Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Dec 1979, p. 27

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was mew 1314 EVENING 600 NEws RUDOLPH AND FROSTYS RISTMAS IN JULY Rudolpha red 11 to about to become burned out bulb and Fr aty the Snowman will be reduced to all htly chilly puddle unleaa Santa Claue can them from tiendiah wizard hra CAROL BURNETT AND IENDS Gueet Paul Sand POLKA DOT DOOR 630 NBC NEWS CBS NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS RHODA JEREMY 645 READALONG 655 WRITE ON 700 CANDID CAMERA PM MAGAZINE HAPPY DAYS TIC TAC DOUGH HOURLONG STREET TALK ONCE UPON TIMEMAN eEarth FAMILY FEUD MAUDE 730 PRICE IS RIGHT NEWLYWED GAME TRIVIA JOKERS WILD SMITH AND SMITH Guest Marilyn MAGIC SHADOWS Tawny Pipit lll BOB NEWHART SHOW MASH 800 REAL PEOPLE Tonights scheduled aegrnenta for this holiday Show include the nations otticial Santa Claus visit to achool where pupils are taught how to be Santaa and tour of toy factory on gb NATURE OF THINGS DR SEUSS How THE GRINCH STOLE CHRISTMAS ntlaarly Grinch tries to eraae Christmas from the tiny town of Whovilte by Stealing all the malarial aymbola of tie Yuletide oalehraimn mfg 30 the examiner WednesdayDec191979 +21 television guide WEDNESDAY EVENING VIEWING EIGHT IS ENOUGH When Nichotaa accidentally Start lira that deatroya the celebration of Tom and Abbya llrat annivereary the unhappy youngster laavea home in Search of new family peat 60 mine THE WALTONS NHL HOCKEY Loe Angelaa Kinge Toronto Maple Leala lb FOOTSTEPS Kid 0n in Block the program examines the trauma of ving for children MAN ABOUT THE HOUSE Robin tails hie catering exams and it looks aa though hell have to go home and leave London Fire friend Larry ia more than eager to move in with llllOVlE COMEDY 1° Seven Times Seven 1973 830 THE TINY TREE The tale is about latte girl who 1a In need of merry Christmas and In treated to one by very unique pine THE REAL STORY E19 ourz KIDS SHow 900 DIFFRENT STROKES SPECTRUM Canadian Folk Artieta An affectionate olile of 15 Sell taught artists who live and work across ada 80 mine it THE FAMILY MAN dramatic epecial about happily married man drawn Into romance with younger woman who ie having problems with violenttempered former boyfriend Stare Edward Aener reditn Baxter Birney hrs CHARLIES ANGELS Kris finds her life in danger when an errgangster haunted bythe paatfearaforhialile and hire the Angela to protect him and find out who dered hie wile Re eat 80 mine MOVIE COM DY Warm camber 1971 UPSTAIRS DOWNSTAIRS Aothar Year New Yeara Eve 1918 Edward comes home from France Richard is made viacount but euepecla the riae to the peerage wIII be made the excuse to remove him from hia lab as Civil Lard Ruby comes to Eaton Place also in State of shock because at aadlull explosion at the munitions factory DICK EMERY CHRISTMAS SHow 930 HELLO LARRY E8 GOING PLACES 1000 BEST or SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE SPECTRUM Toronlo Symphony Orrhnr look Irr Torn umrhony Orcheatra under the direction of conduct0r MI da Heart 80 mine VEGAS Dan Tanna learn with Shannon Kane beautiful narcotice agent to amaah murderoua organization that uaae claaeic car auctions In its arnuggling opera we 60 mine THE ST NICHOLAS CANTA TA Bantamin Brittane cantata Ie sung by the Wandaworth Eoya Choir conducted by goal Bur an GLdeAL NEws UPDATE NEws 1001 IN CONCERT Tonighta featured performer in Conway Twitty and his backup group the TwItty Birds 1100 In €19 NEWS CBC NEws CTV NEws THE REAL STORY MOVIE DRAMA For Texas 1983 Four 1120 NEws 1125 NEWS 1127 NEws 1130 THE TONIGHT SHow Hoat JOhnnyCaraon Guests MacDavisJoyceVan ten 90 mine CBS LATE MOVIE BLACK SHEEP SOUADRON New Georgia On My Mind tough marine colonel announces that his troops are going to lead the invasion of New Georgia Island and that Poppys men are to fly cover for him Repeat EL CID Pt II 1961 re Charlton Heston Sophia Loren MOVIE HORROR Dr Horrors Terrors House of iii PARTY GAME ID QUESTION PERIOD IN PRIVATE LIFE 1145 THRILLER 1200 MOVIE HORRORDRAMA atom Vampire 1961 KOJ MERV GRIFFIN GUBSIS my Van Dyke Lonnie Shorr and Denny Terio 1215 MOVIE SUSPENSE Play Misty for Me 1911 historically speaking today in history It IJ ISITJ Adolt Hitler became cone manderin lllll ol the German army 18 years ago today in léilt alter ousting Field Mar tiltal Von lirauchitsch llitler look over alter Nali forces sul lered setbacks in the aucasns and the