sothoexamlnereameyoec2a1m SATURDAVEVENING VIEWING EVENING 600 NEWS REACH FOR THE TOP CDC NEWS AMAZING WORLD OF SKIN SATURDAY REPORT POLKA DOT DOOR SPORT CITY 630 INOUIRY JOHN GRAVES SIMCOE CBS NEWS THIS WEEK IN ONTARIO NEWS SNELGROVE SNAIL WILD ANIMALS OF THE WORLD SPORTS PROBE LAUREL AND HARDY 700 HEE HAW Gueats Ea Brown Cornelius Lulu Roman alight rTRAPPER JOHN LOOK WHAT THEYVE DONE To MY SONG FAWLTY TOWERS HERE AND NOW Teenage Fathar The program Illustrates the fact that an planned parenthood is as disruptive in the life Ola young man es It Is for the young unmarried DJ AND THE BEAR YOUNG MAVERICK DONT ASK ME LAWRENCE WELK SHOW CITY LIGHTS special preview of this years Christmas movies Scenes from INI Kramer Ye Kremer Sfar Trek and The Electric Horseman 730 NA NA Oneal Barbi Danton NE ROPERS Marital spete drive both Stanley and Jeffrey Brookes to neighborhood bar where they suddenly meme blearyeyed buddies Repeal DR WHO 800 HOCKEY Buffalo Sabres Ye Montreal T8 HOCKEY NIGHT IN CAN ADA Bulfelo Sabres vs Montreal Canadiene Toronto Maple Leafs va Winnipeg Jets Or Quebec Nordiques vs Vancouver Canuciia Region will determine game tO be Ielevleed ur area hrs 8° KENNEDY CENTER CELE BRATION OF PERFORMING ARTS The second annual entertainment gala at which the John Kennedy Center lor the Performing Arts will pay tribute to live distinguished Americen artIeleAeron CO MORNING 800 JIMMY SWAGGART BISHOP HEAD MOVIE COMEDY is Boy Did Get Wrong mbert Iees SUNDAY SURPRISE MIGHTY MOUSE FATHER MEEHAN CANADA YOU AND ME 830 OLD TIME GOSPEL HOUR DAY OF DISCOVERY BY THE PEOPLE COMMANDER TOM SHOW THE FUNNY COMPANY ORAL ROBERTS POLKA DOT DOOR OUEENSWAY CATHEDRAL MIDDLE EAST REVUE 900 OLD TIME GOSPEL HOUR SUNDAY MORNING DEPUTY DAWG IT IS WRITTEN JEREMY 915 HATTYTOWN TALES 930 ORAL ROBERTS REX HUMBARD HISPANOVISION SESAME STREET SEARCH THE OUIET HOUR SOUNDS OF YUGOSLAVIA 1000 REX HUMBARD PEOPLES CHURCH WATER MARGIN KIDSWORLD television guide pland Ele Fitzgerald Henry Fonda Marthe Graham and Tennessee WIiIiarnelor lifetime vement in the arts hrs THE ROP RS Marital mu drive both Stanley and Jeflrey Brookee to neighborhood bar where they suddenly Um dialiï¬m WIRE PALACE musical special hosted by Gene Kelly which hiohlighta performences both on back efage In Lae Vegas hrs CHIP trio of roller skating thieves pair of accidentproducing insurance con man hallway rock star and rollerdisco charity benefit Iealuring dozens of stare give Jon and Pooch en eventh week Repeat MOVIE CLASSICCOMEDY WI Caesar and Cleopatra OUIZ KIDS SHOW SHULMAN FILE Topic The Food Trade Directions for Canada 830 NEW KIND OF FAMILY reporter for the school paper ls present to Interview Klt Flannagans eon Tony as student counealor candidate Hillary Ie picked III WHAT WILL THEY THINK OF NEXT Items include way to make jewels Irorn funk sensitive paint that changes color when It gets too hot THE LOVE BOAT Grendmolhera Day middleaged husband and wife get the surprise of their lives when they discover Iherea baby on the way Guest stare Nenatta Febrey Barry Nelson Repeat 60 CALIFORNIA FEVER POINT BLANK 930 SOUNDS GOOD 1000 CBS NEWS SPECIAL Amerlcan Dream American NightmaraThe 70a This special broadcast probes Watergate Viet nam end the Bicentenniel and their Influence our national character Pt II 00 mine FANTASY ISLAND former etuntmen rieke his life to be reunited with hie eonend