the snowbelt region They think the only way we get about at this time of year is by snowmobile or dogsled Have we got news for them Not all our winters are the wild affairs theyre cracked up to be And this is one Looking around our snowbelt are theres almost no sign of winter at all Here itis almost January and it looks more like October Except for the bare trees it could pass for just that On Kempenfelt Bay theres not trace of ice or snow Instead under bright sun Sir In regard to your article on Health Foods Fact or Fad Examiner Dec 26 would first like to state that support good nutrition and its promotion Also personally have long been interested in the scientific bases of nutrition Furthermore even occasionally buy the odd item from Health Food stores have for long time observed the growth of the Health Food Store business and must admit having been in distantly related field was not without envy of their success and also probably somewhat disturbed at the taking away of part of source of income for me For the latter reason have hesitated to say anything because it could be construed as biased due to conflict of interest However your article has afforded me the right opportunity to speak out You have displayed quite visibly such good things as licorice root ginseng cigarettes etc and mention the stores claim as an Information Centre Well for your information thought ought to advise your readers of the following Licorice root It was once used to sweeten pharmaceuticals but is no longer because large amounts can cause sodium and water retension hypokalemia hypertension heart failure and cardiac arrest Ginseng It has recently been shown to con tain small amounts of estrogens swollen and painful breasts have been reported after in gestion Also it appears that the Food and Drug Departments rquirements on this item are rather weak as mandrake root which con tains scopolamine and snakeroot which con tains reserpine are also allowed to be packag letters to the editor the bays soft summery blue The winter of 79 was the winter that never was Its been unseasonably warm and hardly any snow Its topcoat weather in late December Not everyone is happy Ski operators have been hardhit by the unwintery weather What little snow there was on the hills melted just in time for the Christmas holi iday rush That turn of events cost the operators plenty and is still costing them After succession of bad winters however perhaps were overdue for light season What most of us are doing right now is just sitting back and subtracting the weeks weve taken of this winter Well continue to do that too Because the winter weve escaped so far will be with us soon enough ed and sold as ginseng Vitamin It has been shown in properly conducted scientific study that there is no justification for daily dose exceeding 200 mg except there is one situation where you would use the 1500 mg used by some That would be for those who have foolishly been on such high doses for long term because it has been shown that such persons have caus ed their metabolism to adjust such that they now needed the high doses Also it should be mentioned that high doses of Vitamin may effect the activity of certain drugs may cause the formation of kidney tones often cause diarrhea and anal irritation and may interfere with diabetics urine tests for sugar In summary should like to conclude with these thoughts The public is continually be ing presented with all sorts of facts and claims Some of the facts that are presented though not necessarily inaccurate are often presented without auxiliary information that presents information in proper context It is not my intention to discourage layper sons from selfenlightenment On the con trary would suggest that they do so with vigour Investigate thoroughly before doing anything drastic If for example they suspect they may be malnutriting them selves besides taking the advice of health food store merchants perhaps they might want to consider asking their physicians for advice or dietician with proper credentials or one of my readily available colleagues all of whom are legally liable for the information they may dispense Al Iinkelstein BSc th Barrio Northern Ireland ends its decade of death BELFAST AP Soon perhaps within days someone in Northern Ireland will become macabre statistical milestone the 2000th fatality in decade of bloodshed and insurrection By police count the official death tally in the conflict is 1992 When the toll caused by the illover of sectarian violence into the Repu lie of Ireland England and Europe is added the total tops 2150 In the tightknit communities of Northern Ireland which has population of 15 million the killings have touched everyone Since August 1969 almost one family in five has had member killed maimed or wounded The Catholic McCartan family of Belfast has lost six sons The 2000th victim might be anyone But chances are it will be British soldier militiaman policeman or rison guard Theyre the main targets these tlliys But many of the victims have been men women and children in the wrong place at the wrong time playing in the street drinking in bar shopping with the kids sometimes even watching television at home NOBODY SAFE Nowhere is really safe senior police officer said No one is beyond the killers reach The Irish Republican Army which is heavi ly Catholic is fighting to end British rule in Northern Ireland where proBritish Pro testants outnumber Catholics to The RA seeks to reunite the province with the overwhelmingly Catholic republic to the south Against them are British security forces and Protestants bitterly opposed to be we want your opinion Something on your mind Send Letter to the Editor Please make it on original copy and sign it The Examiner doesnt publish