MVLSIWE IK reaved were 115 the examiner Monday£Dec11029 MONDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 00 NEWS TIC TAO DOUGH CAROL BURNETT AND IENDS Gint TlIn Corn POLKA DOT DOOR 628 NEWS 830 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER OW CBS NEWS ARC NEWS NEWS RHODA JEREMY 645 READALONG 655 WRITE ON 700 CANDID CAMERA PM MAGAZINE HAPPY DAYS TIC TAC DOUGH CIRCUS STREET TALK DONT ASK ME FAMILY FEUD MAUDE 730 NEWLYWED GAME FACTS OF LIFE JOKERS WILD OCEANS ALIVE 000002 00900000 808 NEWHART SHOW MASH 800 LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE The lngIllI elderly neighbors Ira thrilled to IQII lhIir leyIIrOld prIndIon II comma to live with them until they turn ho is hilllillod bully who roIpOnds to hospItIIity Its Ind then so mm THE WHITE SHADOW bolufift girl onlnared In the worlds Old MOORE CANPRO AWARDS DINNER $100000 NAME THAT MAGIC SHADOWS Towny Pipr prOtIIIlon rItiirliI hornI Ind locum her high Ichool rornInco with Curtis JIclIIon so WKRP IN CINCINNATI wow In All IMUII ChrlItlnII pIrty Ind everyone Ixcopt JInnllIr lI Inxlous for It to Ind so tth be on lhIlr in rry IyI RUDOLPHS SHINY NEW YEAR Rudolph thI RIiDOIIr tIltII on hIrolc proportloru what he IIlI out In IIIrCh lOr lay the BIby Now You 30 mitts ANGIE ID BEST KEPT SECRETS CHARLIES ANGELS MAGICAL MOUNTAIN OF JAVA viIuIIly IItounding dOCUMInIIry on the mum at JIvI in Indonesia IhIt overflows with Iuporb photoarIphy Ind CIrIlutly con trollId mItIriIl Io thIt the Ind rIIutt II nonIlruclurod IerInIIs of the pooplI cuItOInI gIOngphy Ind economies with no nIrrIlivI inItruction so min 830 THE LAST RESORT Singles WIIlrclld brings In influx of swinging rrnorI niIlc Ind lIrnIlI to tho hotel HEADLINE HUNTERS THE REALSTORY 900 MONDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES rm GIthIring Port ll I979 SlIrI MIurcIn StIplIlon Elrcm ZimbIliIt Jr MASH Friction IrlIII between Ind WinchIslIr thn lthrI IIlicd tO write upon for prIItigiouI mIdICII journII on how they vet Ioldlors MONDAY NIGHT FOOT BALL DInvIr Broncos vs SIn Diego rQIrI EIGHT IS ENOUGH ID NICHOLAS NlCKLEBY PART III FIIIIIy Iccuud that by SqueerI NtChOIII IIIvII London with Smilto Ind masts Vincent Crummtcs Whose theatrical pIny hIIoinI CAGED WOMEN 930 WKRP IN CINCINNATI WKRP hII ill Innuol ChrIItmII pIny Ind IYIryonI except JInnIlIr iI Inxlous lor it to so they cut be on their mIrry ways HOUSE CALLS 1000 NEWSMAGAzINE LOU GRANT FuchlId by woman IOCIUIQ who has over In IbIndonId roIIIurInl LOU puts the Tribune on the NIH Ol Iona UiiIolYId llnirdor lmrctrrlrin iiImII lrom IIrI 00 min WEEHI THE SHIELD GLOBAL NEWS UPDATE 1001 FAMILY 1030 THE WATSON REPORT Patrick WItIOII ROLE CALL 1100 in NEWS CBC NEWS CW NEWS THE REAL STORY 1120 NEWS NEWS 1127 NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHOW at Rich LittlI 90 mlnI CBS LATE MOVIE HARRY The AcolytI bIIutllul hIirIIs distpIIrI iiiII Is site II Iboul to COInI into hot inhorltIDCI RIpIIt MCMILLAN AND WIFE BIUII For SIIIy StIrI Rock Hudson Keir DUIIII III 81 PARTY GAME ID QUESTION PERIOD MONEY TALKS 1145 THE TWO RONNIES NEWS DALLAS In KOJAK Colo DIvid BronnIr lIsIC Hayes and Norm yNEWS TIME TENTATIVE 1215 MIND YOUR LANGUAGE Miss CourtnIy IummonI JIromy to her Ofllco to tell hint hint mm to whom Ihc WII Inqaood tWIntylivo yIIrI no on now rIturnId to tho Ind not to In her IoIin MOVIE MUSICALCOMEDY Youll Never Get Rlch MOVIE COMEDYDRAMA The Tlgor and the Pussycat 1067 1125 1200 historically speaking today in history Illi l7 llel KIIIE iii4il4l ii IhL BCI gIIII ilIId 7Ltil ago today lll lliri after ruling for pairs lli inaior athltXCIIlClll in lit tIillrfiltillliil of the Bel gm Ionuo which he ruled for min ii iii lll rcigi as personal slalir Although the rule of thr iIlI slm ll hiltrs was broken at not expense the ongo Free State as vigorously ex ploited Britih consular re port of 1908 stated that the na tives lived in veiled slayer Lndci internalion pressure Leopold transferred hlgt domin ion over the Congo to the Bel gian government 171i The first assembly for Loner Canada opened at Que bet 1x33 William Lyon Mack enzie was expell from the Up per Canada leg vaurc fofflthd third time 1941 France and Russia Signed mutualassistance treaty 195 ThQLflngtderal com munictitioqs commission ap proved system of compatible color for television barries story Dec 17 liilizl Children and nurses sang together in the pediatrics ward at Royal Victoria Hospital as 86 student nurses sang carols throughout the hospital under canadas story Bigot And Crooks Got Off Lightly It has been claimed that the English word bigot was inspired by Francois