enintemationalcoolrlng conteetturna into giganllc food light Guest etare Dale Robertson Grant Goodeve Repeal so STARLOST MAN CALLED SLOANE CONSERVATIONS WITH ELWY YOST PART CELEBRITY COOKS Shani Wain eree Clam Chowder FEEL LIKE DANCIN 1030 PRIME TIME SATURDAY MOVIE COMEDY The Importance Of Being Ernest 1952 SUNDAY VIEWING 200 NFC DIVISIONAL PLAYOFF GAME The exact time of the football game has not been determined at press time and therefore Ia sublect to BUILDING DECENT FUTURE til SHA NA NA EN SE RACONTANT LHIS IRE DI LOuisOlivier TeiIIon TERR WINTER SHOW PORTUGUESE RELIGION 230 NFL TODAY CHALLENGE $195 BEAUTY SHOW DR JOHN WESLEY WHITE SPANISH MAGAZINE 300 NFC DIVISIONAL PLAYOFF GAME The exact time of the football game has not been determined at press time and alore le eubecl to Chen TODAYSWOMA III HEE HAW MEDITERRANEE GREAT NEWS FOR THE WORLD 330 MOVIE DRAMA arlgEht Last 1050 000 NEWS SPANISH RELIGION 400 MOVIE DRAMA Wings Fire 1901 SPORTS HOT SEAT TINY TALENT TIME VILLAGES ET VISAGES KIDSWORLD BI MOVIE NO INFORMATION AVAILABLE Hugo the Hippo 430 QUESTION PERIOD 00 AMERICA 2NIGHT 1100 III NEWS CBC NEWS CTv NEWS LOTTARIO NEW MUSIC SPECIAL 1105 PETER APPLEYARD MOVIE DRAMA The World of Susie Wong 1900 1115 PROVINCIAL AFFAIRS 1120 NEWS 1121 NEWS 1130 COLLEGE BASKETBALL NOIre vs Kentuck WMOVIE COMEDYI Se Life Of Walter Mitt 1041 MOVIE WESTERN Vi Invitation to Gunfighter WSOUNDS GOOD 1140 MOVIE TITLE UNANNOUNCED 1150 MOVIE DRAMA Earth quake 1914 1200 MOVIE DRAMA Ni iï¬olas and Alexandra 1011 CONVERSATIONS WITH ELWY POST PART II ROD STEWART IN CONCERT 1215 MOVIE COMEDYWESTERN Life And Times Of Judge Roy Bean 1911 MOVIE DRAMASUSPENSE The Incidegg Iaee ROCK CONCERT CHALLENGE 140 DANCE FEVER TENTATIVE TIME 200 ABC NEWS 220 MOVIE HORROR Night Creatures 10621 MOVIE COMEDYFANTASY 75 Heaven Only Knows 1041 Moreno and Bruce Foreyt II TROUSSEMITOUFLE PROVINCIAL LOTTERY DRAW Tonights draw is live from Seaket chewen 80 mine 710 ID LES BOUCANIERS DEAU DOUCE 130 ID EMISSION SPECIAL Grandlr Avec 011 Centre Deux Languas THE BIG EVENT come And 11 Boxer 1979 Stars 0J Simpson Melissa err If SUPERSPECIAL An eaeemb Iage OI famed disco and pop artiste including Boney Leo Sayer Eruption Bonnie Tyler and feeturing Canadas Rosalind Keene end Rees 80 mine ARCHIE BUNKERS PLACE MORK AND MINDY um who has been sent from the planet Ork to investigate Eerlh encounters Mindy girl who tries to teach him earthly ways Guest star Henry kler Re eat 80 mine W0 DER WOMAN ID MOVIE DRAMA crimi mas Miracle In Caulflald USA EB MATT AND JENNY Mall Jenny and Adam Cardaton visit schoolhouse and are introduced to teacher Angela Masters Sh le overcome by Mr Cardetone wordly $rme much to Matts dismay CITY LIGHTS Guest Film director Sydney Pollack 80 mine 830 ONE DAY AT TIME 11 folks at the Park Utopia Retirement Hotel eweettelk Ann Barbara Schneider end Grandma Romano into once again putting on wew Years Eve show LAPIERRE 900 NFB ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL El ALICE Mels Diner becomes The Doctor Says Two treatments for thyroid By PAUL DONOHUE MD Dear Dr Donohue have an overactive thgoid and am tak ing medicine being suggested for the future have read about kelp which has iodine and which can bal ance your thyroid whether its high or low Why is it one couldnt take natural sub stance to solve medical prob lem CS Allow me to back into your answer There are two ways