unsigned let ters but if you wish pen name will be used Include your telephone number and address as we have to verily letters Because of space limits public interest and good taste The Examiner sometimes has to edit condense or reject letters Letters to the EditOr are run every day on the editorial page Send yours to letters to the Editor The Examiner Pest Office In 370 Milli Out ing dragged into an allIreland republic in which theyd be outnumbered to by Catholics The first official fatality of The Troubles was 30yearold Catholic John Gallagher shot dead Sept 1969 in Armagh when Pro testant policemen trapped behind barricade fired into crowd The first British soldier slain was Robert Curtis 20 shot by IRA snipers while on patrol in Belfasts Turf Lodge district on Feb I971 COSTLY FOR ARMY Since then the army has lost 327 dead its costliest campaign since the Korean war plus 95 Ulster Defence Regiment auxiliaries But threefourths of Northern Irelands dead have been civilians most of them inno cent bystanders slaughtered in in discriminate bombings and revenge killings Elizabeth McGregor 76 yearold Protes tant widow was killed when she walked into crossfire between British soldiers and IRA gunmen battling in Belfast shopping precinct in 1973 Patrick Toner 15yearold Catholic farm boy was blown up Jan 19 1975 when he step ped on an IRA landmine while herding his fathers cows near Forkill in County Armagh The mine was meant for soldiers Mervyn McDonald an unemployed Catholic laborer and his 23yearold wife Rosaline were shot dead by Protestant ex tremists as the couple watched TV with their two young children on July 1975 The Provisionals admit losing about 250 fighters but the figure is likely higher because they often drag their dead away for secret burials Police say the bodies of some terrorist victims also have never been found MOUNTBATTEN SIIAIN At least 80 persons have been slain in the republic including Lord Louis Mountbatten of the British Royal Family He was killed when an IRA bomb ripped apart his holiday boat in Donegal Bay on Aug 27 the same day Provisionals killed 18 soldiers in bomb ambush No end to the bloodshed is in sight The IRA says it will fight to the last man The Pro testants chant traditional warcry No sur render bible thought Thou shalt hidc them in thc secret of th presence from the pride of man thou shalt keep them secretly in ii pavilion from the strife of tongues Psalms Ill 20 There is so much protection and power and courage in having God on your side Life is too short and eternity too long to be without Him By JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Its little known in Canada that Singapore the great commercial city and onetime for tress built by the British as the centrepiece of their South East Asian imperial interests is today an independent republic In the days of the British Empire Singapore founded by entrepreneur discoverer and imperialist Sir Stanford Raf fles in the mid nineteenth century was the key city in the Federated Malay States It was also Britains major fortress and naval base east of Suez role which was shattered for all time from the spectacular way in which the Imperial Japanese forces reduced the city and conquered it on February 15 1942 Unfortunately the British with an ar rogance born of long imperial rule in the East built the fortifications and the massive seige guns to point in fixed positions out to sea but not inland However the Japanese forces landed in the far northern portion of the Malay States moved south to the isthmust connecting the city to the mainland shelled the great for tress with its guns pointing seawards and in vaded defenseless city That was very long time ago with its con viction that the city would never rise again UNHEARDOF RECOVERY But like Tokyo itself which was virtually burned to the ground by Allied air raids Singapore nearly forty years after World War Two is one of the worlds largest commercial cities Indeed in world where most countries ex pect little or no advance in their gross na tional product Singapore and its authoritarian Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew are worried Singapores might not exceed whopping 95 per cent Singapores success as one of the small coterie of tropical capitalist nations others INTERPRETINQ le NEWS Onetime British fortress now independent republic are South Korea Taiwan Philippines has resulted from the same ruthless and self centred economic policies Its prime minister has guaranteed very low wages for semitrained technicians needed to put together radio computer and other high technology equipment and high tariffs to pre vent their imports This has encouraged host of American European and even Japanese multinationals to flood in manufacture their goods in the island nation protected from competition and ship from nation where labor peace law and order are also promised The presence of so many branch plants in turn stimulates consumer society deman ding sophisticated products the need for many foreign banks to service both industry and consumers And presto in Singapore you have repeat performance of the Taiwanese and South Korean models As with them the political system is cen tralized dictatorial and harsh on offending citizens Singapores Prime Minister has mania about cleanliness and slaps high fines on anyone dropping litter on the streets prison sentences for further of enses The Singapore version of the economic miracle is not without its blemishes The labor force increases by about four per cent per annum based on large number of im migrant workers and natural birthrate And the emphasis on electronic exports works the need to diversify the countrys in digenous industries The truth about terrorism NEW YORK CP In the frustrating world