taking proving painful for many nativewhite relations Thats why about 500 church leaders and members 35 meeting in Melfort Sask ast June decided to adopt the repentence theme It was more comprehensive response than resolution suggesting some kind of pro ect or financial commit ment says Haverluck on staff at the Prairie Christian Training Centre in Fort QuAppelle He and his group faced the roblem of steering church members away from hangup on guilt and sense of hop essness arising from If deepseated problem Theres feeling of numb ness as people try to face so many problems especially one as sensitive racism he says So the year of repentance is first of all trying to engage the basic hurt we are part of whether or not ourselves Rev Bob Haverluck who helped develop the idea says there is feeling that any easy response would be in adequate to the problem of the examiner Saturday Dec 29 1979 Peter Williams Saskatoon minister and the l979 president of the United Church conference with his collection of newspaper clippings Williams plans meeting with leaders from other churches to see whether the repentance theme adopted last June by church leaders in Meltort Sask can be broadened beyond the United Church CP Photo Repentence process proving painful REGINA CP year of repentence over the injustice done native people is slowly shape for United Church members in Saskat chewan but the process is had anything to do with any overt acts Rather than deciding on course of action we begin by doing nothing in the hopes of coming to an understanding of the situa tion and grieving over it The next step is to see what created it and to move towards making apologv BIG IN RURAL AREAS Peter Williams Saska toon minister and the 1979 president of the United Church conference says the response has been mixed with rural churches taking the most interest Our city people dont understand really what repentance means he says adding that it goes beyond guilt to acknowledging whether person has benefited from injustice and most of our people have not arrived at that point Even within our leaders in our church there is some apprehension about all this But apprehension or not Williams plans meeting with leaders from other chur ches to see whether the repentance theme can be broadened beyond the United Church Haverluck worked on committee that spent two years preparing the theme Weekly Meditation for the Melfort conference Patterns of racism he says were established more than 100 years ago when treaties were written reserves established and social system adopted that left natives out of the economic and political power struc ture Given problem so basic to Saskatchewan society Haverluck realized that that would not repeat old pat terns Haverluck says the com mittee realized that some congregations just wouldn understand what was involv ed Others began studying native culture making an ef fort to visit Indian com munities and ponder the posi tion of Christians in the pro cess Williams has noted tha while congregations in majo cities in the province hav clung to their conservatisim some rural congregations often those close to India reserves have caught the spirit of the project When things out of place something is happening By REV FIFE Stroud Lefroy United Churches This is season of the year when so many things seem to be out of place if not missing If such questions are not being raised as who used the last of the tape or whos got the scissors or where can hide this gift for week or 50 then we are indeed moving fur niture to make room for the Christmas tree or displacing or naments with decorations Christmas has way of putting thing out of place But when things are out of place then we know that something is happening Think of the Christmas story in the Gospel accounts of Matthew and Luke and how much was out of place When parents have babies special crib or even nursery mom is provided complete with playthings But there was baby very much out of place lying in feeding trough within stable with no nursery objects around except possibly some very real livestock Shepherds usually look after their flocks out on hillside pastures but here in Luke they are rushing into town Monar chs are usually preoccupied with thrones and matters of kingly courts or wise men with their university cloisters libraries and lecture halls but in Matthew they are observed following mysterious star And often we think of music be ing in church sound studio an orchestra pit or on stereo but here is music being set forth with the grandeur of angles overarching