to treat overactive thyroid which means the gland is producing too much hormone One is with drugs to block the thyroid pro duction The drugs cannot be given forever and there are many people whose gland re verts to overactivity when medicine is stopped Hence the second approach physically removing gland tissue Radioactive iodine is given The thyroid takes this and gland tissue is destroy The word radiation need not cause distress Youre not being treated with an atomic bomb It is safe Tissue can also be removed by surgeons scalpel In either case the person must take thy rOId by mouth afterwards The role of iodine in this story 15 this Iodine is an ingredient of the thyroid hormone Too little of it in the diet causes the gland to enlarge producing goiter detailed explanation of why would fear be confusing Kelp is seaweed and rich source of iodine as are sea foods in general Table salt can be iodized Youll find that word on salt that has iodine added But if you have diagnosed thyroid gland problem the iLRadlitionis exact amount of iodine has to be prescribed Kelp might be fine as an additional sup plement if needed For an overactive gland iodine alone 15 not the treatment of choice so kelp would be of no value BemlceBedeanl Mb 1m Those you choose as partners allies Or confidante will contrib ute to your good fortune this coming year as you will to theirs Some extra bonuses could also What does kelp taste like Do VOW you serve it as salad or maindish Dear Dr Donohue My son was born with birthmark on his knee It resembles nny in size and color and it is at It hasnt Changed since birth Arent most birthmarks best left alone My doctor says it will have to be removed later DW There are so many kinds and causes of birthmarks that it is impossible to make any general statement about them or their treatment The com mon strawberry birthmark consists of clusters of tiny blood vessels These often disappear on their own However another kind called portwine birthmark again composed of blood vessels requires removal Other kinds are caused by clustering of skin pigment cells and they may or may not require surgery You can understand why cannot answer your question more specifically with regard to your sons mark Treatment depends on what the birthmark is due to Many birthmarks are caused by little genetic quirks are harmless and are best left alone to develop as they will Dermatologists are expert in evaluating birthmarks Long established birthmarks that show sudden change in shape or color require investi gation BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Skillful defense NORTH 1219 K10 WEST EAST J10 10 93 010 SOUTH 40 Vulnerable Both Dealer South North East South Pass Pass Pass Opening lead 10 By Oswald Jacohy and Alan Sontag defeats diamond and one heart and that would be all she wrote However Victor Mollo was writing about defense and in order for there to be some real defensive skill involved he needed to have South duck at trick one So East is in with the king of clubs It now becomes nec essary for East to decide that his rtners lead was not slug eton He comes to that conclusion for no reason at all except that he felt that South with three clubs to the queen would have raised clubs rather than rebid his queen hi heart suit ow East leads back his eight of diamonds South lays the deuce and it is up to eat to make the winning