DEADLINES BUSINESS HOURS The Examiner Offices are open from 830 am to pm WORD ADS pm the previous day or noon Saturday for Monday SEMIDISPLAY 48 hours prior to publication CANCELLATIONS Accepted up until am the examiner Tuesday Dec 77 odopnzmdfhom The co3993 77 farm machinery 64 houses To rent 17 bit found 70 opportunity for men women 74 property for sale or rent 03 mwmobu 38 bussesmotors 41 cottages for sole 28 farm machinery wanted 65 houses wanted to rent 19 lots for sale 04 pasture for sale 61 WORN m°009°m°nl 05 space for rent 24 0P1 wanted to 18 com oppo unmes 07 0095 wamed 29 ID 598d grain 60 in memoriams 87 market basket 66 DOSIUW 1019 WWW anï¬d 02 stamps and coins 45 ping eqmpment 56 deaths as manual mmumons 69 momoges posture wanted 63 public notices 80 summer properties for solo 31 article for solo 40 card of thanks 86 dogs pets on 89 insurance mobile homes my pWSWGit 63 resorts 30 swap 46 articles to rent 43 cars for sale 32 employmem wamed 76 um vegmoblés 67 bndsm 53 money icon I3 ni 49 room and board 21 madman wanted 73 artrclu wanted 42 cars wanted 33 engagements 83 90099 25 hme 39 m9°ges 12 plums and bulbs 52 rooms to let 20 tends 78 auction solos 79 commg events 33 change garden supphos so 990 77 moorcydes 37 Danny and fucks 59 rooms wanted 22 ode schools 75 99 36 COmTWCiOl sale 9r 09 forms for rent 06 he warned monoIUD sale 57 nursing homes 15 professional directory 90 50 help 098015 72 trees and shrubs 51 auto sorvtco and repairs 35 construction machinery 55 forms for sale 05 home mprowmems Iivesmck wcnmd 58 0mm 50 to en 23 property for sale 01 service and repairs 54 truck and on 34 Offproperty for sale olproperty tor sale HEYI CHECK THESE MORTGAGES NO SNOW TO SHOVEL When you buy this lovely bedroom multiIevel home with baths finished rec room broadloom garage its condominium and has large mortgage at 10i°o due December 1983 Asking $34500 NEW LISTING This bedroom backsplit semi has lots of room for the growing family and is located close to schools and shopping Large first mortgage and low down payment Asking $42900 SCENIC ESTATE LOT SUBDIVISION 35 lots to acres in size with paved roads offering panoramic views or ravine locations with hardwood bush situated near Hwy 400 and ski areas north of Barrie Oniy $150000 down with 10 financing COUNTRY LIVING IN TOWN 100 150 ft lot giving complete privacy bedroom bungalow with more bedrooms in basement 4piece baths single car garage rec room Mortgage at 114° and asking $45900 IPeter Gubbels STANSFIELD RE LIMITED 13 Wellington Barrie 7282419 RENTAL TO RESPONSIBLE TENANT Modern bedroom brick home in pleasant subdivision con venient central location $400 monthly LEASE Ideal highway location for gas bar fast foods motel etc at No 11 hwy and the 7th concession Oro INDUSTRIAL LAND In town of Midland lot size or acreage Hydro and water on site Call Lois Stonsfield 7288082 REALTOR 357 Bayfield St Burrit 72158800 Toronto Line 8814171 First in homes First in service RoyaITrustYour ï¬rst name in real estate Royal Trust Corporation of Canada Realtor RoyaITrust THE SIGN THAT SELLS MILLER LIMITED REALTOR 67 DUNLOP WESTBARRIE 7261881TORONTO 3647941 Hannah Pentland 7288028 Ross Burwell 4589248 Ken Miller 4873365 Ross Miller 7370313 Harvey Weber 4363815 Larry Wood 4873148 Jim Bouchard 4365541 Morg Wood 4873148 Dean Arbuthnot 7374720 Gerald ONeill 7267733 Lois Nesbitt 7373466 Al Calhoun 8352742 Esther Kennedy 4245471 Louise Loforce 4873124 Mike Lysabild 7266054 IAMLv Vlul cannonnon annual 7282425 John Struik 7263555 IBill Sokeris 7371586 152 BAYFIELD ST CORNER OF WELLINGTON BARRIE 7262611 JimQuinlan 7260873 