4A the examiner Friday Dec 14 1979 flunday tv MORNING 100 535 710 an ill 1100 NFL FOOTBALL ButtIo Bllle Ye SATURNIN LE pETIT 321m hiarhmthaet hye czzoeï¬llorhend antigen NEWS on such LES BOUCANIERS EAU 7=15 is COUNTRY CANADAAproIiIo CANARD DOUCE 900 CBC NEWS CHURCH INVITATION ol Newfoundland union organizer Guy Herrot 550 730 GIFT T6 LAST me Sung CTV NEWS 730 and an update on the eituetlonin Newtound TIP ET TAP MONK AND MINDY amlly hand by Mom Jam and Edgar NEWSWEEK DAY OF DISCOVERY End pun ll°a°m °IV°r OUT OF THE BLUE Randome band together In deaperate attempt to 111 22 JIMMY SWAGGART up as reau nt ecoeIngo at eeeione EVENING ggernlydlplzmet Ia putto aljteet vth he $aivage theIrtzeloEed asnIarflackDee thse NEW NATION BUSINESS one on ow amorIao aIn WInao eare roecea ae ea IKIe ee la DIRECTIONS NFL FOOTBALL aneeota VIlunae 600 Jason and Shene who have become rebellion Lirzy faith Springlord Clare Janet Amoa PfogorezaaivesgztmgviIZDIZï¬yjmme me ROGER RAMJET New England Patnota NFL FOOTBALL NEWS wetng carbon co Iee at each other Clement Mark Polley Jane Kate Parr 50 1120 mm 52 ma Mung DISNEYS WONDERFUL SPECIALLON ASSOCIATION CIRCUS OF THE STARS News WORLD EII tJ hBtt 1122 JIMMY SWAGGART COUN$XE TURES mm viewerazlrfra bna£ 19 QUEBEC Nous PARLE Tr °°° ms°bp9 NEWS DENTTY AMERCA the Olaney apecial ellecte department miere Pertie 593 rgï¬ocetglegaczrrrszrraz arcs pzr 1130 MOVIE COMEDY 130 iqh°£°m°s3rl9 megworms ONE DAY AT TIME lormera Pertormere include Loni Anderson BENNY HILL SHOW upsure Is company HYMN SNG 5° °° m° My WW 800 Gary Coilina Jamie Farr Berbl Benton MARCUS WEIBY um 60 mm THE BIG EVENT Chriatmea Lillea hard Hatch Ind many 0mm ms COMMANDER TOM SHOW FOREST RANGERS THE ARTHUR VMLE 01 The Field 1979 Stare Billy Dee Williama 25 VEGAS Den Tenna ie called in when MOVIE WESTERNCOMEDY PORTUGUESE MUSICAL REPORT Merle Schell dramatic eequel to the all the Roth Cnlnoa show an average in Cheyanne SOClal Club MIGHTY MOUSE 135 III WILD ANIMALS OF THE acclaimed theatrical lilm about lormer Gambling chlpe amounting to two million FATHER MEEHAN Id lara 80 rnlne 70 CANADA YOU AND ME 5mg Ejonéfséefwï¬ISUT 3n 71737 Jim ET I33 11 SOCIETE NATIONAL GEO flcgfyssgggfl 830 CBC SPECIAL PRESENTA NEWSWEEK DfPhIMnbY glam In orphanage and GRdAPHIC Lee Dernieree Tribua De 1140 en re ao OLD TIME GOSPEL HOUR TION Dieppe Thie special documente the 630 if SUPEHSPECIAL look at an THE EDITORS Hoet Greta MOVIE ICOMEDY DAY OF DISCOVERY ham and it mmmh nd survivor or WILD KINGDOM WOOdlInd Canadea Juno Awardwinning internationally Chambera Teachers Pet 1958 BY THE PEOPLE raid we III pan may playad In the muck HIM Newloundllnd renowned performer Gino Vanelli in concert 930 150 THE FUNNY COMPANY Sritlah Gerrnen Canadian and American FAMILY FEUD on tour so mine INCREDIBLE WORLD OI THIS WEEK IN ONTARIO ORAL ROBERTS veterane revrelted the acene lor the produc NEWS ARCHIE BUNKER PLACE ADVENTURE Sharu 1200 POLKA DOT DOOR tirIn°trgtt daaaczibe their part in the evente NEWS FACES MORK AND MINDY Mom 1000 SECOND CITY QUEENSWAY CATHEDRAL BUILDING DECENT LA 75 LUL °fm°n°h 3753335 PM ME SUNDAV ROAD TO MOSCOW Onehm MIDDLE EAST REVUE 700 MARKETPLACE wmI Joan eeriea devoted to examining and revealing the FUTURE marriage by chaining hereell In Mtndye living 900 SHA NA NA DISNEYS WONDERFUL my loan and am Paul beet ethletee who will repreaent the United OLD TIME GOSPEL HOUR EN SE RACONTANT LHls WORLD Malor Eflecte Joseph Bottom WONDER WOMAN Jim RdeedtaLeernhunprgcgdented Stunt at the Olympics to be held in 00 aee war orno WA CBS NEWS TOIHE DICI Honore Mercier Et Le Mk mum on bah 800 mm MOVIE THRILLER grepher Henry Champ deacrlbea the rgbuild MOVIE MYSTERY V2 DEPUTY DAWG Scandale De La Construction Du Chemin De ino at nation as he Yislte NicataOua in the HighlightingthetourleaaneakpreviewolThe House Of Fear 1945 the Dianey apecial ellecte department aomothn Is Rotten ITI DLBD Chl ourz IDSSHOW HM JERSEYYR EN erEaRISY WBINTEEHHESHOW BIk Hfgfgosï¬nmlwon Dim deep spce CITY LIGHTS Hoet Brian Linehan Iozkoet thiwrhavivlabrdr°rid 