16apartments for rent Bright and cheery kitchen windows in t6a partments for rent Right in your own backyard lies one of Barries newest and most prestigious attractions Sunnidale Place Featured are luxury rental apartments designed with every modern conveni the breakfast nook Adequate underground parking pro tects your car from the elements Gleaming white marblefloored lobby Stained oak floors Fire proof and sound proof construction Highest quality workmanship Airy sun balconies Individual thermostat controlled heating 16a pa rtments for rent 163 partments for rent enoe in mind 16apartments for rent Contemporary custom Kitchens with continuous clean oven and self defrosting fridge Ceramic tile bathroom floors Full size storage in all suites As well two raw cedar saunas and landscaped recreational park are yours when you make Sunnidale Place your home Please call 7373752 or drop in and room model suites UlllllDAlE PLAC visit ourfurnished one and two bed Weekdays 11 am to pm CENTRAL ONTARIO FINEST IMPERIAL OWE RS by KRNEFF SPACIOUS and BEDROOM ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED LARGE BALCONIES OVERLOOKING BAY COLORED APPLIANCES STORAGE LOCKERSENSUITE SAUNAS EXERCISE ROOM AND GAMES ROOM BILLIARD ROOM TENNIS COURT CLOSE TO SIMCOE PLAZA PUBLIC BEACH YACHT CLUB IDEAL FOR RETIRED PEOPLE RENTAL OFFICE HOURS 12 to weekdays II to weekends 7269580 16apa1tments for rent TWO BEDROOM stove fridge laundry facilities and parking adults only no pets Apply at55 Blake N0 201 MISSISSAUGA COURT Two bedroom apartments for rent col ored appliances sauna laundry facilities parking Closetoshopping and bus route Available December 15 February lst April lst Telephone 737 0001 CENTRAL bedroom apartment With walkout to back lam adults please husband and te preferred one Years lease required available January 15225 monthly 726 6283 TWO BEDROOM apartment relrlg orator stove heat water laundry room on bus route east end available January adults Apply 726 1167 SMALL FURNISHED bacheloretle Len trallv located $40 per week availble int mediater Phone 729 6371311 AVAILABLE FEBRUARY Allandalo district Heated upper duplex bedroom apartment Broadloom park ing closetoshopping bus $250 monthly First and last 728 8328 after pm ONE BEDROOM on bus route available January Stove fridge laundry facilities first and last months rent no pets Call after 40 726 6725 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT available January $270 per month in cludesfridge stove heat hydro Pllons 7266271atter4p ONE BEDROOM apartment S225 mon thly includes heat hydro refrigerator and stove Telephone 726 4520 after pm ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT in cluoing heat hydro refrigerator and stove No children Ample parking AvailabIeJanuarylst 726 6716 QUIET AREA close to downtown on bus route living room dining room two bedrooms triage stove spin dry washer broadlonmed tastefully decorated $280 monthly 716 6154 after pm 16apartments for rent SECOND LOOR unfurnished one bed room apartment 5200 montth Heatand hydro included First and last required Working female only 728 6520 TWO BEDROOM stove refrigerator parking included located in MiderSI 416 775 2877 ONE BEDROOM apartment Penetang and Ducklnorth Streets QUiet responsi ble persons only need apcly Telephone 726 5487 BACHELOR APARTMEN downtown IOLaIian tresth decorated available immediatel $165 monthly Telephone 7266633 TWO BEDROOM apartment near hospital on bus route heat hydro and parking fridge and stove $265 monthly 728 1403 BEDROOM APARTMENT Available immediately lnsnection welcomed Ap ply at 11 Cundles Road