0va ITbusiness opportunities EARN UP 10 $15000 PER YEAR Raise large bait worms in your basement or garage Cam pleter odorless Small in vestment required National Green Proiect Ltd 1703 Mattawa Avenue Mississauga Ontario L4X 1K5 Telephone 4167764560 COMPLETE MACHINE SHOP IN ORILLIA AREA GENERAL AND AUTOMOTIVE Good potential Owners anxious Call after pm 4294828 09commercialindustrial 1111011111511 nu uuu Il Industrial Commercial for wlo or loose 726422 TF 14mobile homes trailers RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALERENT Parts and Service Exclusrve Dealer for BFTidll and Glendale Modular Horrres Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glondette Shamrock Terms Up To 15 Years Highway 11 South 170 Burton Ave 778 9866 It litapartments tor rent BARRIE ANNE GARDENS 759 Dunlap St available Onvenlent Spauous surtes Utilities included location 776 5771 TE THE MAYFAIR Nicest apartments in Barrie Two bedrooms available with many features Bernick Dr 7372519 TF WELLINGTON PLACE APARTMENTS 135 Wellington St Spacrous 173 bedroom suttes COrtvrnient Ceon building 10 view call 7767153 LETS EIGHT INFLATION RENT REDUCED or bedroom luxury townhouses Choose location near shopping centre schooli churches marina From $299 mtl1ly No dogs Relerences to p111 7267361 or 7287798 1r MODERN lUXURY VERY LARGE and bedroom apartments for lease Quiet adult building No pets References 7289682 90 HOLGATE Apt 102 TThSTF LIBI FT Two Itudraitin apartment quiet blllll 111 51114711nlanthly IOLIUdLS heal hvttrl1 and parklnil avarl tbll DL CllTIIlI ls 111696daysor77t1 1879 allot 6p Iti MODE 0111 built oonl apal llllllll near CUnLIlI Iroadliinlnud 5115 monthly in cludlntl llJl hydro calth tridrlt and SIOVI Ava 11111i1 Dixirlrlnr 31st First and last month 11 35 TWO BEDROOM apartntunt retrilloratar slut triral water laundry room on bus route east 0an rvailahlu Downturn adults Apply 7361167 SMALL FURNISHED ITRLILILICIIK LTII trally IDL mod 54 IJIT week availhli rm modullly P110110 26 6171attur 111 STATELY PEE Adults no dogs Uppnr 0111 bedroom 35 Twohndroort ground Appruxtlrlatily 5100 Partially Iurnishiil laltlt par kinil 776 0651 Wotktltllltl ruinrlltllt FURNISHI ONE and two bedroom apartnlirllls wlllabli Central Adults only 71 0th weekdays THREE BEDROOM apartment upper duple adult bullittl Durkuortlr Street Pity 01in hydro Stove trirtgc laundry lactlrlms inIldid $310 man Ihly 7R8 1813atlil 111 LARGE BRIGHT bedroom apartment carpolid Parking stiwn FLIIlllCTillJr all utilities inilullod $186 monthly 46 Penitang Strelt available Dtlilllbtr Telephone 726 9915111tr in ONE BEDROOM apartment availabll intrnudatily Recunly redecorated Mar rrod couple only TLIipllolw 718 6919 TWO BACHELOR apartments air condtlonid SIN per month tenant pays own heat and ltylï¬o Iltilllt and slow inlludod Telephone 736 Zh 1110 6p nr MEDIUM SIZED T1710 BEDROOM apartment krtilliin Irvinilroant JDLKL bath Wellington Plaza area Eldetly couple prirlirmt $343 ntanltll plus hydro arklng tor one car 138 0915 10 1111 at Llllkl$ AVAILABIE IMMEDIATELV bedroom apartnlunt $361 tlrtluais Illitllt stow lItilI and parkinll New laundry room bus stop locatbn 7711 51116 alter LARGE MODERN unturnishcd one bedroom apartment apptanms ample parking 15 Itrlnutos smith at Barrie $300 monthly Available DIMCthirr 31 728 813 days 466 Sllsattvr 61 rrl BRIGHT NE IMHILIJ downtown parkrndandaplll1nn1111rdidtrtrblrt heat and hydro 11 not 51 niortthiv Availabv Din Isl LE1 rialltrird Cal Toronto 41634711341atti1r59 T1710 11111140011 basement ap11trtti11 recently reittttralixt in Angus Sfit monthly plus Ilyl VITQ pl Chortle reterencos riitilrid avalahli int mediatily 434 9911am time BACHELOR turnlstrun ill utllr es 3120 per month Phone 718 87110 ONF BEDROOM apartment near downtown aialahlo January slow tridge and neat included $210 111111trly tirst and last no pets TLILDIIIIH 728 6910 TWO BEDROOM stow rrtitge tacilltibs and LS in adults only pets Apply 1SSBInke No 201 BACHELOR APARTMENT on John St $175 monthly Fridge stove utilitiesand parking included Ava lahlu immediate 1y 726 2911 SECOND FLOOR unturnishcd one bedroom apartment $300 monthly heat and hydro included tirst and last re quiredworkinglcntaleonli T28 6521 MISSISSAUGA COURT Two bedroom apartlrionts tor rent C111 ored appliances sauna laundry laCtIitles parking Close tostruppinnand bus route Available December 15 February lst April 151 Telephone 737 0003 ONE bedroom apartments available January bruadloonrea 75 3014 laundt 110 Ric12 