Helen Hopkins 7281662 Carl Emms 7285124 Rita Brewer 7286257 Judi Bean 7266114 Irene Little 7374266 Sandra Corner 4563419 Patricia Lee 7371418 Theo Achfzehnter 7371768 Jack Middel 7286799 DEM REAL ESTATE LTD MLS REALTOR APPRAISALS tlo HEAD OFFICE 98 BAYFIELD ST 7284067 ALLANDALE OFFICE 35 ESSA RD BARRIE 7372880 EUROPEAN OFFICE RAADHUISPLEIN 5980AB PANNINGEN HOLLAND TORONTO 4168899487 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL PM AGENTS F011 noun CONSTRUCTION lTD mollum mm room DEVELOPMENTS LTD WILLOW LANDING MIDNURST REID BUILDING 10 PRATT CONST LTD MULTI LINGUAL SERVICE DIIWoodword 4361524 PH Arbour 7263897 To Coirns 7280653 Lambert 7288001 hConclo 7371597 my Brewer CIA 7289745 MMIQRI 7263864 Bookhitixon 7373795 Ier Do Wide 7283253 MottoTitan 4873001 MN Mm 7263916 Frod Reynolds 7285333 Corby Adorns 7286829 Potor Gubbels 7282425 III Evonslno tol 3221575 BsrtCuff 7286334 John Colvrol FRl 7267726 DonAIori 7372020 Doug Boiler 7283274 John Strui 7263555 Satori 7371586 NONI 7267173 oljproperty for sale GOEDEMONDT RE LTD 7372880 35 Essa Rood Barrie Ontario LARGE lO MORTGAGE On this clean attractive split entry bungalow This newly listed home also features roughedin fireplace double bedrooms ll baths garage Asking $57900 ANOTHER LARGE IST MORTGAGE $312 MONTHLY buys this bedroom liistorey stucco home with front sun deck and heated garage on lovely large treed lot iust outside the city limits Asking $38900 Try on offer BRICK TRIPLEX Victoria Street all apartments in ex cellent condition parking for cars 10 mortgage due in April 1983 Asking $54500 BUILDING LOTS FARMS 10 7176 11 Bill Evans no toll 3221575 Don Allan 7372020 hDan Woodward 4361524 WATERFRONT PROPERTIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES If you are interested in any of the above please drop in or give us call We have several listings of interest to you GOOD BUY AT $38900 bedroom lristorey home in Barrie that has been completely reinsulated and has new aluminum siding and new roof large Ist mortgage at Olfproperty tor sale IAMILV vntinv Cunmnntiow nlAuon 152 BAYFIELD ST CORNER OF WELLINGTON BARRIE 7262611 CORRECTION The winning numbers listed in The Examiner Monday December 10th 1979 were incorrect The correct numbers are listed below The Examiner regrets any inconvenience we may have caused TWO WEEKS IN HAWAII Watch the travel quiz show QOINGPLACES on GLOBAL TV and play the minilrillrtt trust HOME VIEWER GAME Last weeks winning numbers 6000 2200 Family Trust representatives are distributing game cards In selected market areas Jim Quinlan 7260873 Carl Emms 7285124 Judi Bean 7266114 Sondra Corner 4563419 Theo Achtzehnter 7371768 55 COLLIER ST 7372101 Dick Richards 7285478 Al Beacock no toll 4873090 John Kuipers 7287703 Rick Harnillon 7288698 John Cole 7288017 Dan Henderson 7286065 Barry Cole 7287631 Steve Vandrick 7262398 Bernie Blum 4875540 50 ACRES for hardwood bush in Orr township Reply in writing Box 897 TheExaminer Barrie PRIVATE Ownir Trees Side split bedrooms den family room WlIlI fire place finished laundry room $52000 firm 726 3728 lMMEDIATE POSSESSION JDIPLIOOlti side split washruoiiis family room With lireplace garage lame lot Call Henry7171211Irgo Really L10 S900 DOWN 10i°a existing large first mortgage bedrooms finished rec room paved drive cedar deck Henry 78371211 Virgo Realty Ltd ONE YEAR OLD three bedroom townhouse baths carpeted garage $1200 down take over payment on pm sent marloadi at 10 pr cent 726 6386 PRIVATE SALE Your dream hone brand new house custom built one of the most beautiful homes In innislil Beach area Less than two months old fantastic deal