Thats worth some attention auditorium so the audience could become more Children in the Kindergarten class at Maple Grove School watch the North Collegiate Con cert Band intently from their perch on the stage as the band was arranged on the floor of the involved Becky Ellis sits between the Hanna brothers Craig left and John third from left both Examiner Photo $70000 raised by francophones to support Penetang school Ry TERRY FIELI The Examiner provincial francophone organization conducting fund raising campaign for com munity operated high school at Penetanguishene has collected $70000 of the $400000 it hopes to collect spokesman says The campaign began last month with donation Ol Ontarios fran $5000 bv cophone teachers association Association Cannadienne Francaise de lOntario ACFO president Jeannine Sequin is beginning tour of the Maritimes today and dona tion is expected from New Brunswicks Acadien teachers said Gerard Levesque secretarygeneral of the organization He told The Examiner ACFO at Eyeing each other is pleased with the response to this point and expects dona tions to increase after Christmas No time limit has been placed on the campaign Funds gathered will be used to keep IEcole secondaire de la Huronie an independent French secondary school with Tanya Paddison takes closer look at one of the funnylooking snowmen who now reside at Memorial Square on Dunlop St The square is fullydressed for the Christmas season complete with displays and lights Examiner Photo Cb imney sweep tells meeting Precautions needed to stop chimney disaster The Christmas season is time of year When chimney fires do start it can become when persons should take extra care around fireplaces says Stuart Crichton Barrie chimney sweep Crichton told the Simcoe County and District Chapter of the Ontario Building Of ficial Association Saturday that young children with loose clothing should be kept away from fireplaces He said that throwing too much Christmas wrapping oitto fires can cause it to rise up and forth possible chimney fire threats In ad dition Christmas trees should be thrown into frightening experience said the chimney sweep bucket of salt should be kept on standby at all times and should be thrown on fire and the chimney damper closed Crichton said Fire extinguishers should also be kept on hand in the event of chimney fire he said SET INTENTIONALIA Some persons set chimney fires intentional ly each year so that it will be easier to clean the chimney That is dangerous practise the garbage and not Christmas season STlRT CIIRICIITON etra care wont hurt bumed he said Theyre going to weaken their chimneys eventually said Crichton Chimneys become dirty when craOSote the technical term for soot transparent oily liquid rises from the fire and heads into the flue Crichton said The flue is generally colder than the fire box and the result is that soot will build he said The hotter the fire the more soot youll have Crichton said The hottest fires are created by burning wood such as elm red oak hickory ash ap ple and black walnut he said Medium heat will be sparked by birchwood while the pines and spruces will generate the least intense heat he said Costs for chimney sweeping can vary depending on what has to be done normally ask how old the house is when was the chimney last cleaned and are wood stoves used he said The average price though runs between $30 and $40 he said TWICE ARLY Chimneys with wood stoves should be cleaned about twice year while it is more difficult to pin down ordinary fireplaces due to less use said Crichton In the future the use of wood stoves will grow because of the continual spiral of oil prices he said The government in addition should offer tax incentive for those who get their chimney cleaned regularly he said after the 57 students operating through June The school was opened in September with the help of volunteers from ACFO and other francophone groups It was viewed as an act of protest toward the government of On tario which at that time had yet to make decision of the French high school issue Ontarios education minister decided in October against establishing French high school and organizers of the community school took steps with ACFO providing guarantee of funds to make the school more permanent By DENNIS LANTHIER Of The Examiner Its the lull before the storm now but the Barrie area will begin to bust with election activity immediately following the Christmas and New Year break All three parties in the area will be holding nomination meetings between Jan and Jan to decide which three can didates will begin short but cold campaign trek through the county Ron Stewart MP for Simcoe South prior to the election an nouncement will not know if he has been selected to run again until the Conservative nomination meeting expected to be held Jan or Jan cant really start to campaign yet Stewart told The