Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Dec 1979, p. 14

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se the examiner My Dec 211979 liivNeed help Just look over the ads below The ad vertisers listed areexperts in their field and will assure you mucx ALUMINUM 4361830 SAVE HIGH COST OF FUELE Order your storm windows now FOR FREE ESTIMATE CALL TODAY OUR LOW OVERHEAD WILL SAVE YOU MONEY TThSTF ELECTROLU Canada Ld authorized Sales and Setice free Home Demonsra hons I8 Alliance v5 Uh I9 728 3397 AUTOMATIC WASHERS Jtyls dtgh washers freezers fri ranges micro ovens onymoke any day 737 HOS ACTON BOOKREEPING AND TAX SERVICES TAX RETURNSbusiness personal Set up maintenance of books including FINANCIAL STATEMENTS MW AVAILABLE COMPUTERIIED NESS SYSTEMS including in ventory general ledger etc Call 7265218 Bam8pm CARPENTER expeienced Renovatccs garages deziis rec oorns ec Free estimaes BilJorrsr 776 other CAPPENTRV rec ocrs addi trons alterations Free esrraes Call REYNOLDS 776 3853 NOTICE Dean tu classtie wardens 3pm day previous RANDY CNILLMAN CNIFANEY SWEEP Fast Clean Professional service REASONAILE RATES INSURED les 71I207J Res 73071 an YE otoi CHIMNEY SWEEP STUART CNRICNTON dirty chimney is serious fire harard FREE INSPECTION Vacuum Brush Method 7370740 MWFJ2l CUSTOM DRAPES made from your selected material To years experience 72837IS DRESSMARING NESSES FIT if made by JOSIE AQUINO Specializing in pantsuits gowns and altera tions A2Eu9enia St Phone 7266000 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING SPECIALISTS roofing and roofing repairs Sheet metal work Martin Verstraten New Lowell 4244956 ELECTRICIAN Does all electrical work residential and commercial Free estimates 7281025 FIIREGLASS REPAIRS FIIREGLASS REPAIRS boots snmeobtles anyhing fiberglass Free estimates Low MHIO rates Workmanship guaranteed 4245832 FIREPLACES PETER HENSTRA 737287l Custom built tirepIaces patios home fronts in stone benches chimney repair Free estimates VIC WATSON fireplaces and masonry For freeestimates phone 7284599 FIREWOOD SEASONED HARDWOOD $35 per face card and snawpIOwing Phone 7262548 100 DRY HARD WOOD SEASONED Tb FACE CORD $35 FREE DELIVERY 4372113 SEASONED MIXED hardwoods $22 Ix4x8 cord picked up S27 delivered in 50 card lots Pale length firewood also available 7053922522 GENERAL RACTING SPECIALIIING in framing trimming decks fencing rec rooms additions etc 7374586 after 5pm HANDVMAN basements and garages cleand trash and junk removed Smell movingiobs4873HI MME IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION House raising faunr dafions renovations additions Phone after pm NOWHan CAPENTRV Specializing in in terior work Rec roams kitchens baths rooms panelling finish work 7269002 STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block and stone work chimney re air Fireplaces specialty Free estimate 7054245l56 moon ruins REPAIRS TO TRAINS and road racing Free estimates The Trainmon Hobbies IIO Dunlap 7284505 MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular MorchPotvin Guitar Studio 7264489 ACCORDION guitar piano organ begin net and advanced Two months trial instru ment loaned for home practice Canadian Academy of Music I2I Bayfield 72841799 PROFESSIONAL GUITARIST giving lessons in classical popular and rock Call Gary 7269098 SIMCOE DRUM STUDIOS Lessons by professional drummer Exp in studio recording TV etc All styles any age Ken King 7262903 BARRIE SCFIOOL or BRASS ProfessionolTnA struction trumpet trombone French horn Special attention to beginners Arthur Burgin 7264064 VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In terior exterior Wark guaranteed Es tablished 30 years 7262609 DON SIESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING interior exterior paper hanging custom work Satisfaction guaranteed 7266308 PAINTING PAPER hanging experienced Free estimates JACK RICHARDSON 72683 BARKEY PAINTING Interior and exterior References available Free reasonable esti mates Telephone 7374087 PICTURE FRAMING OATES 82 