Fragile truce takes effect in Rhodesia SALISBURY AP There were no reports of fighting to day as fragile ceasefire took effect in this bloodstained African land halting at least for the moment guerrilla war that has taken 21000 lives in seven years Black nationalist guerrilla leader Robert Mugabe in broadcasts from neighboring Mozambique appealed to his followers to observe the Britishsponsored truce Thousands of guerrillas were to start moving today from bases in neighboring African throughout Rhodesia countries to assembly camps If the ceasefire holds Britain said Friday universal suffrage elections will be held here Feb 2729 paving the way for Britain to declare the independence of its last African colony as the sovereign state of Zimbabwe Playing trump card Britain also announced that up to 15000 persons including dozens of guerrilla leaders im prisoned here for political offences will not be freed until it is clear the ceasefire is working NEEDS TOOPERATION The success of the ceasefire now depends on the forces themselves and on the coo peration of the people as whole said Lord Soames the British governor who took charge of the country under the ceasefire accords Carter wont take part in debate DES MOINES Iowa AP Saying Iranian militants might create crisis while he was away from Washington President Carter has decided not to participate in Jan debate with his Democratic presidential challengers Senator Edward Kennedy Dem Mass said he was very disappointed with Carters decision Friday and made it clear Friday night that without the president he does not plan to attend Dairy products going up in price OTTAWA CP Retail prices for all dairy products such as butter cheese yogurt and ice cream will rise in early January because farmers will be allowed to charge processors an extra 71 cents for hundredweight of in dustrial milk says the agriculture department Agriculture Minister John Wise announced Friday that target returns for industrial milk will be increased from $3101 per hectolitre 1367 per hundredweight to $3262 per hectolitre $1438 per hundredweight starting Jan Morticians get salary boost HAMILTON CP Morticians at the DermodyMarkey Funeral Home will find the cost of living eased by pay in crease to $20000 from $13260 over the next two years follow ing the settlement of contract agreement The only other agreement covering funeral homes in On tario was signed recently in Ottawa bv another union obituaries GEORGINA HUTCHINSON Services were held last Satur day for Georgina Hutchinson who died Dec 20 Daughter of the late George and Isabelle Glover she was born in Nottawa Ont August 29 1000 She received her education in the Nottawa area and graduated from the Col ingwood General and Marine Hospital as registered nurse in 1922 She married Seymour Hut chinson in 1925 and the couple farmed for 37 years at Redwlt ing Paiiiswick and Oro They purchased home on Victoria Avenue in Stroud and retired there in 1962 She was predeceased by her husband in 1972 She is survived by three daughters Helen Mrs Robert Snead of Ajax Grace Mrs Robert McAdam of Toronto and Gloria Mrs Sydney Sweet son Glover Bud of Ajax 11 grandchildren and five greatgrandchildren Georgina Hutchinson was the sister of Isabel McPhee of Toronto Florence Whitney of Collingwood Edith Mellert Michigan and the late Ovas Glover Herbert Glover and Rita Leggett Interment at the 6th Line Cemetery in Stroud followed the service last week ORILLIA CINEMA Adult Eniiriuimnem Slander suit against RCMP dismissed TORONTO CP slander suit against the Royal Canadian Mounted Police was dismissed Fridav when iudge decided that the statements made by RCMP officials were protected by absolute privilege Mr Justice Campbell Grant of the Federal Court of Canada was ruling on statements in an RCMP report calling the now defunct League for Socialist Action subversive He said the statements are protected from libel and slander suits even though they may be defama Khomeini demand placed as ad TORONTO CP Ayatollah Khomeinis demand that the United States arrange the re turn to Iran of that countrys deposed shah has been pub lished in advertisement form 700word block was pub lished today across six columns at the bottom of Page 15 of The Globe and Mails travel section The word Advertisement ap pears six times above the copy Titled Imam Khomeinis Christmas Message to the Christians of the World the ad All will Will llllllllllllillltiw ll Hmlirlllllllllllliiliu in lullllm illti ll still vitil it li il ll will it ILflm Illlii lllilt Fiji rtrrrllzitllllp llllll will My lllllllllllll lll limlr rel 111 giffItititnitriti1 Hit in till iiiiiri iiiiiim trim appears over the name of the Moslem Students Association Persian Speaking Group Mon treal An attempt was made