West or phitie 738 9181 bzfoiua 111 I7houses to rent THREE BEDROOM townhouses for rent Garage and basement Four ap pliances Close to school shopping and bus route 726 4338 ANGUS small country home with garage and acreage Suitablefor couple Reterences Available immediately 5180 manthli 434 0106 FOUR BEDROOM house for rent New Lowell $250 per month plus utilities Phone 737 2293 after BEDROOM HOUSE lor rent Anne and Letitia area Refrigerator and stove $350 monthly Available January Telephone 728 0751 after 30 THREE BEDROOM detached house for rent tamin room fireplace and ap pliance Call 737 3171 after 7p PRETTY storey broadloom down stairs 3bedroom Stioud Close to shop C1an bank separate dining garage large treeo yard first and last S325 436 1701 days 737 3258 evenings weekends 12 Kozlov St Barrie 7373752 Agent Jan Thompson 17hourses to rent LEPAGE 11111lllllllllglIlllllIO ONTARI I7houses to rent LT The name friends recommend to friends 355 Bayfield Qt Uvu Barrie 7370011 CENTRAL AIRCONDITIONED RENTAL UNITS $345 monthly bedrooms fully broadloomed fridge stove washer dryer included attached single garage paved drive fenced lots FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL LYNN McINTYRE 7261839 OR JACKIE WOODBURN 7269749 Iitr Housing Corporation Sociéténcen dhypotheques et de logement r011 RENT TOWNHOUSES IN BARRIE BEDROOMS BEDROOMS $29100 81800 to $34500 CALL YOUR LOCAL REALTOR OR TELEPHONE 7284811 BETWEEN 830 430 PM MONDAY I7houses to rent FOR RENT Large bedroth house Available immediately Broadloomed throughout Large front and back yard Rent $250 per month plus utilities First and last months required Call 424 6446 TALL TREES Three bedroom sidespllt baths den family room wrth fireplace finished laundry rlom references required Available January 726 3728 RENT or RENT TO BUY choice of three and four bedrooms detached semi detached and farm house in town or in country Ed Bowman 726 7000 representing John Cole Limited Realtor 72B 2291 FRIDAY TThSF5H l7houses to rent THREE BEDROOM stove fridgebuill in dstwasher lull basement double paved drive and garage on bus route close to schools $350 monthly 728 8285 720 5467 THREE BEDROOM house attached garage innislil Township Callus 1942 THREE BEDROOM house With extra room garage on Duckworth available immediately fully carpeted no base ment 5380 includes heat hydro firstand last lease required 737 2699 BEDROOM 2storey semi broadloorn garage bathrooms $325 monthly with lease Avaiable immediater Riverwood area 726 5938 Sat 11am Sun toSpm WSTF 17houses to rent THREE BEDROOM Farmhouse $250 monthly Calers Zambon728 3946 RENTAL TO Responsible Tenant Modern bedroom brick home in plea sant subdivision convenient central location 5400 monthly Lois Stansfield 7282419 BEDROOM HOUSE with attached garage in the village of Hillsdale north of Barrie $220 plus utilities Immediate possession Phone 416 727 5331 HOUSES TO RENT or bedrooms Shelswell RE Ltd 728 3293 ask for Jack 726 0793 FOR RENT ANGUS Large bedroom home close to school shopping $225 monthly Vernon Browne Real Estate and Insurance 726 5551 THREE BEDROOM house on Gowan Street with fridge and stove S285 mon thly plus utilities first and last months rent available immediately 436 4049 20frooms to let ROOM FOR LET IN CHALET Horse Shoe Valley piece bath Shared kitchen facilities outdoor type girl need only ap ply $130 835 6027 after six RQOM AND BOARD forgentlentan lun ches packed light laundry clone Tele phone 728 6182 LARGE ROOMS suitable for two peo ple also single rooms and shared kit Chen 726 6392 FURNISHED ROOM for rent 525 week ly linen supplied