Dunlap St East Custom framing of all types We stock many sixes Phone 7783270 SMW BLOWING CALL JIMS SNOWBLOWING for clean driveway 7269859 or 7372345 DOUGS SNOWPLOWING Residentol and Commercial Snow removal service radio dispatched fikS 7288460 MBH SNOWPLOWING Commercialflaind Residential Reasonable rates Call Larry 7264599 COMMERCIAL for Haulage Call an mpt siegice 7370879 DRIVEWAYS or small Ala AUCTIONEERS Pra and lanes plowed Reasonable rates THE WEED MAN 7g272I SNOWPLOWING 24 hour service No job too small 7260997 BRADSESNOWPLOWlNG Residential and commercial Reasonable rates Prompt sirvice Radio dispatched 7287896 SNOWPLOWING Residential dhd smallmirt dustrial Phone 7374575 DRIVEWAYS PLOWED at reasonable rates CalIDan at737wl396 srTthowmorcTifiMcmif End RESIDENTIAL Loader work and haulage 7262546 SNOW AND ICE removal from roofs etc Also snawplowing Prompt service 873I4I REYNOLDS TV SERVICE Repairs to color black and white TV stereos etc All makes and models 4246IBI 77Iegal NOTICE TOCREDITORS ANDOTHERS NOTICE IS hereby given that all Creditors and others having claims against the Estate of HELEN WEST CI HELEN VJ WEST HELEN WHITEMAN WEST late of the Township of Innisfil in the County of Simcoe deceased who died on the 6th day of August I979 are reqwred on or before the I3th day of January I980 to file proof of some with the Execulrix of the Estate after which date the said Executrix Will proceed to distribute the assets among the parties en titled thereto having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice AND TAKE NOTICE that the said Executriir shall not be liable for the said assets any part thereof to any person pr per Ct sons of whose claim notice shall not have een received by them at the tune of such distribution DATED at Huntsville Ontario this 6th day of December I979 BILL COLVIN Box 7040 Huntsville Ont POA IKO Solicitor for the Executrix MaryrAnne McCormack Dol32027 NOTICE OF APPLICATION OF CHANGE OF NAME TAKE NOTICE that on Thursday the IOth day of January I980 at the hour of l000 oclock in the farenoon an application will be made to the presiding Judge of the County Court of the County of Simcoe at the Courthouse 114 Worsley Street Barrie Ontario for an order changing the name of Timothy Louis Alberts of the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe to Timothy Louis Lord AND TAKE NOTICE that any person obiecting to said ap plication may appear at the aforementioned hearing and be heard DATED at Barrie this 61h day of December I979 FRANCIS EDWARD BURNS ESQ Barrister Solicitor PO Box I33 II8 Collier Street BARRIE Ontario LAM 5E7 Solicitor for the Applicant 0142027 BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers of the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage olledged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies however otherwise TF EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 iiiid Full Of Cash Is Better Than GARAGE Full of STUFF Place an examiner WANT AD 72824 78tenders TOWNSHIP OF ESSA InvitesTendersforTruck The Township of Essa invites tendersfor One only New Ton Single Axle Truck with Dump Box and Snow Plow Eqmpment all fully mounted OR One only New Ton Tandem Truck with Dump Box and Snow Plow Equipment all fully mounted Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned Clerk until 500 PM Friday January I980 Specifications and tender forms are available at the Municipal office in the Hamlet of Baxter All bidders must use these Township farms Further in formation may be obtained from Road Superintendent Berk Vtfitte at 705 424I34I Lowest or any tender necessarily accepted Arthur Roth ClerkTreasurer PO Box I0 Angus Ontario LOM I30 DI5I7I8I927 not WHAT lZYEAROLD BUSINESS PERSON CANT LEND MONEY Answer Your Barrie Examiner Carrier on Collection TODAY IS COLLECTION DAY PLEASE PAY YOUR CARRIER PROMPTLY NOTICE Deadline for classified word ads pm day previous noon Saturday 80public notices TOWNSHIP OF ESSA NEW ALLISTON 8i COOKSTOWN FIRE AREAS Essa Residents in the Alliston