ydgm the examiner Tbsrein lass134979 Administrators hail decision giving hospitals more power health care TORONTO cp pano the work duties of hospl tered nurse aSSistants do hos ital administrator lilac ms prolesSlonal Slam the ad some JObS preViouSly done by Thelhmmlgllas ligarkwtbla haileda recentcourt ruling that mlnlsualors sald nurses Who had more training comp amtA mm on ano says hospital management The court overruled 1977 and weyepald more Nulses ssocal l9 Zymg rather than the Ontario College Omarlo college °f Nurses ï¬nd wlllls RUdy aSSISlam pane carems Jeopa of Nurses can decide the duties ing that Jacqueline Brown di director of the Ontario Hospital Mrs Brown who retained nurses recioriof nor3mg at Ottawa Assoctation said the decision her job said Tuesday she plans The divisional court decision Genera Hospna had acted strengthened the hospitals to give the assistants extra win allow management to ex competently by having regis scope and fleXibilityto manage duties again next year Ann Landers Link hair dye to cancer near iiii Landers became prematurely gray at 27 and hated it By the time was 35 people mistook me for no liushaiids mother It was depressing decided to col 01 my hair and have been at it for l6 years It has done wonders for my morale About 18 months ago my husband read something in the paper linking hair dyes to cancer He asked me to stop told him would read up on the subject and then decide Believe me wouldnt be so foolish as to continue if thought was endangering my life So read everything could get my hands on and found no solid information to back up the claim that hair dye causes cancer In the middle of the controversy you printed column saying every one of your consultants Harvard American cancer Society etel labeled the tests tconducted with ratsv as inconclusive t0iic scientist said the findings were iidiciilousl Yesterday read an article written by you in Family ircle magaine saying youve been dyeing your hair for li years and plan to continue Bless you for being so frank Do you have any recent information on this subject If so will you please share it People believe Ann Laiiders Ill From ltlllltBl1ltll alif Dear ltll The latest on the hair dyecancer con troyersy comes from Dr Liston head of the ana dian Drug Protection Agency in Ontario Dr Liston said the tS studies did not justify any change in regulating the sale of hair dyes because of the technique used and the colossal amount of dye the animals were forcefed He also noted that in aiiada some experiments were per formed oii humans and hair dyes produced no cancer in the subjects tested You dont have to be scieii list to understand the most revealing fact of all In the last 20 years there has been tremendous increase in the number of women land menl who dye their hair yet there has been no corresponding increase in cancer deaths over this same period of time In my opinion these facts are lot more conclusive than the rat studies Dear iiii Landers laughed when read that letter front the person who wanted to know why suddenly the ads on TY and in niagaiiics and lltplpl seemed to be focus ing on womens behiiids You said maybe the world was comingto an end illa ha The person who wrote that letter was not exaggerating Ann Did you know there was liss lusli contest in Redondo Hench alil Thirty women entered feel sorry for the 29 losers Your Yestern Snoop Dear Snoop Shed no tears for the losers They can always sit on it Dear rnn Landers am the father of liyearold girl who is barely making it in school She has never flanked anything but has come close Now she has fallen for an 187 yearold college kid Hes been here three weekends in row believe school should come tiist so told the clown to get lost and come back in three years Now my daughter is mad at me Whats your opinion lioetlut Dear Fltllt Its best to accentuate the positive Exam ple It you raise your grades you can see Mr Wonderful one evening week Admit you were wrong and try it my ay Dad Redecorating is snap Wit TI XX One of the keys to beautiful home is lighting And when lighting sys tem is as versatile as TRAX rede corating is real snap TRAX lets you put as much light as you want where you want With its easytoinstall tracks and snapin jg snapout Iightspots youre in com From Classroom lo IOb plete control of your lighting From school to the fob Jan MacKenzie Simcoe County Graduating stu Whether its tor studying or keeping dent demonstrates how fast this change can take place To help prepare your plants healthy highlighting something special or creating atmo secretarial students for their future roles the secretarial teachers of Sim coe County needs input regarding what skills these graduates should SphereTRAX ISlhedea llghlng SYS have lf you wish to contribute any ideas to the writing team committee lemloany aClIVllY and anyroom regarding what good secretarial student should know contact Sue Before you redecorate think about Bulowka at 7281321 TRAX its versatile easytoinstall and made right here in Canada But best of all it can help make your rede corating real snap TRAX For new way ot light r4I Available at