Bigot who was Intendant of Louis burg and Quebec between 1739 and 1759 It is difficult to see the connection if any The word bigot means opinionated to an extreme Francois Bigot was one of the biggest crooks in history He began his nefarious activities at Louisburg when he bought inferior materials for the fort and charged the French government the highest prices for them Never theless he was transferred to Quebec and his crooked dealings there contributed to France losing her North American colonies to Britain Even in the hour of perils when Wolfes army and nav arrived at Quebec the French tried to destroy the Britis ships by floating burning ships among them Bigot bought the fireships and charged the government three times what he paid for them He created large organization of crooks at Quebec who worked for him They controlled the imports from France and made them available in Canada at greatly inflated prices sometimes 300 per cent They bought the harvests from the people at low prices and withheld them from the market until priCes rose perhaps 400 per cent Canadian merchants were forced to do business through them When Quebec was conquered in 1759 Bigot and his gang were sent to France where King Louis ordered them to be tried on December 17 1761 Twentysix judges took part in the trial that lasted 15 months and Bigot was sentenced to be beheaded but the sentence was never carried out Instead he was fined and deported but was able to return later One of his colleagues former butcherboy Joseph Cadet was fined but later became baron in France evidently still in possession of millions of francs OTHER EVENTS ON DECEMBER 17 1640 Society of Notre Dame dc Montreal obtained the Island of Montreal from Company of 100 Associ ates 1792 First legislature of Lower Canada met at Quebec 1859 First passenger train crossed Victoria Bridge at Montreal 1867 Legislature of British Columbia met at Victoria for first time 1902 Marconi sent first official wireless message across Atlantic 1917Sir Robert Borden and Union government won general election stroud bY Mrs Camp bell 4361084 Laktlands Senior Citizens Club No 235 held their weekly meeting in Lakeside Hall Alcono Hench Our meeting was opened with the singing of Canada and our theme song President hris Walkem welcomed all 80 members and jas it was our montth fun day she hoped that we would all on by ourselves Our sick and remembered hind thank yous were read along with the Sick Sunshine converter giving few thoughts for the do and read poem on Soap We had singsong with Bert Butler acting as leader ac companied by Betty Bell at the piano We were all invited to Open HOUSE at the Stroud com plex on Dec to help celebrate the 50th anniversary of Bert and Sadie Butler donation of assorted meats were given to US by Bruce Martin who owns the meat store in Stroud We all en joyed these at our social tea hour along with an annivcisary and birthday cake for those celebrating same in November and December Some played cuchrc scrab blc and hoisc race game to top off an enjoyable afternoon Our Christmas party in the hall is on December 14 at 630 III Ways and Means Ollllllllftt the direction of Ross Caldwell of Codrington School Connie James student at Barrie North Collegiate receiv ed cheque for $25 for the winn ing essay in the Georgian Bay Development Association con test The caretaking staff Of Bar rie collegiates petitioned the collegiate board for raise and improvements in working con ditions The caretakers were requresting salary increases of $100 annually to offset inflation further request was for 45 hour five day week Work on the boulevards in the City Hall Square was to be done under the Winter Works Pro gram in the spring of 1964 as recommended in report presented to council by the Fire and Traffic Committee Discus sion also centred on the corners of MacDonald and Codrington Streets as it was felt that traf fic control system should be in stalled The intersection had becn dubbed suicide corner by residents in the area City council adopted city development committee report recommending that permission be given to erect motel and that the name of Pcnctang Street be changed to Napier Street Someone wanted to leave sum of money to Barrie District Collegiate Board to further the education of worthy students Board members suggested that the money be used to help good students from low income families to stay in school until graduation Three feet of snow fell in the Stayner area making the going difficult for tractor owner Donald McArthur whose trac tor got bogged down in the deep snow The Barrie