5W7 1B tha examiner Saturday Dec 1979 OBridlos ORidlng wodr ROBINSON HARDWARE 31 oumor 51 7282431 49christmas trees CUT YOUR OWN Christmas tree at Gillespie Tree Farm Make it an outing for the entire family too acres of scenic hills prime scotch pine and spruce Your choice 57 each Free hor so drawn sleigh rides weekends only Oro Line one mile north of Old Barrie Road or County Road II follow the signs 56camping equipment Exceptional Buy Must See 1979 SHASTA 24 twin lounge trailer easi Iy towed perfect for Florida largp kit chen and storage TV antenna with power booster roll up awning 50 amp power converter Wired for stereo many extras Used one wtnter by two adults non sniokerst New $ll600 Sale price $9400 105 325 9200 59poultrychicks DEKALe READY to lay polio Fimi fresh eggs Laying cages totsa Craig Hunter Poultry Farms 4360811 FRESH GEESE and DUCKS Order for Christmas Telephone 424 6053 FRESH DRESSED Geese for Christmas Illihs and up willdelivei to Barrie $150ab Call327 lll5 60teedseedgrain WANTED Grain corn wet or dry Call Craig Hunter Poultry Farm Ltd 136 IITII Stroud 64tarm machinery MASSEY FERGUSON TRACTOR with hydraulic front end loader Bucket ft in length Inexcellentcondition Must be seen to appreciate Contact Toke Motors 119 Bradford St Barrie 72881 67truits vegetables APPLES Apply Koole and Son Con cession Oro Closed Sundayk 728 8189 ONTARIO RED DELICIOUS Apples $599 per bushel Bring your own con tainers CANCILLA FRUIT MARKET I7Clapperton St 68personals PARAMEDIX HEALTH SERVICES Home Care Nursing Specialists We will provide upon request Registered Nurses Registered Nursing Assistants Homemakers under your physicians supervision where indicated Hourly Daily Rates Serving all of Simcoe uIm 11 7374659 cup INNERACTION PSYCHIC CONSULTANTS OPRIVATE CONSULTATION cunvouricr TAIOT Atus PALIABTIY mcuoumr PAST IIVIs omm IBSONS Aria cums mo rsrctIIc mm AIIANGTD cmmcnd By Appointment Only In Barrie contact New Age Centre 705 7374300 orf705 4589912 In Toronto Contact 416 2516517 LLILQZL SNAMPOOER POLISHER Ask for free home demonstration today ELECTROLUX 7203392 JaspadpooM aqi yo aon 18111 WO IIIN M013 SUVIDOOOM iNIdIfVCID sugï¬ pagmopuoq Auow II H0 0£ XIIM 66 NldO iSDIIId SIH 11V NI SiIOH ONIIDONII SI IIIIDJdGOOM TILL DIDGCIS sowIsIJLD TURN AROUND FOR GREAT SALE PET SHOP iX Professional All Breed Dog Grooming Free Pickup and Delivery BOOK NOW FOR CHRISTMAS 683 MAPLE AVE BARRIE 7267332 vr gtri Put DENIM under your Tree this Christmas PRACTICAL GIFTS For All The Family Slippers Shoes Snow Boots Evening Shoes Hand Bags Gift Certificates NORMAN FAMILY SHOES 24 DUNLOP ST 7203081 BIG BLUE JEANS ANDRE MICHEL HASH ROADRUNNERS Jean Connection We also carry dress pants blouses sweaters Located at 40 MAPLE AVE Across from loblavrs 68personals HAWAII Islands Escorted Feb 1025 1980 For details Ifays Travel Service 45 outilor ST 7284700 TThSJ8 TELECARE Why fight your problem alone Let friend help Call Telecare 726 7922 anytime AUTOS to Florida and all points in Western Canada gas allowance Toron to Driveaway Service 416 226 4616 BIRTH CONTROL INFORMATION 56 Mary Street Open Monday and Tuesday 100 430 pm and Thursday 30 930 737 4272 726 9300 Ext 236 BIRTHRIGHT Are you pregnant and distresed Birthright really cares 166 Baylield Street Barrie 737 3550 68personals Eve To ensure that you are in time far Christmas call the CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT today at 7282414 or mail to $24024Iordniiriinumoaohaddftionalnord10 7374322 68personals ACGDHOLIEsANoNYMous7333531 if you drink thats your business It you wanttoiquitthatsours Callany time RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie five minutes Windy Haugh Farm 726 0192 BOWLERS WANTED for leagues formr ing now Men women singles couples teams Call Kempview Bowl 728 9761 PERSON WANTING to share drive to Toronto Wilson subway Leave at home at pm Call 726 2566 alter FLORIDA SPECIAL Renting Win nibago 24 fully equipped Two weeks for $995 3000iree miles 728 8746 NEW TO BARRIE 35 year old 6ft tall average looking loner gent interested in travelling camping