Friday Dec 14 1979 CIRCULATION 7266539 NEWSROOM 7266537 Walking the beat servmg borne and simcoe county Publisned by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited l6 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario LAM 4T6 Bruce Rowland publisher ADVERTISING 7266537 CLASSIFIEDS 7282414 helps police city Barrie city police are taking fur ther steps in becoming more visi bleforce Starting later this month officers will begin walking the beat 15 minutes of each hour in an effort to get out of the cruiser and onto the streets Besides energy savings the move Will bring individual officers and the force in general closer to the citizens of Barrie At the same time it may bring them into closer con tact with the element of society than ends up meeting police on more than an informal basis The move approved by the Barrie police commissioners is one that should be applauded In fact city police have taken number of positive steps these past few months to improve police prac tices One was the announcement last month to increase the size of the force by five new officers This too was decided with an aim to bring police protection closer to public View At the commission meeting this week new work schedule was ap proved based on five platoon system to replace the existing three shifts This move too is aimed at providing visible force and to reduce sick time abuse We tip our hats to the city force and commissioners for positive planning in making these decisions affecting protection of Barrie citizens Second increase hurls even more Its difficult to know whom to blame most for those soaring gasoline prices You might look to the federal government and their 18 cent gallon tax increase slapped on after Tuesdays budget announcement Or you might try certain gasoline companies for increasing their prices at the same time At least the government gave us public warning The gasoline com panies on the other hand gave no public warning at all One such company raised its own price to the vendor the day after the budget was announced The move was so sudden even sta tion owners were caught unaware As one such owner said he didnt want his customers to think he was making the extra mnnev Youd at least have thought the company could have waited de cent time until the public had ab sorbed the tax shock It didnt It Just went ahead on its own and rais ed the price With energy becoming more and more concern youd think gasoline increases would be regulated through the federal government Ramming them in unannounced as we saw this week only raises suspicions about the whole energy Situation The trouble today is that there isnt any control on gasoline prices or any other prices for that matter If things continue as they are thats step Ottawa might have to con sider once again letters to the editor Sir As recent citizen of Barrie and conCien tious Canadian find myself frustrated and concerned over the poor service of the Barrie City Transit If the link between being Canadian and transit user is not clear allow me toexplain Since we are facing an energy criSis more people find themselves relying on public transportation in cities across Canada thii service is inefficient people abandon their noble attempts to save energy by rely ing on mass transit and turn once again to cars and cabs Since moving here in June am appalled at the lack of buses serving the Bayfield Street stri less than seven or eight times have been forced to wait an extra halfhour downtown because the Cundles bus was late due to traffic congestion on Bayfield and we passengers watched in impotent rage as the rest of the fleet pulled away from the depot In numerous times due to pressing engagements Ive been force to hire cab to complete my journey across town Buses run ning every 15 minutes during peak hours would improve the sitution Also puzzle to me is why the Georgian Mall is only accessable to those with cars or lots of money to fritter away on cabs This is not luxury but necessity With inflation squeezing our pocketbooks and gas rationing looming on the horizon and other transit users would hope the town council seriously consider the benefits to both in dividuals and the downtown core if gas guzzl ing cars were left at home in favour of an effi cient transit system that serviced all of Bar rie Lenora Hill Tired and miserable illegals crowd Hong Kong By BARRY MOODY HONG KONG Reuter More than 70 tired and miserable Chinese were crammed into cabin where eight men usually sleep At the entrance weary marine police holding long batons leaned against the wall guarding the latest group of illegal ini migrants caught in wave from China that write your mp mPP It you would like to write your Member of Parliament or Member of Provincial Parlia ment printed below are their mailing ad dresses lt you send us copy of your letter it might be suitable for our Letters to the Editor columns After all if there is matter of concern that makes you want to write to your MP or MPP if it is not personal matter it should be of interest to your friends and neighbors too FEDERAL IONSTEWAIII MP Simcoe South Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont GISMITGES MP rGreySimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont W0 lEWIS MP7 Simcoe North Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont PENIN BEAT MPWeIingtonDulIerinSimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont PROVINCIAL Gum Taylor MPPvSimcoe Centre Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto Gordon Smith MPPSimcoeEast Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto Gouge Alec9w MPPDufferin Simcoe Queens Park Toronto has forced Hong Kong to deal with one of its worst problems for two decades The crammed cabin on Police Launch 51 vividly illustrates the enormous task facing the British colonys police and security forces They are catching so many illegals in the waters around the British colony that one of their greatest difficulties is logistical how to hand them over to land forcvb and get back on patrol before hundreds more flood in Radios on the command launches