centrally located Telephone 726 8358 or 728 8484 ROOM AVAILABLE female non smoker preferred Clean home on bus route $25 weekly linen supplied Telephone 726 0040 ROOM FOR RENT near downtown 525 weekly Available immediately Phone 728 2423 LARGE CLEAN furnished rooms Downtown Bus Stops at door Shared kitchen IiVing room and bath Parking 737 1000 FURNISHED ROOM woman preferred Share whole house with other tenants Cable TV parking on bus route John and Bradford 436 3195 2lroom and board ROOM AND BOARD for young lady in private east end home on bus route liomeprlvileges Telephone 726 0061 22room wanted QUIET NON DRINKING non smoking couple would like reasonable room with TV in private home in the Barrie area on regular Saturday night basis Phone Toronto 416 4237155 23offices Stores for rent 1200 SQ FT OFFICE SPACE 54F Maple St Available anytime 7281743till 7pm 728 6899 alter7p MODERN OFFICE space for lease Small or large sunes immediate oc CUpancy short or long term 726 3400 Angeloff 1000 SQUARE FEET air conditioned office space for rent with parking spots available immediately Telephone 7267130 NEW PROFESSIONAL OFFICE Pres tige area Ample parking 1100 sq ft Bell Farm Rd by Georgian College Duckworlh Cloverleaf 726 0231 APPROXIMATELY 600 square feet of officeshowroom space available for lease immediately on mezzanine floor of The Downtown Centre Call 726 9642 for information 24space torrent WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM etc 108 Victoria Street 1590 square feet Gross lease everything included S475 morl Iilly Apply Stewart Wholesale 728 3051 PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 1000 18000 sq ft tuily sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks drive in doors 14ft 18 ft clear part of large ex pending industrial mall 726 7130 9000 SQ FT Ml industrial space for lease Ground level steel building highway 400 exposure at Essa Ro inter change lBteet clear drive in door 550 available Contact Omar Morrow Road Barrie Ontario 7051 726 2681 750 50 FT OFFICE Storage Space aso 500 sq ft Storage Corner Innislil St and Jacobs Terrace Available im mediately Telephone 737 1606 or 424 1020 24space fOtA rent FOR LEASE or SACEFinduitrialsptac and warehouse Telephone 7263400 Angeloff HIGHWAY 27 four miles north of Barrie 7500 square feet or more fenced in drive indoors use for storage manufac turing or automotive st 50 per square foot 737 4958 26a ccom modation torsha re WORKING GIRL wanted to share two bedroom apartment close to downtown Telephone 728 3544 between and Friday 728 0120 all day Saturday 9th OF 0R0 15 minutes from Barrie or Orillia Wahser dryer sauna hot tub Non smoker preferred $150 per month 487 5862 or 726 5767 32cars far sale GREAT GAS rcouom VOLKSWAGEN light bluedork interior speed impeccable con 1977 RABBIT blue radio dition 1976 AUDI 100 LS blue metallic dark blue in terior AMIFM radio fuel iniection automatic showroom clean 1978 VW CAMPER beige ANVFM radio standard shift Ideal unit for trip to Florida Immaculate condition 7370100 Auto News Barrie 60 Fuirview DIS AUTO INSURANCE and home insur ance Competitive rates Call John Nelson lnsurance728 957196 9pm 1978CHEVROLETblue4doorhardtop power steering brakes windows V8 certified Excellent condition $4200 or best offer Telephone 737 0249 1972 PONTIAC Two door hardtop new paint Best offer can be certified Call 424 5025 after pm or anytime on weekends FORD 197 GALAZVIEV priced éxtrérhé ly low for gutck sale clean throughout recently safety inspected Snows on rims Telephone 726 5223after pm 1972 AMC JAVELIN sports hardtop SST floor console buckets rustproofed 