13 the examer Friday Doc 14 1979 RUN YOUR AD IN THE DAILY 42artlcles wanted CASTI FOR DLGTDRNITURE books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends PrelOSOltems 720 8234 CANADIAN SILVER COINS before IP67 American belore 1964 No collection too large or smnll Canndlan Stamps old watches postcards iewellery 726 3162 4411095 and pets DMFON KENNELS Specializing In Hoarding for Big Dogs Caulson 0n tnrio Tnlnphonc 705 8115 S27 BARRIF POODLE Salon Shampooan and Clipping of all breeds 264 St Vintnnt St 726 4744 rilieliiivsiim LOOKING FOR WORK Present yourself the professional way with one of our indlviduolly prepared resumes COME IN and see us for fast reasonable and professional service The Secretariat Dorm TOODLE TRIMMING rolessronnl gtNeed help Just look over the ads below The ad 9mm mm 901 and do Iivnry no 37th Pet Studio wmnuc Am vertlsers listed are experts In thelr held and Wlll assure you TROPICAL FISH Best selection In TYPINOSMKB 0t the flnest lob pOSSlble Inwn Aquariums all Sires at unbeatable DWW Om pIlCt Evenings and weekends Etht hIIIAqunrla l43 Ardaoh Road In 0094 72809 tHE POODLE SALON Clipping all MWFFI3H brIetts Call now Iar your Dog Gone ap pnintment 726 41 esophla St MAYS POODLE PARLOR Protes rIplort hone 26 FREE PUPPIESlor Christmas 7weeks DIAMOND ALUMINUM AIUET 100 DRY HARD °730Id 3312113 oid com and mm male and VINYL CO CHIMNEY SWHPS Wmhvdaoym mmg female Telephonellï¬ 3344anytime SIBERIAN HUSKY pupples registered DON SIESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINIINC Siding Sollit lascla etc No Muss tnlOlIOI exterior paper hanging custom aooedmml ï¬ullvguaganwd Two NO FUSS work Salstoctlon guaranteed 726 6808 Engrlgsvmlxo 75738 0219107009 r2 mo REA90MB 16 FACE CORD $35 flighfinlï¬ 32 riéiiiiiiiééii 5535 Add an extra personal touch this Christmas Wish your FRIENDS RELATIVES and UNISEX 7267693 or 1263820 FREE DELIVERY mm 3ch ï¬ï¬gï¬ï¬j 153245 33 ASSOCIATES MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR in your own words hummumii ï¬ï¬‚lflcts RDMWV PANiTfFMWOdgglaï¬ with Children Reai pet Asking 8100 published in our SPECIAL CHRISTMAS GREETINGS section to appear on Christmas BARR TTCUDCVUIU TOPICC BOSI Telephonedlb ill il int mates Tale hane737l087 Ve Sails lt I4 has no 01F MM Al MMF Registered needled and warmed Will 36 CI SPKIALIZNGIH tramg Irmmlllg decks OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom hold till Christmas Eve Prices $75 at Isl eon ITKmsg r¢ moms additions etc 737l538 framing of all types We stock many sizes 25 728 6440 wishes exend Seasonis Greetings Autouric Asians My Prolosuonal servlco M0773 3770 PEKINESE ltyvo male on tamale 00 the Sm Royal Victoria Hospiml MWFF27 om 21 its WW mm PORTRAIT PAINTING INSURED HANDVMAN basements and garages CHRISTMAS PORTRAITS of you for your cIc REGISTERED om English TRAVELWAYS PART TME W0 rleotd trash and iulrk removed Small moving robs 487 3l4l Bus 7282073 Res 4873072 loved ones or of your loved ones for you OIls 7263607 available driving school bus Must be 7l Sheepdog PUPPIES ChamDIODSllD 50 years of age and hold valid drivers 436 3125 Stroud AUDITORIUMS AND HALLS WWW licence We will traIn you here Call OIAC Nil PULI AND KOMONDOR stud Servrce 728 S94 IF OMEINSPECTON SERVICE smw 3me Puppies for sale imported champion SCOTT June and Dick Scott WIsh Merry M909 Lfne 535 Eel5 uow ME 10 ml Ms suowmowmc I0 dean parems Also we buy VEpES TARA RETIRED COUPLE reQUIred to otllttli troll lam driveway7269859or7372345 KENNEL Regd Bradford RR ChTISImOS and