Fliae abounds Renny DeBoer grower at the City of Barrie greenhouse spends lot of time with his plants The greenhouse popular place for touring school groups grows tropical plants like the banana tree Renny is under as well as domestic plants The greenhouse located at MS Ferndale Drive is going to have an open house Dec 26 and Dec 30 Examiner Photo by Peter Roberts Board director says Cut in education grants may promote imbalance transactions$2235 By TERRY FIELD The Examiner Ontarios government must ensure all children in the pro Vince have equal educational opportunity but reductions over the past few years in operating be promoting imbalance says the director of the countys separate school board The government may be forgetting its responsibility to ensure equality across the pro vince Bill Bolger told The Ex Grants to school boards peak ed at 60 per cent of the total operating costs several years ago but have declined steadily recently However budgets have expanded and boards have been forced to impose an in QOLemmenidelaysstacLup By RICHARD THOMAS Of The Examiner Several small food retailers in Barrie said today they are pleased with provincial governments decision to postpone for at least year the introduction of the metric system into the retail food market One meat retailer described the decision as welcome relief to everyone concerned am happy about it because dont think we are prepared said John Brennan of Bren nans Meat Market There werent enough ground rules laid down for it The announcement of the postponement was made Tues day by Small Business Minister Ron Huntington who said the program is being delayed because the metric system hasnt been explained properly and most people dont feel com fortable with it Huntington said there might be some difficulties adjusting to the postponement but these are small compared to the con fusion that would be caused by decision to press on regardless of what the Cana dian people feel BY END OF 1981 Retailers across Canada were to have been fully metric by the end of 1981 Most people still have not had enough exposure to the idea of metric said Joe Fuda of Fudas Food in Oro Station and the government must come up with mucn better educational system While the young consumer may be able to adapt more easi ly there has been lot of grumbling from the older ones Fuda said You cant teach old dogs new tricks overnight he said Fuda said he personally is in favor of the changeover because it will make it easier importing from countries on the metric system and in turn ex porting to them The country will be better off with it even if it takes another generation he said but the government should expect it to take at least another five to 10 years to become fully accepted The government should also Metric plan pleases expect to maintain dual system of measurement for at least five years so consumers can learn to compare and recognize one in terms of the other said Sam Cancilla of the Cancilla Fruit Company NOT ADJLSTED The majority of people are still oblivious to the metric the examiner Wednesday Dec 19 1979 17 retailers system and some of the older ones still have not gotten ac customed to its use in weather reports he said The conversion may be in evitable Cancilla said but the governments current approach to it is one which will hurt the small businesses in the food retail market He said conversion to elec tronic metric scales would cost Cancilla Fruit about $8000 alone and the government wont subsidize penny Most businesses dont have that kind of capital to lay out on machinery he said They could have given us little bet ter deal Fourth Midland student faces discipline by board The Simcoe County Board of Education is in the process of disciplining fourth Midland Secondary School student charged by police with possession of narcotic Three others were expelled by the board for involvement with illicit drugs The four appeared in Midland provincial coghtnwgblï¬fyi the boards superintendent for Chemical and Petro Waste Disposal Ltd CPW of Barrie expects to receive later this week results of hydrogeological study on the possibility of chemical con tamination in private wells on Snow Valley Road in Vespra Township the companys manager said today Jim Stewart said the study carried out by hydrogeological consultants Golder of Mississauga near the com panys water transfer station is finished as far as know but dont know the conclusions Stewart said as soon as the report is received CPW will meet with ministry of environ ment officials to discuss its recommendations and remedial action if any The company hired the con sultants in October to prepare report on the situation near residences along Snow Valley Road where chemical waste is migrating through the water table as the result of spill at its waste transfer station in Junel978 The report was to take the form of an evaluation of cur rent date on the spill collected from the ministrys monitoring of the situation as well as ed MONTHLY WATCH Ian Gray industrial abate ment officer with the ministry said the private wells are being monitored once month and test holes drilled in the area be ing tested for contamination on weekly basis The monitoring program has been ongoing since July when residents were notified of the potential hazard from the spill of about 35000 gallons of waste which occurred when the plastic liner ruptured in lagoon used for storage The ministrys monitoring expected by end of week program established the waste was migrating north through the water table even though it still has long way to go before reaching the nearest private well CPW was asked by Environ ment Minister Harry Parrott to hire consultants to conduct fur ther tests to determine the rate of migration which could not be determined from current data Bowlers score dollars George Mayor left district administrator for the Barrie branch of the Canadian National In stitute for the Blind is handed cheque for $280 by Barrie Bowlerama coowner Dave Marten The money was collected from bowlers Examiner Photo the Midland area said school principal Bill Brown has been in touch with the chairman of the area committee of trustees concerning Jeffery Bates 17 Brown has suspended Bates but to get longer suspension up to one year he must have the approval of the committee chaired Our Experienced Management Team WELCOMES YOU