dining out coun try and western music also quiet home lite Seeks mature sincere woman 25 to 40 for steady companionship and good times Please write and include photo and phone number to Box C18 The Ex aminer Barrie SPECIAL HOME NEEDED Simcoe County Family and childrens Services is seeking couple to care tor capable co operative 15 year old boy with special needs Regular foster rates will be paid Telephone 726 6587 Mr Rick Walters 68personals WV Add an extra personal touch this Christmas Wish your FRIENDS RELATIVES and ASSOCIATES MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR in your own words published in our SPECIAL CHRISTMAS GREETINGS section to appear on Christmas SCOTT TIIo Examiner Christmas Greetings Classified Ads PO Box 370 Barrie Ontario L4M 4T6 Deadline Noon December l9tII ma to the pleasure given Eac June and Dick Scott wIsh Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all their neighbors on Fraser Street GIFT THAT LASTS ALL YEAR iolly way to remember your friends and relatives this Christ mas is to send gift subscriptions of The Examiner They are easy to order They lost all year and the cost is small compar gift will be announced in your name with beautiful card in full rich colors Order Now DO IT BY writing to The Circulation Dept of The Examiner or Dial 7266539 oaépersbharls IF MATERIAL at Concession Ioï¬iéé oi Essa Township is not picked up within days same will be sold for storage 69instructions PIANO LESSONS available group or private 12 years experience in schools Roxalï¬enseryetorr avaht 72mm 70Iost and found RED TOOL Box lost at corner Highway 90 and Ferndale Drive on Tues day morning Call 728 5406 or 4249979 MENS GLASSES brown tortoiseshell frames in black case lost in Baytield Mall Friday November 30 Reward Phone 737 0493 7Ihelp wanted RETIRED COUPLE required to manage small apartment complex with private beach in park area of Wasaga General light housekeeping plus telephone answering duties required in exchange tor attractive furnished lake view apartment Must be prepared to start in December Call I519 9275890 GUITAR TEACHER classical and talk Apply in person at The Bandstand Baytield Mail or phone 726 4973 69éréénés 7tnelp wanted PROGRAM SUPERVISOR The Wolkorton District Association for the Mentally Retarded requires Program Supervisor fer four bod group home DUTIES Program Supervisor working under the direction of the Residential Services Manager to be responsible for the supervision and coordination of services in four person group home including such duties as scheduling of staff preparation of staff evaluations informal staff training and the design and implementation of individual program plans to meet the residents needs in all aspects of their daily life QUALIFICATIONS Minimum MRC or University degree in related social science preferably with at least 23 years of progressive supervisory and program development experience possess an understanding of and sensitivity to the needs of mentally retarded people SALARY BENEFITS excelent benefit package solary commensurate with education and experience Send copy of resume along with names of three references to GEOFFREY SELIG Residential Services Manager PO Box I902 Wolkerton Ontario NOG 2V0 519 8813803 Deadline for applications January I980 DRAFTSPERSON Required by leading manufacturer of spray painting equipment Minimum years experience in sheet metal manufacturing process and design Excellent benefit package some electrical knowledge required Apply in confidence to INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS MANAGER DEVILBISS CANADA LTD PO Box 3000 Barrie Ontario LAM 4V6 DIO INTRAMEDICAL PHARMACEUTICALS LTD IN ORILLIA has openings for AI Plastic lniection Mould Makers and Mechanical Draftsperson Must be selfstarter Top wages Weare manufacturers of disposable hospital products For appointment call 7053268100 ACCOUNTANT Written applications complete with resumes will be accepted by the undersigned until 430 pm December 17 I979 for the position of Accountant within the Treasury Department knowledge of or experience