16apartments tor rent 16apartments for rent IAL VVICRS SPACIOUS and BEDROOM ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED LARGE BALCONIES OVERLOOKING BAY COLORED APPLIANCES STORAGE LOCKERS ENSUITE SAUNAS EXERCISE ROOM AND GAMES ROOM BILLIARD ROOM TENNIS COURT CLOSE TO SIMCOE PLAZA PUBLIC BEACH YACHT CLUB IDEAL FOR RETIRED PEOPLE RENTAL OFFICE HOURS 12 to weekdays 7269 11 to weekends 580 37 JOHNSON STREET BARRIE MWStF 16apartments for rent BACHELOR APT Groundttoorheal hyrtrri rel stove washer dryer park mg $275 monthly December 30 1979 143 Bayvmw Drive 778 2725 STATELY PEEL Adults no dogs Upper one bedroom 5275 Two bedroom ground Approximately S300 Partially turntshed Cable parking 7260652 werrkrndsar evenings CENTRAL bedroom apartment With walk out to back lawn adults please husband and Wile preferred one years lease reaurrrd available January $725 monthly 776 6781 FLORIDA OCEANFRONT elliciency conrnminlum Jacksonville new decor Sllil prr llIl Call 9041 768 4741 evtrn thus AVAILABLE IMMEDlATELY Ono brdrriint apartment close to bus ter rnlni downtown Barrie $705 monthly spotless condition stove rolrigorator hunt and water supplied parking extra Adults only Apply Bill Le Boeul Jewellers 57 Dunlap St 17houses to rent THREE BEDROOM townhouses tor ltnl Garage and basement Four ap panncvs Close to sctrool shopping and bus route 726 4338 BEDROOM HOUSE lully braadloom ed washer dryer retrigerator stove Fisllor wood Stove fireplace S275 mon thly plus utilities Big Bay Point area Telephone 436 4675 THREE BEDROOMS SEMI Cundles Road area $325 monthly Available immediately Telephone 737 2020 AVAILABLE JANUARY lst Junior ex wutvv bedroom brlck bungalow large lot appliances included $350 monthly miles tram Barrie Tuliphrlnul 416 636 7778 ANGUS small country home with ltlararlrandacreage Surlablelor couple Relerrnces Available immedrately $180 monthly 424 0306 BEDROOM HOME barn double garage and pond and acreage Asking $100 monthly Agent tor LePage Ontariol Limited Realtor Don Jerry 416 1123 THREE BEDROOM tarmhoue an 50 acres 7th concession of Essa S225 mun thly plus utilities references required 776 3469 BEDROOM STROUD Shopping bank post ollice convenient Attached garage large yard separate dining First and last 5350 Telephone 4361701 days 737 3258 evenings FOUR BEDROOM house tor rent New Lowell $250 per month plus utilities Phone 737 2293 alter 13th LINE PAINSWICK three bedroom house wrth lridge stove and carpet available January tirst and last man ths rent $275 monthly plus hydro Year lease Phone Toronto 1416 638 6286 or Stround 436 2408 BEDROOM tinlshed tamin room tenced yard cedar deck paved drive excellent condition Call Henry 737 1211 VirgoRealty Limited THREE BEDROOM cushionlloorand carpeting throughout Dishwasher stove rel Fenced yard and garage Near schools and bus stop Relerences requrrbd $350 Call 728 8285M 726 5467 17houses to rent 17houses to rent FARM HOUSE TO RENT $275 per month plus utilities Available January lst Springwatcr Park area 7260523 alter 5p LARGE FOUR bedroom baths backsplit near Georgian Callcge Telephone 737 1087 LARGE FOUR bedroom house 779 Dunlap Street West $295 monthly Phone 7265721 MODERN bedroom home completely turnished on heat Garage Midhurst Avaialable January lst to May lst $300 monthly 728 2874 AVAILABLE SOON Three bedroom townhouse located in Barrie close to schools shopping and bus stop No pets Reterences required $330 monthly Phone Orillia 325 6240 UTOPIA SMALL house one bedroom all conveniences an paved road near post oltlce and conservation area Telephone 728 8598 20rooms to let ROOM FOR LET 1N CHALET Horse Shoe Valley piece bath shared kitchen tacllities outdoor type girl need only ap ply $130 835 6027 alter six TWO NEWLY decorated rooms in private home in Barrie Available December 151530 per week Call Toron 101416 621 1020 atter6pm weekdays FURNISHED BEDSITTING room and kitchenette reasonable all utilities in cluded close to bus gentleman preler red 776 J79I ROOM AVAILALE tor gentleman Downtown location In private clean home Linen supplied S27weekly Apply 29RassStreel ROOM AND BOARD tor gentleman lun ches packed light laundry done Tele phone 728 6182 CLEAN AND RESPONSIBLE person wanted to share house $25 weekly Telephone 728 1770 21room and board ROOM AND BOARD tor young lady in private east end home on bus route Home privileges Telephone 726 0061 ROOM AND BOARD available for young lady in private home home privileges Angus Telephone 424 9661 AVAILABLE NOW Close to downtown Male