the examiner Saturday Doc 1979 in Symposium debates ethics of sterilization of retarded MONTREAL CP The rights needs and capabilities of the mentally handicapped must be protected and respected in considering sterilization of WHY Do It Yourself WINTER SPECIALS Well Point Urhg loom 95 CALL now 7269002 For Free Estimate 25 OFF All Wall Coverings BARRIE Pointing Decorating Swiss Movement Quartz Hit or 18K gold Space age technology centuries of Swiss ex porience THE GOLDRUSH IS our court fllON We put as much care into selecting our jewellery as you put in giving it these individuals says Dr David Roy of Montreals Centre for Bioethics Roy is an organizer of two day symposium on sterilization for the mentally disabled which began Thursday The symposium includes doc tors lawyers theologians par ents and professionals who work with the retarded They will formulate recommenda tions on what procedures to fol low when deciding whether retarded person who is unable to make the decision for himself should be sterilized The recommendations will be presented to the provincial minister of social affairs next week Adequate decisionmaking procedures are necessary to al low sterilization when it seems justified and to protect those who dont need it Roy said RUNS RISK girl who is severely re tarded can become involved in sexual activity and runs the risk of pregnancy And there are those who are not as re tarded and can even be mar ried but cannot take care of children CERAMIC WORKSHOP AND courses $2000 FOR 20 WEEKS GREENWARE CUSTOM FIRING SUPPLIES PHONE 7262646 Prices from $57500 Nu ges Fin Jewellery 54 onuior 51 mm mmi Royal Downs GOLF COUNTRY CLUB HOT COLD BUFFET EVERY SUNDAY Still $395 Children under FREE HOURS pm to 730 pm EVERYONE WELCOME Call 4240241 ROYAL DOWNS GOLF COUNTRY CLUB Tlh LINlI til FISS MILFI Sill Tll til II Ell MILES WEST OF liAltltllI NOW Booking dates for 1980 tournaments wedding receptions other social functions But retarded woman may marry man of normal in telligence who can make up for her deficiencies and they can have children For this reason every case must be examined individually decisionmaking process should take all factors into ac count including the support the person needs to live and the right to sexual and emotional expression he said JeanLouis Baudoin vice chairman of the Law Reform Commission of Canada said both British Columbia and On tario banned sterilization for the handicapped last year Brenda Caldwell Brenda Caldwell daughter of Mr and Mrs Jack Caldwell of Barrie graduated from the Ryerson Nursing Program and recently received her registered nurses certificate Brenda graduate of Barrie North is now employed at the Wellesley Hospital in Charlene Hickling Charlene Hickling daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Hickling recently graduated from Ryerson Nursing Program in Toronto and received her registered nursing certificate of Ontario She is pre sently employed at Stevenson Memorial Hospital in Alliston About 600 operations were done in Ontario the year before the ban he said The law reform commission looked at the question which belongs to provincial jurisdic tion in terms of the criminal code he said It is crime to intervene surgically without persons consent We proposed that first judge should decide whether the person is able to consent to the operation said Baudoin If not multidisciplinary board should decide whether sterilization is in the persons best interests Douglas Caldwell Douglas Caldwell son of Mr and Mrs Jack Caldwell of Barrie graduated recently from Seneca College with diploma in ac counting and finance Douglas is graduate of Barrie North and is now employed with im perial Oil in Toronto Brent Cumming Brent Cumming son of Mr and Mrs RM Cumming of Stroud graduated recently with Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from McMaster Univer sity in Hamilton Brent graduate of Barrie Central is currently in his first year of law at the University of Western Ontario Lon don Gloriath Ilurtatn It Mgrw upward flanahiana Curtains godaqs 000k puts llace togetlai witli werqtlilnq 640m gtass and brass to antiques gird espectattq at Chillslmaq time when qOu want qowi liome 000ng so spectat truck of lace adds arch etegance and wauutli 45 54 63 94070 72 81 90 94840 Cretan tergtlis as weft 7373940 205 CDuiitop Sast Something different for Christmas Toronto ieweller Sherry Otterway so and makes anti jewelry like this necklace made from the skull of snapping turtle She makes jewelry out of all sorts of bones but theres no bones about the Photo ys shes fed up with pretty things price This necklace sells for $2500 CP Drag queen helps fight teenage prostitution VANCOUVER CP weekend drag queen neigh borhood youth and former ward of the British Columbia human resources ministry are showing street kids they dont have to prostitute themselves to survive Workers at Gordon House Neighborhood Services reach street people through sex iden tity counselling clinics for homosexuals and drag shows for youths who like to dress in womens clothing Then through jobs recreation and counselling they provide young people with an alterna tive to prostitution These kids are in trouble and need help says Steve Bourne social worker who co ordinates the project Juvenile prostitution is in creasing in North America recent Vancouver