nes roundup Transportation costs affect consumer prices ï¬gsefleinsr Eriéev 99c 141979 bilingual bill QUEBH tip bi iicial Engua eï¬ofthe national creating new bilingual laws assembly COWS IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IN EMA CENTRE 7283440 laws passcd in French only was mcpa mes an IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII adopted unanimously by the school commissions the power PERM MATINEES SAT SUN 130 OTTAWA ltlr sharp risc iii titlnstxirtatlon costs 628 am EST toda following reenlct the bylaws and Pushed consumcl lirlccs up onc ptl ccnt iii Nolciiilicr from eight hours oidcbatc rfguldhons French and October lhc Iargcsl montth changc slncc May Statistics Enghsh Canada rommh MM Ihc bill was made necessary Justice Minister MarcAndre Thursday whcn thc Supreme Bedard said these bodies could al s1 llgliil til I1 lhc inllatioii latl loi tltt months Hurt 0t tmhdi ruled Uh he affected by the supreme ending 111 Noyclillicr to ti pll Till slightly ahcad of tlic El 11 constitutional sections Of Courtg ruling and added that pcrccnl ratcrccordcdtor12lliolltlistotlctohrr Quohhds tharttr hf th0 french thig gm was taken ag Statistics Canada which illcaslllcs changcs in thc cost of mung making French the of melmtregt hude haskct of ttllllllltilllJllltlltlsttl goods aiid scrvlccs says higllcr trailstmrlatlon alid housing costs accounted for two thirds of II1 oycl all monthly rlsc As rcslilt tlic colislimcl pricc inch tor all itcms stands at 15178 for Noytiiilwr lip lltllll Hill tlic prcylous month and 1801 in NUVTITIIHI lflTll Thai mcans that tlic stalidard liasktt of goods and scrviccs which cost SW Ill 1971 the ycal thc intch hasl was set at 100 now costs Sill till Ihc purchasing powcr ot 1971 dollar in Noycmhcr was about 31 ccnls unchangid lrom tictoticr but down from 53 cunts car ago Quclicc national assembly at to act in the same way to 700 930 WIv The Human Adventure Is Just The Partners of Maclaren Co Chartered Accountants are pleased to announce the admission to partnership of Douglas Moon CA Allowed tare boost on short notice tIIAVA ltTli Air tanada Air and othcl airlines will Iic allowcd to lncrcasc Iarcs on short noticc to moot inr crcasld tutl tax tllc anadian transport commission said Thursday In ncws rcl asc thc commission said it will allow pricc incrcascs iI II is satislicd tlity arc olin to covcr thc 237ccnt agalloli cxcisc tax on £11£Illllll Incl imposcd Tucsday In tho chcral Iiudgct Iricc changcs must usually hc fllHl with thc commission it to fill days lictorc Ilicy comc into cIIIct Beginning 43 Collier St Barrie Ont Language rights protection asked lIVlA IIl Thcrc wclc calls in tlic Tommons Thursday for protcction oi Ianguagc minority rights across anada altcl thc Sliprcmc ourt ot anada struck down portions ol Qucliccs Iiartcr ol tlic rrcncli lianguagc and Manitobas ltIiclal Languagc Act In two scpalatc jlldgmcnts tlic court rulcd unanimoust that Quchccs 1977 la making Frinch tIic only official Ian guagc of thc National Asstmlin aiid its courts was uncon stitutional sincc it was contrary to Iiiiglishrlangliagc rights in tlic Brit isli North ilicrica Act Manitobas Iianguagc Act ciiactcd in 1891i making Engliin thc only official languagi also was contrary to thc Canadian constitllt loll Quchcc lrcmicr Ilclic licvcsquc said it took tlic courts olin two ycars to rulc against thc uclicc languagc law but till ycars to rcmcd ilijllsticcs against thc Flcliclrlanguagc minority 111 Manitolia Little comment from Davis TURtINItl itll lrclliicr William Davis ol ntalio kcy ili tIic crcatioli oI tlic icdcral lrogrcssiyc onscryativc minority goyclnmcnt last May ottcrcd no clllcs lhllrsday