Latest curse victim British actor lan McShane is accompanied by ac tress Gwen Humble as he is carried on stret cher at Londons Heathrow Airport Saturday after arriving from Cairo aboard private jet McShane serioust broke his leg in car crash Was popular prelate Archbishop Sheen dies at 84 NEW YORK Al Ar chhishop Fulton Sheen whose television ministry gave him secular popularity awarded few religious leaders diul Sunday night at the age of ill The Roman Catholic prelate who survived open heart surgery two years ago suc cumbcd to the heart ailment said Archbishop Edward Mcara close friend He had peaceful end said 0Meara During his years in the public eye Sheen woii televisions Emmy award and was respon sible for the conversion of such wellknown persons as Henry Ford II and Clare Boothe Luce Sheens words began to reach millions in 1930 when he became the first regular minister on radios The Catholic Hour In 1952 his slim build and deepset eyes became familiar with the premiere of the weekly television program Life is Worth Living For five years as many as 20 million viewers tuned in each week REMARKS QIOTEII His remarks were widely quoted an atheist he said was man without any visible means of support and when he ended active church life he said didnt retire retread ed His television sponsors money after expenses was donated to Mission Humanity United Nationsvaffiliated agen cy of which Sheen was US director Many other Americans knew Sheen through voluminous writings ranging from articles on communism to inspirational books like Way to Inner Peace and Guide to Contentment Sheens biggest job was as head of the Society for Pro pagation of the Faith the churn Commons faces shorter vacation OTTAWA CP Clashes between the government and an angry opposition have left the Commons iii confusing situa tion and MP5 with the prospect of shorter Christmas vacations The Progressive Conscr vative government is accusing the LiberalNew Democrat 0plt position of stalling in an at tempt to wreck the mortgage interest deduction plan it is determined will be passed before the end of the year The Liberals accuse the government of stupidity and say they are resigned to sitting Christmas Eve Boxing Day and other days of Christmas week to debate the mortgage bill The Commons had been ex Swiss Movement Quartz MA or 18K gold Space ago technology centuries of Swiss ex porionce Flt THE GOLDBUSH is out CONCORD iiiiiiirrioiv We put as much care into selecting our jewellery as you put in giving it 54 WNW ST IAIRIE 128 II pected to adjourn Dec 21 until Jan Before those festive days there are two other highly imr porlant pieces of business to be fit in And there will be several votes one crucial confidence vote in the minority govern ments budget that Finance Minister John Crosbie will pre sent Tuesday night There will be two days of debate on the budget before Christmas and four days after Christmas recess assuming there is such recess The government is planning to use Friday and Wednesday Dec 19 for the preChristnias debate Prices from $57500 ets Jewellery during the filming of television drama film in Egypt The title of the film The Curse of King Tuts Tomb lt one million found irmflucticin looselybased on the illfated IIz Tulurllvltiltlltil expedition in Eavot AP Photol chs fundraising arm for foreign missions He lied iii the East Side apartment where he had Ill since Itltitt when he left his last official church post as bishop of the Rochester NY diocesi Sheens Rochester tenure tls his only service as pastor to flock except as young parish priest in PeOria Ill Ilis three years in Rochester were not complete success and his social progressiveness was believed by some to be responsible for his retirement IIIOSIII IICII All His appointment of vicar to his poor mostly black parishioners the masses in slum homes and other breaks with traditional church pro cedures led to storms of protest from some Catholics In 1007 Sheen who once called comr munism wicked ideology urgr ed President Lyndon Johnson to end IIS involvement in Viet iiaiii Only two months ago Shien was publicly embraced by Pope John Paul during the pontiffs recent visit to New York Irotcstant twangclisl Itilly tlrahaiii called Sheens death great loss to the nation and both the alliolic and liotes tant churches He broke down many walls of prejudice between atholics and Protestant Graham said mourn his death and look forward to our reunion in heaven AAiiA MEMBER HOSPITAL JunIrflmri I33 FERRIS LANE rams LANE ANIMAL 7262322 PRACTICE LIMITED TO PET ANIMALS Hospital Hours 800 ILIIT 700 pm MomFri IOam 100 pm Sat 24NOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE CONSULTATION BY APPOINTMENT PLEASE 80000 youngsters mostly pom Child care setup bursting at seams OTTAWA tCPt The Na tional Council of Welfare says anadas child care system is bursting at the seams with about 80000 youngsters most of them poor In report released Sunday the 21member government ad visory council says most of the W000 children in foster homes juvenile treatment centres and similar institutions have parents who are poor sick drunk drugged imprisoned or otherwise unable or unwilling to take care of them The parents of another 250000 children are using such social services as day care family counselling and visiting homemakers There are about seven million youngsters under the age of 18 in Canada The council says the system is complex uncoordinated unevenly applied under financed iii some areas over Date of bill ruling curious Levesque RIIlNlltlIAI i7ll Chief Justice Itora Laskiiis plans to Ith Supreme Court of Canada ruling on Bill Itil the same day the Iarti Qiiebecois reveals the question it will ask in the spring referendum is Definition ofrace studied IthtiNIt tCPI prof posal to change the definition