HOPPY New Year manage small apartment complex wrth OVISIWGS New Years Domes DRESSES fll JOSIE AQUINO INSPECT 0M PLOWINS phone 376 neighbors on Fraser Street ECKZresleaicgii pghhsirfgeglnvdasgl55 IWO Wmlwwmmmws gowwndanm BEFORE YOU BUY FOR ADOPTION year old golden Banquets Receptions etc Up to ISDpenons telephone answering duties required in oOucis SNOWPLOWING Residental and exchange for attractive turnished lake no 27 90mg phone 726 1000 Avoid retriever female Lovable aerCtIonate those unpleasant sur Cornmercral Show removal service radio Suitable for older person or family with 7289902 or 726 08 ErENCEII SEAMSRESS warmly prises Inspection of normal dispatchedtrucks72B8460 childrenTelephone7266779after6pm sgmfpggcgfger cï¬nbsï¬qufï¬ggg LESLVEWVEW MWFAl9 Raidihli Lilli Ill SlrfnsRvoSoonablg house 525 MEH $NOWPLOWNG c°°° 47h°meim rovemems GUITAR TEACHER classical and 43656 Ca RMdenm R°°5°nablF 95 Cd L°Y VALW folk Apply in person at The Bandstand DING Simcoe Home Inspection gigchm IT TTWWMII AT Bavwwflwwflwï¬bflfl 000 MM 99 5° BABY SITTER wantedtromem to lo BOOkREEPINO CUSTOM DRAPES 4584760 27233£o393 AUCHONEERS Pm HANDYMAN To ensure that you are in tlme for Christmas call the CLASSIFIED pm in my home on Shanty Bay Road mg rnnl your so ecte forvarious types of iobs in and Monday to Friday Call before pm will iwk up and deli material IOyeorscxporlence 725 37l5 MWFD21 DRIVEWAYS And lanes plums he home DEPARTMENT today at 7282414 or mail to 7284864 726 I280 Reasonable rates THE WEED tlollll TRAVEEAGgm reahï¬eanï¬sfg3 7377szidhgmm ELLA Call The Emnmer years TA experience Pleae apply IN Rain CONSWUCUON Housermsmgv ioun SNOWPLONï¬ofmoimtrnur serVIce anflmas Greehngs C19 The Examiner Barrie LAM SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING SPECIALISTS dations renovations additions Phone of Ev roofing and roofing repairs riheetlmetanl 4362955 otterprn 7260991 F425 it Te BABYSITTER needed starting January iAi irvvï¬AiAVA if mumbusiness 21956 or in erslralen ew owe NORTHERN CAPENth Specializing in in BRADS SNOWPLOWING Resident Po Box 370 rue onMno Loggggryeefggoblpybgyéaï¬rgaysnugmy IETIO WWII Re °°5 kh5 bclh commercial Reasonable rules Prompt AFFTTii WÂ¥F WFmri Johnson Synge area 737 305 or personal service Radiodispatched 7287996 40 TD Set up maintenance of books Including FINANCIAL STATEMENTS WW AVAILABLE COMPUTERIZED BUSINESS SYSTEMS Including in ventory general ledger etc Call 7265218 if CARPENTER moonencot Renovations garages dinLs rm moms etc Free OSIIIYHJCS Billltliil1lCl 726 5708 GENERAL CARPENTRW Iv rooms addl lions OlltlOlUl Frop eslimatcs Call REYNOLDS T26 3853 PROFESSIONAL thllltoy sweeping repairs installation Genrqu LOIIIOCIOI Reason oblo IOIPS pllep sauna 325 6334 686 7817 ELECTRICIAN Does all electrical work Remdential and Commercrol Free estimates 7283075 FIBREGLASS REPAIRS FIBREGLASS REPAIRS boats snowmobiles anything fiberglass Free esllmotes Low wmter rates Workmanship guaranteed 4245802 PETER HENSTRA 737 287I Custom burlt fireplaces patios home fronts In stone porches chimneyrepalr Free estimates VIC WATSON fireplaces and masonry EDT free estimates phone 728 1599 SEASONED RED OAK wood for Sale Pickup or delivery Telephone 728I938 SEASONED HARDWOOD cord Phone 726 2548 SEASONED MAPLE and 05h Hirschleld 728 9357 535 per iface mu rooms ianelling finish work 7269002 STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block and stone work chimney repair Fireplaces specialty Free estimate 705 42155781 MIDIC INSTRUCTIONS GUITAR