JUN ï¬rr IO the examiner osiiadliis OBridlos 0Riding wear ROBINSON HARDWARE 31 DUNLOP St 7202431 loarticles tor sale ZENITH 20 PORTABLE COLOR Im solid state only $598 Under Sb wkly Starting January 30 Order tonile got free 12 black and white One hour dolivery KRAZY KELLYS now next door to The Highway 90 Meat Market at Fmdola One hour delivery 737 1182 IF Tools Socket sets $18 88 axes $9 08 inch pipe wrenches SS 98 inch swivel vises $7198 inch swivel vises 5s 98 Adair Volume Sales 21 Mary Street Barrie FIREPLACE SCREEN 27 13 also autontatt phone mate telephone answer no unit BUIT to good condition Telephone 73 J2ifleven gs TWO PANCY parlour wood stoves also ACE TONE guitar amplifier 728 923 HANDMADE CHRISTMAS Ornaments and decmat orts also woodon baby sleigh 32 doll books and latch hook pillow sham Telephonwflt 5129 REFRIGERATOR hnryes Told frost tree 30 rnatclltrlii stove Telephon 776 7919 CHRISTMAS SALE glass china Ioreign stamps heritage and craft items 71 Vancouver Street SHOT GUN 12 gauge pump with case and shells ritle 22 calibre automatic with scope Kodak instant camera With case 728 3323 SNOW TIRES FTBxIA plus rims also E7Bxld snows TelephoneNB 4187 YEAR OLD used Mollat appliances In need 0t some repairs Best otter One each 01 automatic washer dryer and burlt in dishwasher Phone 728 0556 ELECTRONIC ORGAN electtohorni double keyboard vibrato and rythnin panel $800 Acorn fireplace 57s aluminum awning With posts 4878 S75 Telephone 728 5311 TITANIC TOSHIBA Incredible SOmorilh warranty Now S789 Order lonite get free 12 portable starting January 80 KRAZY KELLYS now next door to Ihe Highway 90 Meal Market at Femdalo 737 1182 Undel s7 witty IF TWO OIL SPACE heaters 515 and SK Simplicity twin washer spin dryer Electrolux VrlsUUITI clear Or 515 ble der S20 nilxet S20 Lrockpot 530 or bestottets Phone J36 305 200 POUND Vinyl weight set with our barsand bench 555 416 7009 SNOW TIRES pair PIRELLI lvs excellent condition smo Telephone 728 97 alter 6p In ELECTRIC GUITAR Sinipsots model good OlIdrIIOII lists tor $100 sel tor Sm Ask for Jean 416 COM ELITE speed bicule cable brakes etc metallic green looks like new $50 Contwoy stills it tiorgo Illl ind910 yeai or II once 31 736 364 STABLE CLEANER 110 It at than New horsepower motor ExcLIILIIl con dition Cal713 NM alter In MENS DOWNHILL skis 105 cm Nor dica boots size to Glpron poles package SIOL1 LADIES downhill skis Caber bouts size and poles all my one season $7 PAIR IJCIU ski hoot SIILS $30 11 Iltltv ELEL IC SNLIrr LOWE pair at TOITY Sailor SKIS 110 thl xlth Squaw Valley LIIILIIII Volkswagen Ictifll and wheels screw hoe Vaselrlpt past 728 1379 COMMERCIAL AIRCONDITIONER 10 ton 3phoso water cooled with dual compressor 51 500 Col JIM 7372432 Cheap Footwer Mons ladies boys girls and IIldttg Winter and Summer i0 per cent to to my cent discounts Adar valuma say Mary Street Barrie POLY FOAM cut to size ttarrie Tent and Awning Company has great mg at poly loam to thickness in mpt service reasonable prices 3x Bayliold Street dOWltliwn RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT Ior salt Meat cooler upright an that trr an register moat slicer ice lftall rimply catering equipment 96 Ill SHUFFLEBOARS used 12610 PINBALLS rmoridltiowit tirunv Irr 2533 between Ill tram lo SLAB WOOD Will do snow LlllWIlil Oven ready rabbits Pltullt IIII 728 9367 aturday Doc 15 1979 taxoadpooM aqi to aton izssu iuo MOD HIM SUVIDCIOOM midlira mill polypropunq Auow ll °o0£ iSDllld SIH 1111 NI SIIOH ONIIDONII Sl IIJIIDIdOOOM 3H1 yoioedg spwlstJip TURN AROUND FOR GREAT SALE SAW 66 NidO imam NOAHS PRACTICAL GIFTS For All The Family ARK snarki Slippers Professional Ewes NOW All Breed Evening Shoes Dog Grooming Hond 8095 Free Pickup Gift and Delivery Certificates YipFIE BOOK NOW FOR NORMAN FAMILY CHRISTMAS SHOES 683 MAPLE AVE BARRIE 24 oumor St 7267332 Hm Put DENIM under your Tree this Christmas BIG BLUE JEANS ANDRE MICHEL HASH ROADRUNNERS Jean Connection We also carry dress pants blouses