and Cookslown Areas are requested to note the new Alliston and Cookstown Fire Areas which became effective on January I980 NEW ALLISTON FIRE AREA in case of fire Residents in the following area must contact the Alliston Fire Hall Lots one to ten to both inclusive Concession one to four both inclusive Lots one to five both inclusive Concession five That portion of Lots six to ten IO both inclusive Concession five lying west the Nottawasaga River and The West Halves of Lots one to five both Concession six NEW COOKSTOWII FIRE AREA in case of fire Residents In the following area must contact the Cookstown Fire Hall Lots and in Can cessions 89 10 and II and the East Half of Lots and Sin Concession Residents not included in the above designated areas in case of fire must contact either the Thornton or Angus Fire Hall For further information on the new areas please contact Essa Municipal office at 4249770 ARTHUR ROTH ClerkTreasurer Township of Essa PO Bax I0 Angus Ontario LOM IBO of inclusive DI927 CLAESLSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 723 2414 Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by day preceding publication With the exception of Classified Display advertisements which must be in by pm two days prior to publication BIRTH NOTICE S6 00 ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40wards $6 00 Additional words It ts per word CARD 0F THANKS 40 words 5600 Addi tional words cts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse so 00 With verse par count line 23 cents per line COMIPNCEVENTS SJ per column inch CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 24 word Cash Discount Rates apply if paid within days One or two insertions l0c per word Insertion Three consecutive in sertions cents per word insertion total 56 84 Six consecutive insertions per word per insertion total SI296 Multiple inser tians may be ordered subiect to cancellation when satisfactory results obtained Method of counting fewer than 24 words count as 24 words Each initial abbreviation set of nunbers etc aunt as separate words ERRORS AND coitiicTofis All phone insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Classified Advertising Department re quires advertisers to kindly recheck their advertisement immediately after first inser tian in order that aty error or omission may be reported before in order that some may be rectified for the following day publication The Examiner is responsible for only one incorrectly printed insertion at any advertisement and then only to the extent of portion of ad that invoives the misprint Er rors which do not lessen the value of the advertisement are not eligible for correc iions by make goods The Examiner reserves the right to classify revise or reiect any want ads minimum PHONE 728724 Announcements SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Death Notices Cards of Thmks 3600 minimum 40 words additional words It cents per word Births $600 In Memoriam no verse S600 Verse per count line extra 73 cents Coming Events $343 per column Inch Engagements 81births Mondays Child islairaflace Tuesdays Child islullofgrace Wednesdays Childislullof woe Thursdays Child has far to go Fridays Child isloving and givinq Saturdays Child works hard for its living And child that is born on the Sab bath Day Isfair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other important information for your childs future An Examiner Birtti Announcement will include the name of your child the day of the week month and year of birth the weight and othtr Vital information printed mESSan can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for an Examiner Birth Notice is only $6 00 PHONE 778 24le GOOD NEWS STORY When you an naunce the birth of your child in The Ex amincr clippings of tile n0ticr arr availahle tor Babys Book Family Tree Records and to mail your friends and relatives in those far away places Plan an antttiuncrmcnl aftir birth Call Thti Exiiminor Classified 778 2AM ssfideaths INCH Lyons Royal Virtriria