report on child abuse estimated that 200 to 300 juvenile prostitutes were working the streets last sum mer The number could rise be cause when the weather changes the kids come to Van couver where its warmer says Bourne The program has opened files on 260 young people since January and about 120 partici pate in programs 60 WORK THE STREETS Bournc estimates thcrc about 60 tecnage prostitutcs in the arca at any givcn time About threequarters arc boys and the youngest is 14 Project workers find newcomers to strcct life at the rate of about 2011 month It is impossible to send them all home to their parents Uir Library Display Currently on cxhibit at thc library arc two displays by local crafts pcoplc In lhc gallcry is show of rug hooking by lhc Harrie Hooking luild and thc lluronia Branch of thc ntario Hooking Guild lhcrc are 39 picccs including rugs less they are under 17 or are caught committing crime po lice have no power to appre hend them The program began 2l years ago as volunteer effort by young prostitute youth from wealthy home who wanted to go straight It received funds in January from the federal government for jobfinding project and has since increased its staff In addition to Bourne who works for the human resources ministry there are three work ers whose salaries are split be tween the ministry and the city When on mat All in their early 205 are famil iar with the street scene The programs jobfinder is transvestite and former prosti tute He now dresses in womens clothing only when he is off work Bournc says he has been criti cized because he lays no moral trip on his staff or par ticrpants They dont come on to you like cops or priests says an 18 yearold former hooker Ev erybody else like the cops and johns thinks once whore al ways whore Gordon House says thats not true Female wrestler one of the boys BRAMPTON Ont CP Christine Sauveur of Brampton likes to be treated like lady but she doesnt expect it on the wrestling mat The Grade 13 student told wrestling coach Mike Thorpe at Central Peel secondary school that she wanted to try out for the team Thorpe told her the dangers of the sport but having grown up with three brothers she was game Christine 19 ran with the schools crosscountry team lifted weights and attended the wrestling teams practices She worked hard if not harder than the boys on the team Thorpe said He said the boys treat her like any other wrestler She worked in British Columbia lumbcr camp last summer On the mat Im competitor she said Off the mat want them to treat me like lady Christine received standing ovation from the audience recently when she won her first bout with boy from another school She wasnt boastful about the win dont want the guy beat to be looked down on Im just another compctitor peOpIe and places wall hangings framed sccncs and florals In the showcase is display of dollhouscs and miniature put on courtesy of thc Miniaturc Enthusiasts of Sim coc County ESC Animal Christmas On Sunday Dcccmbcr from at the Humanc Society animal shcltcr on Patterson Strccl thcrc will be Christmas party for the animals Admission is gift an can of loodl for thc animals lhcrc will bc slcigh ridcs behind huskics for thc childrcn and Santa will bc thcrc HAIR BAZAAR Big Sisters Thc annual Big Sisters Christmas Party will be held at the Sunnidalc Centre Sunday December from 130 pm All Big Sisters Little Sisters and board members are invited to attend Thcrc will be food films and fun and Santa will be therc Any unmatched Little Sisters can call 7372092 for ride Christian Singles Thc regular Sunday evening mccting of thc Collier Christian Singlcs will start at 730 pm lhcrc will be tape and discus Sloll on the topic Marriage Avoid the Rush is pleased to announce Dianne Leduc new member of their staff Dianne Leduc formerly of James Moray is fully trained in hairdressing and welcomes all former and new clientele FOR APPOINTMENT 7264451 1221 SimpsonsSears Ltd Georgian Mall Barrie Ann Landers Facts on nursing homes Dear Ann Landcrs My aged mother needs to be placed in nursing home There are several in this area but dont know which ones are good In fact dont even know how to evaluate nursing home Can you suggest some questions should ask plan to visit several and make comparisons This emotionally loaded problem has been keeping me up nights Thanks for any help you can offer Loving Daughter Dear Daughter Here are some superb guidelines which appeared in brochure put out by the Illinois Council for Long Term Care Im sure these same questions would be appropriate anywhere Is the home licensed Ask If the answer is yes ask to see the license Does the administrator have current state license Again if the answer is yes ask to see it Is the nursing home Medicareand Medicaid approved What other insurance plans are accepted Are there additional charges for personal laundry Does therapy cost extra If so how much Are residents allowed to furnish their rooms with their own furniture Can residents have their own radio or television Can husband and wife share the same room Can residents have alcohol Can they smoke in their rooms if they are able to do so unsupervised Are there other convenient places where smoking is permitted Are there restrictions on making or receiving phone calls Is phone readily available 10 What are the visiting hours Is the resident allowed