or temate Suitable tar one or two people Call 726 3670 23ollices stores for rent 1200 SQ FT OFFICE SPACE 54F Maple St Available anytime 7281743till 7p 728 6899 alter p111 MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large suites immediate oc cupancy short or long term 726 3400 Angelott 1000 SQUARE FEET air conditioned atlice space tor rerit With parking spots available immediately Telephone 776 7130 NEW PROFESSIONAL OFFICE Pres tige area Ample parking 1100 sq lt Boll Farm Rd by Georgian College Duckworth Cloverleat 726 0231 PRIME RETAILCommercial space 1600 sq lt PenetdngSt Vincent with doctors ottices and drugstore 726 5471 days 17houses to rent lllllllllllllllllllllllll LEPAGE ONTARIO LTD RE ALTOFI The name fnends recommend to friends 355 Bayfield St Barrie 7370011 CENTRAL AIRCONDITIONED RENTAL UNITS $345 monthly bedrooms fully broadloomed fridge stove washer dryer included attached single ga fenced lots rage paved drive FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL LYNN McINTYRE 7261839 OR JACKIE WOODBURN 7269749 Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation NI TOWNHOUSE 3BEDROOMS BEDROOMS CALL YOUR LO STF Sociéte centrale dhypotheques et de lagement IN BARRIE $29100 31800 to $34500 CAL REALTOR OR TELEPHONE 7284811 BETWEEN 830 430 PM MONDAY FRIDAY TThSF5H zitomen lstores tor rent RsrAlLstoizis roirerit 1200 sauare leer 40 Essa Road $600 monthly Telephone days 7282422 evenings 4362362 24space tor rent WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM etc 108 Victoria Street 1590 square teet Gross lease everything included 5475 men thly Apply StewartWhoIesa12J28 3051 PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 1000 1110qu it tully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks drive in doors 1411 18 It clear part at large ex banding industrial mall 726 7130 1500 SQ FT STORAGE space ror tease truck entrance 178 Titlin St Telephon 726 3400 Mr Angelo 9000 50 FT M1 industrial space tor lease Ground level steel building highway 400 exposure at Essa Rd inter change 181eetcleardrive in door550V available Contact Omar Morrow Road Barrie Ontario 705 726 2681 FOR LEASE 01 SALE industrial spaci and warehouse Telephone 726 3400 Angelott 750 SQ FT OFFICE Storage Space also 500 so It storage CornerlnnistilSt and Jacobs Terrace Available im mediater Teiephone 7371606 or 424 1020 HIGHWAY 27 tour miles north at Barrie 7500 square leel or more lenced in drive indoors use tor storage manutac luring or automotive $150per square toot 737 4958 26jaccommodationï¬ï¬share GIRL preterably ncrt smoker to share2 bedroom apartment $125 monthly Modern clean highrise 108 Edgehill Call Brantlord 519 753 7780 32cars tor sale AUTO INSURANCE and home insur ance Competitive rates Call John Nelson Insurance 728 9571 am pm 1978 CHEVROLET blue door hardtop power steering brakes windows Vv8 certilied Excellent condition $4200 or bestotter Telephone 7370249 1966 BUICK LeSABRE door 300 power Steering power brakes new paint and tires western car many new parts certilied 778 5701 1974 CHEV new tires brakes shocks $1100 certitied or best otter Phone 737 2717 1976 PLYMOUTH VOLARE premier statianwagon 18000 miles 54200 1974 PLYMOUTH SPORTS SUBURBAN Sta tionwagon excellent condition $2200 Call 728 2940 1972 PONTIAC Two door hardtop new paint Best otter Can be certified Call 4245025 alter pm or anytime on weekends RARE 1974 CHEVELLE LAGUNA new brakes lresh paint recent shocks and dual exhaust 62000 miles power steer ing brakes and windows buckets and console brown with white stripe brown vinyl root 52295 or reasonable otter Phone Kim 728 7407 evenings and weekends LOW MILEAGE 1974 Pontiac Pari sienne Brougham 728 8234 1300 CC MINI ENIGINE Weber carbs 500 cam tlat top pistons mags tach wintersnowsLetc 728 7156 evenings 1966 MUSTANG $1000 invested Best alter asis 726 9282 anytime FORD 1974 GALAZIE priced extreme Iy low tor quick sale clean throughout recently satety inspected Snows on rims Telephone 726 5223 alter5pm MONEY MAKER Land Rover Jeep good condition has plow blade recent paint new tires needs clutch Asking $1800 or best at ter Telephone 737 4629 1957 FORD METEOR door new brakes exhaust mags engine chrome Asking $1400 or best otter Telephone 737 4629 1963 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL labor all power accessories good rusttree body Needs some repairs but very restorable Asking $500 or best otler Telephone 7374629 1976 CHEVROLET CUSTOM 10 VAN certitied Days 7370628 evenings 728 