sweaters Located at 40 MAPLE AVE Across from Lohlows 7374322 40articles tor sale TWO UTILITY TRAILERS SUltable Ior ski doos etc $130 each Telephone 728 653231ter5p BARRIE TENT AND AWNING C0 of ters complete repair service on tarps tents trailer covers awnings boat covers etc Also zippers medium or heavy weights Foam cut to size sinch thickness 34 Baylield SI next Clarks Home Furnishings downtown DIESEL GENERATOR reconditioned heavy duty diesel powered industrial generator 3600 watt Suitable for emergency power cottage or small lodge 72B OQBSanytlrne MEAT DISPLAY counter lrLczer with remote controls plus one ICL cream and IUICCITCCZLF Telephonul 531 31118 DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RING 5110 51 new paid $950 sell $600 83S 2S3I local CASH REGISTER $650 electric PIZZA OVEN and table model S350 or bust oi for Open daily Cundles Cain Laundry II Cundles West 728 915i 44dogs and pets Boarding for Big Dogs Coulson On Iarlo Telephone 705 835 5223 St 776 4711 POODLE TRIMMING grooming all breeds pick up and de lrvery72b 8798 PetStudio TROPICAL FISH prices Evenings and weekends Edge hill Aquaria Il3Ardaoh Road 726 0091 breeds Call now tor your Dog Gone ap porntntent 7264111 Sophia St MAYS POODLE PARLOR plOllS accepted Phone 726 0an Old Collie and black Lab female Telephone 187 3311 anytime white with children Real pet TelephoniAlb 2815 Asking SIOJT SONY STEREO show stock Quality plush tur Excellent Sensational AM FM recelye custom disposition Many colors brownsblack turnloblo S343 Ger flee speakers greys spotted white S8te$l2 726 $69 WM 55 Wkly 59 IOWWY 80 PEKINESE two male one female KRAZY KELLYS now next door to The very reasonable to good home Telephone 7371243 after TF Shwepdoq puppies Championship stock 436 3l25 Stroud Highway 90 Meat Market at Forndulr One hour delivery 737 IIB2 CARPET l00°o nylon$3 99m yard 9x17583995 Adair Volume Sales 21 Mary Street BJVIIL FRENCH PROVINCIAL end tables cherry wood antique chair matchrnd lootstuol 726 3170 CAST IRON PARLOUR STOVE Ior retriever female Lovable attectionate children Telephone 726 6779 after in part Husky part Labrador all needles Gentle and quiet 726 0851 POODLES Two males One ten month wqomy 7m ml UV mm mom old black One tour months olrt ï¬pFlflOl VLry reasonable 3221B DISHWASHER top lini harvest gold condition 5300 718 3093 FOR THE MINOLTA PHOTOGRAPHER Auto extensmn tubes for close up photography It 11 and RI mm tubes 738 7066 47home improvements THERMAL IN TIME FOR WINDOW CHRISTMAS PHOTOS SPECIALISTS tiMinoIta 101 35mm camera and case wrth 50 mm Rokkor lens includes TTL metering Iralriu counter mirror lock up sell timer ttas mount depth at IllILI DIIVICW button and shutter spends lrtrtn 1000 718 7050 FIREWOOD ready burn Sell all or by cord or Callt3o214J nItylITL HO SCALE MODEL TRAIN Complete set up mounted on It by Bit Irante Six SIAIICIIIS three locomotives cir buildings etc 738 NM DISHWASHER Vrkntn top loadIr LOT pertoni S120 WASHER autolhatlc white 5125 WRINGER washer Ken more white Son All IlilYIS good condt Iron 720 666 41boats and motors 16 DEEP ttbreglass I25 Evnrute trailer $2200 or bestoller IJalunitnurt 98 Merc trailer 5700 or best otter 451 Hts 4345813 atter sp rn 42articles wanted TOTAL HOME IMPROVEMENTS lace cords split cortf 7281202 5TF 49christmas trees CHRISTMAS TREES How on Sale at the KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HALL CANADIAN SILVER COINS DLIOIL Ico American belore 1961 No collecton to tame or small Canadian stamps old watches postcards lencllery 20 1563 evenings 730 JIM CANADIAN SILVER COINS before No7 gtIIILILRII before I994 No collection too larcle or small Canadian stamps olo watches postcards leuellery 730 Jlo CASH FOR OLD FURNITURE nooks dishes old pictures clocks odns ant ends Pro 1051 items 71 Ellt iOGSVIANTED Pine Spruce Hemimk 93 Borcxy Strut Corner of Codrington St SCOTCH PINES SPRUCE All Sins Lot open ilon orn10 piri D7813IA15 on with larle diameters Bu II lttV LLII lit 736 1965 