defensive play which is to play his 10 He should know that at has led from doubleton That eight cant be third or fourth best The only higher diamond that West doesnt see is the queen It cant be singleton That would give South five dia monds and he surely would have rebid two diamonds instead of two hearts CAPRICORN DOC 22Jan 10 If you are planning dOityouraelf task today be sure the helpers you bring In know what they are doing If not they will cost you money rather then save It AQUARIUS Jen 20Feb 19 Youre easygoin and pleasant today This Is mlrable but be careful youre not drawn Into something sticky Just because youre nice guy PISCES Feb 20March 20 Dont be Upset today If you find you cant please everyone Sometimes no matter how much we try to do for another it just never seems to be enough ARIES March 21Aprll 19 Award compliments to friends If they are warranted today but dont try to flatter Others to get them to do your bidding It wont work TAURUS April 20May 20 Today you are likely tO show ambivalence In financial matters In some instances you will be prudent and wise In others extravagant and careless GEMINI May 21June 20 Rely more upon yourself today and gloss upon Others You could be disappointed if you expect them to take care of things you should be doing on your own CANCER June 21July 22 Nor mally youre rather astute In lizard ofld YOU HAVE VERY LJNLI5LIAI Winthrop 1b LIKEID wince r111 FGK ecMETHINé MORE mm business situations but you must take care today not tO make deals that benefit Others far more than you LEO Juty nAug 21Othere will be more tsvorably impressed byyoutodeylfyouaremerely yourself Hotdogglng It or grabb the tab wont win you points Yaw Aug 23Sept 22 Let others sing your praises today Instead of ting your accom plishments yourself The recog nition you desire Will be forth cornlng LIIRA Sept 23Oct 23 Youre fortunate today but dont expect more than you are entitled to Raising your hopes unrealistical ly could lead to big letdown SCORPIO Oct 22 Those who truly love you can be relied upon to help you today Acquaintances who promise much but never deliver should not be counted on SAOITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Select companions today Whose Interests are Closely In harmony with yours Associates whose aims differ could cause you frus trations Monday December 31 1979 YOUR BIRTHDAY TO DAY You are warm crca uvc pcrson USI like 110an Ma ussc the famed artist whose hirthdatc you share If you have artistic flair this could be your year for recognition Many of you With other talents III also find success this year but you must work hard to orcrcomc faltering cconomy Romancc will be rewarding Personal relationships Will be treasured ARIES March 21April 19L Emoy ycarcnd festivities IT TAKEE Blé MAN T0 AWIT MIsTAKE IT SadLe 60MEWHERE but do not cclcbralc too much or new year may get off to slow start You get oy from qutct cycning wrlh loved one TAURUS April 20May 20 Your male partner will want to scck out best party In town while you may prefer to stay homc Bo indulgent and go along Indications are you may how best timc of all once lhcrc GEMINI May 21Junc 20 Got sct I0 wclcomc in now war with funfillcd cvcning Romancc has priority In to days plan Loved onc antici pulcs your tgthS and you rc sponrl in kind CANCER June 21July 22 Being the Mo of thc party IS flattcring but be careful about