DARSCO Chorce of lightspots sizes variety ot tinishes Tracks are available in lengths 24 48 and 72 539 Bayfield St Hwy 2527 Barrie7283500 Erma Bombeck Eternal optimists Give hera KitchenAida Dishwashertrom FOLEYS Furniture Appliances By ERMA BOMBEXK We got to talking the other day about optimism and it oc curred to me that the only ones in the world who are actively practicing optimism today are dogs In fact Ill go one step farther and suggest that dogs probably invented optimism We have small Yorkshire terrier who should be owned by good trial lawyer who has sat by my chair at the dinner table every night for nine years waiting for something to drop He knows we have family history of never feeding dog at the table He knows we have children who have the agility to grab for cookie in midair and catch it in their teeth good three seconds before it hits the floor He knows Ive never been decorated for cooking Yet meal after meal Murray keeps his vigil his body ï¬gid and poised to spring his eyes shiny and darting his every muscle quivering The dog lives on hope Take the case of Murray and my mother She has never made secret of how she feels about dogs To her dogs are mobile germ machines with rapier toenails used to shred nylons who cannot keep their uncivil tongues in their heads You never know where that tongue has been For eight years my mother has knocked on the door then yelled Put that beast in the utility room or Im not coming in Yet for eight years Murray has greeted her happily at the door like she was covered with chicken fat Personally dont know how Murray does it He runs to the door with an enthusiasm reserved only for victory at the polls at least 30 times day Theres never peOple and places EuChre Public School 9th Line of In and Christmas cakes will be Plan now to attend the nisfil on Thursday December awarded and refreshments Christms euchre at Goodfellow 13 at 730 pm Prizes of turkeys served Admissmn is $150 aniera lub The Barrie Camera Club will hold its regular meeting at 61 Wellington Street West at pm lhursday December iii For further information call Ralph llart at 726698 even ings only MS Society The annual hristmas dinner for the Simcoe ounty chapter ot the Multiple Sclerosis Socie ty will be held at St Georges Parish Hall Allandale at 630 pm Thursday December 13 Bring the family or friend for nominal charge Speaker will be Anne Graham HN on research For information or reservations call 7264380 Timothy hiistian lomothy Christian School iii vites the public to hear their hristmas program Oh ome LmTFFri anyoneattlicdoor for him lllg£l4lll3ï¬ Vlhcn you put him in the car to take him for ride he goes In Ollegv crazy with anticipation Yet he has never gone anywhere but totlie vet for shots Turkey Bing hav kï¬llchedllï¬ltg in am yard ghasing lizargs For nine 1h Comm years as Sta an pounce until dehy ration and 131illl013 Turkey Billy exhaustion set in Yet he has never admitted that the last time dog caught lizard thelizard was on leash II lll ilghwï¬hvr veg mom and ur0ne 159 lltl ll leiel islilll ilioii IKll Degrees Saiiitiring ELDIBSSCTTEEPHL hiit gl Last night sad thmg happened dropped one of my at en to UN uh Wm H119 wdu pm cheese biscuitsto the floor Murray had been waiting allof 93 beta from lh Chen All lh lumng an Illen gdm 11h his life for sucha moment He sniffedit and work Is allmmaled DBMS and Ulfnrllllllllme fuliSlllrllllig ll This Portrait Package prizes fl llurkflyx arlid ill then walked may from it on isnt ais ez An md hwlle llhnlll pro Elllwng lx so drop in soon and see the line up of bUlllln and portable gin Te it MY hllhliml Said WCICOHKIO 10 mill World Mun ml rubbed pmitlmp than oï¬enng avanetyo poses tianu tais air two at cl It nines incliirle liichenid models lllli0l1ld dishwasher makes mg five 10 $1 and mu must lllilitlliiuic lirik ii St rith ycle for pots and pails Flo UlldtrlUI W959i It illrISlmH I355 for lhe hOIe 593 an ac groun ls moo entrance érds ingt Ilirti Forced ir Drying vcle for spot free dishes illll It Hs all 59 desgned to your portrait needs PACKAGE INCLUDES 8x10s 5x75 15 Wallets Charms $35 DEPOSIT TOTAL WAGE PRICE thiisiiiiashas conicearly at Foley Furniture and Appliances lheir pill to you the Interest Sale ome in lo loleys today and choese from quality name brand furniture such as Sklai Hiaeniore Kaufman lgteilcratt and appliances like Moftal KitchenAid and diiiiral The No Interest Sale on now uiil II December ll No down payment No payment til lam80 12 months to pay No interest or carrying charges AI prices include delivery SEE ALL THE FEATURS or KitChenAid® DISHWASHERS by SHOP THURSDAY FRIDAY UNTIL pm FOLEVS Back Home WED THURS FRI SAT DECEMBER l2 l3 I4 15 Daily 10 pm Sat 10 430 pm Ivoflé LJ department store 5315 56 Baytield St Barrie IST ANNUAL STUDIO CLEARANCE SAlE 25 OFF tIMITED QUANTITIES limited editions reproductions of Brass Etching Steam locomotive if if Err We Furniture Applances One sitting per subject No additional charge for groups 7°Pnklli Poses our selection Satisfaction always or your deposit 3533 VISA 158A VESPRA SI cheerfully refunded HUME ST COLLINGWOOD TEL 4450661 gi my 7283986