con trolling each of the four sectors around Hong Kong constantly crackle with requests from other launches and navy vessels for assistance in ferrying their human cargo CREW KEPT BUSY Inspector Ngai Hoi commanding Police Launch 51 said half his llman crew stand guard while the others control the launch and watch for more immigrants in the darkness None get any sleep Officials say at least 100000 illegals have evaded patrols this year and swelled the five niillion population of the alreadyovercrowded colony Another 60000 have come in on short term permits from China Most of them never return Security forces have captured and repatriated more than 60000 The situation has become serious irritant in generally excellent relations between China and Hong Kong The flood into the colony this year the greatest since 1962 has increased the population by three times the rate allowed for in government planning and placed an enormous strain on social services Squatter townships are expanding fast There are fears that Hong Kong cannot absorb so many people and alarmed officials have made urgent representations to Peking bible thought Then shall he answer them saying veri ly say unto you inasmuch as ye did it not unto the least of these ye did it not to me Matthe 2545 great deal of our devotion to God can be determined by our dedication to serving each other By this shall all men know what ye are my disciples if ye love one another BUSINESS 7266537 ADVERTISING BillMcFarla eedl sevesmnner Marion Hearty Calvin Felepchuk RE FORTE RS Stephen Nicholls Dennis Lanthier Peter Clark oa Eggcgohegnuer tan MacMurchy Tony pane Carol Bowels Richard Thomas CLASSIFIED Sue Bowen camera operator Terry Field Cathy Heather Mary Delaney Peter Roberts Alison Merkei Freda Shinner Janice Morton Carol Bowles EDITORS Craig Elson managing editor zléesvd manw Stan Dldzbalis CIIY editor Aden Smim Peggy Chapell supervisor GALLUP POLL llVMAt guy Ath SEPI 99 w119v DEG BUSINESS COMPOSING ROOM Marian Gough accountant Jack Kerney foreman Published dgily except Deiva Mills Glenn Kwan asst toremar Sunday and zikki Don Saunders statutory holidays 0N Lornewass Ex rn John Shunk WillCadogan Sign CIRCULATION 53 WHY Bill Halkes manager gill zolynor YEARLLQYOCMHN 32 oarllighlon assstant managerr EgnAuegsy BY MNL Barrie Mammal Alva LaPlante Janie Hamel Lisa Warry Susan Kitchen SIMCOE COUNTY Elaine Burton Yvonne Sierps $3900 CherylAiken PRESSROOM MOTOR THROW OFF Al Hanson foreman $4150 year 0° 63355 meme ELSEWHERE IN CANADA Fred Prince 1003 Kim Pattenden Opposition uses budget to mount attack on Tories By DEREK NELSON Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO Much of the reaction to the federal budget by Ontario politicians was un fortunately the usual ritual condemnations that accompany any tax hike needed or not Both Liberal Leader Stuart Smith and NDP Leader Michael Cassidy attempted to link the provincial Conservatives to their federal cousins People should remember that the real sponsor of Crosbies budget is Bill Davis and his Big Blue Machine Cassidy said That rather wild leap in imagination results from the wrong assumption that pro vincial Conservative organization catapulted the federal Conservatives into power In fact any voter could tell Cassidy the peo ple elected the Conservatives almost solely to rid themselves of the incompetent Trudeau federal Liberal regime TORIES T00 Still the Tories used to play the same silly game of linking federal and provincial Liberals so one supposes turnabout is fair play In any case it insults the voters in telligence People are quite capable of telling one government from another when they get to the ballot box Premier Davis came closer to reality with his criticisms of the budget but even what he said sounded mostly like ritual repeating old positions that distance himself from Ottawa Harsh words about oil and natural gas price increases were as expected partly because FROM THE LEGISLATURE the Ontario economy does suffer from such changes and partly because it protects the provincial Tory flanks against Liberal and NDP sniping Still Davis like everyone else knew the bikes were coming and anyone who persists in believing the age of cheap energy is not over IS living in dream world GOOD BUDGET It would have set nice precedent if so meone in Ontario had said the truth that Crosbies budget was not only necessary but very good considering current problems The federal government is finally trying to put handle on their incredible deficit four times US levels in per capita terms and the prime cause of our inflation If we insist on overspending then we must tax and who better to hit than smokers drinkers and drivers with cushion for home energy use through the energy tax credit Britain appears spoiler in European Economic group By JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Britain may appear to be the spoiler in European Economic Community which is facing growing internal problems The British through Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher have asked the EEC to reduce their financial burden since Britain now pays the largest share of costs for runn ing the EEC also called the European Com mon Market This is true even though Britains standard ofliving is now lower than those of West Ger many the Netherlands and even of Belgium and Luxembourg Mrs Thatcher would like an early re distribution of the $12 billions annually now needed to run the Markets mechanism with less of it spent propping up highcost Euro pean agricultural methods This has been very sore point with the British and with both Labor and Tory govern ments British agriculture is more efficient than the farm sectors of say France or Italy their fellow market members The fact is very large 70 per cent of the Common Markets spending goes into protec tionist farm policies Nor is there much chance this pattern will be reduced with the prospects of Portugal Greece and Spain coming in as full members of the EEC in the 19805 all important agrarian nations Indeed Greek entry has already beenap proved for 1981 based on major