oycrindulgmg closc fricnd from anothcr City brings good news LEO July 23Aug 22 Conversation With friend or neighbor is cnhghtcning cspc crally If moncy is involved Tomorrow begins early you will enjoy the role of host and making guests happy VIRGO Aug 23SCpL 22 Someone you respch shows his or her appreciation in meaningful way Look your best tonight and you can win new romantic partner Stay Within budget and you Will feel better about your circum stances LIBRA Sept 23Oct 22 Generous deed WIII surprise andor flatter you Do not be naivc Person involved could BE WEEN YAWN PWVOKINGTAIND BAREL PER$PTIBLE gunman Reg 115mm have ulterior motives Evening is right for being warm and happy with romantic com panion SCORPIO Oct 23Nov 21 Helpful advice is more pa latablc than too much criti cism Let your charisma work well for you now date to night possesses attractive qualities that draw you toward romance now SAGIIIARIUS Nov 22 Dcc Keep New Years Evc cclcbration within your budget cncrgy levels and havc good time Without going Overboard slrangcr could changc your mine out look rcgarding marriage or ro mancc CAPRICORN Dcc 22Jan 19 Enioy yourself this cyc ning by leaving thc driving to othcrs You mccl an attracuvc ncw romantic parlncr Eat and drink modcratcly and face Ihc Ncw Ycar grcal good spiritsf AQUARIUS Jan 20Fch I8 Endofthcycar cclchrn lion iII put you In mcllow mood Past mistach will he forgiycn or forgottcn Talk with marital partner could producc nostalgia Bc happy look ahcad to futurc PISCES Fch IllMarch 20 RCIEIIIYCS ralhcr than fricnds or liusmcss associates will make Idcal companions to cclcbratc thc years end Somconc may appcar who seems to hr the answer to your dreams THAT REALLY GETS MY DAY OFF TO FLYING35774121 ITALIAN PANORAMA WILD KINGDOM Fl sh AVRAMIs GREEK SHOW LATELIER DES 83 1131 51w 3JECEI1 dugghg act clrfgglzt 31 Now when heart is led YUGOSLAV RELIGION plssENers MORK AND MINDY Mammalian East abs his ace leads his 1030 been sent from the planet Ork to investigate one After that start the rest 303531 SCHULLER 60 £338 Earth encounters Mindy girl who trial In Of the pla would be simple Eff dung and gets in the KIDS ARE PEOPLE Too THS WEEK IN ONTARIO teach him earthly ways Guest elar Henry South wou lose One club one Ing ru DAY OF DISCOVERY NEWS 175 $522332 lMITATlON 0F ESTIWAIPRORTUGUESE IINIITAMFP WPan 171 egiiiiiiwmwm dally crossword VERA HRUBA HIMDIII ID OCIICO rom SOUN°SgF3HE EAST 21° 2°i wIEREEIEWISILiltEf Across torso Answer to Previous Puma art GUESS WHAT THE Eons Cassowary 49 Actress Gabor GET TgézquEn ing Creatures that you Will meet Inhabitmg this hi IPEIJEFFERsoqsxxm girtryoon the erren amen I100 COMEDY SHOP 501272031h107iwi°1 childs play for Conebearing 54 Classic stories OPEN RAP COLARGOL roe tree 58 Ache REx HUMBARD CONPUISTA 51 Amoï¬cr INCREDIBLE WORLD OF 12 Long period so Possessive III CORONATION STREET idlinésmifIorlifnflihf ADVENTURE mamr of time pronoun I3 Garment piece 62 Exist PEOPLES CHURCH raletlonehip 80 mine EISCHIED Alchllling battle or wits KIDSWORLD 515 14 Charitable or 83 Hard metal 1130 ID OUM LE DAUPHIN 335337 itf°1f ganuation at Bear Lat REV JAMES ANDREWS SNE5130 burn down unprofitable businesses so 15 gbffIf girl 5L FACE THE NATION DI YS WONDERFUL an eome rice TRAPPER JOHN MD ANnALs ANlMALs RLD Toom ï¬lgemergency action by Trapper andDr 1B Regraped gt6 NMALS THE ROPERS Mental apels drive