Ex aminer today can only campaign to tell people Im going to seek the mminatinn Stewart said the situation is somehwat strange for him after having just been elected by the Simcoe South electorate in the May 22 election Stewart said he has no idea of anyone else will submit names to run against him and the Conservative executive is equally in the dark Once an advertisement is placed in newspapers five to 15 days is required before nominations can be closed he said Meanwhile the South Simcoe Liberals will hold nomination session Jan pm at the Nottawasaga Inn in Alliston There are more than two persons considering the nomination but no definite commitments have been made yet said Janice One of these is Bruce Owen local solicitor who told The Ex aminer he is considering entering the political picture follow ing requests from some persons Owen is eligible to run in both Simcoe South and Simcoe North Im amazed at the number of people who have phoned me he said dont know it has all happened so quickly MORE TIME Owen said today he would need more time before coming to decision Ray Ramsay South Simcoe Liberal candidate last May has likewise not come to decision dont know Ill have to give it some thought he said Saturday To me the election announcement was unex pected Alex Manjuris who opposed Ramsay for the Liberal nomina tion in the spring also says he doesnt know just yet The South Simcoe NDP party expects to hold its nomination meeting Jan date which should be verified today The possibility is strong that Gaye Lamb and Paul Wessenger will run for the nomination though neither one has confirmed it at this point Theres strong possibility Ill be running again Mrs Lamb said Saturday Mrs Lamb was the NDP candidate last spnng Wessenger who is also considering running said that as far ashe knows nobody else is trying for the party riding leader ship at this point Laking president of the association MW General committee studies airport again Its going to be another round in the proposed municipal air port struggle when Barrie general committee meets tonight for the last sessmn before the Christmas and New Years break The committee overwhelm ingly endorsed the airport pro posal at meeting held two weeks ago But that was put on hold last week when council heard from three mink farmers who said their operations in Oro township could be adversley af fected by the airport The farmers said mink mothers will often turn on their children and destroy them when confronted by loud noises which airports generate The municipal airport at the Seventh concession in Oro would eventually cost $2 million with Barries share be ing set at $800000 Initial land purchasing would start in 1980 and actual con struction would be started in 1981 Meanwhile the proposed Bayfield and Dunlop Street road widenings are expected to New home here come under crossexamination tonight from Aid Doug Jag ges Ald Jagges has suggested the ventures may be too costly considering the economic con ditions in 1980 The federal election is to be held Feb 18 Last week council agreed to apply to the provincial govem ment for funding of the Dunlop Street widening from the Lakeview Dairy to Blake Street Confusion remains over gas pricing Beginning at am today Sunoco retailers across the pro vince were told according to head office to cut pump prices in an attempt to return to the customer any money gathered as result of the premature col lection of excise tax money last week However Don Morrison manager of Morrisons Sunoco on Blake St said this morning he had not been authorized at that point to drop prices fur ther Sunoco stations and others in Barrie reduced the perlitre pump price of gasoline bv the The first governmentsponsored Vietnamese refugees to settle in Barrie arrived Friday afternoon Officials at the Canada Employment Centre handling all the arrangements for the family were only notified Thursday night of their arrival Above Gloria Tozek of the CEC meets with Minh Van Duong and his children Van Quay Duong l6 and Thi Phi Duong l2 Examiner Photo four cent increase called for in the federal budget defeated in the House of Commons Morrisons Sunoco is selling regular gasoline today at 254 cents per litre An employee at Regs Esso Bayfield St said the station had removed the four cent ex cise tax but had yet to hear from head office concerning refunds to customers Jim Wakelin of Wakelins Texaco Dunlop 81 said customers who purchased gas at the higher price and have receipt are being refunded the difference Cash customers cannot get refunds he told The Examiner today Suncor Inc iSunoco had said over the weekend that its prices would remain four cents per litre lower approximately 21 cents until revenue made last week had been returned to customers 01 town country Cars writeoffs after lnnisfil crash Two cars were written off Sunday following twocar collision in