of organized international terrorism labels and words get mixed up and often mask the truth More often than not violent acts of ter rorism such as murder and kidnapping are described in the print and electronic media as executions and hostagetaking For the terrorists in many cases profes sional killers extermination of opponents tends to expose dramatically particular cause or grievance Mislabelling such acts of violence implies unwarranted justification for coldblooded criminal activity ILLUSTRATES POINT The long imprisonment of Americans in their own embassy in Iran is case in point The seizure of the embassy in Tehran on Nov by Iranian militants was violent act of terrorism pure and simple In violation of their most basic human rights the Americans still prisoners guarded and frozen from contact with each other Under international law recognized by every government except Iran there is no justification no matter the politics involv ed for maintaining an atmosphere of vir tual solitary confinement for the Americans in their own embassy The Iranian militants continue to claim that they are students who took the rash ac tion to force the return of the deposed shah to stand trial for crimes against the Iranian peo le The militants are in fact terrorists whether or not they are acting under the stewardship of Irans dictatorial leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini They have kidnapped and imprisoned American personnel for political gain in pressing their case against the shah and United States crimes POSES QUESTIONS Who are these militants who call themselves students What schools do they attend What subjects are they studying Just what kind of political clout do they wield in the confused Iranian political scene The Iranian revolutionary leadership has yet to answer such questions While there have been some moderating statements by ranking Iranian government officials there appears to be no real move ment toward ending the ordeal of the prisoners The ayatollahs grim warning that Irans confrontation with the US is struggle bet ween Islam and paganism that could likely turn into war doesnt help the situation Ordinary students could not have handled the propaganda machine developed by the Iranian militants to promote their cause Rather the situation at the embassy smells of cleverly run Iranian intelligence opera tion aimed at extracting every bit of exposure available especially thr ugh the use of elec tronic media The four clergymen who visited the American prisoners on Christmas Eve were not allowed to hold the ecumenical service they had planned Instead they were allowed to see the prisoners only in groups of three to five ADDS TO IIUMILIATION Adding to their humiliation the clergymen were handed photocopies of personal messages by 33 of the prisoners to their families in the United States through the locked front gate of the embassy compound But editors working wherever there is free press have long memories in labelling people for what they really are When Sir Oswald Mosley British fascist leader was espousing his proNazi sym pathies during the Second World War editors particularly in Canada became so incensed that they scorned his knighthood by referring to him as Mosley and not Sir Oswald There is also the case of the outlawed Irish Republican Army when it started its deadly campaign of killing arson and bombing in 1969 At first the IRA killings often were refer red to as executions not murders But Canadian editors uickly labelled the socalled executions for at they were the knock on the door at knight and the sudden burst of gunshots at intended victims in tolerable terror and murder Thomson News Service Here are some tax tips for the self employed which purport to come from one of Canadas most knowledgeable and ex perienced chartered accountants who in sists upon anonymity They are quoted by Eve Drobot and Hal Tennant veteran freelance writers in their newly published book Words For Sale Mac millan Co of Canada 189 pages $895 While the book and the tax tips in it are aimed at aspiring freelance writers much of the advice would be applicable to any self employed taxpayer Get an accountant at the outset If you wait until you are earning lot of money your affairs will probably be mess and it will cost plenty to have an accountant straighten them out Get legal advice Ideally you should work only on contract If you enter an ownership or rofitsharing venture have the fine print eva uated by an expert Dont automatically assume that it pays to be incorporated That could be decided disadvantage unless you have accumulated large sum you dont need to live on Taking out federal sales tax dispensa tion number can create an awkward situa tion Its probably better to pay sales tax on your supplies and treat the expense as deduction from taxable income PICK DATE The selfemployed can determine the dates of their own tax year You might be able to maximize certain allowances by choosing yearend other than Dec 31 Remember to claim the deductions to which you are entitled such as taxi fares or promotional expenses Dont be shy about running tab at your local pub reelancers are advised Your justification to Ottawa is that your lifestyle is source material for your work When you travel on assignment have your expenses reimbursed by your client Otherwise if they are lumped in with your fee they will be taxed as income YOUR BUSINESS There are ways of splitting income bet ween nonmarried people An accountant can help you form partnership which will lessen bot your tax loads You cant be expected to keep up with changes in income tax Concentrate on keeping the creative juices flowing and let someone whose business it is keep an eye on the balance sheet The anonymous chartered accountant