Lynda Miller of earth printing advised Stella Robb Muir on each technical detail as decisions were made concerning the publication of Country Lanes As Stella made the final determination on color coordination of ink paper and cover she described working with the printer as very happy experience Examiner Photo by Peter Roberts Brain develops early Get little minds working LONDON Ont CPI Just as dancers and musicians who NOW TO PlEASE EVERYONE iï¬ HIT YOUR FEET IN OUR SlIOlS WAlKWEl ss DUNIOP 51 BARR IE FRANK CROSSIEV Mgr Sears thevery TS Page Washn wear blanket cloth robe and sleeper Your charm of robe or sleeper both in easy acrylic blanket cloth robe polyesterbacked Zip front Colors 87Floyal or 70Fled Sizes 10Small81014Med t214 16Laige 1618 aThe robe shown has canvertible collar and sporty stripes on sleeves 382 588 063 The steeper not shown has tpiece top and pant separate booties rope tie belt and screen print on the front 382 593 527 $2 Page Luxu in soft velour red chenille bSott velour in cottonpolyester Standup collar pleating on either Side ot neckline Machinewashdry Colors 74Cense 80Blue Misses sweater Sizes 34 36 38 072 524 092 cRlch Chenille Vneck ot acrylicpolyester Contrast neck cuffs waist and piping on raglan sleeves Machinewashdry 68FlustBeige or BOtMed BlueGrey Misses sweater Sizes 34 36 38 and40 072 524 0918 orte $20 $2 SimpsonsSears Ltd Reg and Was refer to SimpsonsSears Ltd prices 7282397 Cat 726441 Georgian Mall Barrie get head start on lessons have an advantage children whoex ercise their brains early seem to have greater success in school later University of Western Ontario professor says Mary Wright said in an inter view Tuesday that preliminary findings of study on children who went through laboratory preschool at the university during the last six years show they have done significantly better in school than other children who share similar home backgrounds director of the preschool Ms Wright said none of the 36 children who attended the pre school later failed in grades through The object of the preschool which opened in 1973 has not been to teach the children any facts or figures but to instil desire to read write and be iii quisitive Ms Wright said COlEllA DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC roman mum DENTURE cumci 726472 149A DUNlOP ST BARRIE MEMBER DENTURIST SOCIETY We missed the turn And lost our way Another road Before us lay street Tree lined With rays 0f dappled sun Stella Muir publish first boo Poems reflect rural life Each of us misses the turn here and there over the years and often as result we find another path new direction At earth printing on Owen Street new book iscoming off the press Country Lanes represents new direction for Stella Robb Muir Mrs Muir is well known to many residents of the Barrie area and she is publishing for the first time The above line are taken from one of the 60 poems includ ed in this collection Each of the verses deal With the poets perception of everyday experiences quiet happy ref lec tions of the simple things that make our lives worthwhile well known writer once said The great artist is the simplifier Stella Muir writes without affectation She has something to say to all of us who love nature Most of the published work deals with the natural world in our district and beauty of the shield country to our north Life in the home is lovingly described as in the following lines Give me little cottage With screened door Opening onto little porch Where rays of sunlight pour Leaving path of amber light Across my kitchen floor CHILDHOOD Stellas feeling for the poetic reaches back into her early life As child she and her three sister were encouraged by their father to enjoy and memorize the work of Robert Ser vice Years under the guidance of father who not only en Be careful when buying barrie peOple by Alison Merkel Of the Examiner joyed but wrote poetry helped to form Stellas need to ex press herself through that medium During her adult years as public school teacher she remembers that she loved teaching poetry Some local people will recall Mrs Muir as supply teacher in Vespra Her busy life has included the rearing of two daughters and her feelings as mother are also reflected in some of her work little mother Through the day little girl Tonight Has drifted Into dreamland While softly Shines the light Of silver moonbeams From the sky Upon her golden hair In the pst few weeks Stella has been busy making deci sions concerning the type of cover binding type face and paper for Country Lanes She describes the experience of working with earth printing owners Lynda Miller and Dave Casey asbeing very happy The volume is now on the shelves at Trites Book Store and it is expected that Country Lanes will be in