tLlrIS 78 WILSONS TREE LOT Used Pianos Wanted No Inatrl hon old your panu tat be its worth fllllrlQ its Good tea for read Christmas cash Dunlap Harrrmilxt organ Cenli 73 397 OLYMPIC COINS wanth Atll buy Sills or separate SSA per set 737 0911 anytime 48 3000 eventnus or vuoke ils CASH PAID for standing trees suitable tor saw litrisnt Irrewood all 71 1563 wooowonilm EQUIPMENT WANIE ll Qrttpr planer band san ltlIll drill pryus In good cormon lilrl=rrir Wit It MART PLAZA BAYFIELD st ii Open daily am to IO pm Large supply of ft to 12 ft Scotch ruce Balsam 44 dogsaiid pets 02 liIIltlI ll its mtil it IIrlr inttlilrnloC SPRLCE CHRISTMAS TREES cut Prt rim wtl wvme Vltl your own at Letahs Tree Farm titlt III III army Pi vs Hawkestooe Ilage SJ SC Open day sm Iyiirlutv aayl th tildark JP 2615 DAFFON KENNELS Specializind in BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampooing andclippinuuiallbreeds 2otSt Vincent protessiorlal Best SOILCIIOII in town Aquariums all Sizes at unbeatable THE POODLE SALON Clipping all stonal Cllpplllq and groomian Chamex FREE PUPPIES tor Christmas 7wetks malt and TWO YOUNG SOWS for sale second lit WEST HIGHLAND TERRIER male years old has papers Good REX RABBITS nood pet breeder and Suitable for older person or family with FREE TO good family Two year old male Had Phone 5599 per bushel JI GIFT THAT LASTS ALL YEAR iolly way to remember yourfriends and relatives this Christ mos is to send gift subscriptions of The Examiner They are easy to order They lost all year and the cost is small compar to the pleasure given Eoc gift will be announced in your name with beautiful card in full rich colors Order Now DO IT BY writing to The Circulation Dept of The Examiner or Dial 7266539 49christmas trees CUT YOUR OWN Christmas tree at Gillespie Tree Farm Make it an outing tor the Dnllrt lamily 100 acres ot scenic lIIllS prime scotch pine and spruce Your choice 87 each Free horse drawn sleigh rides weekends only Oro Line one mile north of Old Barrie Road or County Road ll follow the Signs WIDE SELECTION treshly cut pine and spruce trees Open days week and evenings until Christmas Price $5 up Blake Street miles past Grove on old highway 118 726 6321 SCOTCH PINE or SPRUCE large or small Open days week till 10 untrl Christmas 54 Grove St 57livestock for sale HOSTEIN BULL for sale serViCtahle 601 Telephone 487 3181 ter due soon 5150 each 72ft 6656 REGISTERED Il Arabian gelding Chestnut with white sucks years old Very quiet Has been shown 3221037 59poultrychicks DEKALB READY to lay pullets Faint Irein cogs Laytnn canes Ior sale Cralu Hunter Poultry Farms 2136 Toll FRESH DRESSED Geese for Christmas llIlts andup thldriiverto Telephone REGISTERED Old Enillish Bari 11 SI Oalt Cnl32P Ills CHRISTMAS FOWL Ior sale turkeys geese and ducks Alive or dltSSLO FOR ADOPTION year old golden Telephoneutl 3H8 PIGEONS High flying tumblers tor sale Telephone 322 2388 attur 67truits vegetables APPLES Apply Koole and Son Con cession3 Orn Closed Sundays 718 8489 ONTARIO RED DELICIOUS Apples Brintt your own cnn Iainers CANCILLA FRUIT MARKET I7ClapprrtonSt 68personals to All ourrmmosu We wish you very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Sincerely Roy althuriel 01522 INNERACTION PSYCHIC CONSULTANTS 11 OPRIVATE CONSULTATION uIRVOIANCI TAROT AURAS PAlMlSTRI PSICIIOMETRI PAST lIVES PRIVATE ussons AND cums Also PSYCIIIC PARTIES ARRANGED GIIT cmmcms By Appointment Only In Barrie contact New Age Centre 705 7374300 orl705 4589912 In Toronto Contact 416 2516527 HAWAII Islands Escorted Fob III25 1980 For dotols Iloys Travel Service 45 DUNLOP ST 7284100 TThSJ3 SHAMPOOER POLISHER Ask for free home demonstration today ELECTROLUX 7284392 TELECARE Vlyhy light your problem alono Let trump help Call Teleare 72a 7922 anytime AUTOS to Florida and De nts Western Canada gas allowance anm to Dr VEaiLay ServrCQ 115 22¢ MIA BIRTH CONTROL INFORMAT ON so Mary Street Open Ionita an Tuede 100 30 and Thursoi 30 30 pm 737 4222 715 9300Ex 