concessmns for Greek farm products in the Common Market UNCERTAIN MEMBERS In other parts of the Common Market Den mark remains shaky member havmg decided by only slim parliamentary vote to enter the system in 1973 Italy with large internal somal and economic problems not the least of which is chronicallyhigh unemployment is angry at the West Germans and the French for wan ting the immigrant labor to go home Much of it came in the boom years of the early 705 from Italy Turkey and Spain the latter two nations not being EEC membeis Belgium is bothered again by the historic mixture of racial and economic conflicts These are affecting her traditional ability to be highperforming export country The Norwegians decided by parliamentary vote to stay out of the now 22 yearold Euro pean system of economic integration The British Prime Minister is in no way suggesting that her country is planning to ease out of Europe but may want some changes in the finances of the Common Market at the next meeting in February We are in and we are staying in she said recently Meantime the Common Market has made some solid gains during the year now closing Fixed monetary rates among the nine member nations were achieved during 1979 The directlyelected European Parliament the dream of all the great common market planners of the early 19503 finally became reality few months ago The European nations are all worried about the future of their crucial Middle Eastern oil supply about half of their total offshore re quirement coming from this region NATO ENTERS IN And finally American proposals for diversification of mediumrange nuclear missiles through the NATO relationship is receiving mixed response with The Netherlands opposing any such extension NATO and the EEC are linked since defence expenditures bear directly on future priorities of the member nations economies The first year of the BOs is going to be tense one for Western Europes Common Market and the nations it comprises tisement Difficult to accept fact miner Is member of The Consolan Press CP and Audit Buruuot ClreCSIoTIons ABC Only the Conadlan Press may republish news stories in this newspaper credited to CP The Associated Press Reuters or Agenco FrancePresse and local news stories published in The Examiner The Examiner claims copyright on all Original news and advertising material created by its employees and published in this newspaper Copyright registration number 203815 register at National advertising offices 45 Queen St Toronto 0641710 640 Cathcart The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages orls ing out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space ac tually occupied by that portion ol the advertisement in which the error oc curred whether such error is due to the negligence of its servants or other wise and there shall be no liability lor noninsertion of any advertiseth beyond the amount paid or such advertisement The Publisher reserves the right to edit revise classify or reiect an adver Turner out of leadership By STEWART MacLEOD Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service Even though he had never said he would be candidate its not easy to accept the fact that John Turner will not be seeking the leadership of the Liberal party had never seriously considered the possibility of him not running Ever since he entered Parliament back in 1962 it seemed to be only matter of time before the handsome lawyer would become leader of his party And when he finished third on the final ballot in the 1968 convention that elected Pierre Trudeau to the leadership it was generally assumed that if Turner could just bide his timehe would be Shooin the next time Even when he suddenly quit as finance minister in 1975 and announced with some suggestions of policy disagreements that he was leaving public life behind him few people really thought that he was through with politics In fact his move was widely perceived to have longterm political ramifications Given the partys historic tradition of alternating between French and English leaders many thought that Mr Turner was clearly improving his quali fications by moving as it were to the Englishspeaking capital of the country There arent that many handsome fluently bilingual Bay Street lawyers with highlevel parliamentary experience PLOT PERCEIVED am not even thinking about politics Mr Turner would say from time to time But it was assumed he was merely toying with his questioners We all knew or thought we knew that John Turner was just itching to get back to Ottawa Why he couldnt even stop writing about politics He churned out controversial newsletters some of which were highly critical of the Liberal govem ments economic policies Even this was seen as part of carefully plotted scenario At time when the governments popularity was in the pits and Pierre Trudeaus economic leadership was under constant attack it wouldnt hurt to offer few criticisms Furthermore this would help eliminateany suggestion that Turner was the establishment man in any future leadership convention Just about everything John Turner did in the last 17 years was viewed in the context of him becoming party leader some day Even at the last Liberal policy convention in Ot tawa group of Turner supporters had hospitality suite in the hotel We just want to keep people talking about John said one of the occupants They did too INTEREST ASSUMED These people many of them relatively close associates of their political hero assumed like the rest of us that when Pierre Trudeau would decide to step down that John Turner would decide to step up dont know whether he encouraged these thoughts privately with his friends or whether they like the rest of us didnt take very serious view of his proclaimed disinterest Perhaps it was because John Turner seem ed such total political animal He looked like politician he acted like politician whether slapping you on the back smiling professionally at camera or joining in bar room singsong Sure he might be hauling in $20000tyayear in his law practice but that we assumed was merely lucrative pause in John