Owner transferred south Call now 136 3771 St 900 EAST END Tr your offer lnI niaculate bedroom bungalow finished basement paved drive garage Call Russell Carsort Frank Nelles Real Estate Limited 736 6161 04lotslor sale transferred Tall bathrooms three WATERFRONT PRIVATE Prime building lot Tollendal Nearly acre 4873548 after pm DII 252 YONGE ST BARRIE 7282291 COLE 55 COLLIER ST BARRIE 7372101 WILLSOII 119 DUNLOP ST 72619387TORONTO 8844133 APPRAISING AND FINANCING OPEN UNTIL pm Dll Helen Hopkins 7281662 Rita Brewer 7286257 Irene Little 7374266 Patricia Lee 7371418 Jack Middel 7286799 TD REA TOR 252 YONGE ST 7282291 Jack Wall 7289850 Ed Bowman 7267000 Queenie Little 4361992 Elsie Wall 7289850 Maria Evans 726I740 Bernie Roth 7373664 Murray Stovell 4362306 Art Maw 7281346 Charles Tonna 4563483 MWFF6 REAL ESTATE LIMITED 7R llilllllf 04lots tor sale BUILDING LOTS for sale in village of Edgar Phone728 8067 LOT FOR SALE lull serVIce 60 150 price 525900 firm 37 Shorewew Dr Barrie 2311728 7810 MIDHURST and acre lots Telephone Toronto 749 6766 or 1305 754 6738 osfarms for sale 100 ACRES CF MIXED BUSH close to Barrie corner property Asking 369900 Low down payment Henry 7371211 Virgo Realty Ltd ITbusiness opportunities EARN UP TO $15000 PER YEAR Raise large bait worms in your basement or garage Com pletely odorless Small in vestment required National Green Proiect Ltd 1703 Mattawa Avenue Mississauga Ontario L4X 1K5 Telephone 4162764560 TSTF EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 07business opportunities 07business opportunities WOULD YOU INVEST $688 for $15000 potential annual return in proven business CALL NOW COLLECT Mr Chotham 4166369404 or write to SHANNONHAWKERSMITH LTD 1183 Finch Ave Ste 601 DOWNSVIEW Ontario M3J 2G2 FOR SALE IN BOOMINO CALGARY Sporting Goods retail store with sales in excess of million For details write to PO Box 173 Station Calgary TBA 26 D22 09commerciaiindustriai 111511 Industrial Commercial for solo or loose TF 7263422 1651 pa rtments for rent BARRIE ANNE GARDENS 259 Dunlap Si Spacious suites available Utilities included convenient location 7265771 TF MODERN LUXURY VERY LARGE and bedroom apartments for lease Quiet adult building No pets References 7289682 90 HOLGATE Apt 102 TThSTF WELLINGTON PLACE APARTMENTS 135 Wellington St Spacious 123 bedroom suites Convenient Clean building To view call 7267153 TE 15 FIGHT INFLATION RENT REDUCED or bedroom luxury townhouses Choose location near shopping centre schools churches marina From $299 mthly No dogs References to pm 7262361 or 7287798 TI THE MAYFAIR Nicest apartments in Barrie One and two bedrooms available with many features Bernick Dr 7372519 TF FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom apartments available Central Adults only 726 0988 weekdays THREE BEDROOM apartment upper duplex adult building Duckworlh Street Pay own hydro Stove fridge laundry facilities included 5310 men thly 728 1823 alter 11 LARGE BRIGHT bedroom apartment carpeted parking stove refrigerator all utilities included $286 monthly 46 Peneteng Street available December Telephone 726 9815 affer6 Right in your own backyard lies one of Barries newest 16apartments for rent ONE BEDROOM apartment available immediately Recently redecorated Married couple only Telephone 728 6929 TWO BACHELOR apartments air Conditioned $200 per month tenant pays own heat and hydro fridge and stove included Telephone 726 7282 after ISL IMMEDIATELY bedroom apartment 8261 includes fridge stove heat and parking New laundry room bus stop location 728 5816 alterfgo pm BRIGHIT NEW bachelor downtown parking and appliances included