Bayfeld Mall MALL HOURS 930 to 930 Mon to Sat 88 Dunlop St Barrie Phone 7266585 45 Dunlop StW Barrie llorry hrislmax from In Flames DRIVING SCHOOL HARPER TIRE mglrgislEAGUEGRADUATE Sales SerVIce oMNINGsswerlfggyggffnu emem er at your ChrlStmas tree 34 Anne ST and its decorations are potential fire hazards Your tree should be fresh and should stand in water replenished daily Locate it away from the fireplace and use only CSA 7286175 autobaus MARKS 60 Farvievr Rd 7370100 approved lighting system Disconnect was the latter at bedtime or when leavmg 312 Bayfield St ORCHARD FRESH PRODUCE 534 BAYFIELD ST 7373413 the house Clear wrappings away 7374412 from the tree as soon as gifts are opened Entertaining is at its peak during the festive season so be sure there are plenty of large ashtrays for smoking guests STECKLEY FUNERAL HOME lTD 30 Worsley St 7285553 GIVRARD BROADIOOM WE Wlll NOT BE UNDERSOLD NORTH BARRIE PlAlA 1280899 SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP xix 259INNISFILST 7266531 PLEASANT PLACE TO SHOP err Christmas BAYFIELD Hollday Inn OPTICAL Barrie ammo MALL 737M 72861 91 III 165 Ferris lane Barrie 7266558 PETERREINO SKI SHOP Hwy 2627 Barrie 7373132 IIIII Brass Glenn 1d Brass Mens Wear Dunlap 51 ltd 7285353 Georgian Mall 7371 924 Mel Brass Clothing rm nu MR BIG BOYS WORLD Bayfield Mall 7371 879 lull mu 31 lt FOR FIRE SAFE CHRISTMAS nsmwooosrows Make fresh diagonal cut on Use glass wool or asbestos Hilï¬glï¬lflf trunk before setting up tree snow instead of cotton on tree Stand the tree in large con Add water to the stand every tainer that holds plenty of water day Anchor the tree securely placing Dont overload electrical circuits it away from any heat Replace blown fuse with one Inspect light strings for damage the same size and frayed cords Dismantle and remove the tree as Office Supplies and Stationery 7374132 soon after Christmas as possible Enioy Happy Safe and Fire Free Christmas MOLSONS fix17 714211 22ka