mnum MM I7 CIIIlSIS 67 Ohms PEOPLE AND PETS hh2 rd ï¬mflndam criticallyyinlured in the street but threatens bmdlay 68 MW bird Io COIIPRP vanous 1145 mpg Li 5292 later to make sitting ducks at Riverside and I8 Priest DOWN athletic group 44 so mine ves men irection FESTWAL Ammo sggggég 35310 IDmfglARLONS CINEMA g3 Smwork El Rm 11431 up ecric Is 215 AFTErzgon AVENTungigE BABAR SWEENVTHE FLYING 23 Arrivaltime Open for on mil 50 Saga ac lth MEET THE mass SATURN LE PET 3333120331120111313331 $332311 25 £325 £128 $21722 59 Gmbm CANARD who are out to kidnap the daughter of 26 work UNI game FRANKLIN WALDEN 27 Wholes preposmon 550 Ith hoodlum so mine 27 Mormon State 53 TALES OF THE gHULMAN FILE 31 Stumbles Febrile 28 Wheel hub one 090 NEXPECTED TA 1030 34 Scottish cap Written 29 Emulation 55 Shakespear MEETING PLACE EVENING ouaupsMAN 35 Esumaae avowal of 30 mom can villain MOVIE CINEMA Baisere Volee 1968 CM dd 55 Maw CARTOONMUSICAL 800 1100 37 Indiana City Swerve 32 lm 57 dl ey Purree too NEWS In NEWS 38 K°°Y M°q° 33 Azrd L5 0d ALBUM TV 1145 ARTHUR VA CBC NEWS IOIIIOUS enus 59 Compass LE SKI DE RANDONNEE REPORT CTV NEWS 40 AffirmaIIons ommuriton point BOAT PEOPLE In WILD ANIMALS OF THE NEWSWEEK 0mm °I ml 36 M°°d 61 Patriotic 1215 RLD 1115 °° mum WHEN OU REACH THE ECHEC Au PASSEPART°UT NEWS 43 Mixed pref moment 39 Month abbr monaser 0F TH 1230 NEWSWEEK 1120 END RANK CHUCK KNox SHOW CleUS OF THE L05 NEWS RABBIT ll11P HERALD OF TRUTH MUCHACH 1130 MOVIE DOCUMENTARYADVENTURE To Find Rainbow Ion NEWS LES OLYMPIENS CHINESE ROUNDUP 1245 AGRICULTURE REPORT 100 AFC DIVISIONAL PLAYOFF GAME The exact rim or the football game has not been determined at preea time and we Is to one NTRY CANADA SINI ofWeaternrencher Bruce Dixonvniofecealhe threat of land takeover by provincial govern meat establishing provincial park on land WI the Dixon ranch AFC DIVISIONAL PLAYOFF GAME The elect time of the football game has not been determined at press time and Ia eublect 01 one ADVENTURES IIIRAINDDW OUNTRY AMERICA 130 NYMN SING celebration of year at the Chad FOREST RANGERS PORTUGUESE MUSICAL 145 CHANGING TIMES 630 WILD KINGDOM II BEACHCOMBERS Nick and Jesse pureua vacationing alngar Rene Simrd so they can sell him song and become ant celebritiaa GO TELL IT FAMILY OF WINNERS An examination of the growing problem of go suicide NEWS NEWS FACES LA PETITE LULU 700 DISNEYS WONDERFUL WORLD Dad Can Borrow The Cut combineth of animation and live action are used in this spoof of young mans Me as seen through the everpresent automobile 60 86 MORK AND MINDY Moment has been sent from the planet Ork to investigate Earth encounters Mindy girl who tries to teach him eartnly ways Guest with II 60 mine gym MINUTES SALVAGEI HaFTY Broderick end his ingenious band of retrievel experts are faced wrlh Violent eruptions from long dorieent Hawaiian volcano that contains lortene In diamonds and threatens to bury luxun resort under see or molten leva 00 THE ENTERTAINERS BENNY HILL SHOW MARCUS WELBY MD MOVIE COMEDY is Oks And Coronats 1m OWHAT IS TRUTH e1 LIVELY SPECIAL 1133 MOVIE HSTORICALDRAMA 16 War and Peace was 1150 MOVIE COMEDYMYSTERY The Amggsgsrs 10in SECOND CITY Ill KOJAK MOVIE MYSTERY is Pursuit to Algiers 1045 15 MOVIE SCIENCE FICTION Slaughterhouse Five 1912 1230 FB AFRO CENTRAL 100 LAPIERRE 130 WITH THIS RING SUNDAY SURPRISE WEIID IIDD III II nan Icemanw Qee have we nunu ue