in rent heat and hydro or not $175 monthly Available Dec Ist Lease required Call Toronto 416 2490241 alter pm TWO BEDROOM basement apartment recently redecorated in Angus $200 monthly plus hydro one pet welcome references required available im mediately 4249982 any time ONE BEDROOM apartment near downtown available January stave fridge and heat included $200 monthly first and last no pets Telephone 728 6980 TWO BEDROOM stEvéJIriEgia IaLitTdry lacilities and parking adults only no pets Apply at55Blake No 201 BACHELOR APARTMENT on John St $175 monthly Fridge stove utilities and parking included Available immediate ly 726 2910 MISSISSAUGA COURT Two bedroom apartments for rent col ored appliances sauna laundry facilities parking Close to shopping and bus route Available December 15 February Ist April Ist Telephone 737 0003 CENTRAL 2rbedr60mflapartmrent with walk out to back lawn adults pleaseu husband and wile preferred one years tease required available January S225 monthly726 628737 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY One bedroom apartment close to bus ter minal downtown Barrie $205 monthly spotless condition stove refrigerator heat and water supplied parking extra Adults only Apply Bill Le Boeul Jewellers52 Dunlop StW MODERN one bedroom apartment near Cundles Broadloomed $215 monthly in cluding heat hydra cable fridge and stove Available December alst First and last month 737 2699 TWO BEDROOM apartment refrig erator stove heat water laundry room on bus route east end available January adults Apply 7261167 SMALL FURNISHED bachelorette cen trally located $40 per week availble im mediater Phone 726 6271 alter 4pm STATELY PEEL Adults no dogs Upper one bedroom 5225 Two bedroom ground Approximately $300 Partially furnished Cable parking 7260657 weekendsor evenings AVAILABLE FEBRUARY Allandale district Heated upper duplex bedroom apartment Broadloom park inqclose to shoppingbus $250 monthly Firstandlast 728 8328 after5pm ONE BEDROOM on Big r6u available January Stove fridge laundry facilities tirst and last months rent no pets Call alter4p 726 6725 BACHELOR APARTMENT ground floor heat hydro references stave washer dryer parking $225 monthly December 30 1979 143 Bayview Drive 728 2725 SPACIOUS BEDROOM Apartments fully carpeted air conditioning heating units Fridge and stove supplied Available Immediately Phone 737 3820 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT available January $270 per month in cludes fridge stove heat hydro Phone 726 6271 alter4pm ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments first and last Cable and parking includ ed 737 ms and most prestigious attractions$unnidale 23 Place Featured are iIY luxury rental apartments designed with every modern conveni Bright and cheery kitcher Windows In the breakfast nook Adequate underground parking pro tects your car from the elements Gleaming white rTwarble llOOredlobby Stained oak floors Fire piool and stun proof construction Highest QJQIITy wonrr oriship Airy sun becomes Individual thermostat controlled heating ence in mind IThouses to rent l7houses to rent 32cars for sale Ist Housmg Corporation Central Mortgage and SOCIéIé centrale dhypotheques et de logemenl FOR RENT TOWNHOUSES IN BARRIE 3BEDROOMS BEDROOMS $29100 $31800 to $34500 CALL YOUR LOCAL REALTOR OR TELEPHONE 7284811 BETWEEN 830 430 PM MONDAY FRIDAY THREE BEDROOM townhouses for rent Garage and basement Four ap pliances Close to school shopping and bus route 726 4338 ANGUS small country home with garage and acreage Suitable for couple Relerences Available immediately $180 monthly 424 0306 BEDROOM