demand as gift this holiday season especially as choice of the many people who have enjoyed Stella Robb Muirs poetry readings in past years Big ripoffs in bulk meat EDMONION CP That side of beef advertised at an at tractively low price may not al ways be the bargain it seems to he federal government of licials warn They say buyers of bulk meat orders should check all deliv eries to make sure the supplier is providing what was prom ised The average consumer has little knowledge of animal anatomy and seldom double Some checks large orders Takealookat the ue Christmas Store Hours Monday thru Saturday 930 am to 930 pm merry gift ideas Christmas mmu try as 747 Enjoy it now Use your All Purpose Account meat vendors take advantage of that ignorance There is potential for very large profits to be made by shortchanging someone pound or two on an order or making substitution Gordon McCrae consumer fraud offi cer with the federal consumer and corporate affairs depart ment said in an interview Its an area we watch very closely but the consumer has to look out for himself too Recent trials in Edmonton and Calgary convicted meat seller for violating federal laws governing weights and meas ures and proper advertisement of wastage incurred in trimm ing and cutting bulk beef McCrae said buyers should check all bulk deliveries com pare each package against the packing list and check to see if what is claimed to be Tbone streak really is Once the packages are checked the meat should be weighed even if it means us ing the bathroom scales pamphlet called Beet Cuts is available from the federal agriculture and consumer af fairs departments and contains diagrams of meat cuts and what to expect when buying side of beef The soukilogram side of beef carcass doesnt yield the same weight of prepared meat peOpIe and places Physically Disabled The Barrie and District Association for the Physically Disabled will hold its annual Christmas supper on Wednes day December 12 at 630 pm at the Sunnidale Community Centre There will be an ex change of gifts and entertain ment by Dave Wittich Members and family welcome For further information call 7283920 Christian Reformed The Ladies Society of the Christian Reformed Church St Vincent Street will be holding coffee party and bake sle from 101130 on Wednsday December 12 There will also be white elephant table and craftsforsale Christmas Plants The Oro Township Hor ticulturl Society is holding its of Shape What Kind are you in Open days week for Men and Women CALL 7372281 TODAY THE BARBIE FITNESS CLlB annual meeting and Christmas show at the Oro Township Hall situated at the corner of the Oro Line and Sideroad 15 and 16 on Monday December 10 from pm Entries for the show may be placed between and pm Judging goes on while the meeting is taking place The speaker will be Rene de Boer or Barrie on the topic of Christmas house plants There will be door priZes and lunch All welcome Radio Club The regular monthly meeting of the Georgian College Amateur Radio Club will be held in the cafeteria of the col lege at 730 pm Monday December 10 There may be guest speaker University Women University The Barrie CAN YOU NOT TO JOIN IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR YOURSELF OR FRIEND OR RELATIVE Nows the time to take advantage of our special offer Your membership time wont begin until youre ready to start CHARGEX 6s COLUER siste Mani ownmo Phone 737 2287 Over l000 Affiliate across the Not Mutter of Womens Club will hold its Christmas dinner at Maude Kourys Steak House at pm Monday December 10 Christian Women The Barrie Christian Womens After Five Club will meet Tuesday December 11 from 730 930 Admission is $2 Reserve by Monday by call ing Nancy at 7284597 Cancella tions are essential Features will be decorating Christmas gifts Christmas singalong and talk by Pat Clarke active mother consultant and writer The Morning Coffee group will meet Wednesday December 12 from 9301130 Admission is $2 Call Wioma by Monday to reserve 4589437 Cancellations are essential Nursery is free at Emmanuel Church Features will be same as for evening group All welcome AFFORD Barries only fully equipped Health Spa Ann Landers Over30 never Abeen kissed Dear Ann Landers When you read this you will probably think it is not possible that such letter could be written in 1979 assure you am for real and there are probably few more guys around like me am 31 and have never had girl friend am not homosexual Its just that was always shy never able to get up the nerve to have sex see my friends getting married and having families and am becoming increasingly discontented Recently met 40yearold widow who has two grown children She is the first woman have ever been totally at ease with have managed to engineer