3146 1977 CHEVY NOVA Concours door sedan 31000 miles power steering power brakes AMFM stereo and track Just winterized Radials and snows already mounted Best otter Call collect 895 6462 Newmarket am 230pm 1978 CHEVROLET BEL AIR tour door power steering brakes and windows V8 excellent condition $3999 or best ler Phone 737 0249 1974VROAVDWRVU7NNERT automatic 400 engine power brakes 28600 miles Telephone 726 2426 alter 6pm 1972 AMC JAVELIN sports hardtop SST tloor console buckets rustprooled 24 mpg $77500 183 Anne St 728 9636 easily certitied 1976 LTD LAUNDAU door luxury car air etc Low mileage radials Will cer tiliLPricedito sell 7287139 1972 CAMCNJAVELIN sports hardtop SST tloor console buckets rustprooled 24 mpg $77500 183 Anne St 728 9636 easilycertitied 1973 PINTO certified tour speed Stan dardrsl050 or bestaller 436 4969 GREAT BUY tor first car 1973 door mercury with air 5550 Also 1974 Malibu door $1000 Telephone 436 3079 1974 TOYOTA COROLLA standard low mileage excellentcondition $14501irm certified Call 726 2500 between am andSp 1979 OLDS WAGON diesel V8 loaded Call 737 3993 evenings 1978 GREMLIN cylinders speed transmission excellent condition AMFM radio rear window detogger S3500certitied737 4919 1978 TOYOTA COROLLA 1200 New carb new exhaust new clutch Tuned up recently AMFM cassette stereo Ex cellent condition AS is $3300 Beeton 729 7257 1977 VOLKSWAGEN RABBIT 2door Standard transmission Michelin radials 25000 miles winterized $3895 728 6552 GAS SAVE 1974 PONTIAC ASTRE cylinder automatic no rust certitied best cash otter lady driven Call alter pm or all day weekends 424 5025 me DODGE DART Six Cylinder automatic asking 5400 Phone 728 0975 1972 TOYOTA CELICA new multler and tires As is 5125 Phone 728 4756 atter6pm 1970 EL CAMINO CHEV car pickup combination 350 cubic inch power steering power brakes radio air Shocks Top condition tuIly certiï¬ed $1525 Call 436 1313 1973 VOLKSWAGEN BUG tor sale new Michelin radials gas heater rear win dow delogger new exhaust condi tron Telephone 737 3161 Alter pm 728 1204 1967 DODGE MONACO rebuilt motor and transmission also 1974 Toyota $300 each or best otter also rebuilt 318 motor 5100 Telephone 728 4047 1974 CHALLENGER 318 with low mileage Excellent running condition Must sell Call 424 1640 alter6 30pm 1979 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN door sedan power steering and brakes automatic V8 excellent condition Must 501134900 or best Oller 737 0249 1970 TOYOTA Mark II autarmaticr71900 cc new brakes Telephone 726 7395 1978 SUBARU WAGON air conditioning four wheel drive new conditimt 3000 kilometres $5100 or best otter Phone alter 3011 424 5533 Angus 1971 CHEV asking $125 Call anytime 726 0420 1974 CHEV MALIBU door V8 power steering power brakes radio rear win bow detog new radials snows $1000 Will certily 778 7063 ACADIAN door cylinder automatic Snow tires radio In ex cellent condition Asking 52400 Telephone 424 9599 alter pm 1972 FORD STATIONWAGON cer titiedCall4361349atter6pm 1977 BUICK SKYLARK 17000 original miles excellent condition power steer ing power brakes Must be seen 726 5477 I974 MUSTANG II will certify Fully winterized with snow tires Green cut our 47000 Body good runs well 51800 Call George days 728 2485 evenings 7262815 176 33cars wantedto bury TRACY WANTS cars and trucks for wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup T9€919°11°7 WANTED Clean used cars Barrie Hon 06 Auto Sales 17 Gowan St 726 6488 COLE BROS Cars and trucks WANTED tor wrecking Fast pickup Phone 435 6322 days 424 5949 evenings IUNKCARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 726 8711 TOPPRICE tor top Vcaflrs Toke M0t0rs Limited 119 Bradtord Street Barrie 9311 403 rticles tor sale itrucks 3111 trailers I976 CHEV BLAZE wheel drive 350 barrel automatic power steering power brakes many options 34000 miles excellent condition $5400 or bestatter Telephone 445 4007 73 CHEV 14 ton as is Heavy duty automatic runs well Needs paint Telephone 424 1548 1973 GMC VANDURA 34 ton V8 auto new tires and brakes Certitled Ex celtent camper or work truck $1375 or best otter 325 0126 anytime 1979 GMC ton cylinder automatic power steering Step bumper heavy duty rear springs Snow tires Cap 5000 miles Asking $6100 Phone 778 6444 TSHIRT KNIT $198 per metre 1975 CHEV ton pickup low mileage nfw paintgtiob772873816 1974 JEEP tour wheel drive radio new paint and exhaust In excellent con dition Catl7281736 anytime FIBERGLASS FORD CAP sasof Four ton chain tells $150 Call 7268421 anytime