wma u1 12 the examiner 6me Smoke issue Prince Charles Great Britains most famous bachelor says the giik who kiss him enjoy it more because he doesnt smoke Food party priority ST CATHARINES Ont ICP 1fits your turn to plan the annual office party this year choosing food and drinks requires careful organization Dieter Guttler winemaster of Jordan Wines Ltd says food should be the first priority especially if the party is held in the cocktail hour when most people havent eaten since mid day The snacks should be high in protein he says for exam ple cheese trays stuffed eggs meatballs pizza cheese dips sandwiches and rolls filled with meat eggs or cheese Guttler says selfserve bars are ideal because wine is easy to serve and popular The bars should be set up with few platters of food at several points in the room This encourages people to eat while they drink and prevents crowding which usually occurs when there is only one bar Wine should be bought by the party organizers says Guttler because the bringyourown bottle plan has some pitfalls AIDS CONTROL For one you cant control the amount of wine thats brought to the party and that means you cant control the amount thats consumed For another someone may decide to bring liquor and when the grape and the grain are mixed it can be very intox icating For cocktailhour party Guttler suggests you allow 375 ml 12 oz of wine per person For party of several hours duration allow 750 ml 24 oz per person for the evening Because our most basic taste preferences are for either sweeter or drier wines its good idea to ask your col leagues which they prefer Since white wines are popular nowadays Guttler recom mends selection of 50 per cent white 30 per cent red and 20 per cent rose wines For those who enjoy crackl ing and sparkling wines in clude sparkling spumante type white wine and crackling rose lo slow the rate at which wine is consumed he suggests using small glasses The sixounce size is best Smaller servings tend to in crease the overall amount of time between drinks People tend to return to the bar more often but with food there theyll also eat more often Will run for PCS MONTREAL Pl 77 Sen Robert de otret one of Joe tlarks most powerful ministers and the constant butt of opposition criticism will resign from the upper chamber and run for the Progressive Conservatives in the rural Quebec riding of Bertbier Maskinonge tlark made the announce ment Monday night before about 500 cheering party workers as he kicked off his campaign for the Feb 18 general election in the province that is going to give us majority government The Conservatives won only two of Quebecs 75 ridings in the May 21 election that gave Clark 136 seats 77 six short of the H2 needed for Commons majori ty Social Credit MP Richard Janelle laterjoined the party Accompanied by his wife Maureen McTeer Clark is on the first leg of weeklong tour that will take him into Toronto and southern Ontario and then to Winnipeg Edmonton his Alberta constituency of Yellow head and Vancouver De Cotret headed list of high profile candidates Clark unveiled during speech that dwelt heavily on the work he said his government has done to make Quebecers more at home in Confederation Cut from Canada Grade Beef lb The King of Roasts Cut from Canada Grade Beef lb our reg price 179 lb Short Cut Dominion Trim Meaty Beef on difference it Braising Ribs the world is our garden clt Cut fro ada Grade Beef Meaty Cap On Rib Steak our reg price 328 lb 70m difference Only at Dominion Eviscerated Young lb up Canada Grade Self Basting Frozen Deluxe Golden Bird Turkeys 123 our reg price 168 lb 70m difference By the Piece End Cuts Canadian Sweet Pickled Peamealed Back Bacon our reg price 138 lb libdifference lb 108 Canada Grade Frozen Eviscerated 20 lb up Young Turkeys our reg price 128 lb 20ibdifference Bittnor Rindless$l Golden Specal Burnsorswtiiisx SpeCIa Liver Sausage 69 Bgiglgas 3113552332235333532713939993 9° Special Specie Young up Soppremata or Bums produce of USA Canada Fancy Golden Produce of USA Turkeys Salametti Wieners it Sifts Special sac Specie B°°°° Specie Tangermes De ICIOUS Hall 99 3233 ms 329 ll Specal logglllgrnStiifefiengl Speca H331 it 38 Sglaado 22 Chicken Macaroni Cheese Loat Bologna Specia or Luncheon Loaf sliced Switi or Burns Coorsh 199 uééiage lit 89 Cooked Corned Meats 693 Beef if specia Wauumhcked Special SalamiPe eroniBeerwurst pp specal Slio Maple Leaf Halves Summer Sausage Old Clirubs 269 Saianlfmasgig 249 Hillsfswee 258 Special Special met Special Bacon and Liver Baunschweigei Meat Spread Ixe 99 Pate de Fate Swttts Rolls Apples 583 Produce of USA 83¢ Produce of USA 333 Canada No Grade Roynolds Special PdeUCP 0f USA ALSOAVAlLABLE Viier iezci309 Romaine SUNkIST celery i°i°l3°e°°2d°é stufï¬ng lemons ea utter ast rozen Turlfeys Geese Ducks Cornish or Roasting Chickens and Hams of All Types attractively priced Ma Ling Luxury Speciall Snow Crab 21279 Meat 58 3993