says Being able to read an income tax booklet isnt the same as knowing how to get all the information you need to protect your hardearned money TAX FORM The authors add these points on their own good way to estimate your expenses is to obtain from any district Taxation Office form T2032 used by selfemployed persons and operators of small businesses This is statement of income and expenses which will show gross income and net income that is after expenses are deducted If you are drawing regular salary as well as running business on the side you can apply any loss against your taxable earned income Revenue Canada expects you to make rough estimate of what you might earn dur ing the year and pay tax installment of some kind every three months Otherwise it will charge you interest on the money you are deemed to owe the government Even though you receive notice from Revenue Canada accepting your tax return as filed that isnt necessarily the end of the matter Revenue Canada can reopen your return for audit at any time during the subse quent four years or even beyond that if fraud has been committed so keep your receipts and records just in case Iran students deported legally appeal court rules WASHINGTON AP An appeals court has cleared the way for the deportation of some Iranian students as part of US retalia tion for the seizure of the US Embassy in Tehran But lawyer for three students who challenged President Carters order singling out Iranians for immigration checks says he will carry the right to the US Supreme Court unless he gets rehearing Three members of the US Court of Ap peals on Thursday ruled Carters Nov 10 order was constitutional and that it was fundamental element of the presidents ef forts to resolve the Iranian crisis Lawyer Eric Lieberman said he will ask the full ninemember court to hear the case OTTAWA CP Canadians enter new decade with few illusions about the political future sharp contrast to the euphoria they carried nto the 19705 from their first 100 years of nationhood Quebecs role in Confederation is yet to be determined and most Canadians now realize that the referendum on sovereignty association next spring an event that few would have predicted 10 years ago will not be the final word onthat question The economy appears likely to follow that of the United States into recession energy prices are destined to continue rising to levels unheard of few years ago and sup plies of vital commodities such as heating oil are no longer guaranteed Even the Feb 13 federal election called barely six months after Prime Minister Joe Clarks minority Progressive Conservative government took office could be seen as reflection of political uncertainty that mir rors larger uncertainty about society in general SHAKEN BY CRISIS The last decade had barely begun when Canadians felt the shock of the October Crisis The vision of nation standing almost alone in its immunity from ter rorism or social upheaval was gone for good The years that followed saw other myths shattered The idea that the worlds vast resources exceeded mans nchant for con sumables fell into further isrepute The Royal Canadian Mounted Police found its venerable reputation tarnished by revelations of wrongdoing The 1976 Olympic Games in Montreal became source of embarrassment as costs skyrocketed to more than 10 times the original estimate of $120 million The marriage of the decade between Pierre Trudeau and Margaret Sinclair went on the rocks tragedy of no historic im portance but one shared by fellowcitizens who had wished the couple well just years earlier As the 19805 begin the future of Quebec weighs heavily on the minds of many Cana dians and memories of theypast have not been erased KIDNAPPERS JAILEDv Three former members of the Front de Liberation du Quebec ch rged in the kid napping of British tra commissioner James Cross were sentenced to prison terms in 1979 after returning to Canada from France Others convicted of the kid napping and murder of Quebec Labor Minister Pierre Laporte are still serving long prison sentences Meantime Quebec aspirations found nonviolent outlet with the resounding vic tory of Rene Levesque and his Parti Quebecois in the 1976 provincial election Few illusions remain as Canada enters 805 because of this very important issue The appeals judges overturned an order by US District Judge Joyce Hens Green who had found the order an understandable effort to retaliate against Iran but one that does not support legitimate national interest JUDGE CHASTISED The judges chastised Mrs Green for going beyond an acceptable judicial role in at tempting to evaluate policy reasons for the order Certainly in case such as the one presented here it is not the business of courts to passjudgment on the decisions of the presi dent in the field of foreign policy the ap peals court ruled JAMES CROSS kidnapped by FLQ Levesqu Quebeccrs next rin seeking fully to negotiate polllicagl sovereignty and economic association with the rest of Canada Even if he loses the referendum his federalist opponents have already made it clear they will not be content with the status quo And although the Supreme Court of Canada has struck down portions of the 0f ficial Language Act of 19Tl Bill 101 de nyingg English official status in the legislature and the courts the drive to make French the effective working language of Quebec seems too strong to reverse ECONOMY SUFFERED The economy was another dominant issue of the 19705 The decade called well established economic theories into question and proved beyond doubt that inflation and unemployment are not mutually ex clusive Governments seemed torn between in tervening in the economy and withdrawing in favor of the private sector Both were tried but the results remain inconclusive