in municipal accounting will be definite asset Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience will be in the 311300311410 range GREEN TREASURER COUNTY OF SIMCOE ADMINISTRATION cams MIDHUIST LOL 1X0 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN Involves drafting proiect followup some inplant trouble shooting and maintenance of engineering prints records and files An excellent opportunity for recent mechanical technology graduate Please forward complete resume to UJESI BEN 7Ihelp wanted DOES THE SIIOE FIT YOU UNEMPLOYEO LOOKING ron wom swam WANTING wrcmo on EVENING HOURS PARTTIME LOOKING FOR CHANGE OF EMPLOYMENT If you are responsible honest person interested in fulltime or parttime work we would like to talk to you We now have positions open for managers management trainees fulltime employees and parttime staff Comet gas bars and milk stores are located around Simcoe County and offer you the opportunity to gain ex perience in retail sales in ventory control balancing cosh sales and people management Positions open in Barrie Midhurst Midland and Orillia Come in and fill out an ap plication of our office 44 Dunlop Street West Barrio DI2 RECEPTIONISTFIST Looking for lob With variety and challenge ReceptionistTypist required for office in growing company Applicant must be accurate typist pleasant telephone manner familiar with office procedures and have desire to learn various duties in regards to general office Salary to be negotiated with regardsto experience Please send resume to Box Cl6 The Examiner Barrie DI Von KIDS IN SCHOOL Sell AVON You set your own hours on flexible schedule Meet interesting people Phone today and find out how easy it is to get started Highest commission Call 7289652 FSTF PERSONNEL MANAGER WESTBEND OF CANADA P0 BOX 6000 BARRIE ONTARIO L4M 4V3 7Ihelp wanted PMCL requires DIESEL MECHANIC for Barrie transit operation Bus experience preferable Contact IRIAN DUDEAU 83530I BARRIE CLERK STENO Interesting position available in modern general insurance office for aggressive person with bookkeeping background and ability to use dictating equipment Send resume to Sorioant In sertIce Agency Box 700 Barrio Ont L4M 4Y5 0678 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLECREDIT Position opening in depart ment for qualified person with experience in Accounts Receivable and credit control Applicant must have knowledge of machine posting account analysis and credit followup Salary commensurate with experience Please send resume to Box C15 The Examiner Barrie 012 BE HAIRSTYLIST Classes starting monthly HAIRDRESSING BARBERING UNISEX For free information Dorrie School of Hairstyling 21 Owen St Barrio LAM 300 7203962 TThSM5 MATURE RESPONSIBLE PERSONto care for intant twins in my home Live in or out Starting January ho to BABY SITTERwontedfrom pm in my home on Shanty Road Monday to Friday Cal before pm 728 4064 OUT OF WORK want work Telephone 728 678I from to II 30 LIVE IN HOUSEKEEPER recuired for retired couple residing in Barrie Wile semi mobile and will require some assistance at times Apply to Barrie Ex aminer Box C17 stating experience and giving references Waaes negotiable 7Iholp wanted CENTENNIAL AutoBodyroqul for year experienced BODV PE Rs Tele phone 7260401 TRAVELWAYS PARTrIï¬E worTr available driving school bus Must be 21 years ot age and hold valid drivers licence We will train you here Call 7285941 or visit 31 Penetang St Barrie Arrr CHILD CARE WORKERS Welare look ing for mature adults to take tethering roles in residential treatment centre tor emotionally disturbed children in Bar rie BA degree preterred but not essen tial 17057268061 CLEANING PE REEF wantedUorEIder Iy couple Once every two weeks in east end area Call 726 I687 anytime EXPERIENCED BABYSITTER wanted five days week Painswick area Phone 7374430 alter pm TRAVEL AGENT required usr nivej years IATA experience Ieae apply Box C19 The Examiner arrie LIM 4T6 MIDDLE AGE woman to liverin Scan tortable home with semi invalid Reasonable salary Call 7276 0788 wAITERWAITRESS dining room ex perience apply in person Nottawasaga