to place the ad in at least one other Canadian daily news paper Stevenson advertising director of the Winnipeg Trib une said his paper sought changes in the copy because we felt in view of the delicate negotiations for the release of the American hostages to ac cept the copy as it was might jeopardize the negotiations The ad subsequently did not appear in the Winnipeg paper Robertson advertising director of The Globe and Mail said the copy was studied from legal point of view before it was accepted We keep our columns as open as possible he said Iranian militants have held up to 50 Americans as hostages in the US Embassy in Tehran since Nov demanding that deposed Shah Pahlavi be re turned to stand trial The shah has been residing on an island off the coast of Panama since leaving the US after treat ment for cancer The ad appeals to the Amer ican nation to disregard the propoganda of presidents who think of nothing but power and assures that our youth will treat the spies in manner pleasing to God You the American nation ask Carter to return the crimi tory because they were made in Parliament or between offi cers of the state during official duty nal deposed shah of Iran be cause the key to the release of the spies is in his hands it concludes And you who ring the bells reference to President Car ters request early in the hos tagetaking crisis that church bells across the US ring to sig nify concern for the welfare of the hostages pray and ring the bells and beg God Almighty to confer sense of justice and fairness on your president The RCMP officials were working under the direction of the federal solicitorgeneral and reported to the Ontario attorneygeneral so their statements were protected Grant ruled The suit was launched by Ross Dowson former execu tive secretary of the League of Socialist Action Dowson said he will appeal Grants ruling on the grounds that statements by the RCMP officials were not privileged BECAME PUBLIC IN 1977 The statements in the report became public in 1977 as re sult of question in the Ontario legislature by Stephen Lewis then leader of the New Demo cratic Party Lewis asked At torneyGeneral Roy McMurtry whether the RCMP had ever in OKJ0 NSON TRAVEL Hlllll lllllllll out ll ii llltl lllmll ii hi tl it it it ll iI WI villlllll ll llltl ttiiiiiiiiirirrrt iiiiu It lit Itl lll In lllrlluf lllllnllrilleriiiIlllilu l1 IIllllllnllllflï¬llmi 1iriiirmirirI in till will minim fllllllll ll lliutill lllllliitl in If ll ll It Ill ll it itititttt til 1Ill Illimniltuy iillllllli lil lllllllllll if 12 llzlitilrltl lillll Jll Illllllllltl llllllmimir iiirillwmr li illlllllllllli 1lllllli llllllllil llllllliutttr 3v illlllll it it till II llllth lli ll lll IH Itll it iil it irlrililll llllliiitlii lit ii Wit Illlllllr rillll imiilllltl will illllr tll it ll it ll it ltl ll ciliiuilsit army rllriiiitltl allotHit itll lllllllllllllw tlli ll lliltlitlllir lllllV ttllll Iit uwhit lllllIHllii IL ll lull Illl llrtul li wtllllllllll Il ML trtI ltlli WhitI lliillllllllllllliiirI7 at litllllllltlrilllwi NR COLD mm vestigated the NDP mcmunry said he would ask the federal solicitorgeneral McMurtry found out that the NDP was not under investiga tion but that membership in political party did not result in immunity to investigation report tabled in the legisla ture by McMurtry after dis cussions with RCMP officials said the NDP and its leftwing Waffle group had been infil trated by subversive groups Horne Auto tile 8m New sarjeant Insurance IOOBeIIForde Borne OI Irr all mi llltullllll ll Illlilmlmmh llllllllrlh ulllll ll II It 1i lulu llilf llllhlllii ii If 1W llll wr ill lit ilr ml lIt ll Book January vacation with us right now and look what you can save High January Savings Season price per couple mm price from from in Savrngs are 1n season nght now CLEARWATER BEACH 449 299 300 ORLANDO PLUS CAR 349 259 180 Pnces on our vacation packages to southern destinations GULF COAST 389 389 200 are at their lowest right now So book now and take your ELECTRIC JAMAICA vacation this January MONTEGO BAY 569 459 220 Look over the exciting selection of holiday bargains we HORSEMAN NEGRIL BEACH VILLAGE INCL MEALS 909 859 100 ave waiting or you All them 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may vary depending on hotel andor departure date selected All prices subject to fuel cost increases and or increases due to currency fluctuations OKJohnson liavel iNHuBONIA LUCAS KING TRAVEL CALLADINE BALDRY TRAVEL HAMILTON IN TORONTO wwwmnm rd rr ii in BABHIE lit4 Dunlop Street East 7266525 DRILLIA 3256116 Etilï¬Ã©uiï¬Â°Â° 3333 liiglnsihéi 3333 3213551 133 titilliiittt 2222 iris 247 King Street 5264201 98 MiSSissaga St East mmmw minimum mm GROUPSTRAVELINCENTIVESCONVENTlONS Calipersocaaiisiscollectmltmlm