passnd away it Hit Hospital Barrio on Tuesday Dccrmbrtr 25 1979 Lyons Incti brlavorl husband of Ctiriatina Fleurmitt and ftm latltri of Chin of trnmiilmm Albirl of London Donald at Barrio Karimlb tf Exvtrr and John of Alliston also siirVIvvrl by IS urnndrtiildrrn fuur great grandchildren dear brottur of Rota of California Rtstiriq at tho JOIIII Thomas Funnriil Hattie Alliston tat stir VICt on Friday DCCltttbrr WW II Inlflltlcltl Alliston Union CL rttotury If so dasurrl riirimorinl lunii lions tti Slrvrnsan MIITTOTIGI Hospital Alliston would bu apprrr intrd READ Charles Suddenly at Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Tuesday December 25 NF Charles Renrl in his 63rd year Beloved husband of Isotwt Peacock Dear father of Lynda Mrs Bob Setllcl of Barrie Douglas at Town to Robert of Lindsay and Mary at home Grandfather of Steven and Mictiaol Read Christopher and Ctiarltiyno Settle and Adam Ryan Read Survrvrid also by two brothers Edward and Donald Road both of Toronto Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worslcy Street Barrio alter Wednesday until pm Thursday Funeral service in Trinity Anglican Church Barrio on Thursday December 27 at pm Inter mum at St James Cemetery Stroud It so desired memorial donations may be made toOntario Heart Foundation WOODS David James Suddcnly at Pompano Beach Florida on Sunday December 23 I979 DaVid James Woods in his 22nd year Dear son of Irene and the late Jim Woods of Barrio Loving brother of Beverly Mrs Russell of Halifax and Linda ol Barrio Step brother of Gordon Woods of Sault St Marie Evelyn Mrs Ryan at Novar Doris Mrs Sargent at Angus and Margaret of Simcoo Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie after Thursday Complete service in the chapel on Satur dayDecember29atl 30pm Interment at Barrie Union Cemetery WHICH DAY IS BEST Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to advertise Each day new wants arise bringing new readers as old ones satisfy their wants We recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel it when you get results After many years of ex perience with millions of want ads we know tomorrow is the best day to start your ad and every day is the best day to advertise in The Examiner Classified Section Phone 7282414 Guerrillas come home Military commanders of the two wings of the guerrilla Patriotic Front organization arrive in Salisbury Wednesday Man in centre is British liaison officer AP Photo Two death certificates prepared on Presley MEMPHIS Tenn AP medical examiner said Wed nesday that he voided death certificate signed by Elvis Presleys doctor and replaced it adding the certificates listed essentially the same cause of death for the rock roll king Two investigative reporters for the ABC News 2020 pro gram said Wednesday that two death certificates listing different causes of death were preparer on Presley The reporters said Dr Jerry Francisco Shelby County medical examiner intercele and replaced the death cor LIflCifIC prepared by Presleys physician Dr George Nichtipoulris The report on Presleys death at age 42 was scheduled to be presented todziy 0112020 Francisco said Wednesday the dth certificate signed by Nicltopiiulos wasnt the same wording but it was essentially the same as llll inc hv signed The ClllflLIllC signed by Nich optiulris lirl tIul Tlllllllln drugs III medical Xilmlllll Sillll lhv Niclitipriulris death certificate listed the must if death as cardiac arrhythmia an irregular heartbeat but can futztl ABC rcpiirltr James nlv said The Francisco llillll Ski resorts feeling pinch MUNIIIICAI IIII Ski Iv sritls in the Eastern lriwttsltips region Qllfltll zirr foulincy Illl pinch of groan liiisliitzi while centres fiirlIIir north iii the Laurentizins report skiers 0n the slopes In tho ltiwnships an arm stretching southeast from Mott Lltlll fowzirrl llir LIIIIILI Status Mount rfnril ski vtttro 21ml wls IIontl ski tltlt Ilit not been IIIII to start their seasons yet We I1 about 33 ptiililaililr days out If IIII 120 lays wvrc upon