failure of the assault on Moscow hail denied his promise Di glitaiilii optration that would smash the Soviet Union His decision also was intended to boost the morale of the Ger man people on the entry of the United States into the Second World War ttititi The London Company sent three ships to Colonize ir ginia 1712 Benjamin Franklins roor lticnards Almanac was published 1831 Turner died 1913 The Allies began the evacuation of lallipoli in the lartlanellcs llilili The United Nations approved treaty banning weapons in space Painter JI1W barries story Dec Ill 11157 The huronia Historic Sites and Tourist Association an nounced it would publish 20000 canadas story Halifax Harbor Incident Nearly Caused War The American Civil War placed Canada and the Mari times in great danger Most British North Americans Were sympathetic to the southern states mostly because they were antiNorth Confederate prisoners of war who escaped found refuge in Canada and the Maritimcs They also used the friendly north to establish bases to sabotage northern communities and shipping So the North was very annoyed and there was possibility for some time that it might send powerful army to capture Canada This danger helped to speed up the Confederation proposals in 1864 One of the most dangerous incidents took place on December 19 1863 Some Confederates aided by Nova Scotlans captured the passenger ship Chesapeake which operated between Portland Maine and New York They wore going to convert the Chesapeake into an armed rivatecr They were trying to get the Chesapea to Halifax but were caught by Northern warships which towed the Chesapeake into Halifax harbor and anchored in the stream There was great excitement because the captain of the US fleet did not explain what was going on Eventually Premier Tuppcr learned what had hap pened and discovered furthermore that some Nova Scotlans were being held as prisoners on board the Chesapeake Tupper demanded that the ship and its prisoners be released or Halifax guns would open fire on the warships The prisoners were released on December 19 but were supposed to be arrested for breaking neutrality laws when they landed The crowd on shore stopped the police from etting close enough to the men to arrest them and friend fishermen rowed them away so they could escape Eventually they were caught and tried in Saint John NB where they were defended by John Hamilton Gray who later became Father of Confederation Judge WJ Ritchie dismissed the case against them The incident fanned the flames of resentment in the northern US OTHER EVENTS 0N DECEMBER 19 1813 James McGiII left 10000 pounds to found univer sity listsTelegraph service opened between Toronto and Hamilton 1854 Sir Edmund Walker Head became Governor of Canada 1883 Farmers Union meeting at Winnipeg drafted Bill of Rights Hots are in copies at its revised Huronia Tourist Gudc Map for free distribution in 1958 The group decided to solicit its member municipalities for lists of par ticular points of interest historical and tourist sites for inclusion in the updated map Permission was given by the minister of national defence to form squad of Toyal Cana dian Air Cadets at Barrie District North Collegiate The corps was to be called 659 Bar rie District North Collegiate Squadron RCAC Probably the most unex pccted happening of the scholastic term was the un qualified success of Roman revue at Barrie District North Collegiate The students in the grades in which Latin was taught wrote and presented skits wearing early Homan costumes Particular praise was given to Michael Juir who wrote the prologue and epilogue and the connecting links bet ween SkllS Simcoe County health unit in vestigated widespread infcc tion among dairy herds within the courtly but Dr Scott director of the unit stated that the condition did not affect pasteurized milk Although not definitely identified the infec tion appeared to be form of mastitis an infection of the lid der Following their final meeting for 1957 the Barrie Christmas Cheer committee announced that arrangements had been made for 127 needy families in Barrie and vicinity to receive hristmas hampers The High clubs of Barrie planned to entertain 20 needy families at Christmas party on Dec 23 Barrie Flyers outscored Boyds paint in highscoring game in Minor Hockey League action at Barrie Arena In another game the 100 Grill and Dangerfield Motors battled to 22 deadlock