STROUD Shopping bank post office convenient Attached garage large yard separate dining First and last 5350 Telephone 436 1701 days717 3258 evenings FOUR BEDROOM house for rent New Lowell $250 per month plus utilities Phone 737 22911 after pm BEDROOM finished family room fenced yard cedar deck paved drive excellenicondition Call Henry 737 1211 Virgo Realty Limited LARGE FOUR bedroom house 229 Dunlap Street West $295 monthly Phone 726 5721 AVAILABLE SOON Three bedroom townhouse located in Barrie close to schools shopping and bus stop No pets Relerences required $330 monthly PhoneOrillia 325 6240 FOUR BEDROOM townhouse 172 baths garage fridge stove washer dryer Telephone 487 3372 THREE BEDROOM semidetached house three piece bath living room kit Chen small basement $175 monthly first and last required 1435 9918 BEDROOM HOUSE for rent Anne and Letitia area Refrigerator and stove $350 monthly Available January Telephone 728 0751 after 730 pm 20rooms to let ROOM FOR LET IN CHALET Horse Shoe Valley piece bath shared kitchen lacililies outdoor type girl need only ap ply $130 835 6027 after six TWO NEWLY decorated rooms in private home in Barrie Available December Ist $30 per week Call Toron lot 416 621 Iotoafterbpm weekdays ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman tun ches packed light laundry done Tele phone 728 6182 CLEAN AND RESPONSIBLE person wanted to share house 825 weekly Telephone 728 1770 PRIVATE FURNISHED ROOMS $35 to $40weekly SharelargeIivingroombath and kitchen all utilities linen ap pliances supplied Parking private en trance Close to shopping and bus stop Responsible gentlemen only Available December 16th Call 728 80107261923 or see 68 Cumberland FURNISHED bedroom cooking privileges central location Quiet young working gentleman preferred Phone 726 6383 LARGE FURNISHED room linens sup plied private entrance parking on Dunlop West 728 6730 LARGE ROOMS suitable for two peo ple also single rooms and shared kit chen 726 6392 21room and board ROOM AND BOARD for young lady in private east end home on bus route Home privileges Telephone726 0061 23oftices stores for rent 1200 SQ FT OFFICE SPACE 54F Maple St Available anytime 728 1743till 7pm 728 6899 after7pm MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large suites immediate oc cupancy short or long term 726 3400 Angeloff l6fapartments for rent Contemporer Cuslcn Kitchens With continuoOs cleon Oven and sell defrosting fridge Ceramic llle bathroom lloors Full size storage In all suites As well two raw cedar saunas and home landscaped recreational park are yours when you make Sunnidole Place your Please call 7373752 or drop in and visul our furnished one and two bed room model suites UlllllDAlE PLAC 12 KOZIOV St Barrie 7373752 Ageide Weekdays 11 am to pm Sat Sun 11 am to pm MTThFTF TThSF5H 23ottices stores for rent 1000 SQUARE FEET air conditioned office space for rent with parking spots available immediately Telephone 726 7130 NEW PROFESSIONAL OFFICE Pres tige area Ample parking 1100 sq ft Bell Farm Rd by Georgian College Duckworth Cloverleaf 726 0231 RETAILESTORE for rent 1200 square feet 40 Essa Road $600 monthly Telephone days 728 2422 evenings 436 2362 24space for rent WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM etc 108 Victoria Street 1590 square feet Gross lease everything included 4475 man thly Apply StewartWholesale 728 3051 PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 1000 18000 sq ft fully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks drive in doors 14 ft 18 ft clear part of large ex pending industrial mall 726 7130 1500 SQ FT STORAGE space