LESSONS Classcal and Popular Ariel Potyin Guitar Studio 7261489 ACCORDION guitar piano organ begin net and advanced Two months trial instru ment loaned for home practice Canadian Academy of Music l2l Buylield 728I799 PROFESSIONAL GUITARIST gi ng lessons in classical popular and rock Call Gary 7269098 SIMCOE DRUM STUDIOS Lessons by professional drummer Exp in studio recording TV etc All styles any age Ken King 7262903 BARRIE SCHOOLOF BRASS PrcIessiénaliii Struction trumpet trombone French horn Special attention to beginners Arthur Burgin 7261084 SNOWPLOWING Residential and small in dustrrdl Phone 7371576 SNOW AND ICE removal from roofs etc Also snowplowing Prompt service 4873141 TVli RADIO REYNOLDS TV SERVICE Repairs to color black and white TV stereos etc All makes andrnodels 4246I81 NOTICE leadllne for classrlled word ads pm day previous noon Saturday 40articles for sale MODEL 68 7372533 MAGNAVOX Quality At Its Best MGM TELEVISION Home of Magnavision VIDEO DISC Now on Display Itoarticles for sale 00 solid state °Moduar chassis Auto FT 49900 MGM Sane Day Service 28 ESSA RD DIt ROOSTERS SALES BARN AND FLEA MARKET All sales conducted indoors at 254 YONGE ST PAINSWICK Phone 737243I SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SALE Friday Saturday Sunday December I4 IS and lb PRICE EVERYTHING IN STOCK Except some consignments CARPET One hundred per cent mylon S3 99 sq yard 9x l25539 95 Adair Volume Sales 2i Mary Street Home POLY FOAM cut to size Barrie Tent and Anniru Company has great stock of poly foam to thickness Pro Inpt StLYVIEt reasonable prices 34 Baylleldstlevt downtown RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT for Sale Meat cooler Upright coke machine cash reglstvl meat Slicer ice cream freezer Catering equrpment 936 2588 RPM 20 PORTAILE COLOR lm solid state only $598 Under $6 wily Starling January 80 Oder tonit wctloall block andwhlte One hour delivery thZY ML new next door Id The Highway 90 Meat Market at Fmdole Oneiipurdelivery 737 HS TE MEAT SfLAt counter freezer with remote contr ls plus one Ice cream and mice freon Telephone 5313MB DIAMONLI ENGAGEMENT RING Sth no Dilin 59w SelI $606 835 SJI local CASH REGISTER $350 electric PIZZA OVEN and table model $3lt0 or best of fur Olllt mlin it Cunales Cum Lawn ll wales West 728 9lsl AKA SILRLO cogsette recervcr system mo Ask CV IUIO three war speakch oak cancels one year old bust ultiI 78 N90 FREE Lalgi assortment of Clothing excellent Ondlliil Sane stutled toys alsogood condition 124 6146 COMMERCIAL AIRCONDITIONER to tan 3phase water cooled with duolcompressor $1 500 Col IIM 7372412 DI2I4 WHITE CHEST 0F DRAWERS two bedroom lamps gray wool coat brown tweed coat Suede iacket with fur collar Size l0 7261171 PIANO Heintzman Girard piano upright apartment Size good condItion Excellent Christmas gift $1495 7281020 alterapm NEW MOLDED shower base 35 used duro water pump S40 l2 volt battery top posts fully charged S25 coal Oll stove Surlable for garage $20 726 0420 30 METAL PARTITIONS With ad lustable metal supporting posts suitable tor office Call Lus Smoke Shop 95 726 6774 76 MERCURY GRAND Marquis tour door all power automatic Air AMFM Quad stereo with track Twm comfort lounge seats 42 000 miles $4 000 Phone 124 6354 ORGAN Wis Hammond Romance 123 and bench excellent C0Oll0n Asking price $1200 Telephone Alliston 435 7363 atterï¬p nt REFRIGERATOR lrostfree Sl69 Side by Side $229 Grundlg reel to reel recorder office style 598 Telephone T37Il95 CHORD ORGAN with programmed discs reciers