FORD SMITH 5111 wheel and tenders pair at saddle tanks 100 gallon like new 80 gallon ton gas tank spark plug cleaner headlight aimer set Telephone 728 9269 197731211137 Barwhééi drive pickup with insulated topper Excellent condi tion Telephone 325 488srartter 65131 1966 JEE 4x4 va automatiC with plOw and tow truck box $1700 or will trade Telephone 7266362 1977 CHEV ONE ton pickup truck duals tour speed power steering power brakes 35000 miles Call 7265882 or evenings 737 4315 Introduces MAGNAVOX TVs 203519up $499 28 Eur Rd TThSJ24 1976 GMC ton pickup power steering power brakes 42000 miles 53950 or best otter 72a 3234 36auto accessories LARGE PORTABLE FLOOR HOIST air powered Good working condition $1200 or best otter A150 383 engine and transmission complete 5150 or best at Ier Telephone 737 4629 37motorcycles 1970 BMW MOTORCYCLE 600 cc low WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATOR frost tree two door with matching stove coppertone excellent condition like new $450 or bestotter 726 3557 mileage 51600 or mm as SMALL CRIB and Mattress $20 den at 729 21567 00 cra and stand $25 wooden chairs seats need repair S20 solid wood table top needs relinishing 530728 4481 Jafsnowmobiles WANTED used motorcycles Town Cy cle100 Titlin 51776 9544 itssnowmobiles in stock 1980 Machines Accessories and Clothing New 1979 El Tigre $2489 New1979loguur 340 oil injection $1959 SPORT HAVEN MARINE amt Hoot Closed Wednesday Open Sat till 9111 BARRIE raglans CENTRE HRISTMAS SALE ltd MANUFACTURERS REBATE $100 Rebate on1980 Apollos $150 Rebate on1980 Galaxys $150 Rebate on 1980 340 TXs Complete line of tuna Clothing Parts Accessories Sales Service 20 OFF TX Truck Troll Snowmobile Suits 20 OFF leather Top Snowmobile Boots While quantities lost PLACE CHRISTMAS ORDERS NOW BARRIE 7261059 Open days week mum Rebate Good Only to Expiry Dates Shutty Bay Rd Slitsnowmobiles 40 rrticles tor sale SONY STEREO Sensational AM FM receiver custom turntable $343 Get free speakers Under $5 wkly starting January 80 KRAZY KELLY now next door to The Highway 90 Meat Market at Ferndale Onehourdelivery7371187 77 years of dependable servtce TF PINE HUTCHES newly made untinish ed $110 Pine toy boxes 530 Walnut drop teat table and chairs $250 extra heavy duty skill saw 5200 wood lathe and motor 540 After pm 3222696 SHURE AMPLIFIER and two column Speakers skats girls size 11 boys size downhill ski boots two pair boys size pair girls size childs skis and poles 726 3559 atter pm weekdays all day Saturday D22 HAMMOND ORGAN PIPER AUTO 1975 YAMAHA pr 433111 new $1050 CHORD with built in cassette like new 726 2786 used very little easy to learn on $875 1977 LYNX single cylinder $900 1977 PM 835 7°00 55 EL TIGRE 4000 $1475 Both in good MATCHING FRIDGE and stove Sears condition With low mileage Telephone CoIdSpot avocado green years old days 7726 evenings 728 1548 like new 728 8612 1977 EVEREST 340 $1300 1979 CITA CORNET FLAT Olds used twice TION 30051200 Both machines arelike Wlth 6858 $375 or PA Svslem new and have one lull 59350an warm monitors mikes stands custom light tyPhone4361403 System year old very reasonable ï¬raPOLARIS TXL super lqultl cooled 728 7765 power like new Also 1976 Ski 000 440 new condition 737 3969 ONE 1974 SKIROLE TRX 300 single good condition S375 1971 350 Honda 5275 1972 360 Yamaha Endura $375 one MGB Hardtop 5200 Phone 726 2040 or7373363 anytime Your headquarters for Kawasaki 0541 Service Port HIWAY MOTORS RR No Shanty Buy PHONE 7285693 40articles for sale ms UK 7282414 FRALICK ALUMINUM 4361830 SAVE HIGH COST OF lUEL Order your storm windows now FOR FREE ESTIMATE Two floors of used ap pliancesandfurniture QARKS HOME FURNISHINGS TRADEIN WAREHOUSE is now located at the rear CALL TODAY of the Discount Store 40 cup low ovumng Bayfield St Good stock of mu you MON used refrigerators stoves TThSTF automatic washers and Si V3 ï¬v dryers wringer washers DIAMOND ALUMINUM black and white TVS VINYL CO dishwasher stereo Appiunces guaranteed or stding sofflt faSCIa etc godays 7264644 Good choice of chester 026 held sets space mm davenports love seats ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized Sales and Service Free Home Demonslro tions 18 Alliance Blvd Unit 19 7783397 AUTOMATIC WASHERS dryers dish washers Ireezers fridges ranges micro ovens any make any day 7371195 BOOKNEEPING BOOKKEEPING Will pick up and deliver chests of wardrobes tables chairs recliners drawers kitchen rollaway beds bed outfits headboards bedroom suites coffee tables