Sltlfl Irztsvr Arlztiiis owner If the Mount trlurtl r0 sort And weve lost III or lltl equivalent of lIIIIIl if our profitable business said Wlttlts foggy eriIIy woulhir is llll wursl llf has soon siiIit 19M Ilitl in tho Laurviiliiins ttltlllT of Montreal litll to good ltllllr firms were Ttpltlltd with It miv Iurv of natural 11an IIIIIICIEII snow Skiing ill Mont lrombliiiil was availablv 20 per cent of the runs while Gray Rocks had been making its own snow until hrislmtis Eve when 10 conti metros of tho TLZII stuff full briefs WINS IIIII AWARDS TORONIU II rono Films Ltd of Toronto has won two awards for lltll public re IIIIIOIIS I9ICYIFIUIT spots in BC Radio 740 programming The campaign won it gold medal at the International Film and Television Festival in New York and one of the spots took first place at the US Com mercial Festival held in Chicago SHARK NABS MILLIONS TORONTO CPI The Piu reztu of Measurement says an average of 6331000 people watched TVS airing of Jaws in early November It was the largest tally recorded for an en tertainment program on Ca nadian TV Network since the bureau started measuring tele vision audiences 27 years ago SAVE ELECIRHIIY 40well fluorescent light bulb gives twice the light of an incandescent and uses less elec tricity certificate listed the cause of death as hypertensive hCiIll disease commonly known as high blood pressure NOTHING UNUSLAI Francisco said there was nothing unusual in his void ing the Nichopoulos death cer tificate It happens with some regularity that personal phy sician or attending physician might sign death certificate but if the death is accepted as medical examiners case the medical examiner signs if Presley was found uncon scious at his irncolnnrl mutt sinii Aug lti IIITT and was ltill on arrival zit Baptist Iliispilril IItlll an autopsy was per formed Francisco maintains llll iu tipsy was pcrftiriiitrl ill the ro quvsl of tho family and refuses II ILILEISI IITI ziuliipsy riptirt Reporters iilc llltll IIiIrIvs Ilttimpsnn Itszc llllll suit in all llllllttpl to force FrIIIIiistii In release the report NILIIItpltllIIIS wliii titres bearing biltirc Illl Slffll limird 0f IIIIILll XZIIIIIIIOIS tll IIIIII SIIIIOIIS III tItllllll NOW PLAYING drugs to Preslezinrl 15 others could nrtl be reached comment COME AND SEE FREE DEMONSTRATIONS OF ALL COURSES 8PM For further informaan Call 7286421 ROBERT REDFORD IANE FONDA THE ELECTRIC HORSEMAN Adult Entertainment VALERIE PERRINE WTDLIE NELSON for CA CH THE DISCO FE VER IOWEEK DISCO COURSE IIIWEEK SOCIAL BALLROOM IEGINNERS INTERMEDIATES THURSDAY JAN 3rd AT BARRlE YWYMCA Classes start Monday Jan 7th REIAIIII Oubhn Map locates Earth Mlortl See Where quake hit area of southern Scotland and northwestern England where an measuring between 45 and on the Richter scale struck early Wednesday quake toppled chimneys cracked walls and earthquake The ISOsecond caused momentary panic but police reported no deaths or injuries AP Photo EXPANSION LNIJIIII LY BLYTH tnl ii Sum 000 expansion program In no completed in March Miliii mini is under way at lht hrimi ril thr Blylh Summer Festival lliiA program IIICILlflLgt uprlzitiztc ii the present DUIITIITXLI with IN Rioseat theatre tmrl thii girliir ion of between iltiiiii GIUI 41w square feet of worklilip tr ii fice space Adult Entertainment llitt 227 II STAR TREK THE MOTION PICTURE HELD OVER Matinees all melt 130 IMPERIAL HWLOIJO NOW PLAYING without Movie lllllllllllllllll llfllllillll llllillfi MURRllHlMlllllll EHRISIUPHERIII lllllllllth Wlllllil UIIES Ilflllilll Sill I94I Part HeavenPart HellPure Havana AS THEY ROARED INTO BATTLE ONLY ONE THING WAS WSSNS THE ENEMY IIISH lllfll lllllllllS AN ALEX WINITSKYARLENE SELI ERS PRODUCTICN SEAN CONNERY BROOKE ADAMS RICHARD LESTER FILM TUBA JACK WESTON HECTG ELIZONDO DENHOLM ELLIOTT mamas 7OI9I5 CONTINUE YOUR COLLECTION OF CHRISTMAS PLATES I979 BUCKINGHAM isI Chm llllllllllf filllll ii PALACE 3s Sifts iiu gxsl ll IUSHIIIII Illilllli lli it

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