that play Instrumental background Records and books Includ ed GreatChrIstmasngt 3400 7281983 PIANO refinished beautilul ribbon Stripe mahoq looks like new tuned ask m9 $895 736 7324 NEW AND USED OFFICE FURNITURE Desks chairs and filing CaDInttS Great prices AdaIr Volume Sales 21 Mary Street Barrie ELECTRIC GUITAR Simcsans model gooacsnnition lists for SIG3 selllor $50 Ask tor Jean 436 Qal SNOW TIRES pair PIRELLI I95 l4 excellent condition 8100 Telephone 728 9796 alterop ARCTIC CAT snowmobile boots new size ll Bissel rug Cleaner speed record changer with cabinet speakers coffee end tables TV scoreboard game wooden chairs All reasonably priced Phone 726 8687 Itoarticles for sale Two floors of used op pliances and furniture CLARKS HOME runtilsultlcs TRADEIN WAREHOUSE is now located at the rear of the Discount Store 40 Bayfield St Good stock of used refrigerators stoves automatic washers and dryers wringer washers block and white TVs dishwasher stereo Appliances guaranteed for 80days Good choice of Chester field sets space savers davenports love seats recliners chests of drawers wardrobes kitchen tables chairs rollawoy beds bed outfits headboards bedroom suites coffee tables end tables and many other useful pieces DIS 15 Used Refrigators l3 cubic feet white from $139 to $l79 Adair Volume Sales 2l Mary Street Barrie WHITE CHEST of drawerSaTId mat ching dresser with mirror Call 726 6999 anytime YEAR OLD used Mollat appliances in need at some repairs Best offer One each of automatic washer dryer and builtin dsh washer Phone 7280656 SONY STEREO SensatIonol AM FM receiver custom turntable $343 Get tree speakers Under 35 wkly starting January 80 KRAZY KELLYS now next door to The Highway 90 Meat Market at Ferndale Onehourdellvery 737ll82 TF FIREPLACE SCREEN 27 43 also automatic phone mate telephone answering unit Both in good condition Telephone 737 4720 evenings TWO FANCY parlour wood NESTan ACE TONE guitar amplifier 7288234 TWO MATCHING swivel rockers Small round kitchen table and chairs Walnut hall console and mirror Torcan base board heater Satin swag lamp Excel lent condition Call alter pm 7371068 HANDMADE CHRISTMAS Ornaments and decorations also wooden baby Sleigh 32 doll books and latch hook pillow sham Telephone 728 5428 REFRIGERATOR harvest gold frost free 30 matching stove Telephone 726 7919 CHRISTMAS SALE glassfcnina foreign stamps heritage and craft items 7lVancouveistreet SHOT GUN 12 gauge pump with case and shells rifle 22 calibre automatic with scope Kodak Instant camera with case 728 3323 SHUFFLEBOARCS used I2x x22 PINBALLS reconditioned Phone 737 2533 between 726 2370 lrom6to 9p WANTED om Ullvmmo Gulls CASH 4362900 MWFDI4 Itoarticles for sale ELECTRONIC ORGAN electrohome double keyboard vibrato and rythmn panel $800 Acorn fireplace 75 aluminum awning with posts 48x78 575 Telephone 7285341 Two OIL SPACE heaters S45 and S25 Simplicity twin washer spindryer $200 Electrolux vacuum Cleaner SISO blen der s20 mixer $20 crockpot $20 or best offers Phone 4363057 200 POUND vinyl weight set with four bars and bench $55 4362009 TITANIC TOSHIBA Incredible 50month warranty Now $789 Order tonite get tree I2 portable Under $7 wkly starting January 80 KRAZY KELLYS now next door to The Highway 90 Meat Market at Forndole 7371 I82 TF BARRIE TENT AND AWNING C0 of fers complete repair service on tarps tents trailer covers awnings boat covers etc Also zippers medium or heavy weights Foam cut to size 5inch thickness 34 Baytield St next Clarks Home Furnishings downtown