0i0 MOVIE I3M1iNCEDRAMA 915 PORTUGUESE RELIGION BEACHCOMBERS consmbla Duetln Hollmen discueaea hie new ï¬lm 12 us tN HATTYTOViN TALES 205 John leeda Nick one search lore nonexistent KLIMOFIVB famff hit1 Bzoadwaydcaéeer PAHLONS CINEMA wee 120390 er 99 79 SHULMAN FILE non 930 CBC SPECIAL PRESENTA 60 MINUTES H°k Shulrnen Topic The Food TrZSe IDrirecIiorI MOVIE ORAL ROBERTS TION Dieppe This special documente the 830 ADVENTUREDRAMA no tor Canada PINK CHRISTMAS There seems REX HUMBARD battle and its aftermath and survivors oi the eh in to ms Pink ONE DAY AT TIME 1030 Itcocklashe Heroes 1956 HISPANOVISION rem frag Enemy 33 Lack Foaming WI ie Igneaend csolernd hungry on SUNDAY NIGHT MOVIE An OMBUDSMAN With Kathleen 12530 menu Central Park bench in New York City at the American Christmas Carol 1979 Stare Henry FBl SESAME STREET vetarena reVIaIted theacene lor thIe produc Oar on Dori Hamwood WHOIS ON CALL Anracme CONVERSATION WITH SEARCH THE QUIET HOUR Eggetzflsï¬zse pa em 240HOBERT Thiba career seems LAPIERRE doctor Liz Spencer is introduced to the hectic LAPIERRE SOUNDS OF YUGOSLAVIA 230 to be ova who he Ioaee hie erijaht BILOF AN AMERCAN CHRSTMAS mo of interna at Manhattan Memorial 30 highapee craa and two dope vup ki in pitel REX HUMgAgoD CHALLENGE car turn gas atetion into deadly inlerno Siï¬nggguzgzprgoraogeeï¬rguszgzflg CINEMA Zezie dena Ie Metro WITH THIS RING $198 BEAUTY SHOW peat so mine SUNDAY SUNRISE PEOPLE CHURCH BenedIct Slede preerdent ol ï¬nance DR JOHN WESLEY errE NEWS SPECIAL company in 1933 Concord New Hampshire ALICE Mel quas having runny Do 200 zgngRongRGIN spANISH MAGAZINE i9 TROUSSEMITOUFLE SIade goes about ropoeaeeaing property tram £23322221soaï¬mtrï¬gtgrï¬352323 ABC NEWS ITALIAN PANORAMA 300 MATT AND JENNY hIe debtors on the day belore Chrletmae only Tommy 100 HUNTLEY STREET TODAYS WOMAN AYRAMIS GREEK SHOW YUGOSLAV RELIGION Guests Hank WIIIIema Jr 1030 23 MEDITERRANEE ROBERT SCHULLER ED GREAT NEws FOR THE KIDs ARE PEOPLE TOO WORLD DAY OF DIscOVERY 330 63 BARBAPAPA SUNDAY SURPRISE ED FESTIVAL PORTUGUESE GOOD NEws SOUNDS OF THE EAST SPANISH RELIGION 1050 400 GET IT TOGETHER MOVIE COMEDY my 1100 aicle on 34th Street 1947 OPEN RAP NFL FOOTBALL Washrngton REX HUMBARD akine vs Dallas Cowboys CORONATION STREET wngxigmmm 63 PEOPLES CHURCH By SPORTS HOT SEAT Kmswoï¬fao TINY TALENT TIME VILLAGES ET VISAGES REV JAMES ANDREWS tarlos FACE THE NATION GEORGE act la fetal ANIMALS ANIMALS 430 If ANIMALS QUESTION PERIOD 0th fvcï¬ PEOPLE AND PETS WILD KINGDOM more ping 1145 LATELIER DES IIIH l€jut Itvrlltlr FESTIVAL ITALIANo PlSSENLlTS nm KIDSWORLD iHII Itle IMI AFTERNOON 500 1200 06 NEws AND THIS WEEKIN MEET THE PRESS PARLAMENT IL Léiénérde pig If re haYmg trOUble FRANKLIN WALDEN gogmï¬xï¬afl QIEZZm senlits Corargor saber finding glft for that TALES OF THE PassePartout La petite iarwmeoneon our UNEXPECTED COMEDY SHOP Lulu MEETING PLACE MOVIE COLARGOL f3fjnHm Christmas shopping list 22 WORLD OF SURVIVAL Bones ADVENTURECOMEDY lgAï¬glJIlileTIu OUM LE DSAUngN OW Mb MUM an OML membemhip PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED 530 Canal cable For only $3000 you can give all 3° 12 cmE53P52333221C31°332222 the services benefits and protec SggACEDKgPRSUHT$w discnt wardsnt want to work lor hia NFL row 5259213325330 Eiiiffsea Things 111 24 H0 Emergcy R0351 Se 3535 ROUNDUP Avemunes DE BABAR Vice free Personalized Trip Plannmg 1245 AGRICULTURE REPORT to rAIItYIrw 7376100 at Contention north or Georgian Mall Wf MAN 1Il HUGE SELECTION OF ODress Fabrics °Drapes °Upholstery and Drapery by the yard OSewing Accessories AT REAL SAVINGS 547 Bayfield St Barrie heres our suggestion cident Insurance Its gift thats ful and useful all year round And youll receive as peace of mind this year And have safe and happy holiday Were more than just an Emergency Road Service Buyfield Mall Barrie Canada and abroad and free Personal Ac thought gift from us handy full func tion Sharp Pocket Calculator Its yours free give 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