SevenUps scor ing at rate of three goals per riod trounced winless Ux ridge Black Hawks 93 in Uxlt bridge in the Georgian Bay In termediate Hockey League of lnnisfil Chapter OES held series of three bid euchres on Friday evening On December 38 folk enjoyed the last of the series and prize winners were Thelma Irwin Olive Warner and Vera Martin for ladies and Elwood Webb Robert Webb and Clifford Webb for men Harry Horton won the door draw poinsettia donated by Freds Flowers top series win ners were Olive Wanter with 706 points and Harry Horton with 687 points vouchers from StroudIGA The committee expressed thanks for support and also to Stroud Meat Market Stroud Drug Store Freds Flowers and Stroud lGA for donation of priIix MERv GRIFFIN Guests mun The DoctOr Says Blood pressure confusing topicla By PAUL DONOHUE MD Dear Dr Donohue Please give me some information about blood pressure readings What is normal for 30405060 70 years old am 70 and my last reading was 15290 My doctor said it leased him What is your opinion And if this isnt good what should it be Mrs SY Blood pressure is con fusing subject that can be easily oversimplified little background might help When the heart beats con tracts jet of blood is sent into the aorta the great artery of the body This force is called the systolic pressure Thats the first number of blood pressure reading your 152 for example As it ages the aorta wall gets less elastic This causes the jet of blood to strike it with greater pressure This is one reason why systolic pressure gets higher with age The second number of the blood pressure reading is the diastolic the 90 in your read ing This is bit more com plicated Blood flows under pressure from the aorta out to the tiniest vessels in the body the capil laries Through these thin walled vessels nutrients and ox ygen pass out into the bodys tissue These capillaries have fau cets to regulate how much blood passes into them The force required to get blood through them is the diastolic pressure If it is tOO high the faucets are turned too tightly The usual pressure required is 80 so as the lower reading in creases we know that the fau cets are closed that much too tightly The diastolic pressure thus is the more significant of the two readings in judging the sev erity of high blood pressure certain amount of increase is expected with age Your blood pressure of 15092 is normal for your age feel should add to this al ready lengthy answer for the benefit Of other readers The problem with high blood pressure is that most utopia do not realize they have it pres sure remains out of control for long damage can be done to many body organs the heart kidneys eyes etc All adults with blood pres sures of 16095 or higher need rechecks again within month so that appropriate treatment can be started Adults less than 50 with pressures of 14090 to 16090 Should be checked again in from two to three months to make sure the first reading was not just temporary quirk If one is past 50 and has had reading in the range of 14090 to 16095 the pressure should be checked again within six months not quite as soon as with the younger person You will notice have not given normal blood pres sures That is because all blood pressure has to be evaluated on an individual basis taking other health factors into consideration The only people who deal with normal pressure readings are in surance companies Dear Dr Donahue am 51 yearold female with pinpoint size red specks on my body mostly the arms and legs Im not on any medication Would you discuss this in your column please Mrs JF cant be sure from this distance but what you describe may be senile angioma Dont let the word senile upset you Prefer to consider it to mean something that occurs with maturity If what you report is senile angioma there is no reason for concern They are harmless enlargements of tiny blood vessels of the skin BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Bidding impossible hands NORTH 00109843 QJZ 410962 EAST OKJS V9543 OAJ87 453 1217 WEST 9A752 108 9KQ10952 07 SOUTH AK76 0643 QAKQJIH Vulnerable Both Dealer South North East Pass Pass Pass 19 24 30 Pass Opening leadzO Oswald Here is hand that produces grand slam South ruffs his three losing diamonds draws trumps and is home Strangely enough it rovoked fight between orth and South Each thought his partner had misbid Alan They are both right There is no way to bid this sort of hand perfectly would congratulate them on getting to six They only have two highcard points and quick trick devotees are even worse off They have four or maybe fourandahalf