Inn Highway 09 Alliston 458 9595 FIRST CLASS SECRETARY typing skills excellent telephone manner and able to do calculations for sales order desk Must be good organizer and have business experience Pleasant working conditions In modern tacility Company paid benefits St Vincent and Hwy 400 area Send resume stating salary expec rations and previous experience to Box C20 The Examiner Barrie Ontario EXPERIENCED WAITERS WAITRESSES tor evenings and weekends Tundra Dining Room and Lounge Horseshoe Valley Resort Apply in person no calls please MATURE HOUSEKEEPER equired in February 1980 for Barrie family references requested 728 0694 after Some banquets also Reply to Box C21 TD€E5DPBEIE Eagles helpesénts SALESPEOPLE SALARY and commsnon Dorrie Area Cal collect 3260761 DIS TOP COMMISSIONS Sell anywhere part timefull time sideline Calendars ad specialties printed labels tapes ball pens office supplies etc Our 27th year New catalogue available Alcopox 3772 Ottawa AN INTERNATIONAL OIL otters high income plus cash bonuses benefits to mature person in rie area Regardless oi experience rite Read American Lubricants Co Box 696 Dayton Ohio 4540 intopportunity men worried I74opportunity men women TRADESPEOPLE TECHNICIANS There continues to be demand for technical subiect teachers Upon the completion of teacher training course you receive on Ontario Teachers Certificate valid in Secondary Schools regarding requirements and subiect areas contact For information 613 5475566 TECHNICAL TEACHER EDUCATION FACULTY OF EDUCATION QUEENS UNIVERSITY KINGSTON ONTARIO 3N6 76employment wanted DAY CARE in my home St Vin centGrove Street area Telephone 736 EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER Typist looking for part time work Can set up bookkeeping records for small businesses and have excellent typing skillsMarg Mckever 7269936 WOMAN concientious worker with good employment records and excellent references requires tulttime office work in the Barrie area Experienced general oltice reception knowtedge of accounting some typ RELIABLEMOTHE willbabysitevenv ings and New Years Eve and would like to do housework by the day Call 737 I699 atter6pm Irjiegéii NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF FRANCES NORINE NEY DECEASED All claims against the Estate of Frances Norine Ney late of the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe who died on or about the 22nd day of November AD 1979 must be filed with the undersigned on or before the 2Ist day of December I979 after which date the Estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice DATED at Barrie Ontario this 28th day of November AD 1979 MESSRS CONDER SUGG BIGELOW MILLER KENNY REED 23 Owen Street PO Box 646 Barrie Ontario UM 4V1 Solicitors for the Executrix DI8I5 NOTICE TO CIEDITORS ANDOTNERS All claims against ESTATE of SARAH JANE RICHARDSON late of the Township of Vespra in the County of Simcoe Homemaker who died November 2nd I979 must be filed with the undersigned on or before January l2th I980 thereafter the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said Estate having regard only to the claims then filed DATED December I979 ELLEN ROBERTSON Exouitrix coSMtht McLEAN knots Solcitors In 515 IAIIIE Ontario NM 417 DI 724 the BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers of the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alledged to arise through either failure 0r delayI in forwarding such replies however otherwise TF riIEgSI WINNWELL IAIIIE LIMITED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Winnwell Barrie Limited Intends to dissolve by filing Articles of Dissolution with the Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations pur suant to The Business Car porationsAct Dated at Toronto this Isf dayof December 1979 LINDZON SecretaryTreasurer 78tenders 0mm P9 RMEND NOTICE Deadline for classified word ads pm day previous noon Saturday EXAMINER WANT ADS 72824 78tenders 78tenders 79auction sales 80public notices ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION Tender No 57962 The installation of Electrical