the heavens It almost looks as if God knows that the best wav to get us to notice something or to get us to pay attention is by having things out of place by stepping beyond the limits of our earth bound expectations and cer tainly He does this with signs and activities which point dramatically to the fact that something is taking place and it was and remains nothing less than that God was coming among us in undeniable form And he continues to come to those with minds capable of wonder and hearts motivated by humility Its then that the very soul of man alive with faith and joy gives new reason to the very life of any man or woman in any age or cir cumstance to return to the stuff of ones life praising God and determine to live by another way Yes things are out of place because none other than Emmanuel is with us rate alarming both MADRID Renter Even churches in staunch Roman Catholic Spain have not 1531 escaped the countrys rapidly rising crime rate Valuable religious ornaments and statues are vanishing at to the church hierarchy and the ministry of culture During the last year an aver age of more than one church robbery day has been com mitted throughout Spain and many of the objects involved are considered priceless in Critical of guide OTTAWA or study by 45 the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops expresses con cerns about proposed federal curriculum guide on family life and sex education The study was critical of the guides emphasis on sexuality as an individual trait without enough stress on the social con text an absence of historical cultural and religious reading material and dramatic FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 156 St Vhlcont St Phone 7206035 REV BIERMAN Join us for worship at9 and It am and 730 pm f9 am Dutch Service on last Sunday of the month Tun into the BACK TO GOD HOUR RADtO MESSAGES SUNDAYS Toronto CHINFM in cm 930om1030 St Thomas ANGLICAN CHURCH Shanty Bay SERVICE 1030 AM MORNING PRAYER Sunday School Nursery St Giles ANGLICAN CHURCH 95 Cook St Barrie 830 AM HOLY COMMUNION 1000 AM HOLY COMMUNION Sunday School Nursery Lutheran Church 220 Steel St Barrie SUNDAY SCHOOL 830 CHURCH SERVICE 830 UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Timothy Christian Church 49 Ferris Lone Pastor Johnson 7202353 SUNDAY Fumin Hour 1000 am Evening Worship 700 pm The Church that is Apostolic in Faith Experience and Practice We are here to show as one Anglican ANGLICAN Next to the Post Office Rector Conon John Spoor SUNDAY AFTER CHRISTMAS 10 am mottins Sermon Preacher Rev Sum Obol MIDWEEIL COMMUNIONS New Years Day 1030 am Thursday 1030 am HAPPY NEW YEAR TO All absence of what love and affec tion mean in marriage and family setting The draft guide prepared under the family planning divi sion of the federal department of health and welfare has been distributed to provincial ministries and departments of education for comment and evaluation It could become available to schools next year THE min comnuum REFORMED CHURCH A1 CUHDLES HEIGHTS PUILIC scuoot cm Rd East 11 am Worship Service and Sundoy School Bible classes during the week pastor THE REV GRANT NOLAND Office 26 Ashdnlo Court Telephone 7205069 Are you on dead end street beggar to another beggar where we both can bread St orges glicon Burton Granville 900 AM HOLY EUCHARIST 1030 AM MORNING PRAYER CHURCH SCHOOL NURSERY Rector Rev Kaye BA All Welcome TRINITY CHURCH 24 COLLIER ST Assistant Rev Som Obol find Religious ornaments statues vanish panish churches hit monetary as well as réIigious terms Spains religious authorities are reluctant to introduce se curity measures that could cut off the congregations from ob jects of worship intrinsic to their faith But secular organizations concemed with conserving the Spanish heritage are angered by the ease with which these historic relics are being stolen and have urged the government to assume responsibility for their care CRIME RATE UP Church robberies have in creased in tune with the general rise in the crime rate since the death of dictator Francisco Franco four years ago Since then crime has increased between 25 and 30 per cent year Last October an 11thcentury CHURCH SERVICE 11 am TESTIMONY MEETING Second Wed each month pm Reading Room open Tuesday 79 pm 7261602 EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 120 ST VINCENT ST BARRIE 7203017 Rev Prat SUNDAY HELD AT TESTIMONY AND PRAISE May you find the enabling power of the living Christ your daily portion Him for all that is past and trust Him for all that is to come First Baptist 945 