USED LUMBER 2x47 to 2m ssm boards and beams Sale on Saturday Telephone7263508 for particulars FRENCH PROVINCIAL tables Cherry wood three step one corner one coffee Like new sell all or sighi 726 3470 DIESEL GENERATOR reconditioned heavy duty diesel powered industrial generator 3600 watt Suitable for emergency power cottage or Small lodge 7280985 anytime FENDER SUPER REVERE Amplifier Shure microphone and Roland phase shifter all reasonably priced Also I970 Volvo and two 15 rims 7260094 VISA MASTERCHARGE AC CEPTED OPEN MON TO FRI AM 530 PM SATURDAYS AM PM lt9 lire PRATT MOTOR SUPPLY CO 39 High St Barrie 7287591 01214I92l SNOW TIRES F7ax14 plus rims also E78xl4 snows Telephone 7281278777 FIREPLACE AND stove coal seasoned tirewood and kindling Slmcoe Building Materials l2 Sarieant Dr 7281773 SLAB WOOD Will do snow plowing Oven ready rabbits Phone Ken 7289367 TWO UTILITY TRAILERS SUItable tor skidoos etc 5130 each Telephone 728653Wpm DISHWASHER Viking toploader cop pertone $120 WASHER automatic white 5125 WRINGER washer Ken more white $60 All Items good condi tion 72676667 boat nd motors l6 DEEP fibreglass I25 Eyinrude trailer $2200 or bestoller I4 aluminum 98 Merc trailer 5700 or best offer L58 9835 4241802 after pm 24 FT ST COAST Sail Boat cylinder inboard motor Salted all last Summer Winter storage and cradle All sailors and handymans dream Sl500 Take look 737 2980 42artlcles wanted CANADIAN SILVER COINS before I967 American before I964 No collection too large or small CanaaIan stamps old watches postcards Iewellery 726 I663 evenings 7263162 QESwANTED Pin SpFuEéfHemiEcR etc with large dlameters Budding With Logs Ltd 7261966 evenings 1735599 OLYMPIC COINS wanted Will buy sets or separate $50 per set 737 0923 anytime 487 3090 evenlngs oriweekends CASH PAID for standing trees sunable for saw logs or firewood Call 7377 156 WOODWORKING EQUIPMENT WANTED iointer planer band saw lathe drill press in good condition Telephone 737 0933 49Erhristmas trees 77 CHRISTMAS TREES Now on Sale at the KNIGHTS OE COLUMBUS HALL 93 Bercxy Street Corner of Codrington St SCOTCH PINES SPRUCE All Srm Intopcn daiy lull I0 pm D78I314I5 wusous TREE LOT lt MART PLAZA urrlELo ST Open daily pm to lo pm Large supply of ft to I2 ft Scotch Spruce Balsam DQI CUT YOUR OWN Christmas tree at Gillespie Tree Farm Make it an outing for the entire family loo acres of scenic hills prime scotch pine and spruce Your choice s7 each Free horse drawn sleigh rides weekends only Oro Line one mile north of Old Barrie Road or CDunty Road ll lollowthesigns SPRUCE CHRISTMAS TREES cut your own at Leighs Tree Farm Hawkestone Village 3350 Open daily daylighttildark4572645 WIDE SELECTION freshly cut pine and spruce trees Open days week and evenings until Christmas Price $5 up Blake Street miles past Grove on old highway IIB 726632i 57livestdck for sale HOSTEIN BULL for sale serviceable age Telephone 4873484 TWO YOUNG SOWS for sale second lit ter due soon srso each Telephone 7286656 59poultrychicks DEKALB READY to lay pullets Farm fresh eggs Laying cages for sale Craig Hunter Poultry Farms 4361811 FRESH DRESSED Geeééwlor Christmas 10 lbs and up Will deliver to Barrie$l503 lb Call 322Ill5 CHRISTMAS FOWL for sale turrets geese and ducks Alive or dressed Telephone 458 48827 66farmers market if FARM FORPROFIT SHOP SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP 726653 EIL 67fruits vegetables APPLES Apply Koole and Son COn cession Oro Closed Sundays 728 84897 ONTARIO RED DELICIOUS Apples $5 99 per bushel