several casual meetings and we always have terrific time together We ran into my aunt two weeks ago and she told my mother Mother insists the woman is being kind because look like her eldest son She also says Dont be ridiculous Shes too old to have baby for you As final thrust mother added Her former husband was brilliant man You probably bore her to death have been very unhappy since have stopped running into her Please advise Shy Guy Dear Guy From what youve told me could write book about your mother Start running into that widow again as soon as possible It sounds as if she was helping you break out of your shell major achievement Lucky you Dear Ann Landers Christmas is coming and hate the thought of it My husband and his brothers and sisters were not born with silver spoons in their mouths it was poker chips Every Christmas Eve they gather at our place because we have the biggest house Nobody says grace before the meal They dive in like animals Last year my wrist was actually pierced by fork There is never any civilized conversation They rush through dinner so they can get to the poker table dont play All hear is Youre shy red Ante up Put up or shut up Ive got you skunked My folks live on the other coast We spend every Easter with them Its deal we made when we married hate Christmas more every year Any advice Headache Helen Dear Helen You made deal Stick with it Learn the game If you cant beat em at least join em Dear Ann Landers May comment on the typist who complained about her boss handwritten notes filled with misspelled words and grammatical errors You told her off but not enough Executives should expend their energy making decisions staying ahead of the competition addressing themselves to company problems They shouldnt be bothered with spell ing and grammar competent secretarytypist will make the necessary cor rections without altering the sense of the letter The typist is paid to type letters and return to her boss perfect final product Appreciated in Dallas Dear Many secretaries and typists wrote to say they enjoyed correcting the boss memos and even deciphering his illegible handwriting It was challenging and made them feel useful hope you bosses out there will say kind word to your secretarytypist today Think of what your life would be without her ErrrmBombeck Babys first calculator knew kids were changing but never realized how much until got toy catalogue in the mail the other day There was game called Adventures in Adverbs ages seven and up Far out Fun with Math Motivators ages 812 Neato And Babys First Calculator with all the features in cluding plus percentages memory to store subtotals and an eightdigit readout ages four and up Tnanks Dad To woman who put both legs in one side of her under wear until she was six years old thats quite jolt Where are the dolls that dont do anything but sit on the bed and look terrific Where are the logs that multiply under the bed What happened to books that had pictures instead of being contained on cassettes and played back on stereos dont like to think what would have happened if had bought my children Adventures in Pronouns as biggie for Christmas They used to write phone messages on flash cards also dont like to think about what is going to happen to parents on Christmas morning hen their child opens box and says Oh Mommy Just what wanted Vowel Hop scotch Play with me Heres bean bag Now all you do is toss it on vowel and then use long or short vowel sound Then you hopscotch your way across the mat and back You first Mommy can see Mommy turning pale and saying You play darling Mommy is into voa els and it wouldnt be fair Maybe Im mistaken but visualize lot of parents sit ting around at Christmas being outflashed by flash cards outsmarted by math puzzles and outclassed by the fastest caculator ever wielded by threeyearold As leafed through the catalogue came across game for little friend on my Christmas list It was computer with an electronic flash card with over 16000 problems in four levels of difficulty and instant feedback Ill feel like fool taking my checkbook to fiveyearold but what the heck this is no time for pride Pollys Pointers Ink stains on blouse DEAR POLLY work in print shop and got ink from press on my favorite 100 percent cotton yellow blouse and then on blue one too Do you have any idea how could remove this ink LOUISE DEAR LOUISE recommended solution for removing printers ink is to put an old towel or stack of paper towels under the stained fabric rub petroleum jelly into the stain and then flush it out with dry clean ing fluid Repeat until the ink stops running Wash as usual POLLY Largest Stock between here and Arctic Reasonably priced for Christmas By Appointment Only ESKIMO CRAFTS INC iiii No Shanty 17651284105