for lease truck entrance 178 Tiflin St Telephone 726 3400 Mr Angelofl 9000 SQ FT M1 industrial space for lease Ground level steel building highway 400 exposure at Essa Rd inter change lafeetclear drive indoor 550V available Contact Omar Morrow Road Barrie Ontario 7051 726 2681 FOR LEASE OR SALE industrial space and warehouse Telephone 726 3400 Angelofl 750 SQ FT OFFICE Storage Space also 500 sq ft storage Corner innislil St and Jacobs Terrace Available im mediately Telephone 737 1606 or 42 1020 HIGHWAY 27 tour miles north of Barrie 7500 square feet or more fenced in drive indoors use for storage manufac turing or automotive $1 50 per square foot 737 4958 RETAIL WAREHOUSE for lease 7200 sq tt right on Highway 11 near Orillia Suitable for home furnishing outlet Owner might consider participation Call 416 742 4079 26accom modation to she re GIRL preferably non smoker to share bedroom apartment $125 monthly Modern clean highrise 108 Edgehill Call Brantlord 519 753 7780 32cars for sale 1977 CHEVY NOVA Concours door sedan 31000 miles power steering power brakes AMFM stereo and track Jusl winterized Radials and snows already mounted Best offer Call collect 895 6462 Newmnrket 230pm 1978 CHEVROLET BEL AIR four door power steering brakes and windows excellent condition $3999 or best of fer Phone 737 0249 1972 AMC JAVELIN sports hardtop SST floor console buckets rustprooled 24 mpg $77500 183 Anne St 728 9636 easily certified 1978 GREMLIN cylinders speed transmission excellent condition AMFMfadio rear window defogger $3500 certified 737 4919 1974 CHALLENGER 319 with low mileage Excellent running condition Musfsell Call 424 I640 alter6 30pm 197a SUBARU WAGON air conditioning four wheel drive new condition 3000 kilometres $5100 or best offer Phone alter 730pm 424 5533 Angus 1974 CHEV MALIBU door V8 power Steering power brakes radio rear win dow defag new radials shows $1000 Will certify 728 7063 1976 ACADIAN door cylinder automatic snow tires radio In ex cellent condition Asking $2400 Telephone 424 9599 alter m4 1972 FORD STATIONWAGON tifiedCa11436 1349after6pm 1972 BUICK SKYLARK 17000 original miles excellent condition power steer ing power brakes Must be seen 726 5422 I974 MUSTANG II will certify Fully winterized with snow tires Green col our 47000 Body good runs well $1800 Call George days 728 2485 evenings 7262815 sésncwmdbiié CRT IARRIE 7261059 Hun Robots BOMBARDIER MOTOSKI CLOTHING Your Keep Worm this Winter Centre BARRIE MOTOCROSS CENTRE LTD 51 Ellen Street next to Tandy Leather 7264112 Closed Wednesday afternoons Mme gm ARCTIC CAT SNOWMOBILE 198 3331 Acunorie and Clottihig Nov 1979 El Tigro $2489 Nsw1979Joguor340 08111106101151 SPORT HAVEN MARINE CIosod Wodndoy Open Sat til pm BARRIERmg CENTRE CHRISTMAS SALE 146 MANUFACTURERS REBATE $100 Rebate on1980 Apollos $150 Rebate on 1980 Golaxys $150 Rebate on1980 340 TXs Complete line of fillingi Clothing Parts Accessories Sales Service 20 OFF TX Track Troi Snowchic Suits 20 OFF leather Top Snowmobi loot While quantities lost PLACE CHRISTMAS ORDERS NOW GoodOnIytoEx LOWS MILEAGE 41974 Pontiac Pari sienna Brougham 728 8234 RARE 1974 CHEVELLE LAGUNA new brakes fresh paint recent shocks and dual exhaust 62000 miles power steer ing brakes and windows buckets and console brown with white stripe brown vinyl roof $2295 or reasonable otfer Phone km 728 7407 evenings and weekends 1974 METEOR STATION WAGON 65000 miles automatic power brakes steering and rear window radio heavy duty suspension Call 7260174 or 728 5591 1971 OLDS CUTLASS power Eieering power brakes uncertified $700 or best offerrTelephone 728 3119 1978 CHEVY NOVA