Manholes Ducts Conduits and Pole Foundations for Traffic Signals and Illumination at Junction at Highway No 90 and King Street in Angus Ont Sealed tenders on forms supplied by the Ministry will be received by the District Engineer until 130 pm Local Time Wednesday December 19th 1979 Specifications tender forms and envelopes may be obtained in person or by mail from the District Office in Owen Sound The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Carney District Engineer Ministry of Transportation and Communications 1450 7th Avenue East Box 520 OWEN SOUND Ontario N4K 5R1 Telephone No 5l93767350 Ministry of Transportation and ommunications CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHDNE 7202414 Classified advertisements and notices let these pages must be recerved by day preceding publication with the exception of Classified Display advertisements which must be In by pm two days prior to publication BIRTH NOTICE 36 00 ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES words 56 00 Additional words Is per word CARD OF THANKS 40 words $6 00 Addr lionol words Is per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse 5600 With verse per aunt line 73 cents per line TECHNOLOGISTS ENGINEERS admission COMING EVENTS $3 43 per column inch CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 24 wordI minimum Cash Discount Rates apply if paid within days One or two insertions I0c per word insertion Three consecutive iny sertions cents per word insertion total 36 84 Six consecutive insertions 9c per word per insertion total $l296 Multiple insar lions may be ordered subiect Io cancellation when satisfactory results obtained Method of counting fewer than 21 words count as 24 words Each inilial abbreviation sel of numbers etc count as separate words 7819er Ontario Government Tender GENERAL CONTRACTORS Install Canopies on Various Houses at the Adult Occupational Centre EDGAR Ont CM66944 Repair Loading Dock at the Toonche Building Mental Health Centre PENETANG Ont HE66966 Install Wheelchair Ramps at the Ontario Government Building Worsley Street BARRIE Ont GS67103 FENCING CONTRACTORS Complete the Installation of Chain Link Fence at the Muskoka Centre GRAVENHURST Ont CM77I2I Separate Individual Sealed Tenders will be received until 200 pm local time on Tuesday January 1980 Combined Tenders will not be accepted Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Government Services Georgian Bay Regional Office 24 James Street East PO Box 790 Orillia Ontario L3V 6K7 NOTE For further information regarding the tenders please call Mr Mclsaac at the above address Telephone No 705 325 7403 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Ministry of Government Ontario Services LA NEWLL 79auction sales AUCTION SALE ANNOUNCING no reserve auction saleof approximately 200 items of hard to find Conadiana You will find refinished original colors and in the rough furnishing many many accessories to complement them This is not your everyday or run of mill auction sale The people involved in making it possible work very hard at preserving our heritage on full time basis We would like to establish regular auction hereabouts and maintain high quality of offering We would also like to be your source of supply whether you collect for investment or buy for resale Hope to see you at the FLYING DUTCHMAN MOTEL Hwy 401 and Liberty Street Bowmanville Ont Wednesday December 120f7 pm Preview from pm Merry Christmas NORM MARPLE DB Itopublic notices TOWNSHIP OF ESSA APPOINTMENTS TO THE PLANNING BOARD COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT AND THE ARENA COMMITTEE The Township of Essa invites applications from persons who wish to be considered for appointment to the following Essa Township Planning Board Essa Township Committee of Adjustment Essa Township Recreation Centre Management Applications must be in writing stating all pertinent information and be delivered to the undersigned no later than pm Friday December 14 I979 ARTHUR ROTH ClerkTreasurer Township of Essa PO Box I0 Angus Ont LOM IBO Committee of 035