FAMILY CHURCH SCHOOL 11 am MORNING WORSHIP THE JOY OF NEW YEARS EVE AT 11 pm Join us for film presentation on THE LIFE or JOHN HUS he was the testimony put whole civilization on trial 945 SCHOOL FOR ALL 1100 am MORE GRACE FOR 1900 700 pm MISSIONARY JACK McKIE REPORTS ON HIS MINISTRY UNDER THE SHANTYMENS CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION AT 000 pm JOIN OTHERS FOR AN INFORMAL TIME OF altarpiece regarded as one of the finest examples of enamel led copper work in Europe was stolen from sanctuary in the northern town of Pamplona few weeks later thieves broke into church in the nearby village of Bananas to steal priceless 12thcentury relic In November jeweland goldencrusted statuette was stolen in the afternoon from church in Santiago de la Com postela city of Christian pil grimage since the vkddle ages Bishop Demetrio Mansilla Reoyo head of church inquiry into Spains religious works of art says la ck of proper security is not the major reason behind the thefts Protecting these objects is very difficult given the present deterioration of social atti tudes says Mansilla The Church Services Christian Science Society 159 Collier Street Barrie SUNDAY SCHOOL Woost Pastor SERVICES suqur BIBLE during I980 We praise Rov Stewart liddsll 37 CIopperton St Wheelchair Romp 7209790 for transportation FULFILMENT accused but his WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU Westminster Presbyterian Church 170 Steel St neor Puget MINISTER PAUL MILLS SUNDAY DEC 30 10 am MORNING WORSHIP SERMON THE UPWARD WAY NURSERY PROVIDED wro 730 pm BIBLE STUDY PRAYER Presbyterian ESSA ROAD Presbyterian Church 59 Esso Rd at Burton Ave Minister Rev Gerard Byloord Organist Mrs Voro Diamond 1100 am Sermon TEACH US TO ORDER OUR DAYS RIGHTLY ALL WELCOME The Presbyterian Church in Canada 6am ï¬laments One and Warsley Sis MllllSIe Re 3er wan Senvov Cruxf Si or aT EL CCa lt Case ran Hemer Jr tor Costco School 10 45 am Sermon BEGINNINGS by thefts heart of the problem is the test ing impunity that exists nowadays became there is no longer any real authority Jose Luis Souto president of Spanish artistic conservation believes recently re viv law covering religious works of art should be mire rigorously enforced The law introduced by the leftist republic of the early 19305 was one of many de signed to lessen the powers of the Roman Catholic Church in Spain it gave the state power to take ion or rel gious trasunes it believed in danger of robbery or destruction The law was repealed by ï¬anco when his ri twing forces supported the church came topdwer terthe 193639 civil war Souto says the ministry of The last Sunday at the 70s Do loin us in worship of the Lord of history MONDAY 900 pm NEW YEARS EVE SERVICE SOCIAL WEDNESDAY 730 pm PRAYER SERVICE FAITH MISSIONARY 229 Crawford Street Ouch 7373002 945 am Sunday School 1100 am Morning Worship 700 pm Evening Fellowship Wednesday 000 pm Bible Study Prayer This people have formed for myself they shall Show forth my praise WORLD 0H TIPIOE is the sermon theme at Burton Avenue United Church 37 Burton Avenue Burris WORSHIP AT 1030 AM Childrens Program hr The Church School Nursery Coro Providod Minister REV Hut MORROW Music Director MR DOUG GARRAWAY YOU ARE WELCOME Central ét FREE METHODIST CHURCH IAYFIELD DALTON 7207021 900 am MORNING WORSHIP 1000 am SUNDAY SCHOOL 1100 am MORNING WORSHIP 630 pm EVENING SERVICE Pastor Wayne Down 7260750 Barrie Ontario United Churches United Church Ross and Toronto Streets CHRISTMAS 1030 am LOOKING FORWARD REV EVERITI ASHTON The Church School meets at the some hour WELCOME 10 JOYFUL cumsrcrmro FELLOWSHIP COLLIER UNITED CHURCH 112 Collier St near City Hall services and Sunday Schools 930 and 11 him MESSAGE warn rur LIONS ARE COME TO CHURCH AS FAMILY WELCOME 10 Au YOUTH mv rrou ariture is in in melting the mom for in multitude of cases the clutches do not even meet the minimum at security The ministry of culture denies this it admits that Souto is be catty correct in chargin that the Franco many rel works of art were sold legally morethsnsrestoten today But thats finished now as the states is quite clear says National Art Director Javier Tusell cit ing newly ratified concordat between Spain and the Vatican The agreement states The church is the of reli gious buildings and their tur nishingsbutisnottheawneras they belong to the nish na tion accessible to at in addi tion the state is charged with their care Isaiah 432I GRACE UNITED CHURCH Grove St East at Coolr 1030 AM Minister Rov Arthur Storey Nursery and Sunday School Next to RVH Harrie Ontario