lnnisfil Township say township police 1973 Ambassador driven by Stanley Knapp 29 of Bar he suffered $1000 damage The second vehicle 1978 Plymouth station wagon driven by Donald Burlison 16 of BRUCE OWEN will he run Thornton suffered $4000 in damages No injuries resulted from the accident which occurred at the 10th Line and the 10th Sideroad Giftwrapping tonight The Barrie Mental Health group W111 be wrapping close to 000 gifts tonight during its annual Christmas wrap cam paign Activity will start at the Blue Flmame room of the Con sumers Gas building on Ferris Lane at pm and is ex pected to continue until about pm Downtown study complete study outlining retail uses in the downtown core has been completed says Rick Jones city planner The report should be ready for presentation at the next planning board session iit January he says Schools ending for holidays Simcoe County elementary school and secondary school students finish for the Christmas break Friday and will return to classes Jan Georgian College students finished up at the end of last week and will also return to classes Jan $23million collected From The Ottawa Bureau 01 THE Examiner total of $2357661446 in customs and excise taxes was collected from April 1978 to March 31 1979 in Barrie says the annual report of the Department of National enuc Import dues collected totalled 51831550212 sales tax col lected totalled $517924570 other excise taxes collected totalled 36906722 and sundry collections totalled $1279942 Police hop into snomebiles to combat cottagearea crime By STEPHEN NICIIOLLS The Examiner Winter for local provincial policemen means abandonin the OPP marine patrol boats and hopping on to snowmobiles for cottage area patrols And for those really inac cessible areas helicopter ride affords good view for patroll ing officers Heavy snow may close vaca tion area roads but that doesnt stop crime says Supt Roy Burkett of Barrie District OPP Criminals now use snowmobiles to get to cottages that are unoccupied during winter months but that often house valuable appliances lilt quor or other goods MICHAEL STRAIN waste of money dont think there could be worse time The Conser vative government has only been in few months They have not had time to do anything yet As far as the budget is concerned think Liberal government would have done the same thing It ithe election is waste of the taxpayers money GRACE BROWN bad time It is bad time of year for an election It costs the tax payers lot of money think that they had to call an elec tion though If it had been possible it would have been better in the spring It is un fortunate as the Conser vative government had the shortest time in office of any govemment yet District OPP have snowmobiles in Bracebridge Huntsville Balla Midland Orillia and Barrie detachments said Supt Burkett Fridav 0N MACHINES When the snow flies the police break out their machines for cottage area patrols We have men who are assigned to marine patrol duties during the summer said Supt Burkett In winter they are put out on the snowmobiles Snowmobile always twoman said We always send two men In case one machine breaks down patrols are teams he you dont want to be stranded miles out in the bush Also often we come across break in in progress One man might not be able to handle that himself The machines have no two way radios but each offer car ries his own portable walkie talkie unit Flying policemen are able to cover much larger area more easilv OPP use helicoptor to patrol cottage areas when weather permits The officers watch for telltale signs of in trusion such as footprints or suspiciously parked snowmobiles near cottages call GEORGE SNIIER tig scheme figure it was all part of big scheme With Trudeau resigning the Conservatives probably figured they could get away with it Now Pierre will be back in again As far as the Conservative party goes the minister of finance was the only one who would give straight answer MRS REID costjust awful didnt vote Conser vative but think that the cost to the country is just awful and they have only been in for such short time do hope the Liberals get in next time though Whatever party is in we are not going to like the budget 0n the other hand they did not keep the election promises DAVID NORTHCOTE happy to hear was happy to hear that there was an election The government did not go down only because of the budget Petracan and the embassy issue were also factors it was sort of the last straw am not happy that it is going to cost the taxpayers extra money have had enough of Clark already at CHLOE BEAM hudget detrimental was glad to hear the PCs are getting kicked out think that the Liberals and the NDP unifying to get them out was only reasonable con Sidering that the Conser vatives budget was so detrimental to the working people and the lower middle income groups As the best of three evils hope the NDP win