to visit friends and relatives outside the nursing home 11 Where is the residents money kept Are there prov1 sions for personal banking services Are accurate records kept of residents financial transactions 12 Does eachesident have his own closet and chest of drawers 13 What is the capacity of the home How many residents are presently there 14 Are the residents encouraged to leave their rooms when able 15 When was the last state or local inspection You may want to see the most recent inspection report 16 How often are fire drills held for staff and residents 17 What types 0f activities are available to residents Dont hesitate to ask to see the schedule of activities 18 How are residents medical needs met Does the nur sing home have an arrangement with nearby hospital to handle emergencies 19 Is there dining hall or do residents eat in their rooms Are special diets available for those who need them If one is not is there professional dietician on the staff available as consultant These are all valid questions Dont hesitate to ask CONFIDENTIAL to Make Yourself Clear Please said the girl is responsible for whatever happens to her body did NOT say boy is entitled to whatever he can talk girl into or out of Most boys will take whatever they can get Yes it was that way when was in high school and it still is Cons umers Advocate Tips for safe Christmas By JOY WOOLAND Our outdoor Christmas lights remained hanging around the eaves of the house all year would it be safe to use these lights again It is better not to take the chance Pollutants in the air such soot grime and salt from the roads will coat the lights and even slip into the socket When it rains these pollutants become damp and stay moist for long time The sockets corrode and small electric current can build up thereby shortening the life of the bulb and socket Also the delicate filaments can be broken by being blown about in strong winds Every year consumers are warned to be aware of the real danger of fire that exists from our traditional ways of decorating our homes during the Yuletide season If an evergreen tree is purchased the first thing to do is to set it in tub of water placed in the garage to allow the twigs and needles obtain moisture When the tree is to be erected cut the butt diagonally and stand the tree in water This water to which little sugar and gin is added must be supplied for the duration of the trees use The tree will stay fresh green and safe for long time Articificial trees are very popular but when buying one make sure that it is labelled slowbuming DECORATING Decorating the tree is one of the most pleasing rituals of the Christmas season butconsumers must take care that the correct decorative lights are selected and that the tree is not overburdened with tinsel adornments and packages As an evergreen tree has to be watered every day it is not wise to place gifts around its base too early one must have easy access to the container There are three types of wiring the lights Series Parallel and Series with shunttype lamps On an average costperbulb basis sets with parallel wiring are the most expensive but the most convenient of the three types Consumers should only buy lights bearing the CSA Seal and when hanging the lights they should not come in con tact with the needles of the tree be that real one or an ar tificial one When joining strings of lights together never connect more than the recommended number of sockets to one outlet Only have the lights on when an adult is present in the room Children and pets may unwittingly cause fire tragedy during the holiday season These precautions may appear to be just common sense but every year there are tragedies of household fires during the Christmas season so CONSUMER BEWARE Pollys Pointers Coatsï¬H smells musty DEAR lOLLY What can do to remove the musty smcll from coat that was once left wet for too long AL DEAR CAL First try hanging the coat outside on sunny day Leave it all day and even the next day if needbc You could put it in closed drawer with lots of crushed newspaper and leave it for couple of weeks Do protect the coat fabric from the newsprint box of baking soda open of course could also be put in box or drawer with the coat and left for time Has it been dry cleaned That too might help POLLY DEAR POLLY When room has musty odor air it well and then set open boxes With kitty litter in them in various spots around the room Lime will absorb the moxsture and help keep your cellar dry ALICE DEAR POLLY Many of the readers cs ecrally Myrna may be making their own Christmas candles tell them not to incll the wax in can that IS set directly on the stove burncr The can scam could split and one could be burned badlv as well as makc tcrriblc mess put the can of wax in large kcltlc of hot watcr The wax IS not so scalding hot and It seems to take care of the problem of bubbles in the wax SARAH DEAR HOLLY ncvcr wash my rolling pm but Wipe ll clean w1tha ballot finc nylon nct To kccp loaves of brcad from getting damp while in the lrcczcr put thcm in two plastic bags With heavy paper towel to bclwvcn thcm If you should put too much salt in beans add grated potato and simmer To straighten candles that have bcnt from the heat lay them on pltCt of paper III lhc back of lukewarm oven and leave about 15 minutes When removed roll on flat surface