24 mpg 577500183 Anne St 728 9636 easily certified 1979 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN door sedan power steering and brakes automatic V8 excellent condition Must sell 734900 or best offer 737 0249 1972 FORD STATIONWAGON cer tilledCall 436 1349 after6p LOW MILEAGE 1974 Pontiac Pari sienne Brougham 728 8234 1974 METEOR STATION WAGON 65000 miles automatic power brakes steering and rear window radio heavy duty suspension Call 7260144 or 728 5591 1971 OLDS CUTLASS power steering power brakes uncertified $700 or best offer Telephone728 3119 1975 CHEVY NovA rally sport blue with white interior cylinder well eguipped$4700 Telephone 7283119 1975 CHARGER condition excellent Call 737 1059 anytime 71 OLDS STATION WAGON 3150 70 OLDS CUTLASS3100710LDS as new engine5350 All cars asis 726 3557 1974 MERCURY MARQUIS BROUGHAM PW PB PS air cond tilt wheel 53000 miles Asking $1750 or trade for smaller car 728 8630 1967 BUICK w1 LDCAT grey good ï¬rm mg order body in good shape As is $400 or best offer 737 0814 1977 vw RABBIT two door standard 26000 miles winterized Michelin radialsVS3895 Telrephoner7728 6552 1967 BUICK LE SABRE as is $150 or bestoffer Apply 138 codrington Street 1974 CHEVY Biscayne 1973 PLYMOUTH station wagon Body work paint lob undercoating on both 728 6182 1974 CUTLASS SALON good condition radial snow tires and rims Best offer must sell 728 8936 any time 1974 BUICK LESABRE excellent condi tion air conditioned Michelin radials body excellent certified $1500 firm 3221582 notoll from Barrie 1971 CADILLAC Sedan de Ville rebuilt engine power equipped plus air in good condition $2600 Telephone 726 2688 1974 MONTE CARLO 350 power steer ing power brakes low milage excellent conditon best offer Telephone 3221795 1972 BUICK SKYLARK very good con diton certified asking $1150 436 3074 Jljcars for sale 1972 PONTIAC Laurentian door hard top PB PS V8 New paint and tires Certified $1000 firm Call daytime 726 3869 nighttime 7286010 1972 arrival documeTPsf PB 307 motor New paint and certified Call daytime 726 3869 nightime 7286010 1971 PLYMOUTH SATELLITE two door hardtop V8 automatic power steering power brakes good condition 5650 certified 7371833 1969 PLYMOUTH for sale to $200 asis Telephone 424 1951 1972 VOLVO station wagon automatic good shape 51513 Telephone 456 3536 1974 LEMANS spoArt coupe power steer ing in good condition Must Sell best of ferTeIephone 7370829 atter 6pvm 1974 OLDS DELTA 88 Royale four door hardtop A1 condition power steering power brakes air tilt AMFM eight track spotless Calgary car Asking $2850 436 2009 1972 iPlNTOFTspeed Fédiolsm c6 titied 003d condition 728 7267 evenings BODYWPARTS for 193536 Chev véFy reasonable Call 726 9748 1974 MUSTANG II four cylinder automatic buckets console excellent condition new paint certified $1595 or $1495 before Christmas 436 1491 1969 ROAD RUNNER 1140 six pack 40000 original miles very good condi tion must sell $1000 726 7858 1979 PLYMOUTH HORIZON TC24 door hatchback cylinder automatic Michelin radials fornt wheel drive 5000 kms certified Asking $4800 or best of fer Telephone 487 3131 33cars wantedto buy TRACYWANTS cars and trucks for wrecking and parts top prices paid FreepickupirTelephone7268487 WANTED Clean used cars Barrie Ran da Auto Sales 17 Gowan St 726 6488 COLE BROS 0an andtiuclisWANTED for wrecking fast pickup Phone 43576322davs 424 5949 evenings JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 726 8711 TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Motors Limited 119 Bradford Street Barrie 7288111 SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED Top prices paid Free immediate pick up anytime 436 2900 34trucks and trailers TRUCK CAPS STANDARD BOX ALUMINUM FIBERGLASS 33900 59500 installed ALL MODELSAVAILABLE 0R0 MOBILE HOMES LTD Hwy 11 miles north of Barrie 72665 J16 1974 JEEP four wheel drive radio new paint and exhaust In excellent con dition Cal 728 1736 anytime 1976 GMC ton pickup power steering power brakes 42000 miles $3950 or best offer 728 8234 1978 JIMMY many extras Fisher blade Must sell Call 726 5769 anytime 1969 JEEP TON electric angle plow winch to 8000 lbs $2000 firm Call 424 Senaeuro 1976 CHEV wheel drive 374 ton17350 power steering power brakes speed heavy duty suspension Best offer Telephone 728 4350 after 1972 DODGE ADVENTURE ton With cap automatic power steering power brakes radials 65000 miles Cer tilied $2150 or best offer Must sell 720 7813 34trucks and trailers TOW TRUCK 1972 Chev lton dual wheels 50000 original miles Telephone 445 2288 days 445 6666 evenings 1978 GMC 4x4 power brakes power steering four way plow trailer package low mileage 4363395 after pm or weekends 1075 DODGE VAN 44000 miles six cylinder automatic custom interior ContactrBank of Nova Scotia 726 0692 1977 GMC JIMMY 4x4 power steering power brakes many extras excellent condition 726 8394 1975 FORD 250 Ranger wheel drive and plow excellent condition Has to be seen to be appreciated Lic J29285 Telephone 526 8788 days after pm 526 8946 I9K4FORD WINDOW Van new tires engine excellent condition Call 728 2202 from to6 pm 1969 LAND RIVER with plow new tires plus Spares $1800 Telephone 4361110 or can be seen at Red Beards 1976 DODGE TRADESMAN van new tireswilcertify 458 4514 1971 FORD three ton stake truck twin piston hoist 32000 original miles 726 6948 1975 CHEV TON pickup for sale low mileage new body and paint iob Good condition Telephone 728 3816 the examiner Saturday Dec 15 197911 36auto accessories 40articles for sale SNOW PLOW ft hydrolic with mount for Chevy plus pump Complete $550 Set of Cooper 110015 4x4 tires and bolt Chevy rims 3150 complete Bruce 726 1311 37motorcycles 1970 BMW MOTORCYCLE 600 cc low mileage $1600 or offer as is 416 729 2186 WANTED used motorcycles Town Cy cle 100 Tiffin St 7269544 1977 YAMAHA yvso eiicélieRtcondi tion Also 1979 HONDA MINI TRAIL 50 lights etc Telephone 436 4816 1971 KAWASAKI 500 700 miles on rebuilt balanced and blue printed ex pansion chambers new K81 tires full cafe faring S900 ALSO 1973 KAWASAKI 3560 good condition low mileage S300 7267858 Itssnowmobiles 22 yours of dependable wryctr Your headquarters for Kawasaki Sulu Service Pom NiWAY MOTORS II No Shanty Bay PHONE 7285693 1979 SKIDOO EVEREST electric start full factory warranty $1845 Quebec wood stove with pipes excellent condi tion 865 Fireplace screen Swedish steel 27 $25 728 6573 SNOW OBILE ENGINES in excellent running order complete with clutch and carburetor 295 cc 340 cc Snowblower hp Toro S275 Wescott double trailer with winch S250 728 6573 iéTeARchc CAT Pantera 5000 340 miles like new $1800 Telephone 728 1665 and ask for Larry 1972 SKI DOO TNT 294 Silver Bullet New condition Only 600 miles Phone 726 8619 1971 Norich SKIDOO for sale electric start twin motor in good condition $400 Telephone 436 2058 Tm RUPP NITRO 340 1972 Scorpion Stinger 400 Both in excellent condition Phone4363743 altsroom och SNOWMOBILEIronp and cover like new 5395 Telephone 737 4720 even ings i974 SK 11260 LE RijiTotor 53193375 or best offer Good condition Telephone 726 2040 anytime 1976 ARCTIC CAT JAG3000 to sale cover hitch Speedo Good condition 571295 Telephone Or0487 3148 1978 Super Stock SNo PRO 440 never raced No reasonable