of who is Jim is foremost among attempts to strengthen the Jewish faith in North America being discussed at the 53th general assembly of the Union of iiierican llebrcw Ciiigrega lions Rabbi Alexander Schindler union president says the pre sent system which confers ltlllll1 oiin on children of Jewish mothers is responsible for the loss of Jews from liidaisiii at ter intermarriage His alternative would provide that child with either Jewish mother or father would be considered Jew The proposal was under discussion today by the 3500 delegates to the assembly policyinakiiig body represen ting Tfitl Reform Jewish conr grcgations The Reform coir gregatioiis have about 12 million members in the US and Canada Schindler 54 of New York Ci ty said that after debate by the delegates the question will be passed on to council of the rabbinatc and each of the con grcgations process that will take at least year SItitiIISI IIIIIJICRS Suggestions to the assembly to counter the departure of Jews from their faith included an innovative proposal to create corps of para professional rabbis trained to counter the attraction of troubl ed Jews to other religions and cults HOSPITAL on Am McKEE KRAZYKELLYMTSTT37II8Z PUBLIC NTICE GIGANIICSALE BRAND NEW tit BOXES 12 not MW 100 SOLID STATE Model for model nobody beats Krazys price No money down No payments Illl Jan 1980 TRADE UNDER weekly Starting Jan 1980 Not Exactly As Illustrated ALL SETS BRANLi iiiEw UTE TESMANUFACTURERS WARRANTY ONHALL motions STEREO SYSTEM 30 Watt ReceiverSony Direct Drive TurntableSony 2x3 Way Speakers 46 Dunlop St 7371 182 Phone Tonite Delivery Tonite Accusound NO PAYMENTS TILL IAN 980 Alt Luis KDAI Vii MONEY DOWN JvC Front Load Cassette Deck with Dolby JVC CASSETTE DECK NO MONEY DOWN Nb PAYMENTS TILL JAN 1980 not right Ircmicr Reiic Levesque said Sunday find that date curious the premier said at new ttlIIr ference at the closing of two day party meeting The premier said he would talk the problem over with his advisers and could let the court know what his govcriiiiients priorities are just in case theyre not aware of our deadlines Levesque said in Julie he would present the question for the referendum on sovereigntyassociation to the Quebec national assembly before it adjourns Dec for the midwinter break Laskin said in It tclevi sioii interview Friday the hiin court ruling on the constitu tionality of chapter in ltill tilt making French the oiin official langauge of Quebec courts and the national assembly will be made Dec IIEARIEARLIER The court will also decide on similar case involving Manitobas Official Language rct ot lltlttl making Engliin the otticial language of Manitoba The two cases were heard earlier this year and under court rule of procedure the judgments must be announced belorclec 28 If the court holds that all Quebec laws must he adopted in both French and English the Quebec national assembly would have to pass remedial law validating all laws passed after Aug 30 I977 when Bill 101 came into force MEI the examiner Monday Daa101979 11 financed in others and costs the country at least $750 million annually It puts much of the blame on government ensured povertv It calls for reform of child care starting with more thorough assessments of troubl ed families and advocates higher unemployment III surance benefits welfare payments and child tax credits for the poor It says child tax deductions should be abolished and the money redirected into the child tax credit scheme TR IIll lt POVERTY Most problems ranging from child abuse and desertioii to crime illness and emotional breakdown that drive parents and their children to the childcare system can be tractd to poverty The report concludes that governments must lift single and deserted mothers the unemployed and the working poor out of their trap with more generous income support payments saying many kids who end up in the childrens social services system should not be there in the first place LUN DT OENIURE THERAPIST Complete Regime Service Hours am pm Mon thru Fri 280 Dunlop St Barrie 72868I Member Denturist Society CHRISTMAS IS ALMOST HERE COME ON IN AND COMPARE THESE PRICES Services are stretched so far that crisis point has been reached Not enough is being done to prevent family troubles and to keep families together It would be cheaper to pay higher income maintenance than it is to continue the child care system as it is For example this year in On tario single parent mother with one child received $4860 welfare If the child was in foster home it would cost the Toronto Childrens Aid Society $0877 If the child was in government group home it would cost 813800 more than tw ice is much ¢1 SERVICEMASTER THE NAME FOR PROFESSIONAL LEANING AROUND THE WORLD CIIIDIIS Furniture Vans Heals Or your tillltdltfltlStI CALL 4873603 SERVICENASTER of Barrie 10 discount before Christmas ELECTROHOME 14 COLOR PORTABLE 90° Black Stripe Quick Start Picture Tube Autobutton Earphone Jack and Earphone Dipole Antenna Popup Handle 75 Ohm Cable Input USE OUR VI to tone CREDIT PLAN $399 ELECTROHOME 20 COLOR PORTABLE 90° Black Stripe Quick Start Picture Tube Auto Button Earphone Jack and Earphone Dipole Antenna Popup Handle s529 ELECTROHOME 26 COLOR CONSOLE 01000 PIL Quick Start Picture Tube Auto White Level Illuminated Green Channel Indicator Detail Control PowerGuard Ferroresonant Transformer $829 COMPLETE WITH THE ELECTROHOME NOGIMMICK YEAR WARRANTY ON PARTS LABOUR AND SERVICE FIRESTONE Firestone Stores SHOP Rog illusion Canada Inc Rog User 00 Electrohome Suggested Retail 00 Electrohome Suggested Retail 00 Electrohome Suggested Retail $899 88 Dunlop St Barrie PHONE 7266585 COMPANION CORSAIR KENORA Convenient locations coast to coast Firestone credit plan available Plenty of tree parking ASK ABOUT OUR 90 DAY PAYMENT PLAN