rally sport blue with white interior cylinder well equipped 54700 Telephoine 7283119 1976 LE MANS air conditioned call 728 9241 before pm or 726 4207 after ram 1978 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass 29000 miles tone paint air stereo and cassette economical 260 $5800 cer bed 737 3664 1977 0105 ROYALE four door Michelin radials new shows tully load ed automatic air conditioning AMFm stereo vinyl roof excellent shape 43000 miles 54750 7371898 1975 CHARGER eonaiiioaeraemni call737 1059 anytime AUTO INSURANCE and home insur ance Competitive rates Call John Nelson Insurance728 9571 9am pm 1978 CHEVROLET blue door hardtop power steering brakes windows V8 certified Excellent condition $4200 or best offer Telephone 7117 0249 1966 BUICK LeSABRE door 300 V0 power steering power brakes new paint and tires western car many new parts Certified 728 5701 1976 PLYMOUTH VOLARE premier stationwagon 18000 miles 84200 1974 PLYMOUTH SPORTS SUBURBAN sla tionwagon excellent condition $2200 Call 728 7940 1972 PONTIAC Two door hardtop new paint Best offer Can be certified Call 424 5025 after or anytime on weekends FORD 1974 GALAZIE priced extreme Iy low for quick sale clean throughout recently safety inspected Snows on rims Telephone 726 5223 alter pm 1979 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN door sedan power steering and brakes automatic V8 excellent condition Must sell $4900 or bestolfer 737 0249 71 OLDS STATION WAGON $150 70 OLDS CUTLASS $100 71 OLDS as new engine 5350 All cars as is 72673557 T967 su1ck WlLDCATPgreY Oood runn ing order body in good shape As is 5400 or best offer 737 0814 1977 vw RABBIT twodoOr grinders 26000 miles winterized Michelin radials $3895 Telephone 7286552 33cars wantedto buy TRACY WANTS cars and trucks for wrecking and parts top prices paid free pickup Telephone 726 8487 WANTED Clean usedcarsfbarrle Hon da Auto Sales 17 Gowan 51726 6488 COLE BROS Cars and trucks WANTED for wrecking Fast pickup Phone 435 6322 days 474 5949 evenings JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 726 8711 A7 TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Motors Limited 119 Bradford Street Barrie 7288111 34trucks and trailers 1979 GMC 72 tan cylinder automatic power steering step bumper heavy duty rear springs Snow tires Cap 5000 miles Asking $6100 Phone 728 6444 1974 JEEP four wheel driveradio new paint and exhaust In excellent con dition Call 728 1736 anytime 1976 JEEP tour wheeidrivé pickup with insulated topper Excellent condi lion Telephone 325 48857alter6pm 1977 CHEV ONE ton pickup truck duals four speed power steering power brakes 35000 miles Call 726 $882 or evenings 717 4335 1976 GMC ton pickuB power steering power brakes 42000 miles 53950 or best offer 728 8234 197a JIMMY manyexITangisnér blade Must sell Call 726 5769 an time ALUMINUMTRUCK CAP29highhas sliding windows and screens in ex cellenl condition Must sell S250 Telephone 737 4133 Tow TRUCK 1972c1iev1 tori dual wheels 50000 original miles Telephone 445 2788 days 445 66669venings ZIPmotorcycles 1970 BMW MOTORCYCLE 600 CC low mileage $1600 or offer as is 4167292186 WANTED used motorcycles Town Cy cle 100 Tiffin St 726 9544 1577 YAMAHA yvao excellent condl tion Also 1979 HONDA MINI TRAIL 50 lights etc Telephone 436 48167 altsnowmobiles 1977 LYNX single cylinder S900 1977 EL TIGRE 4000 $1475 Both in good condition With low mileage Telephone days 726 2060evenings 728 1548 1979 SKI DOO EVEREST electric start full factory warranty 31845 Quebec wood stove with pipes excellent condi tion 955 Fireplace screen Swedish steel 36 27 $25 728 6573 M7 kyleooh Dates