offer refused Hi Way Motors Gasoline Alley 728 5693 1979 7500 PLUSVBLIZZARVD only 190 miles Hi Way Motors Gasoline Alley 728 5693 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 isegrawaasiijes 5m ARCT Accessories New 1979 El SPORT HAV $150 Rebate 20 OFF TX Track While qua BARRIE 7261059 Item Rebate Goo RUN YOUR AD IN THE DAILY 1c CAT SNOWMOBILES 341 in stock 1980 Machines New 1979 Jaguar 340 011 injection $1959 Closed Wednesday Open Snttill1 pan BARRIE Himis CENTRE HRISTMAS SALE 147 MANUFACTURERS REBATE $100 Rebate on 1980 Apollos $150 Rebate on 1980 340 TXs Complete line of frmp Clothing Parts Accessories Sales Service 20 OFF Leather Top Snowmobile Boot PLACE CHRISTMAS ORDERS NOW Two floors of used up plionces and furniture CLARXS HOME FURNISHINGS TRADEIN WAREHOUSE is now located at the roar of the Discount Store 40 Boyfield St Good stock of used refrigerators stoves automatic washers and dryers wringer washers block and white TVs dishwasher stereo Appliances guaranteod for xddys Good choice of Chester field sets space savers dovenports love seats recliners chests of drawers wardrobes kitchen tables chairs rollawoy beds bed outfits headboards bedroom suites coffee tables and tables and many other useful pieces D15 AKAI STEREO cassette system hlvo Koss CM speakers oak cabinets best offer 728 8490 WHITE CHESVTHOFTDRAWERS two bedroom lamps gray wool coat brown tweed coat suede iacket with fur collar Size 10 7261171 so METAL PARTITTONSTY wlth ad iustable metal supporting posts suitable for office Call Lus Smoke Shop 95 726 6774 ORGAN ivtarisrrirï¬bna Romance 12 and bench excellent condition Asklng price $1200 Telephone Alliston 4357363 alterSpm REFRIGERATOR fromaim sTa by Slde S229 Grundig reel to reel recorder office style 598 Telephone 737 1195 CHORD ORGAN with programmed discs records that play instrumental background Records and books includ ed Great Christmas 91113400 7281983 PIANO refinished beautiful rlbbon stripe mahog looks like new tuned ask mg 5895 7267324 38snowm00iles recelver 1010 three way one year old and Clothing Tigre $2489 EN MARINE Barrio 7261001 1980 Golaxys Trail Snowmobile Suits ntities lust Open day week Only to Expiry Date £4l5551Need help Just look over the ads below The ad vertisers listed areexperts in their field and will assure you FRALICK ALUMINUM 4361830 SAVE HIGH COST OF FUEL Order your storm windows now FOR FREE ESTIMATE CALL TODAY OUR LOW OVERHEAD WILL SAVE YOU MONEY TThSTF DIAMOND ALUMINUM VINYL CO siding soffit fascia etc 7264644 026 ELECTROLUX lCOnadol Ltd authorized Sales and Service Free Home Demonstrd tions 18 Alliance Blvd Unit 19 728 3392 APPLIANCE REPAIRS AUTOMATIC WASHERS dryers dish washers freezers Irid es ranges uncro ovens any make any oy 7371195 BOOKKEEPING Will pick up and deliver 726 IYBO ACTON BOOKKEEPING AND TAX SERVICES TAX RETURNSbusiness personal Set up maintenance of books including FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOW AVAILABLE COMPUTERIZED BUSINESS SYSTEMS including in ventory general ledger etc Call 7165218 am8 pm CARPENTER experienced Renovations garages decks rec rooms etc Free estmates Bill Johnston 77268708 GENERAL CARPENTRY tions alterations REYNOLDS 726 3853 rec rooms oddi Free estimates Call of the finest lob possible RANDY CHILLMAN CHIMNEY SWEEP Fast Clean Professional service REASONABLE RATES INSURED Bus 7182073 116 4873072 012 PROFESSIONAL chimney sweeping repairs installation General contractor Reason oble ratesprompt service 13256334 16867817 CUSTOM DRAPES mode from your selected material lOyeors experience 7283715 DRESSES FIT if made by JOSIE