end tables and many other useful pieces Dis 776 1280 POLY FOAM cut to Size Barrie Tent and Awning Company has great stock of poly loam to thickness Pro AND TAX mpt service reasonable prices 34 Baytield Street downtown TAX RETURNSbusiness RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT tor sale personal Meat cooler upright coke machine cash register meat Slicer ice cream lreezer catering equipment 936 2588 TWO TRAYNOR speakers wrth horns Set up maintenance of books including FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOW AVAILABLE COMPUTERIIED YSC 9s PV head 200 watt two 55 We phoneomymoqa BUSINESS SYSTEMS including in SHUFFLEBOARDS used 12x6x27 venlorY 9909101 IEdQEFEIC PINBALLS reconditioned Phone 737 Ca72651 2533 between 7262370 trom6to9p am8pm SLABT WOOD Will do snow plowing Oven ready rabbits Phone Ken CARPENTER experienced Renovations TWOUTILITYTRAILERSSUItabet0r garages decks rec rooms at Free SkidOOS etc 3130 each Telephone estimatesï¬illJahnstant7268708 728 6532Vatter 5p ME NS DOWNHILL ski boots San Marco Green Machines 5119 Like new $65 00 Call 728 3638 GENERAL CARPENTRYV rec rodmsZ addi tions alterations Fme estimates Call REYNOLDS 726 3853 IC 95 DOWNTOWN FABRICS FINISH YOUR CHRISTMAS SEWING FOR HOME GIFTS COLLIER STREET 7262741 VELOUR from $475S900 per metre 20 GXIOO $1114 and get free 12 RCA Xl100 2Ior1 Only 400 wkly starting January80 One hour delivery NRAIY NELLYS it DUNLOP 11 nut to Hwy 911 Moot Market 7311142 1r BARRIE TENT AND AWNING CO at ters complete repair service an tarps tents trailer covers awnings boat covers etc Also zippers medium or heavy weights Foam cut to size inch thickness 34 Baytield St next Clarks Home Furnishings downtown THREE PIECE Kitchen set Ladys complete Skidoa outllt Metal stereo stand two basket chairs and covers 778 8788 UPRIIGVHTFRETEZER tor sale like new asking 5250 Telephone 737 2494 COMMERCIAL AIRCONDITIONER 10 ton 3phase water cooled with dual compressor 51 500 Col IIM 7372432 TF TWO LOVESEATS by Sklar in green velvet Black vinyl chESIerlietd and chair to match Pool table plus ac cessories Good condition Call 726 4585 GUITAR AMPLIFIER Yamaha 50 watts excellent condition Call 726 2855 Skis Fisher cross country bindings poles boots mens all waxes and ac ceSSories Telephone 7281510 alter pm CHESTERFIELD CHINA CABINET antique tea wagon antique dresser single bed and matching chest at drawers easy chair set nesting tables Indian carpet white with gold 10x14 upright lreezer avocado green 728 6956 RECONDITIONED CASH register seven totals plus commission totals $500 or best alter acetylene torch plus welding cart 5325 436 4969 SIX STRING electric guitar Epithone excellent condition asking $135 737 3230 BABY NEEDS Gendron carriage con verts to stroller car bed 555 bath change table 520 both excellent Jolly Jumper s2 tub Seat$2 Phone 424 0200 USED LUMBER 2x4 to 2x12 Barn boards and beams Sale on Saturday Telephone 726 3508 tor particulars SMALL BAR and stools black leatherette and chrome A1 condition 560 large step tables arborite tops $30 12 shag rug with pad Starburst pattern brtown green gold and white includes small matching runner $225 avocado green oval rug with tringe $12 pairs pale green Sheers lace inser tion 150 95 never used 530 pair sacritice pair brown and beige open weave drapes 150 95 never used 560 Telephone 728 2675 30 METAL PARTITIONS 4x4 with ad iustable metal supporting posts suitable tar oltrce Call Lous Smoke Shop 726 6774 No7 DRIED BLACK WALNUT 15 inch thick dressed two Sides various lengths approx 400 surtace teet Job lot only Gary Ransom 7260661 to 330p RANDY CHILLMAN CHIMNEY SWEEP Fast Clean Professional service REASONABLE RATES INSURED Bus 7282073 Res 4873072 012 PROFESSIONAL chimney sweeping repairs installation General contractor Reason able ratesprompt 16867817 DISC JOCK Disc Jockey MERRY CHRISTMAS Now Call Paul 4117260834 or 726 7623 DISC JOCKEYMusic for all occasions Bookearly Telephone 7782574 CUSTOM DRAPES made from your selected material 10years experience 778 3715 DRESSMAKINO DRESSES FIT it made by JOSIE AQUINO Specralizirtg tn pant surts gowns and altera trons 47 Eugenia 51 Phone 726 6000 EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESS specralizlng in Book childrens clothing womens clothing maternity and large sizes Reasonable 4365641 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING SPECIALISTS rooting and roofing repairs Sheet metal work Martin Verstraten New Lowell 474 I956 ELECTRICIAN Does all electrical