Bring your own con talners CANCILLA FRUIT MARKET I7Clapperton St 63personals CANISTER VACUUM Asf or free home demonstration today ELECTROLUX 7283392 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 72B 658 If you drink thats your business It you wanltoquitthals oursCaIanytime RIDING lNSTRUCTION ndoor arena Horses boarded Barrie live minutes Windy Haugh Farm 726 0l92 BOWLERS WANTED tor leagues form ing how Men women singles couples teams Call Kernpyiew Bowl 728 9761 ACE DISC JOCKEY Services New in SImcoe speCial introductory rates Saturdays 70 weekdays $60 Protes sional eQUIpment Ten years experience Lightdisplay Frank 737 4l80 FLORIDA SPECIAL Renting Win nibago 24 lully equipped Two weeks for $995 3000Ireemiles 728 8746 IF MATERIAL at Concession IO Lot 28 of Essa Township is not picked up within 7days same willbe soldfor storage ARE YOU UNATTACHED separated single or divorced Meet that special person Apply to Box 104 Owen Sound N4K 5Pl Please state age SPECIAL HOME NEEDED preferable in Barrie area well structured home with caring parents required for teenage bOY There should be reasonable super vISIon The boy enioys sports and Is at tending school Please call Cecila Burke Family and Childrens Services 72 6587 SMITH Will the relatives of Robert Dr Bernard Smith born Brackley Eng land brothers of Dorothy Smith once of 53 Dunlop St Barrie please contact their cousin Helen Whittle 33 Hampton Rd Teddington Miadlesex England or Ms PAterson Cassling 55 Maitland St No 506 Toronto MAY lC9 $240 24 word minimum cactl additional word Deadline Noon December 19th THESIMCOE RESCUES UAD tn isin 71helpwanted process of restructuring its Board of 7lh9lp Wanted Directors and would welcome input from people with experience in business administration andor financial ex perience Such position would be suitable for retired or semiretired per son on voluntary basis Write with resume SIMCOE RESUCE SQUAD General Delivery Mldhurst Ontario LOL IXO or call 7373738 TUTTTTCRTETS Tpair Ior Deéénwuer 30th Telephone 7285056 QUIET LADY wishes to meet only born again Christian gentleman 45 55 for companionship Please repl with details to Box C22 The Examiner Bar rle CA RIA CGA KIDS IN SCHOOL Sell AVON You set your own hours on flexible Schedule Meet interesting people Phone today and find out TELECARE Why fight your problem alone Let friend help Call Telecare 726 7922 anytime policies and procedures and AUTOS to Florida and all pointSWin Western Canada gas allowance Toron how easy lo 99 to Driveaway Serviigstielzï¬olsiw if Started Highest com benefit plan BIRTH CONTROL INFORMATION 56 mission Mary Street Open Monday and Tuesday 100 430 pm and Thursday 630 930 TERRITORIES AVAILABLE IN 11171737412693005fl3E BARRE ANGUS AND BIRTHRIGHT Are you pregnant and lNNlSFlL distresed Birthright really cares 166 Bayfield Street Barrie 73735150 Call 7289652 FSTF lNTRAMEDICAL PHARMACEUTICALS lTD IN ORILLIA has openings for AI Plastic Iniection Mould Makers and Mechanical Draftsperson Must be selfstarter Top wages We are manufacturers of disposable hospital products For appointment call 7053268100 Will be capable of working on responsibility HITCH HOUSE AMC We need topnotch flat rate mechanic who does quality work If you are licenced mechanic and would like career in busy new well equipped flat rate shop please call WEOFFER Excellentcompany benefits Box C23 The Examiner Barrio MR BOB WARDEN 726I71 DRIVERS WANTED Drivers wanted part time for day even ings and weekend shifts Apply in per son at the