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speCIal Ch Cl 40 difference Mi Sliggge £23185 pic 29 our reg price 98 49 difference the examiner 13 Wednesday Dec 19 1979 Again leads Opposition Leader Pierre Trudeau is shown at Ottawa news conference Tuesday at which he said he would lead the Liberals in the Feb 18 federal elec tion He told reporters will serve with all my energy and all my abilityCP Photo legend comes to Hollywood HOLLYWOOD Calif AP Go very lightly on vices such as carryin on in society The social ramble just aint restful Satchel Paiges Rules for the Good Life No Satchel Paige has been doing the social ramblc in Hollywood and you get the feeling that the pace has angered up his blood It was not so easy this par ticular morning to keep Rule No Keep the juices flowin by janglin round gently as you move Paige was in town to help ABC reconstruct legend the legend of the greatest pitcher who ever lived who is of course Leroy Robert Satchel Paige He had been making publici ty rounds radio talk shows interviews late suppers featur ing fourpound lobsters and such and the mornin time isnt so good the water here is no good little baseball talk proves wondrous tonic Whiteys and coloreds used to come see us play he said remembering his glory days with Chattanooga Black Lookouts Word got around You ought to go see this boy throw leaves the hitters with their bats on their shoulders REPUTATION SPREAD Paige was in his prime in the days before the big leagues ad mitted black players but the white players knew all about him know whos the best pit chcr ever see Dizzy Dean once said and its 01 Satchel Paige that big lanky colored boy In showdown of sorts Paige once faced the great Bob Feller in an exhibition game against major league allstars won Paige said Yes and he struck out 21 batters along the way Paige pitched 2500 games barnstorming and in the Negro leagues and won 2000 of them He threw 300 shutouts of which 55 are said to have been no hitters You wonder how ma jor league owner could resist signing him color bar or no Each one of them was waitin on the other one Paige said Jackie Robinson broke baseballs color line in 1947 when he joined Brooklyn Dodgers The next year Paige came out of retirement to pitch for Cleveland Indians The rookie was 42 years old 45 maybe Or 50 Were you 42 or 50 Yes he replied FIVE YEARS MAJORS Paige helped the Indians win the pennant that year and played in the majors for five years altogether His last ap pearance was in 1965 for Kan sas City As when at the age of 39 for or 67 he pitched three innings of onehit baseball Even after he made it to the majors his fastball was so fast it broke the machine used to time pitchersi Ah hes rolling now He shows how he used to pick run ners off second base He didnt whirl around and throw as mortal pitchers do No just flipped the ball to second behind my back Aw really Sure Im tellin you Course writers didnt like to write that kind of thing But you ask people who were there They saw it Yes ABC has chosen fine legend The movie with Louis Gossett playing Paige is ex pected to air about the time NBC is broadcasting next years World Series know what im going to watch We always wanted to see behind theback pickoff throw