work Resrdenriol and Commercial Free estimates 775 1075 FIBREGLASS REPAIRS FIBREGLASS REPAIRS boats snowmobiles anything liberglass Free estimates Low winter rates Workmanship guaranteed 424 5802 FIREPLACES PETER HENSTRA 7377871 Custom bUII fireplaces patios home fronts in stone porches chimney repair Free estimates VIC WATSON Irreplaces and masonry For lree estimates phone 778 1599 SEASONED HARDWOOD S35 per lace 25130929736351 ï¬si SEASONED MAPLE and ash Frank Hirschfeld 72B 9357 the examiner IDarticles tor sale GARDEN TRACTOR WITH MOWER AND SNOW BLOWER 12 hp Simplicity complete years old Phone 4361913 mm to pa DB NATURAL MINK COAT size 14 to 16 $1500 Crystal dining room chandler $100 Electrohome French Provincial color TV 5400 Phone 737 0828 PIANO FOR SALE recently retinished and réconditioned $895 726 7324 ANTIQUES Small pine and small oak corner cupboards Flatbacks harvest tables Bonkley benches sets at pressback chairs pine Sicleboards ex cellent bonnet chests Everything nicely relrnished Pine River Antiques Hwy between Wasaga and Collingwood Open daily Telephone 424 5473 mornings and evenings MINOLTA 35mm XG7 Rokkor lens and case $200 726 2446 tNGER COMMERCIAL sewing machine mounted on work table good condition mud pump used very little excellent condition Sewer rods 300 with gasoline operated machine tor routing out sewers 728 0755 FROSTFREE FRIDGE $149 side by SideS229 telephone 737 1195 TITANIC TOSHIBA Incredible 50month warranty Now $789 Order tonile get tree 12 portable Under $7 wkly starting January 80 KRAIV KELLVS now next door to The Highway 90 Meat Market at Femdole 7371182 1F VAN SEATS Captains chairs tan naugahide custom made never used $125 each Telephone 424 9440 business hours evenings 424 6452 FRIDGE AND STOVE Harvest gold in excellent condition Telephone evenings 726 0304 or weekends OIL FURNACE 133000 or uex cellentcondition 726 7728 FRENCH PROVINCIAL tabieï¬nerl wood three step one corner one collee Like new sellatlar singly 726 3470 THREE PLACE settings at Stradivarius sterling silver retail value over $400 setting sacritice at $250 per setting or bestoller 728 4650 REFRIGERATOR stove coppertone Washer and Dryer white Bestotter Call 726 5457 any time LOOKING FOR bargain Visit the Angus Flea Maket on Sunday 114 Walchlor signon main street PLYWOOD NEW ten sheets otixa PIonod one inch thick 5350 Telephone 726 5665 AFGHAN FOR SALE Price reasonable Please phone 728 5093 anytime alter WASHING MACHINE automatic use months 20 months tell on warranty Reason tor selling moving 424 0567 HILLSDALE SECONDHAND Store Christms Sale now until December 25 20 per cent all all inventory new unlinish ed dressers cream cans treadle machines oak pedastel table etc Open Thursday thru Sunday 835 3005 SECTIONAL CHESTERFIELD new moving 726 5296 726 6170 like IENITH 20 PORTABLE COLOR 100 solid state only 5598 Under $6 wkly Starting January 80 Order tantte get free 17 black and white One hour delivery KRAZV KELLYS now next door to The Highway 90 Meat Market at Femdale One hour delivery 737 1182 TF 41boats and motors 16 DEEP fibreglass 125 Evinrude trailer $2200 or best otter 14 aluminum 98 Merc trailer 5700 or best otter 458 9815 424 5802 alter 5pm 24 FT ST COAST Sail Boat cylinder inboard motor Sailed all last summer Winter storage and cradle All sailors and handymans dream $1500 Take look 737 2980 42articles wanted CANADIAN SILVER COINS betore1967 American belore 1964 No collection too large or small Canadian Stamps old watches postcards iewellery 7261663 evenings 726 3162 CANADIAN SILVER COINS betore1967 American belore 1964 No collection too large or small Canadian stamps old watches postcards iewellery 726 3162 CASH FOR OLD FURNITURE books dishes old pictures clocks odds and endSPre19501tems728 8234 LOGS WANTED Pine Spruce Hemlock etc with large diameters Building With Logs Ltd 7261966 evenings 7285800 Used Pianos Wanted No matter how old your piano may be its worth calling us Good idea tor ready Christmas cash Dunlops Hammond organ Centre 737 3572 RUN YOUR AD IN THE DAILY mm FIREWOOD NIIsIc Irrsrttucrioris 100 DRY HARD WOOD SEASONED 16 FACE CORD $35 FREE DELIVERY 4872113 SEASONED RED OAK wood for solo Pickupordelivery Telephone7281938 service 1325 6334 GENERA CO RACTING SPECIALIZING in framing trimming docks Ioncrng rec rooms additions etc 7371568 after pm o¢ 29 sumy 008 101011 42articles wanted CASH PAID tor standing trees sultable torrsowlogsortirewood0117371562 WILL PICK UP unwanted appliances lreee ol charge