office of ALLANDALE TAXI LTD 18 Essa Rd Barrie ltitatltouselu YOU CAN EARN EXTRA MONEY AND WIN PRIZES T00 EXAMINER ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE CODRNGTONAIRFRT BLAKE ST IN BAYFELDMARY Phone 7266539 $ANFORDJOHN BRADFORD ST MTIFFIN ST NO 2005 EUGENADUNDONALD OREN BLVD COLLERDUNLOP Yes would like more information about an Examiner Carrier Route NAME ADDRESS PARENTS SIGNATURE Clip and send to The Examiner Box 370 Barrie L4M 4T6 AGE PHONE 72a 0733 leave message PARTTIME HELP needed in office work as well as in store Must have typing 7374232 SALESPERSONS required for ladies wear store full and parttime Apply in person to MamSelle Bayfield Mall Baytield Street IE wanted days week Painswick area Telephone 737 4430alter6 SKI TECHNlCIAN IorlulltiméwoFRin rental and repair shop Contact Barb Pieh Horsgshoe Valley Resort 835 20l4 CONTROLLER Heres an excellent opportunity for graduate accountant and bookkeeping Telephone aAéVSITTER Youll take charge of department numbering 6lmanage direct and motivate it Youll keep an overview of day to day details but youll know when and how to delegate Youll direct month end activities develop accounting utilize EDP equipment to provide timely management reporting Compensation is attractive and includes comprehensive Please submit your resume including salary requirements to THE GENERAL MANAGER CORAH LIMITED 608ELL FARM RD BARRIE ONTARIO LAM 566 EXPERIENCED ROUTE SALESPERSON required immediately for rapidly expanding company associated with the dairy industry Will have had several years experience in successful route sales although not necessarily in the dairy industry Will have record of employment stability own initiative Will have stong desire to progress and take on additional Will reside in the BarrieOrillid area Excellent salary and compensation chance to progress in our organization If your experience II in line with our needs please send resume to PO DIS EXPERIENCED WAITERWAITRESS Apply Queens Hotel Restaurant or call 7282424 DIS CENTENNIAL Auto Body requires2or3 year experienced BODY PERSON Tele phone 726 0481 LEAD KEYBOARD and vocalslorlform nouqRbanttem HOUSEKPPER for senior Ci residence Full or part time Telephone 737 3930 FLEMING TEMPORARIES continually needs Typists 70 plus Clerks etc to replace those getting permanent labs some from our clients Telephone 728 3309 BABYSITTER NEEDED in my home or days week am to 30 pm Three children involved Reterences re quired TorontoWellington St area 728 0997 7T2Salers help7agents TOP COMMISSIONS Sell anywhere part timefull time sideline Calendars ad specialties printed labels tapes ball pens office supplies etc Our 27th year New catalogue available Alco Box 3772 Ottawa BE YOUR OWN BOSS Extremely at tractive earnings Incentive travel bonuses No investment Training pro vided Independent Contractor to repre sent olct established 3A mtg ot protec tive coating and specially lubes knowledge at blag materials and heavy equipment aesireable not necessary Write Airmail President Dept CL Box 70 Sta Toronto Ontario M46 316 WHICH DAY IS BEST Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to advertise Each day new wants arise bringing new readers as old ones satisfy their wants We recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel it when you get results After many years of ex perience with millions of want ads we know tomorrow is the best day to start your ad and every day is the best day to advertise in The Examiner Classified Section Phone 7282414