23o gempersonals 7lhelp wanted CONTROLLER Heres an excellent opportunin for graduate accountant CA RlA CGA Youll take charge of department numbering 6monoge direct and motivate it Youll keep an overview of day to day details but youll know when and how to delegate Youll direct month and activities develop accounting policies and procedures and utilize EDP equipment to provide timely management reporting 7thelp wanted tiepersonals 88persona ls Compensation is attractive and includes comprehensive benefit plan Please submit your resume including salary requirements to THE GENERA MANAGER CORAH LIMITED 608£LL FARM RD BARRIE ONTARIO LAM 566 BORGWARNER ACCEPTANCE CANADA Specialists in Inventory Financing is opening on ofï¬ce in BARRIE and require SALES REPRESENTATIVE to call on existing customers and new accounts THESE POSITIONS will be of interest to those with previous Finance company or Bonk experience Interested parties should forward their resume to the attention of MR ALLEN BORGWARNER ACCEPTANCE CANADA LTD 33 SPRINGDALE DRIVE BARRIE ONTARIO Add an extra personal touch this Christmas Wish your FRIENDS RELATIVES and ASSOCIATES MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR in your own words published in our SPECIAL CHRISTMAS GREETINGS section to appear on Christmas Eve DR JONES wishes to extend Seasons Greetings to all the staff at Royal Victoria Hospital SCOTT June and Dick Scott wish Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all their neighbors on Fraser Street To ensure that you are in time for Christmas call the CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT today at 7282414 or mail to The Examiner Christmas Greetings HITCH HOUSE AMC We need topnotch flat rate mechanic who Classified Ads does quality work If you are licenced no Box affï¬zagle omam mechanic and would like career in busy new well equipped flat rate shop please call MR 808 WARDEN 726171 $240 24 word minimum each additional word 10 Deadline Noon December 19th ellitEhIlousem 63 D15 aspersonals 71help wanted 71helpwanl9d ELIE We nhelpwamed BIRTHRIGHT Are you pregnant and distresed Birtnright really cares 166 Baytiold Street Barrie 737 3550 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 7286581 you drink thats your business It you wanttoquitthatsours Callanytime RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie two minutes WindyHaugtiFarm72b 0192 BOWLERS WANTED Ior leagues torm my now Men women singles couples teams Call Keinpvrew Bowl 728 97 FLORIDA SPECIAL Renting Win nibago 2Atlully equipped Twoweckslor S995 3000Iree miles 728 8746 ARE YOU UNATTACHED separated Single or divorced Meet that special person Apply to P0 Box 104 Owen Sound NtK SPI Please state age THE SIMCOE RESCUE SQUAD is in the process at restructuring its Board 01 Directors and would welcome in put from people with experience in business administration andor financial ex perienre Such position would be surtable fora retired or semi retired per son on voluntary basis Write with resume SIMCOE RESUCE SQUAD General Delivery Midhurst Ontario LOL IXOOI call 737 3738 TUT TICKETS pair for December KIDS IN SCHOOL 59 AVON You set your own hours on Marketing Career We are seeking selfachiever with Retoil Hospitality Industry experience to spearhead our computer marketing effort in the Barrie Orillio resort area flexible schedule Meet interesting people Phone today and find out how easy it is to get started Highest corn mission TERRITORIES AVAILABLE IN BARRIE ANGUS AND INNISFIL Call 7289652 FSTF NCR CANADA LTD on important member of the $3billion worldwide NCR CORPORATION the second largest processing systems company in the world has professional career op 30th Telephone728 5056 portunity open in its Retail Systems Division in the resort areas EXPERIENCED 3525Tciégï¬aï¬sggjlgggtjggséogg WHO ARE WE LOOKING FOR We are looking for self achiever WAITERWAITRESS gggï¬gjfggfcniï¬fgxaï¬gI who takes pride in getting results who has successful record in Apply