British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher left and first lady Rosalynn Carter both wear winter hots during arrival ceremonies for Mrs Thatcher at the White House Monday It was cold windy morning for the out door ceremonies and reviewing of an honor guard AP Photo ev VL The Doctor Says Lecithin fot itself By PAUL DONOHLE MD Dear Dr Donahue really get upset when read articles such as yours on lecithin think its past time when you doctors should take course in preventive medicine Mrs JW Dear Dr Donohue Several times you have answered negatively about our bodys need for lecithin Evidently you have not studied nutrition and preventive medicine JK Dear Dr Donahue In your column you state there is no medical evidence that lecithin wont help heart or artery pro blems You have misled your readers about the role lecithin plays in combatting heart and artery disease WC am under attack by pro ponents of lecithin Let me state my approach to life and medicine If something is not harmful and if people think it does them good then will not condemn it If something is harmful or of doubtful value have duty to express concern do not believe lecithin is harmful Nor are sunflower seeds Technically lecithin is fat itself with the chemical ele ment phosphorous part of it Lecithin is component of cell membranes walls part of the brick and mortar of all cells It also has function of helping cholesterol droplets stay dispersed in the blood on their way to the liver Ad vocates of the substance say it helps lower persons cholesterol All said was that we get all the lecithin we need in normal diet will promise to keep an open mind on the benefits of lecithin tennis pro tells me lecithin works for tennis elbow psoriasis and weight control Im not condemning that Mrs JW IK and WG only raise an eyebrow Idoubtit If anyone wishes to send me evidence from reputable scien tific journals on lecithin will pass this on the pros and cons am not going to get Mrs JW mad at me again hope she understands my posi tion on lecithin Dear Dr Donahue How can persuade my father to see doctor He is retired and has been in good health Recently he has had blood in the urine He refuses to listen to me TT NJ presume the idea is that if he reads it here hell respond to common sense can sympathize with you You are dads little boy doc tor How can he be expected to listen to you He knows what you were like growing up Your father may be delaying an examination out of fear of whxt he may hear Blood in the urine as you do and as he should know can signal many problems from harmless in fection to more serious one Iikea growth Whatever the cause early diagnosis is preferable to let ting treatable condition become untreatable So do yourself favor MDs father and get to doctor before your condition gets worse and your son gets an ulcer from worry BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Championship silly times NORTH 9K643 VJB53 9A4 +Q62 EAST QAJ1092 VQ10964 O75 12l9 WEST OQ87 0108632 +754 AKJ1093 Vulnerable NorthSouth Dealer East West North East South Pass Dbl Redbl Pass Pass Pass Pass Dbl Pass Opening lead By Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Here is hand from an IMP team match that may well be the silliest of the year Wests twoheart call was an out and out psychic designed in the hope that it would get North and South to the wrong contract Norths twospade bid showed some high cards and some spades Easts jump to four hearts was normal preemptive raise rte was totally unaware that West did not hold heart suit South entered into the spirit of the occasion by ignoring Blackwood and jumping right to six clubs East doubled the slam to ask for spade lead but now West wouldnt stand it He tried six diamonds North doubled He wasnt sure what was going on but knew that he could set any and all slam contracts East redoubled to get into the spirit of utter confusion and for some reason best known to himself South decided to bid six notrump Everyone passed and it was up to West to lead He decided that East want ed diamond lead He led it Instead of being set as he would have been with spade lead South made the slam The board was tie At the other table North played Six notrump and couldnt be beat en Oh yes These werent dubs They were members of the Italian and British teams playing in the European championships daily crossword ACROSS 41 Canal system in northern Concoct Michigan La