Spartan Apples onanno mu mucn OPEN DAYS WEEK Mandarin ORANGES $599 by Midland trustee John McCullough Beatty said meeting of the committee to consider the suspension has yet to be called To levy 30 day suspension Brown must approach the boards administrative council for approval But according to suspension policy changed last week in the wake of the expulsions the princial does not have to seek 30 day suspension before asking the area committee to grant longer one Until the expulsions occurred the only suspension that could be ordered was five days The change in policy gives the principle more flexibility on length of suspensions Expulsion is permanent but can be revers ed by the board The Pop Shoppe Prod $4 Nr FANCY grams SW SChOOl boards may aminer TueSdaV crease in the local mill rate to lb of keep up Bolger said OSA Small boards like the Simcoe GRADE 99 County Roman Catholic REL L49 99 Separate School Board draw fl tax dollars from primarily rural base unlike the major provincial boards Toronto which draw from large com mercial base he said Taxes cannot rise indefinitely for the countys separate school supporters he added NOT EASIER The government defends itself by saying costs have risen Turnip Vespra councillor to appear in court Potatoes BEST BUY Harry Adams 55 of Vespra Township councillor will ap pear in provincial court Jan 16 on charge of failing to re main at the scene of an accident The twocar collision occurred Nov 23 at the corner of 125 Hayfield Street and Ferris lame Total damage was and 35th is messary but ll estimated at 5mm that doesnt make it any eas1er be on the student in the small lnnisf meeting fonlghf countryschoolBoigersaid As long as the government large crowd is expected for tonights lnnisfil council was paying 60 per cent of the meeting Of primary interest is discussion on group homes total budget strides were being er within the township At 730 pm information on the cost of winter maintenance of streets in Golfhaven the costs of the Stroud Arena the costs of the new police building and the cost of annexation to date will be discussed made towards equalized op portunity Simcoe Countys separate board with budget of some $11 million per year is not the Stocking Dark Candy I5 01 Reg 229 99 39 The meeting the last council meeting of the year begins only one affected by grant if 01 at 7pm in the municipal offices in Barclay reductions The public board with an an 10 mm nual budget of $80 million is ump ump Harber resgns faced with maintaining level RllilA Jack Harbcr an Orillia businessman will ofservice whichincludes malt step down as president of thc irillia and District Chamber mg capital ipiglrovemepts 13 Juce tsttsitharnuul meetin to beheld sometime some areas coun an $33331539 cirriculum development in the Crystals Pkg of 200 Reg 109 Harborfwho has hccn in office for one year will be repiac face of grant increases that ed when the 1980 olcction of ofï¬cers takoZpiace have ntot kept up With the mfia v2 Bngms Reg $109 Feswal Abotit 20 ncw directors from various usmcss sectors in ion ra thccitv will bccicctedat thcmecting Again says the board Nominations are beng accepted at the chamber Orillia superintendent of busmess Tom 31 office until Thursday Nominccs must be members of good Schultz it IS the taxpayer who The primary and primary spectal education diViSions at Portage View Jtnce StandingllltClmlnlWV milks ï¬ll the noney School held their Christmas Concert Tuesday in the top photo children 48 01 mm family 25 50 12 It rm Vt epmvmw from the morning kindergarten taught by Mrs Dobson perform and sing the song Here We Go Round the Christmas Tree Below Grade children act out the verse The Animals Christmas Morning Santa was wo played by Richard Robinson On the left is Warren Mills and on the right ff is Robbie Garland Examiner Photos Arthur likes societys role would be centralized and thus lack some flexibility Aid Arthur said With municipalities youre entering into the politics of it he said You have the motley where does it go he said of the second alternative Council could decide repairing roads is more impor tant than repairing the lives at children Youre in competitive situation The third alternative the committee would likely be just another bureaucratic body because of the province would control the budget he said However it would pro bably be made up with number of local peo ple he said INTEREST AT IIEART The childrens aid society though is the best way of handling things because memhers have flexibility and the interests of their clients at heart he said The system is working well in the county but the province does have the power to cut expenditures he said Were caught in financial squeeze he said Were formed to carry out programs for children but without money we cant get the adequate personnel to doit sun The way to do it though said Aid Arthur gag600 9309too is to have that group which is directly respon sible to the municipality which is now the case individual aldermen are expected to sub mit comments on the structure of the CAS By DENNIS IANTIIIER Of The Examiner While the provincial government may be considering change in childrens aid fun ding arrangements Aid Alex Arthur says the Simcoe County childrens Aid Society is work ing quite well thank you discussion paper submitted by commit tee to look into issues involving child welfare in Ontario was recently released Aid Arthur told The Examnier Tuesday The association of rural municipalities and Association of Municipalities of Ontario tAMOi have asked for comment from municipalities on the proposals outlined by the province There are actually four alternatives listed in the proposals said Aid Arthur The first would have the provincial government runn ing the child welfare system while municipalities would run the program through one of its departments in the sccond setup in the third method the program would run via childrens services committee and the fourth would have it running as it is now with public body known as the childrens aid society said Aid Arthur SUGGESTIONS DIFFEH All of the four suggestions though have their advantages and disadvantages the Bar rie aldermen said With the province running the operation it COME WHILE SUPPLIES LAST ORCHARD FRESH PRODUCE 534 Buyfield $1 Barrie Opposite Sears We reserve the right to limit quantities while supplies last li00500