Queens Hotel Restaurant or call 7282424 rie RIDE NEEDED to central Toronto dai Iy to be at work from to pm starting January 7th Phone 726 2023 70Iost and found REWARD white gold wedding ring With small diamonds and white gold diamond engagement ring missing since June in area ot Innistil Central Public School 456 2315 LOST WALLET containing valuable papers and 5170 Please return wallet to Mr Peter Boreham 726 0940 7Ihelp wanted CENTENNIAL Auto Body requires 2dr year experienced BODY PE RSON Tele phone 726 0481 TRAVELWAYS PART TIME work available driving school bus Must be 2t years of age and hold valid drivers licence We will train you here Call 728 5941 or visit 31 Penetanr St Barrie GUITAR TEACHER classrcat and talk Appiy in person at The Bandstand Baytteld Mall or phone 726 A973 HOUSEKPPER tor senior citizen residence Full or part time Telephone 737 3930 the RetailHospitality Industry and who may be presently con sidering career change You need not have any computer sales experience as we will put you through one of the most intensive soles and sales management training programs WHAT ARE WE OFFERING The remuneration package is com petitive and most attractive and will be based not only on your educational qualifications but also any relevant experience Why not talk to us to find out more about this position Candidates for this position will be interviewed in the BorrieOrillia Area Please forward your resume outlining your background education and experienceto HORSESHOE VALLEY RESORT requires immediately OUALIFIED COOKS and GRILL PERSONS Apply in person only 019 II Whiter NCR CANADA HI 6865 Century Drive Mississauga Ontario L5H 2E2 01315 BABYSITTER needed starting January Ior two year old boy rri My home preterably Shanty Bay Road and Johnson Street area 737 3015 or 728 0733 leave message 7Thelpwanted 71help wanted EXPERIENCED ROUTE SALESPERSON required immediately for rapidly expanding company associated with the dairy industry Will have had several years experience in successful route sales although not necessarily in the dairy industry Will have record of employment stability Will be capable of working on own initiative Will have stong desire to progress and take on additional responsibility Will reside in the BorrieOrillio area WE OFFER Excellent salary and compensation Excellent company benefits chance to progress in our organization If your experience is in line with our needs please send resume to no Box C23 The Examiner Barrie DIS PROGRAM SUPERVISOR The Walkerton District Association for the Mentally Retarded requires Program Supervisor for four bed grOup home DUTIES Program Supervisor working under the direction of the Residential Services Manager to be responsible for the supervision and coordination of services in four person group home including such duties as scheduling of staff preparation of staff evaluations informal staff training and the design and implementation of individual program plans to meet the residents needs in all aspects of their daily life YOU CAN EARN EXTRA MONEY AND WIN PRIZES TOO EXAMINER ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE CODRNGTON ALBERT VBLAKE ST AREAS BAYFELDMARY QUALIFICATIONS= SANFORDJOHN Minimum MRC or University degree in related social science preferably with at least 23 years of progressive supervisory and program development experience possess an understanding of and sensitivity to the needs of tttonlally retarded people SALARY BENEFITS eexcellent benefit package sclary commensurate with educoIIOn and experience BRADFORD ST TIFFIN ST NO 2005 EUGENIA DUNDONALD OREN BLVD COLLIER DUNLOP Yes would like more information about on Examiner Carrier Route NAME AGE WELL ADDRESS Pli0Ni PARENTS SIGNATURE Clip and send to The Examiner Box 370 Barrie LAM 4T6 Send copy of resurrfe along with names ol three references to GEOFFREY SELIG Residential Services Manager PO Box 1902 Wolkerton Ontario NOCr 2V0 519 8810803 Deadline for applications January 41930