Turners determined trek to the prime ministers office Now dont know whether we were all wrong from the beginning or whether Mr Turner had privatel pursued the leadership but changed his mind in the last few days do know that hundreds of phone calls had been made on his behalf in the two weeks preceding his announcement but dont know whether he instigated them He was grateful for the encouragement he said but after the deepest reflection have not chang ed mv mind Carter steps up pace of economic war on Iran By GLENN SOMERVILLE WASHINGTON CP The Carter administration seems to be stepping up its economic conflict with Iran in an at tempt to all but cripple that countrys Manual and commercial relations with the rest of the world Since Nov 14 when US authorities froze the estimated $8 billion in Iranian assets in the US the administration has been in creasmg the pressure against Iran in an effort to free the US hostages in Tehran But there are signs this unilateral action by the US and its efforts to involve Western allies in what threatens to become outright economic war against Iran are running into trouble The freeze of Iranian government assets by the US and particularly the extension of thal freeze to Iranian assets held in foreign branches of US BANKS has weakened the US dollar and created unease in other Middle East oilproducing countries Some countries consider freezing Iranian assets in foreign US bank branches as challenge to their sovereigntv Mexico is reported ready to drop the dollar as the ex change currency for trade in petroleum in retaliation JAPAN RELUCTANT Japan which imports aboutll per cent of its oil from Iran is reluctant to join in any broad US economic offensive That brought blast from US State Secretary Cyrus Vance who charged that the Japanese were profiting from the situation by rushing to buy Iranian oil at extraordinarily high prices that formerly went to the US The exact nature of the actions Vance and other key Carter administration figures are trying to convince US allies in Europe to undertake remains mystery It could be an embargo of shipments of military and in dustrial equipment to Iran possibly boycott of food an medical supplies But the Americans will have to show keener recognition of their allies dependence on Irans oil it they are to get even grudging co operation for any of these moves The US has exhausted actions it can take on its own and has profoundly rocked financial markets with its freeze on Iranian government assets Crosbie budget holds incentives for investors By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Like the curates egg the Crosbie budget is excellent in parts Despite its shortcomings such as its bias in favor of the Atlantic region and Alberta and its inflationary impact individual investors will welcome the incentives to buy Canadian stocks Finance Minister John Crosbie has in effect proposed the elimination of tax anomaly that until now has discouraged holders of Registered Retirement Savings Plans RRSP from putting their savings into common stocks When you invest your RRSP contributions in Canadian common stocks you gain none of the advantages that are available when you invest directly the dividend tax credit the tax exemption on the first $1000 of dividends or capital gains the exemption of half of the capital gain from income tax If the Dec 11 budget proposals are ap proved capital gains and dividends from Canadian common stocks after 1979 will be taxed in RRSPs at half the normal rate rather than at the full rate as at resent Similar treatment will also applied to common stock investments made through Registered Retirement Income Fund BRIE NEW CONCEPT 0f even broader interest to investors is the totally new concept of Canadian Common Stock Investment Plan CSIP Briefly the idea is that any capital gain arising out of the sale of Canadian common stock wont be taxed if the proceeds are used to buy another Canadian common stock The principle seems simple and fair but until now the highly paid tax experts in the federal bureaucracy had been unable to produce technique Heres how CSIP will work Canadian residents will be able to invest up to $20000 in 1980 in such plan and $10000 year thereafter up to lifetime maximum of $100000 The money must be invested either in Canadian common shares or in securities that can be converted into equities lights stock purchase warrants or convertible preferreds Short term deposits or short term debt instruments are also eligible so that it wont be necessary to make an offsetting stock purchase at exactly the same time as astock sale Trust companies and stock exchange member companies will be authorized to administer the CSIP as trustee for the in dividual investor HOW IT DIFFERS The CSIP differs from the RRSP in that contributions arent deductible for income tax purposes but they arent taxable when they are withdrawn from the plan and also in that there is no requirement to terminate the plan at age 71 or at any other time The chief attraction of the CSIP is that there can be unlimited rollover of invest ment funds from one stock to another without incurring incometax liability for capital gains at the time For that reason the CSIP would be of lit tle or no interest to the conservative in vestor who buys stock and then puts it away and forgets it Income earned on the investments will have to be declared annually and will be taxed to the extent that it exceeds the in dividuals investment income deduction and dividend tax credit When theres partial withdrawal of capital or upon termination of the plan full withdrawal the investor will be subject to income tax on any capital gain up to that point Example Lets say that by the beginning of 1982 you had invested $30000 in your CSIP the market value of your stocks had appreciated to $35000 and you decided to withdraw $12000 The first $5000 being capital gain is subject to income tax The other $7000 being return of principal is not It isnt clear yet but contributions to CSIP will probably have to be new money rather than stocks already held prior to 19m it gt it