AQUINO 599lOIlllltgtnp0n15UIIS gowns and altora 11015742 Eugenio St Phone 7266000 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING SPECIALISTS roofing and roofing repairs Sheet metal work Martin Verslraten New Lowell 4244956 ELECTRICIAN Does all electrical work RFSIdEnFIOI and Commercial Free estimates 728 1025 FIBREOLASS REPAIRS FIBREGLASS REPAIRS boots snowmobiles anything fiberglass Free estimates Low winter rates Workmanship guaranteed 4245802 PETER HENSTRA 7372871 Custom built fireplaces patios home fronts in stone poLches chimney repair Free estimates NC WATSON fireplaces and masonry free estimotes phone 728 1599 For SEASONED MIXED hardwoods S22 14 x8 cord picked up $27 delivered in 50 card lots Pole length firewood also available 7053872527 SEASONED MAPLE and ash Frank Huschleid 728 9357 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 FIREWOOD 100 DRY HARD WOOD SEASONED 16 FACE CORD $35 FREE DELIVERY 4872113 SEASONED RED oAk iwood to sale Pickupor delivery Telephone 7281938 GENERAL CONTRACTING SPECIALIZING in framing trimming decks fencing rec rooms additions etc 7371588 afterSpm VELLINGA PAINTING and docorntin In terior exterior Work uorcnto EI tablished 30 years 7262603 DON SIESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING interior exterior paper hanging custom work Votiysfdction guaranteed 7266m PAINTING PAPER hanging proriuncod Free estimates JACK RICHARDSON 73638311 BARKEY PAINTING Interior and ext or References available Free reasonable sti mafes Telephone 7371m7 ricrurtr mums OATES Dunlap St East Custom fromin of all types We stock many 51 Phone 783270 Pomn NANDYMAN basements and garages cleond trash and junk removed Small moving iobs 4873141 110M IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION House raising foun dCItOIIS renovations additions Phone 43629555 after NORTHERN CAPENTRY Specializing in in tenor work Rec rooms kitchens both roornsponelling finish work 7269002 STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block and stone ork chimney re air Fireplaces special Freeestimote 7054245156 MODEL TRAINS REPAIRS TO TRAINS and road racing Free estimates The Troinman Hobbies 110 DunlopW 728 1505 GUITAR LESSONS Clossrcal and Popular Marcel Potvin Guitar SlbleL7RO1489 ACCORDION gurtbr piano organ begin net and advanced Two months trial instru ment loaned for home practice Canadian Academy ofMuSic I21 Boylield 7281799 PROFESSIONAL GUITARIST giving 1mm in clossrcnl popular and rock Cull Gary 7269098 SIMCOE DRUM STUDIOS Lessons by prolesmonal drummer Exp in studio recording TV etc All styles any age Ken King 7262903 BARRIE SCHOOL or BRASS Professranol in slrmtion trumpet trombone French horn 5peltia attention to beginners Arthur Burqm 7261084 CHRISTMAS PORTRAITS of you for your loved ones or of your loved one for you 0051263607 SIDW BLOWING CALI JIMS SNOWBLOWING for cllon driveway 7269059 or 7372345 DOUGS SNOWPLOWING Residenth and Commercial Show romoval survicn rodio dispatched trucks 7288460 MBH SNOWPLOWING Commercial and Resrdentiol Reasonable tutu Call Larry 7261599 77 COWIERCIAL for For small Also Haulage Cull on AUCTIONEERS Pro mptserv1c6737OB79 DRIvEWAvs And Ian plowod Reasonable rates THE WEED MAN 7372721 SNOWPLOWING 24 hour service No iob too small 7760997 SNOWITowING ltuiduitlol and commercial Reasonabln tofu Prompt service Radio dispplchad 7287096 snowmowmo Rosiduntiol andFull In dustrial Phone737r1576 SNOW REMOVAL SNOW AND ICE removal from Ibofn etc Also snowplowing Prompt urvlco 4873141 REYNOLDS TV SERVICE Repairs to color black and whit TV storm etc All molten and models 4246181