as to whcllicl hc will lcpcat his txalorliiancc iii anothcr clcction Davis said lic was surpriscd that thc govcrlilncnt full in nolicoiitldcncc otc iii thc ommolis on Ilillrsday night Iiut lcluscd Illltlicr collilliclit Last May Daviss Big Mac Macliilic cainpaiglicd vigorously tor Ioc Iark and dcliyclcd Stl scats in thc ployilicc major factor iii tlic dclcat of thc Trudcall Lilicrals But Iais alid lark hayc clasllcd lccclitly oycl oil pricing 363 11 Gold takes slight dip LONDON lAil Thc dollar Iirmcd on tlic worlds niolicy markcts today as tho pricc ot gold cascd trom Thurs days rccord Inglis Told was quotcd in morning trading at $17 178 an olincc in liotli Iitllltlllll and Zurich It closcd Thursday at Sill 73 in London alid $139 ili Zurich IIic dollar rccoyclcd sharply ili Tokyo against tlic yen in thc altclmatll ol Japans worst monthly tradc dclicit this ycal $2 ltHhiIIloli lorNoyclnhcr IIic CS culrclicy closcd at 213 to ycll wcll aliovc Thurs days Ziitl It Thc dollars tiriiilicss colitilillcd in quicl Eilropcan trading as tho markcts t111llltlll iii advalicc of thc hristmas and Nc Ycarholidays Morning 15 dollar ratcs coliiparcd with lhllrsdays late ratcs Frankfurt 7373 Wcst icrmali marks up from 17341 Zurich not Swiss francs up from 15973 Paris 1180 liltiltll tralics up from Moon Milan Nil Italian lirc upogtthlr cllicxczsaryrilsi IF YOUR HOME WAS BUILT BEFORE 1961 Paramount Pictures Presents AGENE ROOOEIIBERRY Production AROBERT WISE Ellln STAR TREKTHE MOTION PICTURE Starring IllllAli SHAKER LEOTARD illth OeEOREST KE JAMES OOOHAN GEORGE TAKEI MAJEI BARRETT WALTER KOEIilG NIGHEILE NICHOLS Presenting PERSIS KHAMBATTA and Starring STEPRETI COLLINS as O2 HAROLD llVlIlGSTON Story by ALAN OEAII FOSTER Produced by GENE ROOOENBERRY Directed by ROBERT WISE llEY regular passes Paranoith Pliillit Health care Home Auto UT Business focus es sarjeant on money Insurance Illttlfllll1l Ontarios OOBOIImeRdJorriva hcaltli tillt systcm Iocuscs on lNSULATtON wilt lusuuts your nous FOR mmmmm l the 111illt madc from sickness ratlicr than tlic nccd to kccp pcoplc licall Ii coalit ioli ot la bur groups said Thursday urlclit prolilclils such as budgct rcstralllts stall lcdllc lions and hospital closings arc dccply rootcd in tlic systcms wry stillctillc tlicy said 111 siihiillssloli to tlic tilltario calil am Thu groups Itll In IIlt till 10000 RECORDS tallo lcilllalor ol llliol said II1gtltll nccds to Ilt lvorga 75 come 51 IllHI to cillpllaslc plryillllyi Illulltlla am total approach lonlcdllal zlill txllll itllllltlll 1232 Homes built prior to 1961 are now eligible for home in sulation grant of up to $50000 Balance payable to Heritage insulation only Ffomme 559 when you receive your government abate that made millions believe in the unbelievable cheque Annuity Quotahons AND INSURANCE AGENCIES NO The Annuity Specialists All types oI annuities arranged with the issuer trust life insurance companies etc ottering the highest rate or the best contract Brochure explaining all annuities or comparison of old and new RRSP options tree on request 50 BRANCH OFFICES COAST TO COAST lOCAl ASSOCIATE REG lACHANCE Box 39 13b Boyfield St Barrie 7285986 ln mused through Niith Atom on litn mom LAMPOONE Ilium EANNAI Home 700 900 QIIIIIIIIIIIIID COMING FOR CHRISTMAS THE MATTY SIMMONS IVAN RIIIMAN PRODUCTIth ATIONAI IAMPOON ANIMAI HOIJSl JHN UTIUSI IMPERIAI BACKSTAGE 700 900 Our representative will prepare all necessary paperwork for you We use only CMHC approved ï¬breglass cAu us now on DETAILS NINTH uIIIIIIIIlIIID IIIIIIIII llb Part Heaven oo Pure Havana IIIIIIIII illllllflb THE ELECTRIC HORSEMAN MOVIE PASSES your best Xmas gift Enquire at the box office