quick tricks between them Oswald North claimed that he had made free bid with his two queens rebid his queen high suit and then cue bid He wanted to know why South couldnt bid seven Alan South felt that when North rebid spades it looked as if North had real spade strength not four good clubs and that really valuable queenjack of hearts Oswald wonder if any one at the table noticed that East and West could have tak en cheap save in diamonds against any number of clubs So North and South should be really happy with their suc cessful small slam daily crossword ACROSS 36 Baseball player Mel Petroleum Ones Fr 37 Trap door Indiwdual 39 Seaweed 10 Small piece Ddeuct 33 giiiiiénei WWW 47 Rotating agency abbr 15 Blood prefix l5 Announce machine 51 Cereal grain 52 Outer prefix BUGdhSm 54 TOIlet case IYDG 55 Spanish cheer 18 FlowerIng 56 nk Sthb 57 ROSIEI 20 Slow 58 ConlIne sufferer 59 New England 22 Display cape 24 Awful 60 Intermediate 26 Sweet DIEIIX potatoes 30 Western DOWN hemisphere or ganization 525 agency abb Don Juans 31 Gold In meme heraldry Bean 32 12 Roma Canadian 33 Mae West pmvmce role Born 34 Exclamation Smuch of surprise Leak out L0 Answer to Prewous Puzzle Never conlr 35 Country Infinity of festival time 38 Energy Bear 40 And 13 Parasmc 41 Hidden Insect 43 Parodied l9 Wander 44 Pelvic parts 21 Wield 45 Cabbage 23 Skillful broth 24 Capillus 46 Egyptian sun 25 European disk capital 48 Mighty mile 27 Nerve part 49 KInd of 28 Arachnid Slipper 29 Occupy 50 Lubricates Chan 51 Alley 30 Not new 53 Brown Bugs Bunny AstroGrap Bernice Bede Osol DICImbIr 18 1079 twin achievement can be made this cumlllg year it you re Willing to Lilitllgï¬ that which has been unproductive for you Friends wlll tm Hagar to help you open up new turrIIOly SAGITTARIUS Nov 23DIC 21 You may have to guard against coming on too Strong or making heavy demands on those who are Involved In your busmess today Be lriend not dictator M9 M5 isnT SHE THE MOST HOORRBLE LITTLE THING HI PRECIOUS UNEQEAKABLE WANT wean Tims CAPRICORN DIC 22JIn 19 Make no major deCISIons today unless you is certain you have all the lacts There is strong pos srbility something Important IS being overlooked AQUARIUS JIn 20Fob 19 Maintain philosophical mind yourown busmeSS attitude today to avord trouble You could inherit someone else problem It you stick your nose into the wrong place PISCES Fob 20MIrCh 20 those you least expect could come to your am today so dont feel let down It the ones who should be helping arent Things Will work out ARIES March 21April 19 resentment harbored against another could cause you to make faulty deCISIon today Itll be to WINTHROPS LAW551 ii= THERE5 ONLYONE CANDY BAR sou our Winthrop ALL RIGHT RABBIT LETS SEE You owcs METMOIHER IN THE MRKET SHE SAID WE IN THE VENDINGMACHINE WOULD YOU TAKE THE DEATH PENALTY or LIFE iN SQLITAEYF ITS WORTH CONSIDERIN PET Ws GENUINE your disadvantage as much as it Is to his or hers TAURUS April 20MIy 20 ll you find yoursell torced to share tIme With one youre not very fond of it would be to your bene lIt to turn the other cheek and try to get along GEMINI MIy 21Juno 20 Just because you might have gotten away With II before dont try tO push your family to the wall today Treat them like triends and youll get larther CANCER June 21July 22 It confusron arises in your work today chances are II will be due to your havmg been given faulty information Go to the original source and check thoroughly LEO July 23Aug 22 Youll be held accountable today for any funds entrusted to you Make IFSHED asch ME ID HFWE snip iM SIX iwouLo Hï¬VE bLD HER GoTo SCHOOL nnocnn RIDE THE one one BETWEEN PEACE AND FUREGII POLICY certain your spending is in accord with the Wishes of those you represent VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Avoid Siding with or hanging around persons who band together as means to hold sway over others Its not your style to become enmeshed In petty politics LlBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Dont base any decisions today on past conclusions Look for new sourc es of evidence to understand present Situation SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Financial matters especially those involving friends should be avoided today Strong resent ment could grow out of testy Situation that may be neither partys fault BUT SHE DIDNT HSK ME IT WILL BE THE ONLY CANDY BARVOLI WANTED BUY THE VIENCAN IIxr DANCE lD TAKE TWO YEARS 0N DESERT ISLAND WITH MAYBE WE SHOULD IT9 FOR THE uEXT OMB WHO A6llt SrARl SAVING some MONEY ERNIE WHO knowsIT MIGHT BE woRlH SoMEIHING IOMEDAY THAVES I217 €ch Jam batI