Phone 726 5339 alter pm OLYMPIC COINS wahted Will in sets or separate $50 per set 7370923 anytime 487 3090 evenings or weekends REQUIRE Bar Bell and Weights Reasonable Phone alter pm 7265640 SEWING MACHINéwanied riéavy du ty must be in 900d condition Telephone 434 ms aildogs and pets DAFFON KENNELS Specializing in Boarding tor Big Dogs Coulson On tario Telephone 705 835 5223 BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampooing and clipping at all breeds 264 St Vincent St 726 4744 POODLE TRIMMING protessional grooming all breeds pick up and do livery 726 8798 Pet Studio TROPICAL FISH Best selection in town Aquariums all silos at unbeatable prices Evenings and weekends Edge hillAquaria143Ardagh Road 726 0094 MAYS POODLE PARLOR Protes sional clipping and grooming Chargex accepted Phone 726 0061 REGISTERED old English Sheepdog puppies Championship stock 436 3125 Stroud AFFECTIONATE REGISTERED BRITTANY Spaniel yearold spayed temale good hunter bird 0091 Must sell Call 424 9385 FREE PUPPIEStor Christmas 7weeks old Collie and black Lab male and tomato Telephone 487 3344 anytime PUREBRED GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies Excellent pedigree Lined trom Axel Von Sparenburg CKC registered Dewormed and shots Terms available Telephone 326 9069 or 325 6786 121511 SETTER male years old s50 Teleph0ne 726 4846 after pm OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG pups Ex cellent disposition Registered Shots and nose prints Wilt hold tor Christmas Call 737 2924 47home improvements THERMAL WINDOW SPECIALISTS TOTAL HOME IMPROVEMENTS 7281202 STF 49fchristmas trees mum CHRISTMA TREES Hour on Sale at the KNIGHTS 0F COLUMBUS HALL 93 Borczy Street Corner of Codringtotr St SCOTCH PINES SPRUCE AIISlzu Lot open daily om 10 p111 D781I141$ WILSONS TREE LOT 11 MART PLAZA 114mm 51 Open daily am to 10 pm Large supply at It to 12 ft Scotch Spruce Balsam 06421417 SPRUCE CHRISTMAS TREES cut your own at Leighs Tree Farm Hawkestone Village 5150 487 2645 AvDZINeed help Just look over the ads below The ad vertisers listed areexperts in their field and will assure you of thefinest lob possible GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular Marcel uilarjtudio 7761489 ACCORD guitar piano argo not and advanced Two months trial instru ment loaned for home practice Canadian Academy of Music 12180yliold7781199 VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In terior exterior Work guaranteed Es Iobllshod 3011435932609 DON SIESLINO PROFESSIONAL PAINTING interior exterior paper hanging custom work Satisfaction guaranteed 72 808 PAINTING PAPER hanging experienced Free estimates JACK RICHARDSON 7768341 BARKEY PAINTING Interior and exterior References available Free reasonable asti matos Telephone 737 1087 mum Plcruar mmuo HANDYMAN basements and garages clearid trash and iunk removed Small movingioblefilll INTME IMPROVEMEN CONSTRUCTION House raising loun dations renovations additions Phone 4367955 Specraltzingfl tenor wark Rec rooms kitchens bath roanspanelling tinish work 7269002 HOME REPAIRS PAINTING CARPENTRY ROOF REPAIRS ETC 7269214 TThSDB STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block and stone work chimney repair Fireplaces specially Free estimate 705 4245158 INSTRUCTIONS WESSIONAL GUITARIST giving lessons in classcal popular and rock Coll Gory SIMCOE DRUM STUDIOS Lessons by professional drummer Exp in studio recording TV etc All styles any age Ken King 72629173 misSCHOOI or Snotmortal in struction trumpet trombone French horn Special otantion to beginners Dvrgin 7261W Arthur OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom training at all types We stock many sizes Phone 7733770 PORTRAIT PAINTING CHRISTMAS PORTRAITS of you for your loved ones or of your loved ones for you 0117763607 snow BLOWIth CALL JIMS SNOWBLOWING for clean driveway 7269859 7372345 DOJGS SNOWPLOWING Residental and Commercial Snow removal service radio dispatcth trucks 7788460 MBH SNOWPLOWING Commercial and Residential Reasonable rates Call Larry 7764599 COMMERCIAL late or small Alla Haulage Call on AUCTIONEERS Pro mptservrcregt7370879 DRIVEWAYS And lanes plowed Reasonable rates THE WEED MAN 7377771 SNOWPTOWING 774 hour service No lob too small 7760997 SNOW AND ICE removal from roots etc Also snowpluwing Prompt service 4873141 REYNOLDS TV SERVICE Ropairs to color black and whit TV stereos etc All makes andmodols 4246181 WATER HAUIAGE or WATER ssrmcss Pools well 1111 ed 2000 gal capacity Barrie and area T266771