tar 42 Edge pits 45 Diplomatic Pronoun 49 Think better 12 Villain in 52 Anticrpation Othello 53 13 Norse letter 14 In what way 54 Wk Victims 15 Husk of wheat 55 Son of 93 Aphrodite 15 WW 56 Garment edge 18 Linen 57 Yesterday Fr 20 Baseballer 58 Lease Slaughter payment 21 Comedlenne Arden DOWN 22 Compass pom Lettuce 24 Tusk material lequem 27 Clue Z°ds 31 Saloons IS cunous Saline 32 Donkeys cry 33 Oriental sauce $5390 34 sum Geaduate of 35 Ship prison Annapohs 36 Make cloudy abbr 37 Arabs Nuclear 39 Greek agency abbr Hebrew letter 10 Prolesswnal tramp goddess of peace 40 South Fr Answer to Previous Puzzle BE IIBEB EEEEE EE BEBE BIBEB BIIEE EBB EB EIIBB BB EIIBEE BBBEE EBBBEB BBIIEB EB EEEI BE EE IIEIZI BEEBIIIZIE BEBE BBII BEBEEE BBB EBB BB BEE EEBB EE 11 Rams mates 38 Beliefs 17 Spin 39 Olympic 19 Flowerless board abbr plant 41 Sylvan 22 Cut jaggedly demigod 23 Heavens 42 The two 24 Nigerian together tribesmen 43 Stratagem 25 Dale 44 Separate 26 City in Utah article 27 lea 45 Bring to Day 28 Small island 46 Golf term 29 Name Of 47 Atop thing 48 In case that 30 Spinning 50 Speed motion measure 32 Brought up abbr 35 Heat Unll 51 Jackies 2nd 36 Sibling husband III as AShOGra Bernice BedoOsol cYour Birthday December 20 1979 This coming year dont put all your eggs in one basket regard ing things affecting your material security Youll be more success ful opening up as many channels as possible to add to your income SAGITTARIUS NOV 23Dec 22 Do nothing today that helpful contact could interpret incor rectly Should one who is trying to aid you feel he is being used he may withdraw his support BC Quota amt in In Wizard of Id For Better or Worse WINTHROPS LAW3511F you Pastt THE EXTRA lCEBLJTTON ON THE SOFT DRINK VENDIINEMACHINEAOLJ VIONTGETANV ICE Winthrop WHAT um lNFIAlION AND UNEMPLOYMENT LET NOT NE EACH GEEK an THlé YEAR CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Success could elude you today if your goals are not clearly defined Be wary of starting off in one direction and then changing it to another AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 This is not good day to become involved in something you know little about It could add to your responsibilities The burdens may be larger than you realize PISCES Feb 20March 20 Unless you are invited in its best to steer clear of the compli cated affairs of friends today Even If youre asked it may be unwise to participate ARIES March 21April 19 Its much smarter to play things loose and off the cuff today You hairn analystIii go pugh tnp 1979 Universe res nicoa ICE COLD SOFT DRINKS 01979 NEA Inc Flag US Put on Frank and Ernest Born Loser gun um You WHAT REALLY STEAMS ME ABOUT THAT hard and could unintentionally antagonize associates TAURUS April 20May 20 Revi sions in your plans will be neces sary today if you hope to get anywhere with your contacts Try to put yourself in their shoes GEMINI May 21June 20 Youd be wise today not to make any major changes that could affect y0ur family without at least tak ing straw vole Dont be surprised it you lose CANCER June 22July 22 Its not likely youll be able to have everything your own way today Some concessions may be necessary They could be hard to swallow LEO July 23Aug 22 Matters you deem important Should not he left to subordinates today ELOWINo UP BAng FOE TIE UNEMFleMENT OFFICE They could misunderstand what you hope to accomplish and gum up the w0rks VIRGO Aug 2350531 22 Your prudence in money matters could be put to severe lest today If you yield to extrava gance or gambling you might come up loser LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Be careful what type of subjects you bring up around the dinner table today If theyre too vOIatile the whole household could be triggered into an uproar SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Be very careful about criticizing friends today about how they use their money You may be told in no uncertain terms to mind your own business 1205 THEY HAVE ID BETTER GOJtom Emma is BEING itll lair AI 36 11 IF you PLJ6H THE No ICEBLJTTON youu GET ICE BUT NO CLIP ICF CQLD SOFT DRINKS to am nu BEEN MIRAcLE REVERENDE ERNIE lNfoMNIA WAS H4 76 WHILE OU ONE FOR CAPQOTS MuSr HAVE JERMON TH AVE AOAIMJ 955 DADBURN IT way DO we ALWAYS HAVE REONYFEET YOUCQJLD FINDA THIS LOTI INI EXCEPT 53 no In en 5311 mi UN to 661 1217 001le WITH WIHF 11 win Biol II WITH

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