ls av so mww lt tr tsr all 3145 Members and guests of the Animal Liberation Collective in Montreal toast one lucky turkey which wont end up on somebodys dinner table for Christmas The collective sponsored One lucky turkey Christmas casserole with cranberry sauce and whole wheat bread topped off with apple crisp and herbal tea CP Laserphoto vegetarian dinner of bean curd Still to write final chapter in Reed Paper comeback saga By THE ll PRESS The saga of the comeback of Reed laper Ltd reached an other highlight Monday with the liiial chapters yet to be written In brief statement Reed announced the final closing of the $8tiiiiillion sale first reported ov of its Dryden Ont pulp and paper operations to ircat Lakes Forest Products Ltd of Thunder Bay While the paragraph was brief the ramifications were not year ago the Toronto bitfl company was reelinL OPEC unable to agree on oil price LYJ 01 She $1111 Véivty llll Ilihlll lllillli liad Email the quald of oil and distance llllll markets lliI determined hm much of pwiniuni ovti the ltlltllllliilis an In llttttliIl But sonic tlllt liltltllhl haw lltltiltllllltliillllllill1i ltll Illl olll sy Itll Ill prim tlll terminals in ltl1illi llill loi instance used 1o charm cents more than Saudi Arabia fora like grade of oil 1$Jilr barrel ll1111it1 oil now car ties $1 in premium CONTINUE YOUR COLLECTION OF CHRISTMAS PLATES 1979 BUCKINGNAM PALACE ï¬ttrlrn China ï¬linp English China Sifts VII nvi YOtllll IAIItl INlAltti from losses and writeoffs totalling $66 million incurred in 1977 Reed International Ltd its British owners an nounced the company was for sale Then few months later the big nlario paper giant through vicious costcutting and extensive layoffs turned the huge deficit into $3 million profit With the return to profit ability Reed became more sa leable and its British owners fi nally made deal with Great Lakes which manufactures variety of forest products in cluding newsprint bleached kraft pulp and stud lumber At the time of the sale Reed was the centre of political controversy and lawsuits claiming the Dryden plant had polluted local fishing waters Reed warned it would be forced to consider abandoning the operation which employs 161M of Drydens 711011 residents if Ontario government proposals to have them increase spending on environmental equipment were implemented Great Lakes agreed to buy the mill only if it were not held responsible for environmental damage the Reed plant may have caused The government agreed after Reed and Great Lakes assented to proposal to divide equally any potential liability under $15 million Great Lakes has promised to spend $200 million to modernize the Dryden plant which has pleased the government but not to the extent that they or the conservationists will relax their vitilcnce over the threat of pollt lution from the aged mill In other economic develop ments Union Carbide Canada Ltd announced plans to increase graphite electrode production capacity at its Welland Ont plant at cost of $8 million The first recall of Ford Mo tor C0 of Canada Ltd workers For Seledion Value and Soiistoaion HOLIDAY HOURS MONDAY DEC 24 UNTIL pm DEC 25 26 CLOSED MONDAY DEC 31 UNTIL pm TUESDAY JAN CLOSED in Ontario was announced an indication that auto production at other plants will rally Federal government firms showed net profits of $5056 mil lion for the fiscal year which ended one year ago Statistics Canada reported The latest Statistics Canada report confirms the trend of increased corporate concentration resulting from surge in takeovers during the last three years 22 the examiner Wednesday Dec 19 1979 Busy time for printers OTTAWA itli The chief of the Commons printing shop has only one piece of advice for his 121 employees these days vi Bring your running shoes That is because those em ployees will be scrambling around the clock until 1159 pm Christmas Eve to fill the orders of MPs taking ad vantage of the last few days of free printing and mailing rights before the Feb 18 general election The rights expire 10 days after the election is called in this case Dec 14 Combined with monthly wage limited travel passes and other parliamentary benefits they provide MPS seeking re election with legal edge over their rivals during the next couple of months Zimbabwe sanctions lifted OTTAWA CP Canada has joined several countries in lifting economic sanctions against ZimbabweRhodesia External Affairs Minister Flora MacDonald announced Tuesday that Canada is ending its sanctions following the sign ing of ceasefire agreement in volving the Patriotic Front guerrillas the British and other ZimbabweRhixlesia groups Miss l1aclonald said the ceasefire agreement and other developments in peace talks in London meet objectives set out at the Commonwealth con ference in Lusaka Zambia this summer Consequently upon the establishment of successful ceasefire within the next few days threat to international peace and security which led to the imposition of sanctions in 1965 will have been removed she said in statement The minister also said she hopes the international community will help implement the London agreement BIG BAY POINT RESTAURANT SITUATEI IN BIG BAY POINT MARINA OPEN YEAR ROUNI SPACE STILL AVAILABLE FOR CHRISTMAS PARTIES BOOK NOW 4361882 UGNSED UNDER LLBO ei MPs can keep their govern mentpaid offices on Parliament Hill and in their constituencies Their secretaries and aides also stay on the government payroll although they are under official orders to confine campaign ac tivities to their sparetime And the MP5 stay on the gov ernment payroll They earn $41300 year including salary and taxfree allowance which means they will collect $6883 in the next two months even if they are defeated at the polls Benefits such as long distance telephone services printing and mailing rights free air and rail travel are limited during an election campaign as compromise between the MP as candidate and the MP as public official MINHIIZIIS lTil€ The system is designed to en sure MPs can fulfil their obliga tions to constituents while min imizing the advantage such privileges give them over other candidates In addition to mailing and printing rights MPs are en titled to these privileges during the election battle Free travel back to the Con stituency after dissolution of Parliament plus three return trips between their ridings and Ottawa until election day Free longdistance tele phone service between Parlia ment Hill and constituency of fices but all other long distance calls from the home office are paid by the MP Free railway passes to any community Roger Laflamme chief of printing operations said MPs wasted little time getting their final printing orders in He re ceived SOodd orders on the weekend and expects to have total of close to 200 before the week is out HOW TO PLEASE EVERYONE PUT YOUR FEET IN OUR SNOES WALKWEL 58 DUNLOP ST BARRIE 7282397 FRANK CROSSLEY Mgr When you can get mens Ion sleeve dress Why go anywhere else 40 off on all our mens long sleeve dress shins Polyester cotton with full button front and 2piece collar Solids and rims Mohawk all of Fame Von Heusen 0UI $1299 SALE tfect until Not all sizes and styles available in all stores Prices in 9634M closing time December 24 1979 While quantities last Dame Bayfield Rd Hwys No 20 and No 27 Gt IIIIIIIIllllillllllllI REDEEM ANY ONE COUPON WITH $10 PURCHASE REDEEM ANY TWO COUPONS WITH $15 PURCHASE REDEEM ANY THREE COUPONS WITH $25 PURCHASE OR MORE ALL COUPONS VALID UNTIL CLOSING MON DEC 24 79 we redeem all food store coupons